We will understand how to build communication with the "customer" of the project, taking into account all the "brilliant insights", storms in the sun and even small revolutionary in individual countries, where the customer kept all of his financial flows. Yes, strangely enough, all this may not kill the project.
- Preparation system for meeting with the customer.
- A model of operational communication with the customer to manage environmental changes that affect the project.
- A couple of "chips" to persuade the customer with a wild fantasy.
Alexandra Romantsova, Consultant on development of personal competences SPIDER UKRAINE.
丐亠仆亳仆亞 "亞仄亠仆舒亳", 仗仂于仂亟亳仄亶 Odessa Debate Union 亳 Debate for Changes NGO 于 舒仄从舒 亠仆仆亠亶 亠弍舒仆仂亶 从仂仍-2017.
丐亠仆亠舒: 亠仂仆亳从舒 亠仆亳仆亳从仂于舒, 仍亠从舒仆亟 舒亶亞仂仂亟仂于, 舒从亳仄 亠仍, 弌亠亞亠亶 舒仍.
亟亠舒 (丕从舒亳仆舒), 丕 亳仄. .. 亠仆亳从仂于舒, 7-8.10.2017
ENG: Debate is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: 亠弍舒亳 亠 仂仍仂于舒 仆亠仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亞舒, 仄亠仂 磻仂 仗亠亠从仂仆舒亳 舒亟亳仂 亰舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 从仂仆从亳于仆亳 舒亞仄亠仆于 仗亠于仆亶 仗仂亰亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒于 亟仂于仂亟 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰仂, 舒 仂亳仄舒仆 亰舒 亢亠亠弍从于舒仆仆礆.
RU: 亠弍舒 仂 仂仍亠于舒 亳仆亠仍仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亳亞舒, 亠仍 从仂仂仂亶 磦仍磳 弍亠亟亳 舒亟亳仂亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亳 从仂仆从亳于仆 舒亞仄亠仆仂于 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂亰亳亳亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒仂于 亟仂从舒亰于舒ム 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰亠仆亳, 舒 亟仂舒于ム 亳仄 仗仂 亢亠弍亳.
亠亰亠仆舒亳 "舒从 舒亰于亳于舒 于 亟亠弍舒舒?" 于 舒仄从舒 亠仆仆亠亶 亠弍舒仆仂亶 从仂仍 2017, 仗仂于仂亟亳仄仂亶 Odessa Debate Union 亳 Debate for Changes NGO.
亟亠舒 (丕从舒亳仆舒), 丕 亳仄. .. 亠仆亳从仂于舒, 7-8.10.2017
ENG: Debate - is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: 亠弍舒亳 - 亠 仂仍仂于舒 仆亠仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亞舒, 仄亠仂 磻仂 仗亠亠从仂仆舒亳 舒亟亳仂 亰舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 从仂仆从亳于仆亳 舒亞仄亠仆于 仗亠于仆亶 仗仂亰亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒于 亟仂于仂亟 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰仂, 舒 仂亳仄舒仆 亰舒 亢亠亠弍从于舒仆仆礆.
RU: 亠弍舒 - 仂 仂仍亠于舒 亳仆亠仍仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亳亞舒, 亠仍 从仂仂仂亶 磦仍磳 弍亠亟亳 舒亟亳仂亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亳 从仂仆从亳于仆 舒亞仄亠仆仂于 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂亰亳亳亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒仂于 亟仂从舒亰于舒ム 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰亠仆亳, 舒 亟仂舒于ム 亳仄 仗仂 亢亠弍亳.
舒亠-从仍舒 "仆仄亠仆 弍亠亢亟亠仆亳", 仗仂于仂亟亳仄亶 Odessa Debate Union 亳 Debate for Changes NGO 仗亳仄亠仆亠仆亳亠仄 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆仂亶 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳 亟亠弍舒.
亟亠舒 (丕从舒亳仆舒), Impact Hub Odessa, 4.10.2017
ENG: Debate - is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: 亠弍舒亳 - 亠 仂仍仂于舒 仆亠仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亞舒, 仄亠仂 磻仂 仗亠亠从仂仆舒亳 舒亟亳仂 亰舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 从仂仆从亳于仆亳 舒亞仄亠仆于 仗亠于仆亶 仗仂亰亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒于 亟仂于仂亟 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰仂, 舒 仂亳仄舒仆 亰舒 亢亠亠弍从于舒仆仆礆.
RU: 亠弍舒 - 仂 仂仍亠于舒 亳仆亠仍仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亳亞舒, 亠仍 从仂仂仂亶 磦仍磳 弍亠亟亳 舒亟亳仂亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亳 从仂仆从亳于仆 舒亞仄亠仆仂于 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂亰亳亳亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒仂于 亟仂从舒亰于舒ム 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰亠仆亳, 舒 亟仂舒于ム 亳仄 仗仂 亢亠弍亳.
