Ireland has a mild climate with temperatures that do not vary greatly across the country. It is influenced by the Gulf Stream, and prevailing winds are from the southwest. Winters are cold but not unbearable, with January and February temperatures between 4-7 degrees Celsius. July and August are the warmest months at 14-16 degrees, while May and June are usually sunny. Rainfall averages 800-1200mm annually in lowlands and over 2000mm in mountains, with higher rainfall in western parts of the country.
A little boy asks his mother why she cries. She says it's because she is a woman and he will never understand. When he grows up, he asks God why women cry so easily. God answers that when He created woman, He gave her the strength to bear the weight of the world with strong yet soft shoulders, the ability to give life and accept rejection from children, and the strength to go on when others give up and take care of her family despite hardship. God gave women tears so they can be shed whenever needed, and that a woman's beauty resides in her eyes and heart, often seen through her tears.
Ireland has a mild climate with temperatures that do not vary greatly across the country. Winters are cold but not unbearable, with January and February temperatures between 4-7 degrees Celsius. Summers are warmer, with July and August temperatures of 14-16 degrees Celsius. It rains frequently in Ireland, with annual precipitation between 800-1200 liters per square meter in lowlands and up to 2000 liters in mountains.
Onlinet Case Study - Raiffeisen Bank - EngONLINET Group
This document discusses how Raiffeisen Bank in Hungary increased sales efficiency through the implementation of a queue management and digital signage system provided by Onlinet and Cisco. Over 140 branches were equipped with systems that organized customer queues and played commercials on LCD screens. This provided customers with information while waiting and exposed them to targeted products. It also gave the bank data to improve sales and cut costs by replacing printed posters. Implementing the system helped Raiffeisen achieve their goals of increasing sales and cross-sales while reducing expenses.
This document provides a summary of Irish geography, history, culture and politics. It outlines the key periods in Irish history from early settlement starting 8000 BC through to the present day. It also describes Ireland's climate, traditional sports like Gaelic football and hurling, famous musicians, staple foods, economy and the dominant role of agriculture. The dominant religion is outlined as well as the status of the Irish and English languages.
Ireland has a mild climate with temperatures that do not vary greatly across the country. It is influenced by the Gulf Stream, and prevailing winds are from the southwest. Winters are cold but not unbearable, with January and February temperatures between 4-7 degrees Celsius. July and August are the warmest months at 14-16 degrees, while May and June are usually sunny. Rainfall averages 800-1200mm annually in lowlands and over 2000mm in mountains, with higher rainfall in western parts of the country.
Ireland has a mild climate with temperatures that do not vary greatly across the country. Winters are cold but not unbearable, with January and February temperatures between 4-7 degrees Celsius. Summers are warmer, with July and August temperatures of 14-16 degrees Celsius. It rains frequently in Ireland, with annual precipitation between 800-1200 liters per square meter in lowlands and up to 2000 liters in mountains.
Oikos is an international student organization that promotes sustainability in economics and management. It has 27 local chapters across 18 countries that organize educational events. Oikos supports these chapters and helps new ones start up through coaching, seminars, and international meetings. Oikos also engages students through academic projects, case competitions, and PhD programs to integrate sustainability into research.
The document provides steps to calculate the intersection point of paths for North Korean and American missiles traveling from Earth. It includes entering missile distance data into a statistics program to generate linear equations, graphing the lines of best fit, and using an intersection tool to find where the paths cross. The intersection point is reported along with calculations of missile speeds and the distance to the moon for comparison. Potential sources of error are also discussed.
The Loretto Chapel in Santa F辿, New Mexico is famous for its "miraculous staircase" that was constructed mysteriously in the 19th century. The nuns prayed to St. Joseph for help building a staircase and a man arrived claiming to be a carpenter. He built the impossible spiral staircase without nails or a central support in just 9 days then disappeared. Engineers still cannot explain how the staircase remains standing without support. The wood used is also not native to the region, adding to the mystery of how it was constructed. The staircase has 33 steps, matching the age of Jesus at his death, strengthening the belief it was a miracle.
