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 Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalian akan mempelajari beberapa jenis bilangan-bilangan
1. Cardinal numbers (bilangan biasa)
2. Ordinal numbers (bilangan bertingkat)
3. Fraction numbers (bilangan pecahan)
4. Multiplicative numbers (bilangan kelipatan)
5. Numerals Application (operasi bilangan)
Cardinal Numbers
 Cardinal numbers (bilangan biasa) merupakan bilangan-bilangan yang
penggunaannya lebih umum, biasanya untuk menyatakan jumlah.
0 Zero 11 Eleven 100 One hundred
1 One 12 Twelve 101 One hundred one
2 Two 13 Thirteen 192 One hundred ninety two
3 Three 14 Fourteen 1000 One thousand
4 Four 15 Fifteen 100 000 One hundred thousand
5 Five 20 Twenty/Tweny 150 000 One hundred fifty thousand
6 Six 27 Twenty seven 999 000 Nine hundred ninety nine thousand
7 Seven 30 Thirty 1 000 000 One million
8 Eight 40 Forty 1 000 150 One million one hundred fifty
9 Nine 55 Fifty five 90 800 000 Ninety million eight hundred thousand
10 Ten 99 Ninety nine 1 000 000 000 One billion
Cardinal Numbers
___ teen = ___ belas
___ ty = ___ puluh
___ hundred = ___ ratus
___ thousand = ___ ribu
___ million = ___ juta
___ billion = ___ milyar
Cardinal Numbers
 Cara lain untuk mengucapkan 0 (zero):
1. Oh
2. Null
3. Love
 Tips untuk mengucapkan angka dengan lebih mudah:
a. 10130 (bisa diucapkan)  one oh one three oh (biasanya digunakan untuk
menyebut nomor telpon)
b. 1989 (bisa diucapkan)  nineteen eighty nine (cara ini khusus tahun. Biasanya
digunakan saat angka tahun sudah terlalu sulit diucapkan, jika masih mudah, lebih
baik dengan cara biasa. Misalnya, 2018, maka dibaca two thousand eighteen atau
bisa juga two thousand and eighteen)
Cardinal Numbers
17 18 22 98 706
999 1099 7679 300.765 90.087.999
Cardinal Numbers
 Whats your phone number? Its ___ | Apa nomer telpon mu? Nomor ku adalah ___
a. 081899633323
b. 021893408999
c. 087666232143
d. 083122343567
e. 031987239491
Cardinal Numbers
Nathan : Hello, Milea. Its nice to have a new friend like you.
Milea : Hi, Im so glade also as your deskmate
Nathan : I think we can make a chat in WhatsApp. Can I have your phone number?
Milea : Sure, my phone number is 089555732142
Nathan : Okay, I will contact you soon. Wait, is it Iphone X?
Milea : Yes, my father just bought it last week.
Nathan : How much is it?
Milea : It is 9.890.098 rupiahs.
Nathan : Oh, I think its cheaper than mine.
Ordinal Numbers
 Ordinal numbers (bilangan bertingkat) merupakan bilangan yang khusus
digunakan untuk menyatakan tanggal, tingkatan, ataupun bilangan yang berawalan
ke- dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Zero First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
Seventh Eighth Nineth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth
20th 21st 23rd 27th 99th 101st
Twentieth Twenty first Twenty third Twenty
Ninety nineth One hundred
Ordinal Numbers
 Jika angka terakhirnya 1, 2, atau 3, maka:
__ 1st  ___ first
__ 2nd  ___ second
__ 3rd  ___ third
 Hal di atas tidak berlaku pada nilai belasan, misalnya:
11th  eleventh
12th  twelfth
13th  thirteenth
111th  one hundred eleventh
Ordinal Numbers
 This is my first day here
= Ini adalah hari pertama ku di sini.
 Nana is my second daughter.
= Nana adalah anak perempuan keduaku.
 It is the twenty first century.
= Ini adalah abad ke-dua puluh satu.
 I was born on 23rd January 2005.
