
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
    Blue background  the
       Baltic Sea
      Green background  the
       Green hill
      Opened book -
      Rainbow  the joy of
       school years
      Letters  depth of
       knowledge acquired in
      Pencil & Pen  hard work
       at school
      Sun  the brightness of

 Blue colour  the
  Baltic sea
 Green colour  the
  Green hill
 Yellow colour 
  sunny light of
Important Dates
 1751 - 1762                       1985
  Our gymnasium was the site of      School starts teaching
  Klaipedas commandant, the          intensive English classes.
  Russian commander Alexander
  Suvorov Regiment tower.
 1950 - 1952                        The name of Secondary
  The beginning of building the      School No 3 was changed
  secondary school.                  into "貼aliakalnis (Green
 1952, October
  The two-storey school building    2007, September 1.
  opened its doors for the first
  students.                          The school gained the status
                                     of the gymnasium.

                                     Our gymnasium will celebrate
                                     the 60th anniversary.
The team of our teachers consists of 60 highly qualified specialists.
They help students with future career choices, organize seminars,
consult students and prepare them for their adulthood. The
specialists of our gymnasium are valued around the world.
 Our gymnasium has about 500 students. After finishing high school,
our applicants go to universities all over the world: Germany, Scotland,
Spain, Italy, Russia, Denmark, Finland, etc. Our students participate in
numerous competitions and Olympiads and show high results not only
in Europe but also worldwide. Exam results of our students are among
the highest in the country.
The Week of Languages

Every year, the week of languages is organized. During this week
different presentations, festivals, concerts, competitions and lessons
are held. The main aim of this week is to attract students to learn
languages. Moreover, every student claims that it is a big fun and
chance to take part in this week.
The Anual New Year Festival

        Each year, before the Christmas Eve and New Year we gather
        in the gymnasium's concert hall where a festival takes place.
Usually, it is called "Talent Show" or "Miss and Mister of the Gymnasium.
The Humour Day
 The Humor Day is a traditional Russian festival, which is held every
year by the 4th year high school students. As a rule, the main theme of
     the festival is "Our gymnasium". In the contest several teams
       participate, where they show funny plays and play jokes.
100 Days Before the Exams

Each year in February the students who are leaving school celebrate 100
days before the exam. This is a very funny and beautiful
holiday. Students are arranged medical board to check if they are ready
to be adults. Everybody likes to watch a theatrical performance in
which pupils parody teachers.
The       8th     of March
The 8th of March is a womens day. In our gymnasium this is a special
day, because the majority of teachers are women. Students prepare
little sweet presents for teachers and a concert, where students sing
and dance for their lovely teachers.
What? Where? When?
Each year a brain-ring called What? Where? When? is held in our
gymnasium. The main mystery of the game is a black box. Each team should
guess what is hidden in it. After several games in our school, this game has
become an international contest.
Talk Shows
Talk shows on various topics are held in the gymnasium. Students have an
opportunity to express their opinions and views. They discuss excerpts
from films, books and compose songs together with their teachers.
Our Ensemble VIVOVivo,
Everybody in our gymnasium likes our wonderful vocal group
which takes part in all school and city events. The ensemble often
participates in national and international competitions, most of which
they have won.
Our Theatre Mask
The gymnasium has its own theatre, where not only students but also
teachers play. It has won some awards, not only in Lithuania but also
outside our country.
Our Dance Group
The gymnasium has its own dance group, which is a real decoration in many
events in the gymnasium and town. The girls from the group often become
students of dance faculties at universities.
The Art Studio
There is also an art studio where children paint, sculpt and create small
masterpieces of art. Pupils of the studio become students of prestigious
universities, where they work with the best art critics around the world.
The Florists Studio
Many students carry away by this new branch of art, where they create
gorgeous bouquets, pottery, Christmas wreaths and other decorations for
the holidays. Many girls make wedding bouquets, which are in demand
in the city.
The Debates
In the gymnasium there is a team that likes taking part in the debate
competitions. Debates are held in the gymnasium, city, country and even
abroad. There are 2 teams - a positive team, which stands for a point of
view and there is a team that contradicts. There are rules for people to
discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they
will interact.
W.Shakespeares Museum
       The Globe
There is a unique W.Shakespeares museum Globe at Green Hill
gymnasium. It is the only in Baltic countries. The motto of our museum
is All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
There is a huge collection of exhibits in our museum. In 2010 we won
the III prize among school museums in Lithuania.
Students Traditions
 Our pupils are great patriots of
  our gymnasium, so they
  always wear a school uniform. A
  uniform in Zaliakalnio is a
  green jacket, that symbolizes
  the colour of our gymnasium

 貼aliakalnio in Lithuanian
  means Green Hill.
Thank you for your attention!
        The end.

