British humour is considered superior to American humour. Some key differences are that British humour can be cruel, childish, and focus more on smutty innuendo. It also frequently mocks the English establishment and foreigners through sarcasm and racism. Physical comedy acts like Mr. Bean and Charlie Chaplin are examples of visual humour, while satire makes fun of famous people. Black humour deals with topics like death. Puns and parody are other forms of wit. American remakes of British comedies often fail to capture the same effect.
This document provides guidance on writing arguments, including identifying bias, structuring arguments, and using a balanced format to present different perspectives in an argument. It discusses key elements of writing arguments such as crafting a powerful conclusion, avoiding weaknesses, and always trying to prove the position is right. Examples of biased and unbiased writing are included to illustrate these concepts. Formats for structuring arguments and using connecting words to develop points for and against a topic are also presented.
The document provides an overview of argumentative writing, including the purpose of argument, the basic outline of an argument, and strategies for establishing a claim, providing a warrant with logic and examples, offering evidence through testimony and data, and concluding the argument. It discusses establishing a claim by arguing against another viewpoint, clarifying the claim, using logic to support a warrant, providing hypothetical, real, or literary examples, citing testimony from authorities or data from research, and concluding with a call to action or restating the opinion.
This document provides information and instructions about writing an argumentative essay. It explains that an argumentative essay requires agreeing or disagreeing with an issue using reasons to support an opinion. There are two common patterns for organizing an argumentative essay: the block pattern, which rebuts the opposing arguments first before presenting your own; and the point-by-point pattern, which alternates between presenting an opposing argument and rebutting it with your counterargument. The introduction should explain the issue, include a thesis statement stating your position, and may reference opposing viewpoints.
This document provides guidance on writing an argumentative supporting paragraph, including the key components to include. A supporting paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence claim, followed by evidence to support the claim using logical (logos), emotional (pathos), and credible source (ethos) appeals. An example paragraph is provided that effectively incorporates these elements to argue that stereotypes about HIV/AIDS can influence individuals' perception of risk regardless of their actual behaviors.
MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: Aggregation Pipeline Power++: How MongoDB 4.2 Pi...MongoDB
Aggregation pipeline has been able to power your analysis of data since version 2.2. In 4.2 we added more power and now you can use it for more powerful queries, updates, and outputting your data to existing collections. Come hear how you can do everything with the pipeline, including single-view, ETL, data roll-ups and materialized views.
This document provides instructions for installing and using Embulk and Airflow. It explains how to install Embulk and common Embulk plugins, run Embulk tasks to load data from MySQL to BigQuery, and configure an Embulk config file to specify the input, output, and load options. It also explains how to install Airflow, initialize the metadata database, run the Airflow web server, list and test DAGs and tasks, and write a simple DAG with BashOperator tasks to print the date and sleep for demonstration purposes.
This document provides guidance on writing an argumentative essay. It defines an argumentative essay as one intended to convince the reader of a given opinion by presenting arguments and evidence. It emphasizes that an argumentative essay should be objective and backed by facts rather than opinions. It outlines the typical components of an argumentative essay, including introducing the topic, presenting arguments and evidence for both sides, and concluding by restating the thesis. The document also provides tips on language and organization to help writers structure a persuasive argumentative essay.
This document provides a summary of MySQL indexes and how to use the EXPLAIN statement to analyze query performance. It defines what indexes are, the different types of indexes like B-tree, hash, and full-text indexes. It also explains concepts like compound indexes, covering indexes, and partial indexes. The document demonstrates how to use the EXPLAIN statement to view and understand a query execution plan, including analyzing the possible and actual indexes used, join types, number of rows examined, and index usage. It provides examples of interpreting EXPLAIN output and analyzing performance bottlenecks.
Spring Interview Questions and Answers | Spring Tutorial | Spring Framework T...Edureka!
This Edureka "Spring Interview Questions and Answers" tutorial will help you to prepare yourself for Spring Framework Interviews. This tutorial is ideal for freshers as well as experienced also. Learn about the most important Spring Framework interview questions and answers and know what will set you apart in the interview process. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1. General Questions
2. Dependency Injection/ IoC
3. Beans
4. Annotations
5. Data Access
6. Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)
7. MVC
This document provides guidance on writing an argumentative supporting paragraph, including the key components to include. A supporting paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence claim, followed by evidence to support the claim using logical (logos), emotional (pathos), and credible source (ethos) appeals. An example paragraph is provided that effectively incorporates these elements to argue that stereotypes about HIV/AIDS can influence individuals' perception of risk regardless of their actual behaviors.
MongoDB .local Toronto 2019: Aggregation Pipeline Power++: How MongoDB 4.2 Pi...MongoDB
Aggregation pipeline has been able to power your analysis of data since version 2.2. In 4.2 we added more power and now you can use it for more powerful queries, updates, and outputting your data to existing collections. Come hear how you can do everything with the pipeline, including single-view, ETL, data roll-ups and materialized views.
This document provides instructions for installing and using Embulk and Airflow. It explains how to install Embulk and common Embulk plugins, run Embulk tasks to load data from MySQL to BigQuery, and configure an Embulk config file to specify the input, output, and load options. It also explains how to install Airflow, initialize the metadata database, run the Airflow web server, list and test DAGs and tasks, and write a simple DAG with BashOperator tasks to print the date and sleep for demonstration purposes.
This document provides guidance on writing an argumentative essay. It defines an argumentative essay as one intended to convince the reader of a given opinion by presenting arguments and evidence. It emphasizes that an argumentative essay should be objective and backed by facts rather than opinions. It outlines the typical components of an argumentative essay, including introducing the topic, presenting arguments and evidence for both sides, and concluding by restating the thesis. The document also provides tips on language and organization to help writers structure a persuasive argumentative essay.
