The Operations Committee Meeting and Grant Orientation covered several topics:
- An overview of the grant application and award timeline, including notification of awards by April 21, 2014.
- Details on allowable grant funding and expenses, including infrastructure projects, walk audits, and clerical costs.
- A presentation from representatives of the Cities of San Mateo and Menlo Park about next steps after walk audits.
- A pilot program demonstration of the Zamzee data collection tool to support Safe Routes efforts.
- A brief discussion of new legislation SB 1339 and potential actions coordinators could take in response.
- Time for questions, feedback, and sharing of upcoming events.
2. Agenda
10 Minutes
Grant Orientation
30 Minutes
Steps Following an Audit
25 Minutes
Clarify any confusion about the
grant application and award
Clarification about action steps
coordinators can take after an
audit is conducted
Zamzee Pilot
25 Minutes
Information about how Zamzee
can support data collection efforts
SB 1339
3 Minutes
Overview of new legislation and
possible action steps
2 Minutes
End with shared understandings
3. Warm-Up
The Power of Mindset
? Form Groups of 3, Introduce Yourself
? Select One Volunteer
? More Instructions to Come
4. Grant Orientation: Timeline
January 13, 2014
Release Call for Proposals
February 6, 2014
Grant Application Orientation
March 28, 2014
Proposal Due
March 31, 2014 ¨C April 11, 2014 Review Proposals
April 21, 2014
Applicants Notified via e-mail Regarding Grant Awards
April 28, 2014
Notification of Award Letters Sent
Second Call for Additional Projects (if funds remain after awarding
grants; funds will be awarded on a first come, first served basis)
June 20, 2014
Final Notification to all Applicants regarding Award Status
9. After an Audit
Ken Chin,
Nikki Nagaya,
City of San Mateo
City of Menlo Park
10. Zamzee Pilot
Rusty Hopewell, Wellness Coordinator, Burlingame and Millbrae School
Nina Gannes, Manager of Product and Marketing
11. SB 1339
What is SB 1339?
How it Affects San Mateo County Schools
Actions Safe Routes Coordinators Can Take
13. Meeting Feedback
What information was most useful to you?
What topics would you like to know more about?
What challenges are you currently managing or would like
support with?
Do you have any upcoming events that you would like Daina
to be aware of? If so, please note them.
14. Thank you!
Daina Lujan, Coordinator
650-802-5306 I
Alonso Barahona
Marilyn Canadas
Editor's Notes
#4: Groups of 3. One volunteer. One volunteer is planning a Golden Sneaker Contest and the other two group members can only say, ¡°Yes, but¡¡± to anything the volunteer suggests. Continue this for one minute. Poll groups, does anyone have their contest planned out¡are you all in agreement?Gather attention and pause. Now, we¡¯re going to switch mindsets. The two members, can only say, ¡°Yes, and¡¡± to any of the suggestions that the volunteer suggests. Continue this for one minute. Poll groups does anyone have their contest planned out, thumbs up/down. Anyone want to share their plans?Regather. The purpose of today was to highlight the significance of mindset. Often in our roles, we get a lot of ¡°Yes, but¡¡± Our jobs when we are out there is to above anything else, is to find a common ground everyone can agree upon as a means of shifting yes buts to yes, ands.
#6: There is roughly $600,000 available in funding. How much will go to NI, I, and WA depends on the number of requests we receive.When applying, we are asking that if possible, agencies lump applications together. So, for instance if Sunshine School and Sunset School from the same district are applying we ask that they combine into one application. They can keep separate goals and even have different implementation ideas. OR if Sunshine District and Sunshine Recreation Department both want to apply, it would be better if they combine. Our business office prefers to award grants to districts, but if a district is not applying, by then by all means, the city rec department is welcome to take the program and run with it. In SSF, this has gone very well. As with many things, there is greater interest than the funds can support. To continue providing support the large number of schools presently participating and open up the possibility to support schools and districts that have expressed interest in getting involved, we have decreased award amounts to $10,000 per site with a maximum award of $100,000 per district. We anticipate retaining this level of funding through the next three year cycle.We will be fronting the money to grant award recipients in thirds. This will mean that activity reports will need more detail and we¡¯ll need budget reports from business offices, but it will allow schools and districts greater flexibility in selecting where to get materials and will have far more control in overseeing how well vendors carry out work as specified in contracts.If it turns out that there are more qualified applicants than funds available, then we are reserving the right to partially fund projects. In the event that we partially fund a grant project, we will contact the recipients and ask if they still want the grant and what changes they would like to make to the project in light of the funding change.
#7: Can apply for both infrastructure and non-infrastructure. This can be all combined and submitted on one application.Can also add clerical if desired for business office to develop and print budget reports, create purchase orders, etc. the total cannot exceed $10,000 per school or $100,000 per district. Individual schools can apply, but need the approval of the superintendent.
#8: This year we are asking about unduplicated counts and if your district is part of a health care district. This information will not affect your scores or eligibility. We want a measure in place to ensure we balance where the money goes.Projects will be judged on issues and challenges, the experience with project implementation, the implementation plan and the sustainability of the plan, and the budget. The most weight is placed on past issues and challenges, the effectiveness of the plan, and the sustainability of the plan. All applications will be ranked and scored.
#9: Grantees will receive an e-mail notification the week of April 21.A formal award letter will follow. The award letter will include things such as expectations of grantees upon accepting the grant award which include: attending an orientation, attending op meetings, submitting timely budget and activity reports, maintaining a Safe Routes webpage, hosting one county wide event and gathering evaliuation data.The letter will need to be signed by the grant recipientOnce I receive the letter, a formal Memorandum of Understanding will be developed and mailed out.
#12: Note-this will be brief because any work pertaining to SB 1339 cannot be time charged to the Safe Routes grant, but this is important legislation and has the potential to support your efforts.In short, any employer who employs 50 or more people must offer a transportation alternative to employees such as transit reimbursement. There are two flyers in your packets that provide more information about why this law will be going into effect in March or April and the options available to employers.In San Mateo County, this legislation will affect every school district in San Mateo County because even our smallest district employs at least 50 employees. This also means many parents will be encouraged by employers to consider alternative transit.So, ask your district contacts what the district will plan to do and encoruage teachers to participate-they are HUGE role models for the kids. Also, encourage parents to take advantage of the new incentives at their work. Parents who take advantage of the program are far less likely to drive their kids to school. There is a flyer template in your packets. A word version is in the folder. If you do not have access to the folder, send me an e-mail.