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Organizational Change
Leah Snider
Factory Collapse
Communication during Crisis
Unplanned Change
Crisis- is an unplanned change
It evolves in three steps
Communication must be handled with externally and internally
Types of Unplanned Change
Natural Disasters- Hurricane Katrina
Financial Crisis- Recession
Terrorism- 9/11 Attacks
Industrial Accidents- BP Oil Spill
Food-Born Illnesses-E coli found in food
Bangladesh Factory Collapse
Deadliest garment factory accident in history
Over 3,000 workers in the factory lost their lives
Pre Crisis
3,639 workers refused to enter the eight-story Rana Plaza factory building because there were large and
dangerous cracks in the factory walls.
The owner, Sohel Rana, brought paid gang members to beat the women and men workers, hitting them with
sticks to force them to go into the factory. Managers of the five factories housed in Rana Plaza also told
the frightened workers, telling them that if they did not return to work, there would be no money to pay
them for the month of April, which meant that there would be no food for them and their children.
They were forced to go in to work at 8:00 a.m.
At 8:45 a.m. the electricity went out and the factories five generators kicked on.
Almost immediately the workers felt the eight-story building begin to move, and heard a loud explosion as
the building collapsed, pancaking downward.
Explosion in the building
Factory workers could not get out of building because the factory managers keep
doors locked
1,137 confirmed dead at Rana Plaza
A year later, over 200 remain missing
Post Crisis
An investigation began into why the building had such poor conditions
Investigations began into which retailers produced clothing in this factory
J.C. Penney
The Plano
Joe Fresh, a Canadian retailer was the first to look into the accident and send
representatives to investigate the collapse
Post Crisis
Walmart itself has made a donation, alongside its U.K. supermarket subsidiary Asda and the Walmart
Foundation. The worlds largest retailer (2013 revenues: $476.3 billion) gave $3 million to the North
American branch of the Bangladeshi non-profit BRAC, with $1 million of that going directly to victims
and their families
The largest donor to date has been Primark, the U.K. fast fashion chain where it isnt unusual to find t-shirts
priced at 贈2 (just over $3). Primark is owned by the British branch of Canadian billionaire family the
Westons; their transAtlantic counterparts own the afore-mentioned Joe Fresh. Primark has benchmarked
the equivalent of $12 million, the entirety of that sum going to restitution for workers and their families.
One of the British clothiers supplier, New Wave Bottoms, had been based on Rana Plazas second floor
(OConnor, 2014)
Organizational Change: Crisis
How could this be Prevented
Unions for the factory workers
Industry associations
(Meiers, 2014)
Moving Forward
Brands operating in foreign countries must join civil society organizations
Leaders should consider urban planners, health workers and womens rights
Companies need more than just safety inspections in the factories
Health and well being
Gender equality
Personal safety
(Meiers, 2014)
The companies that had their clothes made in the Rana Plaza
factory did not even know they were being produced there.
Do you think this adds to the post crisis communication to
employees and public?
What are other ways that companies producing in foreign
countries should move forward from this crisis?
Do you believe that this crisis will help change the way other
garment factories operate and treat their workers?
Work Cited
Factory Collapse in Bangladesh. (2014, April 24). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
O'Connor, C. (2014, April 26). These Retailers Involved In Bangladesh Factory Disaster Have Yet To Compensate
Victims. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Meiers, R. (2014, April 24). To Prevent Another Rana Plaza, Build Better Societies, Not Just Better Factories.
Retrieved March 31, 2016, from

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Organizational Change: Crisis

  • 3. Unplanned Change Crisis- is an unplanned change It evolves in three steps Precrisis Crisis Postcrisis Communication must be handled with externally and internally
  • 4. Types of Unplanned Change Natural Disasters- Hurricane Katrina Financial Crisis- Recession Terrorism- 9/11 Attacks Industrial Accidents- BP Oil Spill Food-Born Illnesses-E coli found in food
  • 5. Bangladesh Factory Collapse Deadliest garment factory accident in history Over 3,000 workers in the factory lost their lives
  • 6. Pre Crisis 3,639 workers refused to enter the eight-story Rana Plaza factory building because there were large and dangerous cracks in the factory walls. The owner, Sohel Rana, brought paid gang members to beat the women and men workers, hitting them with sticks to force them to go into the factory. Managers of the five factories housed in Rana Plaza also told the frightened workers, telling them that if they did not return to work, there would be no money to pay them for the month of April, which meant that there would be no food for them and their children. They were forced to go in to work at 8:00 a.m. At 8:45 a.m. the electricity went out and the factories five generators kicked on. Almost immediately the workers felt the eight-story building begin to move, and heard a loud explosion as the building collapsed, pancaking downward. Globalbourrights.com
  • 7. Crisis Explosion in the building Factory workers could not get out of building because the factory managers keep doors locked 1,137 confirmed dead at Rana Plaza A year later, over 200 remain missing
  • 8. Post Crisis An investigation began into why the building had such poor conditions Investigations began into which retailers produced clothing in this factory Prinmark Benetton J.C. Penney The Plano Joe Fresh, a Canadian retailer was the first to look into the accident and send representatives to investigate the collapse
  • 9. Post Crisis Walmart itself has made a donation, alongside its U.K. supermarket subsidiary Asda and the Walmart Foundation. The worlds largest retailer (2013 revenues: $476.3 billion) gave $3 million to the North American branch of the Bangladeshi non-profit BRAC, with $1 million of that going directly to victims and their families The largest donor to date has been Primark, the U.K. fast fashion chain where it isnt unusual to find t-shirts priced at 贈2 (just over $3). Primark is owned by the British branch of Canadian billionaire family the Westons; their transAtlantic counterparts own the afore-mentioned Joe Fresh. Primark has benchmarked the equivalent of $12 million, the entirety of that sum going to restitution for workers and their families. One of the British clothiers supplier, New Wave Bottoms, had been based on Rana Plazas second floor (OConnor, 2014)
  • 11. How could this be Prevented Unions for the factory workers Industry associations Activist (Meiers, 2014)
  • 12. Moving Forward Brands operating in foreign countries must join civil society organizations Leaders should consider urban planners, health workers and womens rights Companies need more than just safety inspections in the factories Health and well being Gender equality Housing Personal safety (Meiers, 2014)
  • 13. Questions The companies that had their clothes made in the Rana Plaza factory did not even know they were being produced there. Do you think this adds to the post crisis communication to employees and public?
  • 14. Questions What are other ways that companies producing in foreign countries should move forward from this crisis? Do you believe that this crisis will help change the way other garment factories operate and treat their workers?
  • 15. Work Cited Factory Collapse in Bangladesh. (2014, April 24). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from http://www.globallabourrights.org/campaigns/factory-collapse-in-bangladesh O'Connor, C. (2014, April 26). These Retailers Involved In Bangladesh Factory Disaster Have Yet To Compensate Victims. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2014/04/26/these-retailers-involved-in-bangladesh-factory-disaster- have-yet-to-compensate-victims/#e2be80357c5c Meiers, R. (2014, April 24). To Prevent Another Rana Plaza, Build Better Societies, Not Just Better Factories. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from https://hbr.org/2014/04/to-prevent-another-rana-plaza-build-better-societies-not-just-better-factories/