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Table of Contents: Our Mission Our Key Executives Traditional Distribution Reach Turn Key Solutions  Omniverse One World Television Roku Android Demographics Comparison Analysis  Available Agencies Contact
Omniverse empowers Producers, Content Rights Holders, Syndicators, and Broadcasters large and small to effectively monetize their content through a Multi-Media Platform which covers all 211 domestic markets, worldwide markets, has unlimited channel capacity, and allows for very low broadcasting costs allowing us to transfer those savings to our subscribers.  Omniverse is built to allow the viewer to Watch what they want to - On the device they want to - Whenever they want to. Viewers can watch content from anywhere whether at home, at work, in the park, on business trips... 油 Omniverse's core services are built on "The OMNI Platform" allowing the end user to view Real Time Live TV" or Video on Demand with the ability to deliver an HD signal to millions of TV viewers across the United States and around the World using the "The OMNI Platform" and a single broadband connection. Since the bandwidth required to broadcast doesn't increase with the number of viewers, this technology allows producers, content rights holders, syndicators, and broadcasters to achieve massively lower broadcast costs than usual with today's technology.  In addition, "The OMNI Platform" also has the benefit of delivering live feeds without being stored to viewers hard disks, and thus offers better protection to content owners. 油 The Omniverse service opens the next generation for TV Broadcasters, Producers, Content Rights Holders, and Syndicators. It offers opportunities denied to them by the limitations of cable and satellite infrastructure.  Local content providers and broadcasters become National and International; new channels can find a channel position; and bigger broadcasters can create new channels to monetize content that they own but lack the space to broadcast on their existing channels and platforms.  油 Whether youre a broadcaster, syndicator, content rights holder or subscriber you can take part in all the benefits Omniverse One World Television has to offer.
Jason M. DeMeo  ~ With over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing and business management Jason represents many of the largest advertisers, producers, first run syndicated properties and direct  response  clients in the country. His creative and analytical thinking has positioned him as one of the leading content and spot TV salespersons and distributors in the country. Recognized for his high impact and motivational sales and marketing presentations he continues to work with brand managers and prominent leaders and is often called upon for c suite advice.  Properties syndicated include Nosak Raw, Whitehouse Chronicles, The MoShow, In Pursuit of Passion, Just Down The Road, Love Marriage and Stinking Thinking, Dr. McDougal, Lifestyle Magazine, The Evidence, Keeping The Faith, Traveling With Tots, and All is Bright just to name a few. Products with National Distribution include - Karobics, The Super Stringer, Debtmerica Relief, JK Harris, Titan Tax, Nationwide Financial Group, Power Tax Relief, Pro Pac, Aeura, Slim Cafe, Slim Scents, My Shopping Genie, Burnett Investment Group, National Auto Coverage, Rantz, Dr. Mary Banks, and Debt Settlement of America and many others. Distribution outlets included NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, MYTV, DirecTV, Dish, Comcast and others... CEO & President
Ryan Wyse ~  Ryan has over 10 years in IT with extensive knowledge of web programming and integration, experience in online video delivery and ad integration, has a thorough knowledge of building scalable and redundant video capture, storage and retrieval systems, experience managing a team of programmers, experience managing a team to build and maintain the IT infrastructure and backend of a television studio, built and managed an online video platform for a television show with 65 Telly Awards, 2 Gold Telly Awards, 12 Emmy Nominations, and 3 Emmy Awards. In addition Mr. Wyse has established online video platforms, websites, and ad integration for International Ministries with reach to in excess of 200 Nations.  Also was engaged by CBN building distributed VOIP systems with CRM integration. V.P. of Operations & Chief Technical Officer
