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NPO Presentation CMAT 490
 We had the privilege to work with SHORE UP Inc., throughout this fall
semester. SHORE UP Inc., is a private non-profit Community Action
Partnership, which is located in Salisbury, on Marylands Lower Eastern
Shore. Since 1965, SHORE UP has been serving low-income and
disadvantaged person on the Eastern Shore.
 SHORE UP is an acronym for Self-Help on Rural Economics and
Urban Problems. Their agencys mission and main focus is to help
people reach economic self-sufficiency, as well as providing many
services such as; employment, education, housing, health care/nutrition
and disabilities.
 Our overall strategy is to utilize social media to help our
organization communicate more effectively and efficiently.
 We wanted to add to organization and their use of social media
by adding:
 Organization to their business when pertaining to internal

S K Y P E & FA C E B O O K

 Drop Box creates an environment of
efficiency, and security for SHOREUP
employees to come together and work
effectively together through file sharing
 Provides a creative central location for
all meetings, deadlines, and
memorandums, to be posted, shared, and
views by all SHOREUP staff. This
scheduling site diminishes the need for
paper calendars with pen marks, and
notes scratched all over them, and create
a clean, organized place for employees to
view upcoming and past events.

 SHORE UP has sites in varying locations, many
miles apart. Skype provides a quick and effective
way for all members of SHORE UP to meet,
without leaving the comfort of their offices.
 Our newly created Facebook business page
provides a place for SHOREUP to interact with
the community. It also is an extension of their
personal website, with a section devoted to
showcasing information on the business, with
links to their official website. The liking, and
commenting, features allow the community to
interact with SHOREUP and share their
experiences with the organization.

When we first were assigned to  We actually has the
work with SHORE UP, we
opportunity to create and
were under the impression we
present a how-to workshop
were going to be implementing
for 30+ employees of
and maintaining social media
networks for their organization.
We made powerpoint
In the end we did not start any
presentations for Dipity,
social media accounts for them,
Skype and Drop Box and
other than
hosted a workshop on how to
use each platform.
 A few posts on a Tumblr
 Facebook Cover Page
 Dipity Calendar for Head
Start Program
 Create Drop Box account
 Our overall strategy for our workshop was to
show SHORE UP employees which mediums
we were choosing to implement, and why.
 We wanted to familiarize them with the
necessary tools to use the proposed mediums
Average out of 5


Average out of 5
Average out of 100% Satisfaction

Average out of 100%
 Question 6:
 How do you rate our presentation overall?
4) Excellent
3) Good
2) Average

1) Poor
 Average was a 3.4 on overall satisfaction which gives us a solid 85%
After averaging all the percentages for each of the
6 questions, we discovered our overall score was
an 88.2 % on our
presentation, understanding, implementation, an
d preparedness.

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NPO Presentation CMAT 490

  • 2. PERSONAL BRIEF We had the privilege to work with SHORE UP Inc., throughout this fall semester. SHORE UP Inc., is a private non-profit Community Action Partnership, which is located in Salisbury, on Marylands Lower Eastern Shore. Since 1965, SHORE UP has been serving low-income and disadvantaged person on the Eastern Shore. SHORE UP is an acronym for Self-Help on Rural Economics and Urban Problems. Their agencys mission and main focus is to help people reach economic self-sufficiency, as well as providing many services such as; employment, education, housing, health care/nutrition and disabilities.
  • 3. OVERALL STRATEGY Our overall strategy is to utilize social media to help our organization communicate more effectively and efficiently. We wanted to add to organization and their use of social media by adding: Swiftness, Usability Security Organization to their business when pertaining to internal communications.
  • 4. WHAT WE DID: IMPLEMENTATION DROPBOX & DIPITY S K Y P E & FA C E B O O K Drop Box creates an environment of efficiency, and security for SHOREUP employees to come together and work effectively together through file sharing . Provides a creative central location for all meetings, deadlines, and memorandums, to be posted, shared, and views by all SHOREUP staff. This scheduling site diminishes the need for paper calendars with pen marks, and notes scratched all over them, and create a clean, organized place for employees to view upcoming and past events. SHORE UP has sites in varying locations, many miles apart. Skype provides a quick and effective way for all members of SHORE UP to meet, without leaving the comfort of their offices. Our newly created Facebook business page provides a place for SHOREUP to interact with the community. It also is an extension of their personal website, with a section devoted to showcasing information on the business, with links to their official website. The liking, and commenting, features allow the community to interact with SHOREUP and share their experiences with the organization.
  • 5. THE CHALLENGE When we first were assigned to We actually has the work with SHORE UP, we opportunity to create and were under the impression we present a how-to workshop were going to be implementing for 30+ employees of and maintaining social media SHORE UP. networks for their organization. We made powerpoint In the end we did not start any presentations for Dipity, social media accounts for them, Skype and Drop Box and other than hosted a workshop on how to use each platform. A few posts on a Tumblr page Facebook Cover Page Dipity Calendar for Head Start Program Create Drop Box account
  • 6. OVERALL STRATEGY Our overall strategy for our workshop was to show SHORE UP employees which mediums we were choosing to implement, and why. We wanted to familiarize them with the necessary tools to use the proposed mediums
  • 14. MONITORING OUR FEEDBACK Average out of 5 4 2 0 Average out of 5
  • 15. PERCENTAGE OUT OF 100 Average out of 100% Satisfaction 100 80 60 40 20 0 Average out of 100% Satisfaction
  • 16. RATING THE PRESENTATION OVERALL Question 6: How do you rate our presentation overall? Scale: 4) Excellent 3) Good 2) Average 1) Poor Average was a 3.4 on overall satisfaction which gives us a solid 85%
  • 17. OVERALL AVERAGE & RATING After averaging all the percentages for each of the 6 questions, we discovered our overall score was an 88.2 % on our presentation, understanding, implementation, an d preparedness.