The Loretto Chapel in Santa F辿, New Mexico has attracted 250,000 visitors annually due to the mysterious staircase built there in the late 19th century. When the chapel was completed, the nuns discovered they had no way to access the second level. After 9 days of prayer to St. Joseph, a carpenter appeared and constructed a spiral staircase without nails or a central support post in just one day. The identity of the carpenter was never discovered and the wood used does not exist locally, adding to the belief it was a miracle from St. Joseph. The staircase remains an architectural marvel as engineers cannot explain its structural integrity without supports.
OptaPlanner hilft bei verteilten SchulstandortenTorsten Fink
Aufgrund von Baumanahmen muss der Unterricht an einer Berliner Schule auf zwei Standorte aufgeteilt werden. Die Wechsel zwischen den Standorten f端hren zu einer zus辰tzlichen Belastung des Lehrk旦rpers.
Die Software, die f端r die Erstellung der Stundenpl辰ne eingesetzt wird, kann diese Wechsel leider nicht minimieren. Als wir das h旦rten, kamen wir schnell auf die Idee, die Java Planning Engine OptaPlanner darauf anzusetzen.
In diesem Vortrag berichten wir davon, welche Schritte notwendig waren, um das Problem mit OptaPlanner angehen zu k旦nnen und wie wir somit letztendlich eine Verbesserung der Standortwechsel um 70% erreichen konnten.
Gyorsabb 端gyf辿lszolg叩latot biztos鱈t a 1818 gyf辿lvonal az Orian叩valOriana
"A szak辿rtk szerint egy ilyen rendszer kialak鱈t叩s叩hoz legal叩bb 4-5 h坦nap sz端ks辿ges, az Oriana m辿gis v叩llalta, hogy a rendelkez辿sre 叩ll坦 6 h辿t alatt lesz叩ll鱈tja az alkalmaz叩st. Fazekas Csaba, a KEK KH Korm叩nyzati gyf辿lvonal Foszt叩ly叩nak vezetje.
llami vs. mag叩neg辿szs辿g端gy Magyarorsz叩gon 2022-benBalazs Kertesz
A mag叩neg辿szs辿g端gyi ell叩t叩s t辿rnyer辿se erteljes, a szektor s炭lya folyamatosan n Magyarorsz叩gon 辿s szerte a vil叩gon, mivel az 叩llamok eg辿szs辿g端gyi k旦lts辿gvet辿se korl叩tos 辿s nem tudj叩k fedezni a megn旦vekedett keresletet.
A COVID pand辿mia csak fokozta a mag叩neg辿szs辿g端gyi ell叩t叩sok ir叩nti ig辿nyt, miut叩n az 叩llami ell叩t叩shoz val坦 hozz叩f辿r辿s huzamosabb idszakon kereszt端l korl叩tozott volt.
Magyarorsz叩gon 旦nmag叩ban a 100 legnagyobb mag叩nklinika 叩rbev辿tele 2020-ban meghaladta a 100 milli叩rd forintot (2021-es m辿rleg adatokra m辿g v叩runk), alkalmazotti l辿tsz叩muk pedig a 6000 ft.
Kijelenthetj端k, hogy r辿szben ki辿p端lt egy, az 叩llami rendelkkel, k坦rh叩zakkal p叩rhuzamos eg辿szs辿g端gy ell叩t坦rendszer. Jelenleg ez az infrastrukt炭ra nagyon nagy m辿rt辿kben fv叩ros k旦zpont炭, a k旦vetkez 辿vek v叩rhat坦 trendje az orsz叩gos lefedetts辿g撤 szolg叩ltat坦k megjelen辿se.
Nagyon fontos k辿rd辿s, hogy mindezt a lakoss叩g hogyan l叩tja, mik a tapasztalatok, elv叩r叩sok.