Chris Colatrella  ~ A graduate of the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University, Chris received his BA in accounting in 1993. He then furthered his education by obtaining a Juris Doctor from New York Law School in 1997. Both during and after his schooling, Chris managed in excess of 100 employees, working full time while attending both undergraduate school and Law school. Chris was responsible for creating millions of dollars in annual revenues, overseeing and implementing entire financial departments, managing millions of dollars in CITs by acquiring outstanding relationships with National lenders such as Chase, Wachovia, HSBC, Wells Fargo and many others. Chris continued his success by setting national records for sales, gross profit, and customer satisfaction.  Chris was then engaged to direct a top multi-shingle automotive dealership. In the trenches Chris managed 300 employees, day to day operations with gross revenues of over $100 million per year, negotiated and secured in excess of $250,000 in monthly marketing and advertising promotions, negotiated union contracts, and successfully administered over 500 acquisitions monthly.  Chris also started his own business and held the title of President and CEO of CMC Holdings which built and sold over 50 commercial and residential buildings with gross sales of over $10 million from 2006-2009.  Specialties Include  -  Account Relationships, Banking Relationships, creative marketing, developing and implementing sales processes. V.P. of National Sales &  New Business Development
Omniverse TV is an un-wired network designed to provide family friendly content including Lifestyle, Sports, Movies, News, Faith, Kids, Outdoors, Hunting, and Health & Wellness. Omniverse TV affiliate demographics include: 油 Adults 18-64 Kids 7-17  51.4.7% women 48.6% men HH income $60K+  Over 72% own residential property  Network Distribution 400+ affiliates and growing 211 Markets  Up to 83mm (Total TVHH) Over 40,000,000 OTA HHS Distribution By Region Northeast   17%  South   42%  Midwest   23%  West   18% Traditional  Broadcast
New Media Buys and Omniverse have numerous programs which offer  a seamless Turn Key Solution across all media platforms including: Banners Towers Post and Pre Rolls Traditional Ad Insertions Overlays IDs  Bugs All with Regional and National ad ingestion capabilities creating a turn key solution to assist with monetizing your content and servicing your sponsors. The Turn Key Advertising Solution
Worldwide Content From: America Europe United Kingdom Middle East Asia India China Egypt Italy Kuwait France Korea Germany Taiwan Vietnam Spain Greece Brazil Canada Argentina Russia Netherland Hungary Turkey The Omniverse STB Includes: 100s of Channels Internet TV Podcasts Web Browsers Apps Youtube Facebook My Space Google Gmail Crackle Playon TV Build Your Brand Next To Major Channels On Cutting Edge Technology .
Omniverse TV has entered into a working relationship with Roku Streaming Players. Omniverse TV was the first Live Streaming Roku Channel thats entertainment driven an Absolutely Free to all Roku users which currently has surpassed 4.5 million active users and presold an additional six million boxes for 2012. While maintaining our goals to allow users to  Watch What They Want To - On The Device They Want To - When They Want To Roku was simply a great relationship. We offer Live Feeds and Video On Demand on Roku.  Roku 油is 油the 油best-足selling 油streaming 油player 油on 油the 油market 油because 油of 油its 油simplicity, 油breadth 油of 油content 油 and 油value. 油Now 油were 油setting 油the 油bar 油even 油higher 油with 油Roku 油2 油 油a 油more 油powerful 油platform 油with 油new 油 features 油including 油casual 油gaming, 油said 油Roku 油Founder 油and 油CEO 油Anthony 油Wood. We are anticipating great things with the new introduction to Roku being on the shelves of Walmart Nationwide.  The 油Roku 油2 油platform 油offers 油nearly 油300 油channels 油of 油streaming 油entertainment 油including 油movies 油and 油TV 油 shows 油from 油Netflix, 油Hulu 油Plus, 油Amazon 油Instant 油Video 油and 油Crackle; 油live 油and 油on-足demand 油sports 油from 油NBA 油 Game 油Time, 油NHL 油GameCenter 油Live 油and 油Ultimate 油Fighting 油Championship; 油music 油from 油Pandora, 油MOG, 油 Rdio 油and 油TuneIn 油Radio; 油photos 油and 油videos 油from 油Flickr 油and 油Vimeo; 油plus 油news 油and 油entertainment 油from 油 around 油the 油world.
The Android Operating Systems currently run on over twenty devices and rapidly growing with partnerships such as Google Nexus and others. Adding an Android App allowing additional users to view your channel through the Omniverse Device Agnostic Media Players increase your reach and brand recognition.  It is reported today that over 80 million daily active data users in the US alone are viewing entertainment driven content.