This document provides a summary of MySQL indexes and how to use the EXPLAIN statement to analyze query performance. It defines what indexes are, the different types of indexes like B-tree, hash, and full-text indexes. It also explains concepts like compound indexes, covering indexes, and partial indexes. The document demonstrates how to use the EXPLAIN statement to view and understand a query execution plan, including analyzing the possible and actual indexes used, join types, number of rows examined, and index usage. It provides examples of interpreting EXPLAIN output and analyzing performance bottlenecks.
Spring Interview Questions and Answers | Spring Tutorial | Spring Framework T...Edureka!
This Edureka "Spring Interview Questions and Answers" tutorial will help you to prepare yourself for Spring Framework Interviews. This tutorial is ideal for freshers as well as experienced also. Learn about the most important Spring Framework interview questions and answers and know what will set you apart in the interview process. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1. General Questions
2. Dependency Injection/ IoC
3. Beans
4. Annotations
5. Data Access
6. Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)
7. MVC
Odessa debate_ §¬§Ñ§Ü §â§Ñ§Ù§Ó§Ú§Ó§Ñ§ä§î§ã§ñ §Ó §Õ§Ö§Ò§Ñ§ä§Ñ§ç?Odessa Debate Union
§±§â§Ö§Ù§Ö§ß§ä§Ñ§è§Ú§ñ "§¬§Ñ§Ü §â§Ñ§Ù§Ó§Ú§Ó§Ñ§ä§î§ã§ñ §Ó §Õ§Ö§Ò§Ñ§ä§Ñ§ç?" §Ó §â§Ñ§Þ§Ü§Ñ§ç §°§ã§Ö§ß§ß§Ö§Û §¥§Ö§Ò§Ñ§ä§ß§à§Û §ê§Ü§à§Ý§í 2017, §á§â§à§Ó§à§Õ§Ú§Þ§à§Û Odessa Debate Union §Ú Debate for Changes NGO.
§°§Õ§Ö§ã§ã§Ñ (§µ§Ü§â§Ñ§Ú§ß§Ñ), §°§¯§µ §Ú§Þ. §ª.§ª. §®§Ö§é§ß§Ú§Ü§à§Ó§Ñ, 7-8.10.2017
ENG: Debate - is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: §¥§Ö§Ò§Ñ§ä§Ú - §è§Ö §â§à§Ý§î§à§Ó§Ñ ?§ß§ä§Ö§Ý§Ö§Ü§ä§å§Ñ§Ý§î§ß§Ñ §Ô§â§Ñ, §Þ§Ö§ä§à§ð §ñ§Ü§à? ? §á§Ö§â§Ö§Ü§à§ß§Ñ§ä§Ú §Ñ§å§Õ§Ú§ä§à§â?§ð §Ù§Ñ §Õ§à§á§à§Þ§à§Ô§à§ð §Ü§à§ß§ã§ä§â§å§Ü§ä§Ú§Ó§ß§Ú§ç §Ñ§â§Ô§å§Þ§Ö§ß§ä?§Ó §å §á§Ö§Ó§ß?§Û §á§à§Ù§Ú§è??. §µ§é§Ñ§ã§ß§Ú§Ü§Ú §Õ§Ö§Ò§Ñ§ä?§Ó §Õ§à§Ó§à§Õ§ñ§ä§î §ß§Ö §ã§Ó§à§ð §ä§à§é§Ü§å §Ù§à§â§å, §Ñ §à§ä§â§Ú§Þ§Ñ§ß§å §Ù§Ñ §Ø§Ö§â§Ö§Ò§Ü§å§Ó§Ñ§ß§ß§ñ§Þ.
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§°§Õ§Ö§ã§ã§Ñ (§µ§Ü§â§Ñ§Ú§ß§Ñ), Impact Hub Odessa, 4.10.2017
ENG: Debate - is the role-playing of intellectual game that aims to convince the audience by means of constructive arguments in a certain position. Participants of the debate not prove their own point of view, but subscribed to them by lot.
UA: §¥§Ö§Ò§Ñ§ä§Ú - §è§Ö §â§à§Ý§î§à§Ó§Ñ ?§ß§ä§Ö§Ý§Ö§Ü§ä§å§Ñ§Ý§î§ß§Ñ §Ô§â§Ñ, §Þ§Ö§ä§à§ð §ñ§Ü§à? ? §á§Ö§â§Ö§Ü§à§ß§Ñ§ä§Ú §Ñ§å§Õ§Ú§ä§à§â?§ð §Ù§Ñ §Õ§à§á§à§Þ§à§Ô§à§ð §Ü§à§ß§ã§ä§â§å§Ü§ä§Ú§Ó§ß§Ú§ç §Ñ§â§Ô§å§Þ§Ö§ß§ä?§Ó §å §á§Ö§Ó§ß?§Û §á§à§Ù§Ú§è??. §µ§é§Ñ§ã§ß§Ú§Ü§Ú §Õ§Ö§Ò§Ñ§ä?§Ó §Õ§à§Ó§à§Õ§ñ§ä§î §ß§Ö §ã§Ó§à§ð §ä§à§é§Ü§å §Ù§à§â§å, §Ñ §à§ä§â§Ú§Þ§Ñ§ß§å §Ù§Ñ §Ø§Ö§â§Ö§Ò§Ü§å§Ó§Ñ§ß§ß§ñ§Þ.
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