Onlinet Group - Queue Management, Kiosk, Digital Signage, Smartphone AppONLINET Group
Latest product catalogue for Queue Management System, Customer Flow Management, Information and Self-Service Kiosk, Digital Signage, Interactive Window Display and Smartphone app
Queue Management from Washington to TokyoONLINET Group
The document discusses a case study of a queue management system implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Romania to manage customer service at its consulates. The system aimed to offer the highest standard of service according to EU norms and provide a quick, half-automated service using web forms and passport identification. It resulted in a 38% decrease in waiting times, a 23% increase in staff efficiency, and the ability to serve 1/3 more customers daily across 50 countries on 4 continents, serving over 1.8 million customers a year. The system features touchscreens, printers, barcode scanners, and passport readers to automate processes like appointment booking, queuing, and customer identification.
This document discusses a queue management system and its related products that help companies improve customer service efficiency. The system includes reporting and statistics, online analytics, dashboards, e-ticketing, and online live support. These tools provide analytics, reports, maps, appointment booking, paperless ticketing, and live chat to help companies better manage customer flows, understand customer data, and make efficient decisions.
This document is about a company called OnlineT Group that has 15 years of experience providing customer service solutions like queue management, kiosk and digital signage software, and hardware to over 35 countries. They serve over 2,000 customers daily across a network of over 200 branches, including the busiest branch that sees 10,000 customers per day. Their solutions help reduce wait times, increase efficiency and sales, and improve the customer experience.
iBANKING - The future of queue management (ENG) ONLINET Group
This document demonstrates an mobile banking app called iBANKING that allows users to:
1) Use their phone's GPS to locate the nearest bank branch.
2) View information about the selected branch like address, hours, and estimated arrival time.
3) Request an "eTICKET" which generates a ticket number and estimated wait time or "BOOK" an appointment at the branch.
4) The app connects the user to the branch's booking platform to schedule an appointment.
Oikos is an international student organization that promotes sustainability in economics and management. It has 27 local chapters across 18 countries that organize educational events. Oikos supports these chapters and helps new ones start up through coaching, seminars, and international meetings. Oikos also engages students through academic projects, case competitions, and PhD programs to integrate sustainability into research.
The document provides steps to calculate the intersection point of paths for North Korean and American missiles traveling from Earth. It includes entering missile distance data into a statistics program to generate linear equations, graphing the lines of best fit, and using an intersection tool to find where the paths cross. The intersection point is reported along with calculations of missile speeds and the distance to the moon for comparison. Potential sources of error are also discussed.
The Loretto Chapel in Santa F辿, New Mexico is famous for its "miraculous staircase" that was constructed mysteriously in the 19th century. The nuns prayed to St. Joseph for help building a staircase and a man arrived claiming to be a carpenter. He built the impossible spiral staircase without nails or a central support in just 9 days then disappeared. Engineers still cannot explain how the staircase remains standing without support. The wood used is also not native to the region, adding to the mystery of how it was constructed. The staircase has 33 steps, matching the age of Jesus at his death, strengthening the belief it was a miracle.
The Loretto Chapel in Santa F辿, New Mexico has attracted 250,000 visitors annually due to the mysterious staircase built there in the late 19th century. When the chapel was completed, the nuns discovered they had no way to access the second level. After 9 days of prayer to St. Joseph, a carpenter appeared and constructed a spiral staircase without nails or a central support post in just one day. The identity of the carpenter was never discovered and the wood used does not exist locally, adding to the belief it was a miracle from St. Joseph. The staircase remains an architectural marvel as engineers cannot explain its structural integrity without supports.
OptaPlanner hilft bei verteilten SchulstandortenTorsten Fink
Aufgrund von Baumanahmen muss der Unterricht an einer Berliner Schule auf zwei Standorte aufgeteilt werden. Die Wechsel zwischen den Standorten f端hren zu einer zus辰tzlichen Belastung des Lehrk旦rpers.
Die Software, die f端r die Erstellung der Stundenpl辰ne eingesetzt wird, kann diese Wechsel leider nicht minimieren. Als wir das h旦rten, kamen wir schnell auf die Idee, die Java Planning Engine OptaPlanner darauf anzusetzen.