Demographics Based On Direct Response & Paid on Inquiry Solicitations and Response
Advertising & Paid Programming Agencies
Contact Information: Omniverse 233 SW Greenwich Drive #51 Lees Summit, MO 64082 P. 888.897.9560 F. 866.920.4701 E. info@omniversetv.com W. www.omniverseoneworldtelevision.com W. www.profile.omniversetv.com W. www.newmediabuys.com

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Omniverse Power Point

  • 2. Table of Contents: Our Mission Our Key Executives Traditional Distribution Reach Turn Key Solutions Omniverse One World Television Roku Android Demographics Comparison Analysis Available Agencies Contact
  • 3. Omniverse empowers Producers, Content Rights Holders, Syndicators, and Broadcasters large and small to effectively monetize their content through a Multi-Media Platform which covers all 211 domestic markets, worldwide markets, has unlimited channel capacity, and allows for very low broadcasting costs allowing us to transfer those savings to our subscribers. Omniverse is built to allow the viewer to Watch what they want to - On the device they want to - Whenever they want to. Viewers can watch content from anywhere whether at home, at work, in the park, on business trips... 油 Omniverse's core services are built on "The OMNI Platform" allowing the end user to view Real Time Live TV" or Video on Demand with the ability to deliver an HD signal to millions of TV viewers across the United States and around the World using the "The OMNI Platform" and a single broadband connection. Since the bandwidth required to broadcast doesn't increase with the number of viewers, this technology allows producers, content rights holders, syndicators, and broadcasters to achieve massively lower broadcast costs than usual with today's technology. In addition, "The OMNI Platform" also has the benefit of delivering live feeds without being stored to viewers hard disks, and thus offers better protection to content owners. 油 The Omniverse service opens the next generation for TV Broadcasters, Producers, Content Rights Holders, and Syndicators. It offers opportunities denied to them by the limitations of cable and satellite infrastructure. Local content providers and broadcasters become National and International; new channels can find a channel position; and bigger broadcasters can create new channels to monetize content that they own but lack the space to broadcast on their existing channels and platforms. 油 Whether youre a broadcaster, syndicator, content rights holder or subscriber you can take part in all the benefits Omniverse One World Television has to offer.
  • 4. Jason M. DeMeo ~ With over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing and business management Jason represents many of the largest advertisers, producers, first run syndicated properties and direct response clients in the country. His creative and analytical thinking has positioned him as one of the leading content and spot TV salespersons and distributors in the country. Recognized for his high impact and motivational sales and marketing presentations he continues to work with brand managers and prominent leaders and is often called upon for c suite advice. Properties syndicated include Nosak Raw, Whitehouse Chronicles, The MoShow, In Pursuit of Passion, Just Down The Road, Love Marriage and Stinking Thinking, Dr. McDougal, Lifestyle Magazine, The Evidence, Keeping The Faith, Traveling With Tots, and All is Bright just to name a few. Products with National Distribution include - Karobics, The Super Stringer, Debtmerica Relief, JK Harris, Titan Tax, Nationwide Financial Group, Power Tax Relief, Pro Pac, Aeura, Slim Cafe, Slim Scents, My Shopping Genie, Burnett Investment Group, National Auto Coverage, Rantz, Dr. Mary Banks, and Debt Settlement of America and many others. Distribution outlets included NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, MYTV, DirecTV, Dish, Comcast and others... CEO & President
  • 5. Ryan Wyse ~ Ryan has over 10 years in IT with extensive knowledge of web programming and integration, experience in online video delivery and ad integration, has a thorough knowledge of building scalable and redundant video capture, storage and retrieval systems, experience managing a team of programmers, experience managing a team to build and maintain the IT infrastructure and backend of a television studio, built and managed an online video platform for a television show with 65 Telly Awards, 2 Gold Telly Awards, 12 Emmy Nominations, and 3 Emmy Awards. In addition Mr. Wyse has established online video platforms, websites, and ad integration for International Ministries with reach to in excess of 200 Nations. Also was engaged by CBN building distributed VOIP systems with CRM integration. V.P. of Operations & Chief Technical Officer
