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Requirement Specification
SEPTEMBER 24, 2017
Khulna - 9208
1. Introduction:.......................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Purpose of the document............................................................................................................2
1.2. Overview......................................................................................................................................2
1.3. References....................................................................................................................................2
1.3.1. Applicable Documents........................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Reference Documents .........................................................................................................3
2. Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................................3
2.1. User...............................................................................................................................................3
2.2. Student .........................................................................................................................................3
2.3. Teacher.........................................................................................................................................4
2.4. Moderator....................................................................................................................................4
2.5. Admin...........................................................................................................................................4
3. Constraints..........................................................................................................................................5
3.1. Registration: ................................................................................................................................5
3.2. Marks Entry:...............................................................................................................................6
3.3. Result: ..........................................................................................................................................6
3.4. Users:............................................................................................................................................7
Use Cases for Remuneration Report Preparation .........................................................................................9
Activity Diagram for Remuneration Report Preparation............................................................................14
1. Introduction:
1.1. Purpose of the document
This document is the definitive specification of the user
requirements for web application to be developed under the
Software Engineering Project Online Result and Registration
System for Universities.
This document is intended to be read by
a. All responsible for the management of the development and
members of the Developer Unit.
b. Users, user representatives, and other interested parties and
in Educational Institutions.
c. Contractors and supervisors who undertake all or parts of
the development.
1.2. Overview
Online Result & Registration System is to simplify the work of
student registration & result preparation process. It will also help
to prepare some formal documents like Grade Sheet,
Remuneration on question preparation and answer sheet
examination, question moderation etc.
This is a project capable of managing multiple disciplines of
multiple universities.
1.3. References
1.3.1. Applicable Documents
SL Title Author(s) Date
01 Sample Database SQL file
Version 3.0
Sarfaraz Newaz
Shahidul Islam
Swajan Golder
Jan, 2017
02 Examination Bills Form Controller of the
examination, KU
Sept, 2017
03 Statement on Remuneration CSE Discipline, KU Sept, 2017
1.3.2. Reference Documents
SL Title Author(s) Date
01 Online Result &
Registration System Project
(Language: C#)
Shahidul Islam
Swajan Golder
Sudipto Das
W. Shuvo
Jan, 2017
2. Functional Requirements
2.1. User
 Mark entry to assigned session
 Profile maintenance
 Change password
2.2. Student
 Term registration
 Course registration
 Registration status
 See previous registered terms courses
 See result after published
 Download Grade sheet
2.3. Teacher
 Mark entry to his courses
 Download remuneration && other reports
 Course registration approve by course coordinator
 Course registration approve by head
2.4. Moderator
 Mark entry to assigned session
 Prepare reports
2.5. Admin
SL Function C R U D A T
1. University    
2. Department    
3. Assign Dept.    
4. Degree    
5. Session     
6. Year    
7. Term    
8. Course    
9. Section     
10. Term offer
3. Constraints
3.1. Registration:
 Student must register credit amount between term
syllabus limit (Ex. 15-25)
 Retake course must take first
11. Syllabus    
12. Course offer     
13. Assign teacher    
14. Marks    
15. Mark Section   
16. Attendance   
17. Role     
18. Role Grant  
19. Phone    
20. User      
21. Course
22. Moderator     
23. Examination bill   
24. Statement on
[C=create, R=read, U=update, D=delete, A=approve,
 Cant register a course without passing its prerequisite
 Thesis should be continued & different form other
 Terms must register sequentially (Ex. 1-1, 1-2)
 Course can be registered before the term is locked or
taken down
 Initialize retake courses marks automatically with
course registration
 Course registration must approve through 2 steps
(Generally Course coordinator & Head)
3.2. Marks Entry:
 A course teacher can entry his own course marks.
 Tabulator is allowed to mark entry within an assigned
session or term
 Previous C.A. marks remain if student do not apply
for Re-Assessment
 Continued thesis mark will be denoted by x (means
continued) hence will not count in TGPA calculation
 Thesis will count in YGPA along with its previous
 Retake/ Re-Retake courses will be degraded to one
grade lower

3.3. Result:
 Students can see & Download only their own marks
 Teacher can see marks of his own courses
 Course Coordinator is allowed to see that particular
term marks
 Head, Moderator/ Tabulator can see & modify marks
before finalized
3.4. Users:
 Head is generally the admin of his department
 Users will not activate unless admin approve
 Association with an university is mandatory for
Students and Teachers but not for Admin, Moderator
or Tabulator
 User can change general profile page but special
informations cant be changed. For example Student
Id, Department cant be changed. In that case user
must have to resubmit profile to be approved by that
particular department administrator
Online Result & Registration Management
Remuneration Report Generation System
Part -2
(For Remuneration Only)
Md. Shahidul Islam
Student Id: 150206
Computer Science and Engineering
Khulna University, Khulna
Use Cases for Remuneration Report Preparation
Use case: Remuneration report.
