14 Lavori di presentazione realizzati nel laboratorio di informatica avanzata condotto dal prof. Alessandro Gemo nell' a.s. 2008-09 con sis. op. e software Open Source nella S.M.S. G. Carducci
Oscar-Claude Monet (1840-1926) was a famous French Impressionist painter known for his use of loose brushstrokes, ordinary subject matter, and unusual visual angles in works like Impression, Sunrise (1872). This early plein air work is credited with giving the Impressionist art movement its name after the critic Louis Leroy used the title disparagingly. Throughout his career, Monet focused on landscapes and gardens, producing multiple variations of water lilies and other subjects in his garden at Giverny.
14 Lavori di presentazione realizzati nel laboratorio di informatica avanzata condotto dal prof. Alessandro Gemo nell' a.s. 2008-09 con sis. op. e software Open Source nella S.M.S. G. Carducci
Oscar-Claude Monet (1840-1926) was a famous French Impressionist painter known for his use of loose brushstrokes, ordinary subject matter, and unusual visual angles in works like Impression, Sunrise (1872). This early plein air work is credited with giving the Impressionist art movement its name after the critic Louis Leroy used the title disparagingly. Throughout his career, Monet focused on landscapes and gardens, producing multiple variations of water lilies and other subjects in his garden at Giverny.
This document provides an overview of Impressionism including its main artists and features. It discusses how Impressionism emerged as photographers made painting reality less important. Artists started experimenting more with color, atmosphere, and subjective points of view. Key Impressionist painters discussed include Monet, Renoir, Degas, Manet, Pissarro and Sisley. Their interest in themes like light, open air scenes, and movement are described. Rodin is noted as an Impressionist sculptor. Specific works like Monet's Rouen Cathedral series and Rodin's The Thinker are also summarized.
Claude Monet was a famous French Impressionist painter born in 1840 in Paris. He showed an early interest in art but his father disapproved and wanted him to pursue a more financially stable career. Monet went on to study art formally and befriended other future Impressionists like Renoir and Sisley. Throughout his career he faced financial struggles and personal hardships like the death of his wife Camille in 1879 from tuberculosis, but found success and recognition for his innovative Impressionist style later in life. Monet is renowned for his water lily paintings created in his garden at Giverny, which came to define Impressionism and its focus on capturing fleeting effects of light.
Carnaval 2013 was held in Martorell. The event was organized by Institut Pompeu Fabra. Revelers enjoyed celebrating with music, dancing and costumes during the annual festival.
The document provides an overview of several key movements and artists that influenced or were part of Impressionism in the late 19th century. It discusses the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, the Barbizon School, and gives timelines and descriptions of important Impressionist works and artists such as Manet, Monet, Renoir, Morisot, Pissarro, Degas, Whistler, and Cassatt. It also briefly mentions the sculptor Rodin and the influence of Japanese woodblock prints on European artists.
Claude Monet was a famous French painter and founder of Impressionism. He was born in 1840 and became known for his charcoal caricatures. His mentor Eug竪ne Boudin taught him to use oil paints. Some of Monet's most famous works include Impression, Sunrise (1873), which gave the Impressionist movement its name, and his Water Lilies series. Monet painted over 2,500 works in his lifetime and was one of the most influential artists of his time, helping to make art more focused on light, beauty, and nature. He died of lung cancer in 1926.
The document discusses Impressionism, an 18th century art movement that originated in Paris. Key Impressionist artists included Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Cezanne, Sisley, Morisot, Manet, and Degas. The term "Impressionism" comes from an art critic's mockery of Monet's painting Impression, Soleil Levant. The Impressionists held their first exhibit in Paris in 1874. Impressionist works were characterized by thin but visible brush strokes, freely brushed colors, bright contrast, outdoor painting, and the depiction of ordinary subject matter and movement to portray the passage of time. This contrasted with conventional art of the time which featured
The document provides information about French impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, including his life, art style, and notable paintings. It discusses how Renoir was influenced by other artists early in his career but later developed his own unique style combining impressionism with classical elements. Two of his most famous works mentioned are Girls at the Piano from 1892 and The Big Bathers painted from 1884 to 1887.