In diesem Vortrag berichten wir davon, welche Schritte notwendig waren, um das Problem mit OptaPlanner angehen zu k旦nnen und wie wir somit letztendlich eine Verbesserung der Standortwechsel um 70% erreichen konnten.
Gyorsabb 端gyf辿lszolg叩latot biztos鱈t a 1818 gyf辿lvonal az Orian叩valOriana
"A szak辿rtk szerint egy ilyen rendszer kialak鱈t叩s叩hoz legal叩bb 4-5 h坦nap sz端ks辿ges, az Oriana m辿gis v叩llalta, hogy a rendelkez辿sre 叩ll坦 6 h辿t alatt lesz叩ll鱈tja az alkalmaz叩st. Fazekas Csaba, a KEK KH Korm叩nyzati gyf辿lvonal Foszt叩ly叩nak vezetje.
llami vs. mag叩neg辿szs辿g端gy Magyarorsz叩gon 2022-benBalazs Kertesz
A mag叩neg辿szs辿g端gyi ell叩t叩s t辿rnyer辿se erteljes, a szektor s炭lya folyamatosan n Magyarorsz叩gon 辿s szerte a vil叩gon, mivel az 叩llamok eg辿szs辿g端gyi k旦lts辿gvet辿se korl叩tos 辿s nem tudj叩k fedezni a megn旦vekedett keresletet.
A COVID pand辿mia csak fokozta a mag叩neg辿szs辿g端gyi ell叩t叩sok ir叩nti ig辿nyt, miut叩n az 叩llami ell叩t叩shoz val坦 hozz叩f辿r辿s huzamosabb idszakon kereszt端l korl叩tozott volt.
Magyarorsz叩gon 旦nmag叩ban a 100 legnagyobb mag叩nklinika 叩rbev辿tele 2020-ban meghaladta a 100 milli叩rd forintot (2021-es m辿rleg adatokra m辿g v叩runk), alkalmazotti l辿tsz叩muk pedig a 6000 ft.
Kijelenthetj端k, hogy r辿szben ki辿p端lt egy, az 叩llami rendelkkel, k坦rh叩zakkal p叩rhuzamos eg辿szs辿g端gy ell叩t坦rendszer. Jelenleg ez az infrastrukt炭ra nagyon nagy m辿rt辿kben fv叩ros k旦zpont炭, a k旦vetkez 辿vek v叩rhat坦 trendje az orsz叩gos lefedetts辿g撤 szolg叩ltat坦k megjelen辿se.
Nagyon fontos k辿rd辿s, hogy mindezt a lakoss叩g hogyan l叩tja, mik a tapasztalatok, elv叩r叩sok.
Onlinet Group - Queue Management, Kiosk, Digital Signage, Smartphone AppONLINET Group
Latest product catalogue for Queue Management System, Customer Flow Management, Information and Self-Service Kiosk, Digital Signage, Interactive Window Display and Smartphone app
Queue Management from Washington to TokyoONLINET Group
The document discusses a case study of a queue management system implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Romania to manage customer service at its consulates. The system aimed to offer the highest standard of service according to EU norms and provide a quick, half-automated service using web forms and passport identification. It resulted in a 38% decrease in waiting times, a 23% increase in staff efficiency, and the ability to serve 1/3 more customers daily across 50 countries on 4 continents, serving over 1.8 million customers a year. The system features touchscreens, printers, barcode scanners, and passport readers to automate processes like appointment booking, queuing, and customer identification.
This document discusses a queue management system and its related products that help companies improve customer service efficiency. The system includes reporting and statistics, online analytics, dashboards, e-ticketing, and online live support. These tools provide analytics, reports, maps, appointment booking, paperless ticketing, and live chat to help companies better manage customer flows, understand customer data, and make efficient decisions.
This document is about a company called OnlineT Group that has 15 years of experience providing customer service solutions like queue management, kiosk and digital signage software, and hardware to over 35 countries. They serve over 2,000 customers daily across a network of over 200 branches, including the busiest branch that sees 10,000 customers per day. Their solutions help reduce wait times, increase efficiency and sales, and improve the customer experience.
iBANKING - The future of queue management (ENG) ONLINET Group
This document demonstrates an mobile banking app called iBANKING that allows users to:
1) Use their phone's GPS to locate the nearest bank branch.