= Aku dilahirkan pada tanggal 23 Januari 2005
Ordinal Numbers
 What is your birthday?
a. 18th February 2000
b. 10th July 1960
c. 20th May 2011
d. 21st December 2005
e. 23rd March 1845
 What date is today?
a. 22nd July
b. 31st October
c. 14th August
d. 15th September
e. 1st January
Ordinal Numbers
Salma : Milea, I wish you fulfill your promise to meet me.
Milea : Sorry? Did I hold a meeting with you, buddy?
Salma : Oh my God, you forgot it?! We held a meeting on 21st January.
Milea : Oh..., Im so sorry, Im really forgetful. But, why dont we hold a meeting on 30th
Salma : Why? You cant meet me on 21st
Milea : Oh come on! 30th January is my birthday!!
Salma : Really?! Sorry, I forgot it.
Milea : Now, Im mad to you.
Salma : Come on! Just forgive me, this is my first time forget it.
Fraction Numbers
 Fraction numbers (bilangan pecahan) merupakan cara penyebutan bilangan
pecahan dan desimal dalam Bahasa Inggris.
1/2 = A half / one per two = Setengah / satu per dua
1/4 = A quarter / one per four = Seperempat / satu per empat
1/3 = A third / one per three = Satu per tiga
2/3 = Two third / two per three = Dua per tiga
3/4 = Three fourth / three per four = Tiga per empat
0.5 = Zero point five = Nol koma lima
0.25 = Zero point two five = Nol koma dua puluh lima
9.34 = Nine point three four = Sembilan koma tiga puluh
125.99 = One hundred twenty five
point nine nine
= Seratus dua puluh lima koma
sembilan puluh sembilan
Fraction Numbers
 Bilangan setelah koma dibaca satu per satu (CONTOH LIHAT TABEL DI SLIDE
 Dalam Bahasa Inggris, bilangan desimal menggunakan titik (.) sebagai pengganti
koma (,) jika dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
 Khusus a half dan a quarter, bisa dipakai dalam pernyataan jam.
Multiplicative Numbers
 Multiplicative numbers (bilangan kelipatan) merupakan bilangan yang
menunjukkan kelipatan atau berapa kali sesuatu terjadi.
Once = Sekali ___ times = ___ kali
Twice = Dua kali Many times = Berkali-kali
Three times = Tiga kali Two fold = Dua kali lipat
Four times = Empat kali Three fold = Tiga kali lipat
Five times = Lima kali Nine fold = Sembilan kali lipat
Multiplicative Numbers
 This day, I ate two burgers three times.
= Hari ini, aku sudah memakan burger tiga kali.
 I get lucky many times.
= Aku mendapatkan keberuntungan berkali-kali.
 My friend gets money two fold of her payment.
= Teman ku mendapatkan uang dua kali lipat dari bayarannya.
 I ever met him once in the street.
= Aku pernah bertemu dengannya sekali di jalan.
 You should back my money three fold!
= Kamu harus mengembalikan uang ku tiga kali lipat!
Numerals Application
 Dalam poin ini, akan dijelaskan mengenai penerapan operasi bilangan dengan berbahasa Inggris.
a. Ditambah = plus/add/and (+)
b. Dikurangi = minus (-)
c. Dibagi = divide (歎)
d. Dikali = times (x)
e. Pangkat dua = squared / the second power (...2)
f. Pangkat tiga = cubed / the third power (...3)
g. Akar dua = square root (  )
h. Akar empat = fourth root (4  )
i. Sama dengan = equal/is (=)
Numerals Application
a. 3 + 2 = 5  Three plus two equals five
b. 2  1 = 1  Two minus one is one
c. 2 x 3 = 6  Two times three is six
d. 4 歎 2 = 2  Four divide two equals two
e. 22
= 4  Two squared is four / two the second power is four
f. 23 = 8  Two cubed equals eight / two the third power is eight
g. 16 = 4  The square root of sixteen is four
16 = 2  The fourth root of sixteen is two
Yeay!! Youve done the material.
Thanks for learning it.
See ya!!