The Impressionist movement began in Paris in the 1870s with artists like Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley, and Degas. They rejected rigid academic painting styles and sought to capture fleeting moments and the effects of light using loose brushwork and vibrant colors. Photography influenced them to focus on subjective impressions rather than realistic detail. They often painted outdoors to experiment with different lighting conditions. While each artist had unique styles, they shared a focus on light, color, and everyday modern subjects painted with spontaneity. Their work marked a major revolution in art by prioritizing individual perception over traditional techniques.
The document summarizes the French Impressionist art movement between 1867 and 1886. Key points include:
- Impressionists aimed to accurately depict visual reality and effects of light/color, influenced by scientific light examination
- Major artists included Monet, Renoir, Cassatt, Degas, and C辿zanne
- Impressionism emphasized small brushstrokes, light/color depiction, ordinary subjects, and movement over composition
- The term "Impressionism" originated from Monet's painting Impression, Sunrise (1872)
- Artists explored new techniques like plein air painting and the use of complementary colors
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2. Parigi, 14 novembre 1840
trascorre la fanciullezza a Le Havre
1859 a Parigi: frequentazioni di ambienti artistici
1861 ad Algeri: servizio militare
1862 a Parigi conosce Pissarro e Degas
Giverny, 16 dicembre 1926
Riconosciuto come il pi湛 impressionista degli Impressionisti
e principale ispiratore della prima esposizione allo studio di Nadar
Volont di parlare di un soggetto senza mai descriverlo:
superiorit dellevanescente mutabilit sulla fredda certezza dei contorni
Lincontro con Manet contribu狸 ad arricchire enormemente
la sua esperienza artistica
Planimetria del giardino di Claude Monet a Giverny
con alcune vedute e dipinti che vi si ispirano
4. Impressione, sole nascente
realizzato nel 1872
Parigi, Mus辿e Marmottan
colore direttamente sulla tela
pennellate brevi e veloci
colori caldi: rosso e arancio
colori freddi: azzurro
sole pallido
nebbia mattutina
Firma e anno di composizione
_Sensazioni provocate dallaurora _Cogliere limpressione di un attimo
diversa da quella precedente e da quella successiva
6. I papaveri
dipinto nel 1872
Parigi, Mus辿e dOrsay
moglie Camille e figlio Jean
paesaggio sereno e fresco
_Sensazioni di gioia e tenerezza
Firma e anno di composizione
8. Cattedrale di Rouen
realizzato nel 1894
Parigi, Mus辿e dOrsay
pieno disinteresse dellaspetto
_Giochi di luce ed ombre del sole
_Armonie di toni e colori
Riprendendo lo stesso soggetto, egli si dedica
a diverse serie, proponendo lo stesso punto di
ripresa, cambiando le condizioni oggettive di luce
Serie Cattedrale di Rouen
10. Lo stagno delle ninfee
dipinto nel 1899
Parigi, Mus辿e dOrsay
ponte giapponese del giardino
morbide chiome di salici piangenti
luce verdastra
fiaba voce e colore al mondo
delle sensazioni
Io dipingo come un uccello canta
_Sensazione di placida frescura
12. Palazzo Ducale a Venezia
Dipinto nel 1908
New York, Brooklyn Museum of Art
Lartista che lo concep狸 fu il primo degli Impressionisti.
Lo lasci嘆 galleggiare sullacqua, sorgere dallacqua e
risplendere nellaria di Venezia come il pittore impressionista
lascia risplendere le sue pennellate sulla tela per comunicare
la sensazione dellatmosfera. Quando ho dipinto questo quadro,
prosegue lartista, 竪 latmosfera di Venezia che ho voluto
dipingere. Venezia 竪 lImpressionismo in pietra.