Primary actor: Admin/Head of the discipline.
Goal in context: To generate the remuneration report of a term.
Preconditions: User must be logged in as an Admin.
1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term and Teacher.
2. Click on Get Report button.
3. Request submit to server and retrieve data.
4. Perform calculations based on the rules of examination control
office in following categories:
a. Question Composition
b. Question Moderation
c. Answer script evaluation
d. Class test/ term paper/ home work
e. Sessional
f. Sessional viva
g. Professional attachment/ industrial tour
h. Answer script examination
i. Tabulation
j. Question generation (Drawing, stencil )
k. Head of the examination control committee
l. Chief invigilation
n. Computer-aided GPA/grade generation and bill examination
o. Others
5. Display data into the data grid.
6. User clicks on the Print button.
7. Result printed or saved as a pdf.
1. If the user wants to edit data, click on data cell to edit.
2. Selected Session, Degree, Year, Terms result has not published
yet, no data is retrieved. Go to marks entry.
Use case: Course wise remuneration.
Primary actor: Admin/Head of the discipline/ Tabulator.
Goal in context: To generate the remuneration report of a year-term.
Preconditions: User must be logged in as an Admin.
1. User selects Session, Degree, Year and Term.
2. Click on Get Report button.
3. Request submit to server and retrieve data.
4. Perform calculations in the category of:
a. Chairman
b. Question Preparation and Answer Script Examination
c. Class Test
d. Sessional Assessment and Viva
e. Moderation Committee
f. Answer Script Scrutiny
g. Tabulation (Student Wise)
h. Tabulation (Course Wise)
i. Project and Thesis II
j. Question Drawing
5. Display data into the data table.
6. User clicks on the Print button.
7. Result printed or saved as a pdf.
1. Selected Session, Degree, Year, Terms result has not published
yet, no data is retrieved. Go to marks entry.
2. User wants to edit data, click on cell and edit.
3. User wants to add others, click add others and add.
Use case: Individual Remuneration report.
Primary actor: Teacher, Tabulator, Stuff, Lab Assistant, Computer
Goal in context: To generate the remuneration report of individuals.
Preconditions: User must be logged in using their own account.
1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term.
2. Clicks on the Get Report button.
3. Request submit to server and retrieve data.
4. Perform calculations based on the user type.
5. Display data into the data grid.
6. User click on the Print button.
7. Result printed or saved as a pdf.
1. If user wants to edit data, click on data cell to edit.
Use case: Rate of payments Create, Edit and Update
Primary actor: Admin, Head of the discipline.
Goal in context: Add new / update rate of payments for various work.
Preconditions: User must be logged in admin mode.
1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term.
2. If rate of payments is not exists
3. Display new form to enter data.
4. User input data using the form.
5. Clicks on Save data button.
6. Data saved into the database.
7. This data is now the new rate of payments, old rate is disabled.
1. Invalid input: Alert user to input correctly.
2. Data exists: Retrieve data and show in the form.
3. Prompt to edit data.
4. If clicks Yes, go to edit activity.
5. Else the process is terminated.
Use case: Rate of payments Delete
Primary actor: Admin, Head of the discipline.
Goal in context: Add new / update rate of payments for various work.
Preconditions: User must be logged in admin mode.