2) View information about the selected branch like address, hours, and estimated arrival time.
3) Request an "eTICKET" which generates a ticket number and estimated wait time or "BOOK" an appointment at the branch.
4) The app connects the user to the branch's booking platform to schedule an appointment.
The WebTouch terminal is an easy-to-use, secure, and cost-efficient document display terminal that uses a touchscreen and web application to search, manage, and display PDF documents from a central server without needing a PC, providing a practical and aesthetically pleasing way to display information to clients.
The EXEQ is a new queue management system designed to make customers feel like the most important priority. It uses a slim, curved design with premium materials to reflect quality customer service. The lightweight tablet-like functionality and curved screen provide an elegant, practical solution. Additional accessories allow for flexible functionality while hidden details ensure optimal performance. ONLINET Group has over 10 years of experience developing customer service solutions that are used in over 1,200 customer service centers globally.
The document describes the Multi-K kiosk, an employee that provides information and services without needing breaks or overtime pay. The kiosk can be customized with different screens, printers, and input devices. It is intended to handle routine tasks and queries, freeing up employee time. Technical specifications include housing dimensions and options for various accessories.
The document describes the Smart-K kiosk, an additional helper for businesses. The kiosk can serve as an information kiosk for visitors or a self-service kiosk for customers in a hurry. It features a 19-inch touchscreen, secure browser software, and optional accessories like a card reader or printer. The kiosk is recommended for banks, stores, museums and other organizations to increase customer service capacity and reduce queues.
The document describes the ONLINET DIGITAL SYSTEM (ODS), a software and hardware solution for displaying targeted digital content and advertisements. The ODS integrates with queue management systems to keep customers engaged by showing relevant content. It allows centralized management of playlists and content across multiple locations. Statistics on playback are also collected to measure campaign effectiveness. The system is recommended for organizations that want to improve customer service and increase sales through digital signage.
Onlinet digital poster - digital signageONLINET Group
This document describes a digital signage system called a digital poster. It can dynamically display commercials, announcements, and promotional messages to attract customers' attention more effectively than printed posters. The digital poster allows remote updating of content and targeted messaging. It has advantages like cost savings over printed posters, integration with queue management, and technical specifications for different screen sizes and mounting options. Related accessories, solutions, services, and warranty are also mentioned.
The document describes a client feedback kiosk called the CDS FEEDBACK. It allows customers to provide instant feedback on their experience through a touchscreen displaying smiling, indifferent, and sad icons. The kiosk collects accurate statistics to help businesses understand customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. It also features an optional display for showing commercials or marketing messages to customers. The technical specifications list the hardware components and dimensions. Related products and services are also mentioned.
ONLINET CDS LIGHT hardware free queue managementONLINET Group
This document summarizes the CDS LIGHT customer service software. It is an economic queue management solution that does not require ticket dispensers or displays. It allows small customer service centers to efficiently monitor customer flow without a large investment. Key features include basic queue management functions, monitoring and statistics modules, and closing codes to track service outcomes. The software has low hardware requirements and is recommended for various organizations seeking an affordable way to improve customer service efficiency.
The document describes a queue management software called CDS Customer Service software. It is designed to help customer service organizations improve efficiency by reducing wait times, accurately measuring staff performance, and providing management with useful statistics. The software includes modules for basic queue management, monitoring and statistics, closing codes, screen customization, VIP customer management, voice calling, and automated tasks. Related accessories and services are also described.
SMARTQ Queue Management System from ONLINETONLINET Group
The document describes the Smart-Q queue management system. The system uses a touchscreen ticket dispenser to provide customers with tickets for efficient service while also allowing for advertising and promotions. It features remote management of displays, tickets, and campaigns. Data collected by the system can provide statistics on wait times and customer traffic to help optimize operations.