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  • 2. Emblem Blue background the Baltic Sea Green background the Green hill Opened book - knowledge Rainbow the joy of school years Letters depth of knowledge acquired in school Pencil & Pen hard work at school Sun the brightness of education
  • 3. Flag Blue colour the Baltic sea Green colour the Green hill Yellow colour sunny light of knowledge
  • 4. Important Dates 1751 - 1762 1985 Our gymnasium was the site of School starts teaching Klaipedas commandant, the intensive English classes. Russian commander Alexander Suvorov Regiment tower. 1992 1950 - 1952 The name of Secondary The beginning of building the School No 3 was changed secondary school. into "貼aliakalnis (Green Hill). 1952, October The two-storey school building 2007, September 1. opened its doors for the first students. The school gained the status of the gymnasium. 2012 Our gymnasium will celebrate the 60th anniversary.
  • 5. Teachers The team of our teachers consists of 60 highly qualified specialists. They help students with future career choices, organize seminars, consult students and prepare them for their adulthood. The specialists of our gymnasium are valued around the world.
  • 6. Students Our gymnasium has about 500 students. After finishing high school, our applicants go to universities all over the world: Germany, Scotland, Spain, Italy, Russia, Denmark, Finland, etc. Our students participate in numerous competitions and Olympiads and show high results not only in Europe but also worldwide. Exam results of our students are among the highest in the country.
  • 7. The Week of Languages Every year, the week of languages is organized. During this week different presentations, festivals, concerts, competitions and lessons are held. The main aim of this week is to attract students to learn languages. Moreover, every student claims that it is a big fun and chance to take part in this week.
  • 8. The Anual New Year Festival Each year, before the Christmas Eve and New Year we gather in the gymnasium's concert hall where a festival takes place. Usually, it is called "Talent Show" or "Miss and Mister of the Gymnasium.
  • 9. The Humour Day The Humor Day is a traditional Russian festival, which is held every year by the 4th year high school students. As a rule, the main theme of the festival is "Our gymnasium". In the contest several teams participate, where they show funny plays and play jokes.
  • 10. 100 Days Before the Exams Each year in February the students who are leaving school celebrate 100 days before the exam. This is a very funny and beautiful holiday. Students are arranged medical board to check if they are ready to be adults. Everybody likes to watch a theatrical performance in which pupils parody teachers.
  • 11. The 8th of March The 8th of March is a womens day. In our gymnasium this is a special day, because the majority of teachers are women. Students prepare little sweet presents for teachers and a concert, where students sing and dance for their lovely teachers.
  • 12. What? Where? When? Each year a brain-ring called What? Where? When? is held in our gymnasium. The main mystery of the game is a black box. Each team should guess what is hidden in it. After several games in our school, this game has become an international contest.
  • 13. Talk Shows Talk shows on various topics are held in the gymnasium. Students have an opportunity to express their opinions and views. They discuss excerpts from films, books and compose songs together with their teachers.
  • 14. Our Ensemble VIVOVivo, Everybody in our gymnasium likes our wonderful vocal group which takes part in all school and city events. The ensemble often participates in national and international competitions, most of which they have won.
  • 15. Our Theatre Mask The gymnasium has its own theatre, where not only students but also teachers play. It has won some awards, not only in Lithuania but also outside our country.
  • 16. Our Dance Group The gymnasium has its own dance group, which is a real decoration in many events in the gymnasium and town. The girls from the group often become students of dance faculties at universities.
  • 17. The Art Studio There is also an art studio where children paint, sculpt and create small masterpieces of art. Pupils of the studio become students of prestigious universities, where they work with the best art critics around the world.
  • 18. The Florists Studio Many students carry away by this new branch of art, where they create gorgeous bouquets, pottery, Christmas wreaths and other decorations for the holidays. Many girls make wedding bouquets, which are in demand in the city.
  • 19. The Debates In the gymnasium there is a team that likes taking part in the debate competitions. Debates are held in the gymnasium, city, country and even abroad. There are 2 teams - a positive team, which stands for a point of view and there is a team that contradicts. There are rules for people to discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they will interact.
  • 20. W.Shakespeares Museum The Globe There is a unique W.Shakespeares museum Globe at Green Hill gymnasium. It is the only in Baltic countries. The motto of our museum is All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. There is a huge collection of exhibits in our museum. In 2010 we won the III prize among school museums in Lithuania.
  • 21. Students Traditions Our pupils are great patriots of our gymnasium, so they always wear a school uniform. A uniform in Zaliakalnio is a green jacket, that symbolizes the colour of our gymnasium name. 貼aliakalnio in Lithuanian means Green Hill.
  • 22. Thank you for your attention! The end.