1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term
2. Display existing data.
3. Clicks on Delete data button.
4. Prompt confirmation.
5. If clicks Yes, delete data.
6. Else no action.
1. Data do not exist: Show info, prompt to add new data.
2. If clicks Yes go to Add new / Edit.
3. Else the process terminates.
Activity Diagram for Remuneration Report

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Online result and registration Management- Software Specification

  • 1. ONLINE RESULT & COURSE REGISTRATION Requirement Specification SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 KHULNA UNIVERSITY Khulna - 9208
  • 2. 1 Contents 1. Introduction:.......................................................................................................................................2 1.1. Purpose of the document............................................................................................................2 1.2. Overview......................................................................................................................................2 1.3. References....................................................................................................................................2 1.3.1. Applicable Documents........................................................................................................2 1.3.2. Reference Documents .........................................................................................................3 2. Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................................3 2.1. User...............................................................................................................................................3 2.2. Student .........................................................................................................................................3 2.3. Teacher.........................................................................................................................................4 2.4. Moderator....................................................................................................................................4 2.5. Admin...........................................................................................................................................4 3. Constraints..........................................................................................................................................5 3.1. Registration: ................................................................................................................................5 3.2. Marks Entry:...............................................................................................................................6 3.3. Result: ..........................................................................................................................................6 3.4. Users:............................................................................................................................................7 Use Cases for Remuneration Report Preparation .........................................................................................9 Activity Diagram for Remuneration Report Preparation............................................................................14 ProjectLink: https://github.com/Shahidcseku/Report-Generator-Course-Registration-and-Result-Extension
  • 3. 2 1. Introduction: 1.1. Purpose of the document This document is the definitive specification of the user requirements for web application to be developed under the Software Engineering Project Online Result and Registration System for Universities. This document is intended to be read by a. All responsible for the management of the development and members of the Developer Unit. b. Users, user representatives, and other interested parties and in Educational Institutions. c. Contractors and supervisors who undertake all or parts of the development. 1.2. Overview Online Result & Registration System is to simplify the work of student registration & result preparation process. It will also help to prepare some formal documents like Grade Sheet, Remuneration on question preparation and answer sheet examination, question moderation etc. This is a project capable of managing multiple disciplines of multiple universities. 1.3. References 1.3.1. Applicable Documents
  • 4. 3 SL Title Author(s) Date 01 Sample Database SQL file Version 3.0 Sarfaraz Newaz Shahidul Islam Swajan Golder Jan, 2017 02 Examination Bills Form Controller of the examination, KU Sept, 2017 03 Statement on Remuneration CSE Discipline, KU Sept, 2017 1.3.2. Reference Documents SL Title Author(s) Date 01 Online Result & Registration System Project (Language: C#) Shahidul Islam Swajan Golder Sudipto Das W. Shuvo Jan, 2017 2. Functional Requirements 2.1. User Mark entry to assigned session Registration Login Profile maintenance Change password 2.2. Student Term registration Course registration
  • 5. 4 Registration status See previous registered terms courses See result after published Download Grade sheet 2.3. Teacher Mark entry to his courses Download remuneration && other reports Course registration approve by course coordinator Course registration approve by head 2.4. Moderator Mark entry to assigned session Prepare reports 2.5. Admin SL Function C R U D A T 1. University 2. Department 3. Assign Dept. 4. Degree 5. Session 6. Year 7. Term 8. Course 9. Section 10. Term offer
  • 6. 5 3. Constraints 3.1. Registration: Student must register credit amount between term syllabus limit (Ex. 15-25) Retake course must take first 11. Syllabus 12. Course offer 13. Assign teacher 14. Marks 15. Mark Section 16. Attendance 17. Role 18. Role Grant 19. Phone 20. User 21. Course Registration 22. Moderator 23. Examination bill 24. Statement on remuneration 25. 26. [C=create, R=read, U=update, D=delete, A=approve, T=terminate]
  • 7. 6 Cant register a course without passing its prerequisite course Thesis should be continued & different form other courses Terms must register sequentially (Ex. 1-1, 1-2) Course can be registered before the term is locked or taken down Initialize retake courses marks automatically with course registration Course registration must approve through 2 steps (Generally Course coordinator & Head) 3.2. Marks Entry: A course teacher can entry his own course marks. Tabulator is allowed to mark entry within an assigned session or term Previous C.A. marks remain if student do not apply for Re-Assessment Continued thesis mark will be denoted by x (means continued) hence will not count in TGPA calculation Thesis will count in YGPA along with its previous part Retake/ Re-Retake courses will be degraded to one grade lower 3.3. Result: Students can see & Download only their own marks
  • 8. 7 Teacher can see marks of his own courses Course Coordinator is allowed to see that particular term marks Head, Moderator/ Tabulator can see & modify marks before finalized 3.4. Users: Head is generally the admin of his department Users will not activate unless admin approve Association with an university is mandatory for Students and Teachers but not for Admin, Moderator or Tabulator User can change general profile page but special informations cant be changed. For example Student Id, Department cant be changed. In that case user must have to resubmit profile to be approved by that particular department administrator
  • 9. 8 Online Result & Registration Management And Remuneration Report Generation System DATE: 03 NOVEMBER 2017 Part -2 (For Remuneration Only) Md. Shahidul Islam Student Id: 150206 Computer Science and Engineering Khulna University, Khulna ONLINE RESULT & COURSE REGISTRATION
  • 10. 9 Use Cases for Remuneration Report Preparation Use case: Remuneration report. Primary actor: Admin/Head of the discipline. Goal in context: To generate the remuneration report of a term. Preconditions: User must be logged in as an Admin. Scenario: 1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term and Teacher. 2. Click on Get Report button. 3. Request submit to server and retrieve data. 4. Perform calculations based on the rules of examination control office in following categories: a. Question Composition b. Question Moderation c. Answer script evaluation d. Class test/ term paper/ home work e. Sessional f. Sessional viva g. Professional attachment/ industrial tour h. Answer script examination i. Tabulation j. Question generation (Drawing, stencil ) k. Head of the examination control committee l. Chief invigilation m.Thesis n. Computer-aided GPA/grade generation and bill examination o. Others 5. Display data into the data grid.