The document describes the Nano-Q queue management system. The Nano-Q system is designed for small and medium enterprises to help them provide faster customer service and keep up with larger competitors. It has a compact, space-saving design that can be free-standing, wall-mounted, or desktop. The system includes a thermal printer, control board to display services, and connects to an external PC via USB. It is an affordable queue management option for various small businesses and organizations.
How to sell to those who has no intention to buy? (Hungarian)ONLINET Group
Onlinet Case Study - Rwanda Hospital HUN
Akta t鱈pusa:
Iktat叩si sz叩m:
A ruandai
w w w . o n l i n e t . e u
Emeli a szolg叩ltat叩sok
mondja Daniel Murenzi
az Eg辿szs辿g端gyi Miniszt辿rium ICT oszt. vez辿re
Ez egy olyan informatikai
rendszer, mely a betegek 辿s
l叩togat坦k ir叩ny鱈t叩s叩val,
h鱈v叩s叩val, seg鱈t a k坦rh叩zak
szolg叩ltat叩si szinvonal叩nak
Hivatalos nyelvek:
Teljes ter端let:
26.338 km
10,746,000 (2010-es becsl辿s)
5.246 milli叩rd USD
N辿vleges GDP (teljes):
Kinyarwanda, Francia, Angol
F端ggetlens辿g kiki叩lt叩sa:
N辿vleges GDP (per f探):
1962 (belga fennhat坦s叩g)
Ruandai frank (RWF)
535 USD
Az orsz叩g modernkori t旦rt辿nelm辿nek legdr叩maibb fejezete
1990-ben, a Ruandai Nemzeti Front 叩ltali megsz叩ll叩s叩val,
kezd探d旦tt, amely egy h叩rom 辿vig tart坦 polg叩rh叩bor炭ba
torkollott. 1994-ben meggyilkolj叩k az akkori eln旦k旦t
辿s ezzel kezdet辿t veszi a ruandai n辿p鱈rt叩s. Alig 100
nap leforg叩sa alatt 500,000 辿s 1,000,000 k旦z旦tt van
azok sz叩ma akik 叩ldoz叩tul esnek a v辿rengz辿seknek.
Az ember叩ldozatok mellett, a ruandai gazdas叩g is
megszenvedi ezt az id探szakot, hiszen az orsz叩g
infrastrukt炭r叩ja, mez探gazdas叩ga s炭lyos k叩rokat
szenved, mely m辿lyrep端l辿sbe k端ldi a GDP-t 辿s
egyben lehetetlenn辿 teszi, hogy a k端lf旦ldi 辿s a
priv叩t befektet辿si t探ke sz叩m叩ra vonz坦 maradjon.
A n辿p鱈rt叩s v辿ge 坦ta, Ruand叩ban ism辿t politikai 辿s
szoci叩lis stabilit叩s van. Ennek nyom叩n a mez探gaz-
das叩g, az ipar, a turizmus, a b叩ny叩szat, az 炭th叩l坦zat
gyors 端temben fejl探dik.
Ma Ruand叩ban orsz叩gos szinten hi叩ny van
szakk辿pzett eg辿szs辿g端gyi dolgoz坦kb坦l 辿s
gy坦gyszerekb探l. B叩r a lakoss叩g 87%-a r辿szes端l
eg辿szs辿g端gyi ell叩t叩sban, 叩tlagosan k辿t orvos 辿s k辿t
ment探s jut 100,000 emberre. A korm叩ny 叩tfog坦
fejleszt辿si programba kezdett ezen a t辿ren,Vision
2020 n辿ven. Ennek egyik eredm辿nye hogy az
eg辿szs辿g端gyre k旦lt旦tt b端dzs辿 m辿rt辿k辿t,
megemelt辿k 4.2%-r坦l, 12%-ra.