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Numerals (ppt)

  • 2. Numerals Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalian akan mempelajari beberapa jenis bilangan-bilangan (numerals): 1. Cardinal numbers (bilangan biasa) 2. Ordinal numbers (bilangan bertingkat) 3. Fraction numbers (bilangan pecahan) 4. Multiplicative numbers (bilangan kelipatan) 5. Numerals Application (operasi bilangan)
  • 3. Cardinal Numbers Cardinal numbers (bilangan biasa) merupakan bilangan-bilangan yang penggunaannya lebih umum, biasanya untuk menyatakan jumlah. 0 Zero 11 Eleven 100 One hundred 1 One 12 Twelve 101 One hundred one 2 Two 13 Thirteen 192 One hundred ninety two 3 Three 14 Fourteen 1000 One thousand 4 Four 15 Fifteen 100 000 One hundred thousand 5 Five 20 Twenty/Tweny 150 000 One hundred fifty thousand 6 Six 27 Twenty seven 999 000 Nine hundred ninety nine thousand 7 Seven 30 Thirty 1 000 000 One million 8 Eight 40 Forty 1 000 150 One million one hundred fifty 9 Nine 55 Fifty five 90 800 000 Ninety million eight hundred thousand 10 Ten 99 Ninety nine 1 000 000 000 One billion
  • 4. Cardinal Numbers Istilah: ___ teen = ___ belas ___ ty = ___ puluh ___ hundred = ___ ratus ___ thousand = ___ ribu ___ million = ___ juta ___ billion = ___ milyar
  • 5. Cardinal Numbers Cara lain untuk mengucapkan 0 (zero): 1. Oh 2. Null 3. Love Tips untuk mengucapkan angka dengan lebih mudah: a. 10130 (bisa diucapkan) one oh one three oh (biasanya digunakan untuk menyebut nomor telpon) b. 1989 (bisa diucapkan) nineteen eighty nine (cara ini khusus tahun. Biasanya digunakan saat angka tahun sudah terlalu sulit diucapkan, jika masih mudah, lebih baik dengan cara biasa. Misalnya, 2018, maka dibaca two thousand eighteen atau bisa juga two thousand and eighteen)
  • 6. Cardinal Numbers PRACTICE 1 | MENTION NUMBERS 17 18 22 98 706 999 1099 7679 300.765 90.087.999
  • 7. Cardinal Numbers PRACTICE 2 | MENTION PHONE NUMBER Whats your phone number? Its ___ | Apa nomer telpon mu? Nomor ku adalah ___ a. 081899633323 b. 021893408999 c. 087666232143 d. 083122343567 e. 031987239491
  • 8. Cardinal Numbers PRACTICE 3 | DIALOG Nathan : Hello, Milea. Its nice to have a new friend like you. Milea : Hi, Im so glade also as your deskmate Nathan : I think we can make a chat in WhatsApp. Can I have your phone number? Milea : Sure, my phone number is 089555732142 Nathan : Okay, I will contact you soon. Wait, is it Iphone X? Milea : Yes, my father just bought it last week. Nathan : How much is it? Milea : It is 9.890.098 rupiahs. Nathan : Oh, I think its cheaper than mine.
  • 9. Ordinal Numbers Ordinal numbers (bilangan bertingkat) merupakan bilangan yang khusus digunakan untuk menyatakan tanggal, tingkatan, ataupun bilangan yang berawalan ke- dalam Bahasa Indonesia. 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Zero First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th Seventh Eighth Nineth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth 20th 21st 23rd 27th 99th 101st Twentieth Twenty first Twenty third Twenty seventh Ninety nineth One hundred first
  • 10. Ordinal Numbers PENGGUNAAN AKHIRAN Jika angka terakhirnya 1, 2, atau 3, maka: __ 1st ___ first __ 2nd ___ second __ 3rd ___ third (CONTOH BISA LIHAT TABEL DI SLIDE SEBELUMNYA) Hal di atas tidak berlaku pada nilai belasan, misalnya: 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 111th one hundred eleventh
  • 11. Ordinal Numbers EXAMPLES This is my first day here = Ini adalah hari pertama ku di sini. Nana is my second daughter. = Nana adalah anak perempuan keduaku. It is the twenty first century. = Ini adalah abad ke-dua puluh satu. I was born on 23rd January 2005. = Aku dilahirkan pada tanggal 23 Januari 2005
  • 12. Ordinal Numbers PRACTICE 4 | DATE What is your birthday? a. 18th February 2000 b. 10th July 1960 c. 20th May 2011 d. 21st December 2005 e. 23rd March 1845 What date is today? a. 22nd July b. 31st October c. 14th August d. 15th September e. 1st January
  • 13. Ordinal Numbers PRACTICE 5 | DIALOG Salma : Milea, I wish you fulfill your promise to meet me. Milea : Sorry? Did I hold a meeting with you, buddy? Salma : Oh my God, you forgot it?! We held a meeting on 21st January. Milea : Oh..., Im so sorry, Im really forgetful. But, why dont we hold a meeting on 30th January? Salma : Why? You cant meet me on 21st Milea : Oh come on! 30th January is my birthday!! Salma : Really?! Sorry, I forgot it. Milea : Now, Im mad to you. Salma : Come on! Just forgive me, this is my first time forget it.