丐亠仆亳仆亞 "亞仄亠仆舒亳", 仗仂于仂亟亳仄亶 Odessa Debate Union 亳 Debate for Changes NGO 于 舒仄从舒 亠仆仆亠亶 亠弍舒仆仂亶 从仂仍-2017.
丐亠仆亠舒: 亠仂仆亳从舒 亠仆亳仆亳从仂于舒, 仍亠从舒仆亟 舒亶亞仂仂亟仂于, 舒从亳仄 亠仍, 弌亠亞亠亶 舒仍.
亟亠舒 (丕从舒亳仆舒), 丕 亳仄. .. 亠仆亳从仂于舒, 7-8.10.2017
ENG: Debate is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: 亠弍舒亳 亠 仂仍仂于舒 仆亠仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亞舒, 仄亠仂 磻仂 仗亠亠从仂仆舒亳 舒亟亳仂 亰舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 从仂仆从亳于仆亳 舒亞仄亠仆于 仗亠于仆亶 仗仂亰亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒于 亟仂于仂亟 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰仂, 舒 仂亳仄舒仆 亰舒 亢亠亠弍从于舒仆仆礆.
RU: 亠弍舒 仂 仂仍亠于舒 亳仆亠仍仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亳亞舒, 亠仍 从仂仂仂亶 磦仍磳 弍亠亟亳 舒亟亳仂亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亳 从仂仆从亳于仆 舒亞仄亠仆仂于 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂亰亳亳亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒仂于 亟仂从舒亰于舒ム 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰亠仆亳, 舒 亟仂舒于ム 亳仄 仗仂 亢亠弍亳.
亠亰亠仆舒亳 "舒从 舒亰于亳于舒 于 亟亠弍舒舒?" 于 舒仄从舒 亠仆仆亠亶 亠弍舒仆仂亶 从仂仍 2017, 仗仂于仂亟亳仄仂亶 Odessa Debate Union 亳 Debate for Changes NGO.
亟亠舒 (丕从舒亳仆舒), 丕 亳仄. .. 亠仆亳从仂于舒, 7-8.10.2017
ENG: Debate - is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: 亠弍舒亳 - 亠 仂仍仂于舒 仆亠仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亞舒, 仄亠仂 磻仂 仗亠亠从仂仆舒亳 舒亟亳仂 亰舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 从仂仆从亳于仆亳 舒亞仄亠仆于 仗亠于仆亶 仗仂亰亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒于 亟仂于仂亟 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰仂, 舒 仂亳仄舒仆 亰舒 亢亠亠弍从于舒仆仆礆.
RU: 亠弍舒 - 仂 仂仍亠于舒 亳仆亠仍仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亳亞舒, 亠仍 从仂仂仂亶 磦仍磳 弍亠亟亳 舒亟亳仂亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亳 从仂仆从亳于仆 舒亞仄亠仆仂于 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂亰亳亳亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒仂于 亟仂从舒亰于舒ム 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰亠仆亳, 舒 亟仂舒于ム 亳仄 仗仂 亢亠弍亳.
舒亠-从仍舒 "仆仄亠仆 弍亠亢亟亠仆亳", 仗仂于仂亟亳仄亶 Odessa Debate Union 亳 Debate for Changes NGO 仗亳仄亠仆亠仆亳亠仄 仂弍舒亰仂于舒亠仍仆仂亶 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亳 亟亠弍舒.
亟亠舒 (丕从舒亳仆舒), Impact Hub Odessa, 4.10.2017
ENG: Debate - is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: 亠弍舒亳 - 亠 仂仍仂于舒 仆亠仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亞舒, 仄亠仂 磻仂 仗亠亠从仂仆舒亳 舒亟亳仂 亰舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 从仂仆从亳于仆亳 舒亞仄亠仆于 仗亠于仆亶 仗仂亰亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒于 亟仂于仂亟 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰仂, 舒 仂亳仄舒仆 亰舒 亢亠亠弍从于舒仆仆礆.
RU: 亠弍舒 - 仂 仂仍亠于舒 亳仆亠仍仍亠从舒仍仆舒 亳亞舒, 亠仍 从仂仂仂亶 磦仍磳 弍亠亟亳 舒亟亳仂亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亳 从仂仆从亳于仆 舒亞仄亠仆仂于 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆仂亶 仗仂亰亳亳亳. 丕舒仆亳从亳 亟亠弍舒仂于 亟仂从舒亰于舒ム 仆亠 于仂 仂从 亰亠仆亳, 舒 亟仂舒于ム 亳仄 仗仂 亢亠弍亳.