A nemzeti k坦rh叩z fejleszt辿si program keret辿ben, az
ONLINET betegh鱈v坦 rendszereket telep鱈tett a
Kigali, Muhima and Rwamagana v叩rosokban tal叩lhat坦
egyetemi k坦rh叩zakban. A betegh鱈v坦k telep鱈t辿s辿nek a
c 辿 l j a , a z e g 辿 s z s 辿 g 端 g y i s z o l g 叩 l t a t 叩 s o k
szinvonal叩nak az emel辿se.
a teljes
nemzeti kiad叩sokb坦l,
w w w . o n l i n e t . e u
Az ONLINET Group di坦h辿jban
Az ONLINET Group m叩ra Eur坦pa egyik vezet探 端gyf辿lh鱈v坦 辿s interakt鱈v inform叩ci坦s megold叩sok gy叩rt坦j叩v叩 辿s
sz叩ll鱈t坦j叩v叩 n探tte ki mag叩t. Megold叩sait sz辿les k旦rben haszn叩lj叩k a banki/p辿nz端gyi, telekommunik叩ci坦s,
kereskedelmi, eg辿szs辿g端gyi, k旦zigazgat叩si, vend辿gl叩t坦i, sz叩ll鱈t叩si-sz叩ll鱈tm叩nyoz叩si 辿s az oktat叩si piac szerepl探i.
Az ONLINET Group k旦zvetlen k辿pviseletet m短k旦dtet 7 orsz叩gban 辿s disztrib炭ci坦s h叩l坦zatot 端zemeltet 3 kontinensen.
A hivatalos v叩rakoz叩sok szerint az 炭j rendszer 26 illetve 30 sz叩zal辿kkal cs旦kkenti majd a
v叩rakoz叩si, illetve az 端gyint辿z辿si id探t. A naponta kezelt betegek vagy 端gyek sz叩ma 28
sz叩zal辿kkal, a dolgoz坦i hat辿konys叩g 30 sz叩zal辿kkal 辿s az 端gyf辿l el辿gedetts辿g v叩rhat坦an
ak叩r 60 sz叩zal辿kkal is n旦vekedhet. Az adminisztr叩ci坦 sor叩n elk旦vetett hib叩k pedig ak叩r
majdnem a fel辿re is cs旦kkenhetnek, 叩ll鱈tj叩k a miniszt辿rium munkat叩rsai. A jelenlegi h叩rom
k坦rh叩zban egyben tesztelik is a rendszer m短k旦d辿s辿t 辿s az 叩ltala ny炭jtott el探ny旦ket, melyet
sszesen 42 k旦rzeti k坦rh叩z van az orsz叩gban 辿s az Eg辿szs辿g端gyi Miniszt辿rium azt tervezi,
Cs旦kken a v叩rakoz叩si id探
Cs旦kken az 端gyint辿z辿si id探
T旦bb kezelt beteg
Magasabb 端gyf辿l-
Magasabb dolgoz坦i
Alacsonyabb munkahelyi
Multi-Q jegykiad坦
K旦zponti kijelz探
gyint辿z探i kijelz探
gyint辿z探i h鱈v坦pult, hardver
辿s szoftver v叩ltozatban
ONLINET CDS szoftver
N旦vekszik a hat辿konys叩g
Az ONLINET betegh鱈v坦
n旦velni fogja a hat辿konys叩got,
valamint a szolg叩ltat叩sok
min探s辿g辿t 辿s szinvonal叩t
30% -al
dolgoz坦i hat辿konys叩g
26% -al r旦videbb
v叩rakoz叩si id探
mondja Daniel Murenzi az
Eg辿szs辿g端gyi Miniszt辿rium ICT oszt. vez辿re
4. TOP
息 Copyright Onlinet Kft 2010. K辿sz端lt 2010 Augusztus叩ban. Az Onlinet Kft kezeskedik afel探l hogy az ebben a dokumentumban publik叩lt inform叩ci坦k hitelesek, de nem v叩llal felel探s辿get semmilyen nyomdai vagy fogalmaz叩si hib叩辿rt.
Az id辿zetek a THE NEW TIMES - Rwanda卒s First Daily nev短 napilapban megjelent cikkb探l sz叩rmaznak, melynek szerz探je James Karuhanga.