  • 6. Chris Colatrella ~ A graduate of the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University, Chris received his BA in accounting in 1993. He then furthered his education by obtaining a Juris Doctor from New York Law School in 1997. Both during and after his schooling, Chris managed in excess of 100 employees, working full time while attending both undergraduate school and Law school. Chris was responsible for creating millions of dollars in annual revenues, overseeing and implementing entire financial departments, managing millions of dollars in CITs by acquiring outstanding relationships with National lenders such as Chase, Wachovia, HSBC, Wells Fargo and many others. Chris continued his success by setting national records for sales, gross profit, and customer satisfaction. Chris was then engaged to direct a top multi-shingle automotive dealership. In the trenches Chris managed 300 employees, day to day operations with gross revenues of over $100 million per year, negotiated and secured in excess of $250,000 in monthly marketing and advertising promotions, negotiated union contracts, and successfully administered over 500 acquisitions monthly. Chris also started his own business and held the title of President and CEO of CMC Holdings which built and sold over 50 commercial and residential buildings with gross sales of over $10 million from 2006-2009. Specialties Include - Account Relationships, Banking Relationships, creative marketing, developing and implementing sales processes. V.P. of National Sales & New Business Development
  • 7. Omniverse TV is an un-wired network designed to provide family friendly content including Lifestyle, Sports, Movies, News, Faith, Kids, Outdoors, Hunting, and Health & Wellness. Omniverse TV affiliate demographics include: 油 Adults 18-64 Kids 7-17 51.4.7% women 48.6% men HH income $60K+ Over 72% own residential property Network Distribution 400+ affiliates and growing 211 Markets Up to 83mm (Total TVHH) Over 40,000,000 OTA HHS Distribution By Region Northeast 17% South 42% Midwest 23% West 18% Traditional Broadcast
  • 8. New Media Buys and Omniverse have numerous programs which offer a seamless Turn Key Solution across all media platforms including: Banners Towers Post and Pre Rolls Traditional Ad Insertions Overlays IDs Bugs All with Regional and National ad ingestion capabilities creating a turn key solution to assist with monetizing your content and servicing your sponsors. The Turn Key Advertising Solution
  • 9. Worldwide Content From: America Europe United Kingdom Middle East Asia India China Egypt Italy Kuwait France Korea Germany Taiwan Vietnam Spain Greece Brazil Canada Argentina Russia Netherland Hungary Turkey The Omniverse STB Includes: 100s of Channels Internet TV Podcasts Web Browsers Apps Youtube Facebook My Space Google Gmail Crackle Playon TV Build Your Brand Next To Major Channels On Cutting Edge Technology .
  • 10. Omniverse TV has entered into a working relationship with Roku Streaming Players. Omniverse TV was the first Live Streaming Roku Channel thats entertainment driven an Absolutely Free to all Roku users which currently has surpassed 4.5 million active users and presold an additional six million boxes for 2012. While maintaining our goals to allow users to Watch What They Want To - On The Device They Want To - When They Want To Roku was simply a great relationship. We offer Live Feeds and Video On Demand on Roku. Roku 油is 油the 油best-足selling 油streaming 油player 油on 油the 油market 油because 油of 油its 油simplicity, 油breadth 油of 油content 油 and 油value. 油Now 油were 油setting 油the 油bar 油even 油higher 油with 油Roku 油2 油 油a 油more 油powerful 油platform 油with 油new 油 features 油including 油casual 油gaming, 油said 油Roku 油Founder 油and 油CEO 油Anthony 油Wood. We are anticipating great things with the new introduction to Roku being on the shelves of Walmart Nationwide. The 油Roku 油2 油platform 油offers 油nearly 油300 油channels 油of 油streaming 油entertainment 油including 油movies 油and 油TV 油 shows 油from 油Netflix, 油Hulu 油Plus, 油Amazon 油Instant 油Video 油and 油Crackle; 油live 油and 油on-足demand 油sports 油from 油NBA 油 Game 油Time, 油NHL 油GameCenter 油Live 油and 油Ultimate 油Fighting 油Championship; 油music 油from 油Pandora, 油MOG, 油 Rdio 油and 油TuneIn 油Radio; 油photos 油and 油videos 油from 油Flickr 油and 油Vimeo; 油plus 油news 油and 油entertainment 油from 油 around 油the 油world.
  • 11. The Android Operating Systems currently run on over twenty devices and rapidly growing with partnerships such as Google Nexus and others. Adding an Android App allowing additional users to view your channel through the Omniverse Device Agnostic Media Players increase your reach and brand recognition. It is reported today that over 80 million daily active data users in the US alone are viewing entertainment driven content.
  • 12. Demographics Based On Direct Response & Paid on Inquiry Solicitations and Response
  • 13.
  • 14. Advertising & Paid Programming Agencies
  • 15. Contact Information: Omniverse 233 SW Greenwich Drive #51 Lees Summit, MO 64082 P. 888.897.9560 F. 866.920.4701 E. info@omniversetv.com W. www.omniverseoneworldtelevision.com W. www.profile.omniversetv.com W. www.newmediabuys.com