  • 11. 10 6. User clicks on the Print button. 7. Result printed or saved as a pdf. Exceptions: 1. If the user wants to edit data, click on data cell to edit. 2. Selected Session, Degree, Year, Terms result has not published yet, no data is retrieved. Go to marks entry. Use case: Course wise remuneration. Primary actor: Admin/Head of the discipline/ Tabulator. Goal in context: To generate the remuneration report of a year-term. Preconditions: User must be logged in as an Admin. Scenario: 1. User selects Session, Degree, Year and Term. 2. Click on Get Report button. 3. Request submit to server and retrieve data. 4. Perform calculations in the category of: a. Chairman b. Question Preparation and Answer Script Examination c. Class Test d. Sessional Assessment and Viva e. Moderation Committee f. Answer Script Scrutiny g. Tabulation (Student Wise) h. Tabulation (Course Wise) i. Project and Thesis II j. Question Drawing 5. Display data into the data table. 6. User clicks on the Print button.
  • 12. 11 7. Result printed or saved as a pdf. Exceptions: 1. Selected Session, Degree, Year, Terms result has not published yet, no data is retrieved. Go to marks entry. 2. User wants to edit data, click on cell and edit. 3. User wants to add others, click add others and add. Use case: Individual Remuneration report. Primary actor: Teacher, Tabulator, Stuff, Lab Assistant, Computer Operator. Goal in context: To generate the remuneration report of individuals. Preconditions: User must be logged in using their own account. Scenario: 1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term. 2. Clicks on the Get Report button. 3. Request submit to server and retrieve data. 4. Perform calculations based on the user type. 5. Display data into the data grid. 6. User click on the Print button. 7. Result printed or saved as a pdf. Exceptions: 1. If user wants to edit data, click on data cell to edit.
  • 13. 12 Use case: Rate of payments Create, Edit and Update Primary actor: Admin, Head of the discipline. Goal in context: Add new / update rate of payments for various work. Preconditions: User must be logged in admin mode. Scenario: 1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term. 2. If rate of payments is not exists 3. Display new form to enter data. 4. User input data using the form. 5. Clicks on Save data button. 6. Data saved into the database. 7. This data is now the new rate of payments, old rate is disabled. Exceptions: 1. Invalid input: Alert user to input correctly. 2. Data exists: Retrieve data and show in the form. 3. Prompt to edit data. 4. If clicks Yes, go to edit activity. 5. Else the process is terminated. Use case: Rate of payments Delete Primary actor: Admin, Head of the discipline. Goal in context: Add new / update rate of payments for various work. Preconditions: User must be logged in admin mode. Scenario: 1. User selects Session, Degree, Year, Term
  • 14. 13 2. Display existing data. 3. Clicks on Delete data button. 4. Prompt confirmation. 5. If clicks Yes, delete data. 6. Else no action. Exceptions: 1. Data do not exist: Show info, prompt to add new data. 2. If clicks Yes go to Add new / Edit. 3. Else the process terminates. 4.
  • 15. 14 Activity Diagram for Remuneration Report Preparation ACTIVITY DIAGRAM 1: BATCH & INDIVIDUAL REMUNERATION REPORT GENERATION