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This is a short presentation about our school. It will show you our ordinary lives of students with JabonnyDear Spanish Friends!!! This is a short presentation of our school. It shows  everyday school life of students from Jabonna. We hope you will enjoy it!
Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Ora Biaego Our lower secondary school was started in 1999. In 2002 the new building was built.  Presently, the school has excellent facilities. Our school has now 13 classes (372 students: 185 girls, 187 boys)Szkolna 2 Street05 -110 Jabonnatel. 782-50-11
 ManagementTheheadmasterMr Wiesaw KuklaThe vice headmistressMrsKatarzyna TomporowskaMrs Wojtkowska was a headmistressin the school year 2000/2001. Mrs Jdryczka was a  headmistress for 7 years
ProjectsThere are a lot of extracurricular activities at our school, for example the theatre workshops. Their motto is  "The theater is a mirror of reality". The students  are always  looking forward to next meeting for it is both educational and funny. My classmates work as volunteers in an animal shelter. They look after sick and abandoned dogs, clean their kennels, bring them food and try to find new owners for them. 油We are also working on the history project "Traces of the Past".Since 2006 our school has been cooperating  with schools from Spain. In May this year, the youth from sunny Spain visited us. We take part in many charity events. Ever year our school organizes  fund-raisings for the Great Orchestra of Christmas HELP-the biggest event of this kind in Europe. Every year our students participate in different subjects contests and competitions. We win many of them!
Schools PatronOur school has a  patron -  the  White Eagle- the symbol of  Polish nation. It's a great honor and privilege for us. Symbol of insurgents1830r PolishEmblem of the years 1919-1927Przemys II`nd`sEagleRzeczpospolita Obojga Narod坦w Stanisaw  August Poniatowski`sEagleKsistwo WarszawskieRzeczpospolita na uchod添ctwie`screstKazimierz Wielki`sEagleEmblem of PRL
Naming the schoolFive years ago in 15 May 2004 our school got a name. It is a great honor. The  ceremony was  held in the church and in the local community centre. We were visited by the young Polish students from Lithuania.
ANTHEMWhen everyone lost hope that it would get up when it was covered by the mourning shadow  it rose high above Poland and sunny days began. Ref. Give us  hope and your strength, in the sunshine you fly. White Eagle- our Patron we want to be alike. In  gloomy days of despair   we did  not know how  to stand or to walk. It tore the tether, rose from behind the clouds gave us the strength to survive. When we create  future projects , guided by  lofty goals and  hope for  each day to be  better,  It appears from behind the clouds Our school has a anthem. It is sung at all important school ceremonies. Each student must know it by heart!
And now those without whom our school would not be the same:  The psychologists room, the secretariat, the library, the school shop and the school keepers room
Our school- a modern and friendlyplace
We really like our school. It is quite an interesting community, made up of interesting people; wonderful teachers and excellent students

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our school

  • 1. This is a short presentation about our school. It will show you our ordinary lives of students with JabonnyDear Spanish Friends!!! This is a short presentation of our school. It shows everyday school life of students from Jabonna. We hope you will enjoy it!
  • 2. Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Ora Biaego Our lower secondary school was started in 1999. In 2002 the new building was built. Presently, the school has excellent facilities. Our school has now 13 classes (372 students: 185 girls, 187 boys)Szkolna 2 Street05 -110 Jabonnatel. 782-50-11
  • 3. ManagementTheheadmasterMr Wiesaw KuklaThe vice headmistressMrsKatarzyna TomporowskaMrs Wojtkowska was a headmistressin the school year 2000/2001. Mrs Jdryczka was a headmistress for 7 years
  • 4. ProjectsThere are a lot of extracurricular activities at our school, for example the theatre workshops. Their motto is "The theater is a mirror of reality". The students are always looking forward to next meeting for it is both educational and funny. My classmates work as volunteers in an animal shelter. They look after sick and abandoned dogs, clean their kennels, bring them food and try to find new owners for them. 油We are also working on the history project "Traces of the Past".Since 2006 our school has been cooperating with schools from Spain. In May this year, the youth from sunny Spain visited us. We take part in many charity events. Ever year our school organizes fund-raisings for the Great Orchestra of Christmas HELP-the biggest event of this kind in Europe. Every year our students participate in different subjects contests and competitions. We win many of them!
  • 5. Schools PatronOur school has a patron - the White Eagle- the symbol of Polish nation. It's a great honor and privilege for us. Symbol of insurgents1830r PolishEmblem of the years 1919-1927Przemys II`nd`sEagleRzeczpospolita Obojga Narod坦w Stanisaw August Poniatowski`sEagleKsistwo WarszawskieRzeczpospolita na uchod添ctwie`screstKazimierz Wielki`sEagleEmblem of PRL
  • 6. Naming the schoolFive years ago in 15 May 2004 our school got a name. It is a great honor. The ceremony was held in the church and in the local community centre. We were visited by the young Polish students from Lithuania.
  • 7. ANTHEMWhen everyone lost hope that it would get up when it was covered by the mourning shadow it rose high above Poland and sunny days began. Ref. Give us hope and your strength, in the sunshine you fly. White Eagle- our Patron we want to be alike. In gloomy days of despair we did not know how to stand or to walk. It tore the tether, rose from behind the clouds gave us the strength to survive. When we create future projects , guided by lofty goals and hope for each day to be better, It appears from behind the clouds Our school has a anthem. It is sung at all important school ceremonies. Each student must know it by heart!
  • 8. And now those without whom our school would not be the same: The psychologists room, the secretariat, the library, the school shop and the school keepers room
  • 10. Our school- a modern and friendlyplace
  • 11. We really like our school. It is quite an interesting community, made up of interesting people; wonderful teachers and excellent students