  • 14. Fraction Numbers Fraction numbers (bilangan pecahan) merupakan cara penyebutan bilangan pecahan dan desimal dalam Bahasa Inggris. 1/2 = A half / one per two = Setengah / satu per dua 1/4 = A quarter / one per four = Seperempat / satu per empat 1/3 = A third / one per three = Satu per tiga 2/3 = Two third / two per three = Dua per tiga 3/4 = Three fourth / three per four = Tiga per empat 0.5 = Zero point five = Nol koma lima 0.25 = Zero point two five = Nol koma dua puluh lima 9.34 = Nine point three four = Sembilan koma tiga puluh empat 125.99 = One hundred twenty five point nine nine = Seratus dua puluh lima koma sembilan puluh sembilan
  • 15. Fraction Numbers ATURAN Bilangan setelah koma dibaca satu per satu (CONTOH LIHAT TABEL DI SLIDE SEBELUMNYA). Dalam Bahasa Inggris, bilangan desimal menggunakan titik (.) sebagai pengganti koma (,) jika dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Khusus a half dan a quarter, bisa dipakai dalam pernyataan jam.
  • 16. Multiplicative Numbers Multiplicative numbers (bilangan kelipatan) merupakan bilangan yang menunjukkan kelipatan atau berapa kali sesuatu terjadi. Once = Sekali ___ times = ___ kali Twice = Dua kali Many times = Berkali-kali Three times = Tiga kali Two fold = Dua kali lipat Four times = Empat kali Three fold = Tiga kali lipat Five times = Lima kali Nine fold = Sembilan kali lipat
  • 17. Multiplicative Numbers EXAMPLES This day, I ate two burgers three times. = Hari ini, aku sudah memakan burger tiga kali. I get lucky many times. = Aku mendapatkan keberuntungan berkali-kali. My friend gets money two fold of her payment. = Teman ku mendapatkan uang dua kali lipat dari bayarannya. I ever met him once in the street. = Aku pernah bertemu dengannya sekali di jalan. You should back my money three fold! = Kamu harus mengembalikan uang ku tiga kali lipat!
  • 18. Numerals Application Dalam poin ini, akan dijelaskan mengenai penerapan operasi bilangan dengan berbahasa Inggris. Istilah: a. Ditambah = plus/add/and (+) b. Dikurangi = minus (-) c. Dibagi = divide (歎) d. Dikali = times (x) e. Pangkat dua = squared / the second power (...2) f. Pangkat tiga = cubed / the third power (...3) g. Akar dua = square root ( ) h. Akar empat = fourth root (4 ) i. Sama dengan = equal/is (=)
  • 19. Numerals Application EXAMPLES a. 3 + 2 = 5 Three plus two equals five b. 2 1 = 1 Two minus one is one c. 2 x 3 = 6 Two times three is six d. 4 歎 2 = 2 Four divide two equals two e. 22 = 4 Two squared is four / two the second power is four f. 23 = 8 Two cubed equals eight / two the third power is eight g. 16 = 4 The square root of sixteen is four h. 4 16 = 2 The fourth root of sixteen is two
  • 20. Yeay!! Youve done the material. Thanks for learning it. See ya!!