The Worlds biodiversity is in serious decline. We do not know the total number of species that were on this planet, say, at the beginning of the Second millennium, but by the beginning of the Third, we have identified 1.4 million species and we think there are at least 20 million, based upon individual studies of trees in rain forest for example and estimates of ecosystem diversity. How can we measure the usefulness of species to us and how many of them do we need to maintain the Biosphere sustainably?
The document summarizes the childbirth process. It describes how the baby moves into position in the pelvis before birth. When contractions become strong and regular, labor begins. During labor the cervix dilates and the baby moves down the birth canal. Eventually the mother feels a need to push and the baby is born. After birth, the baby must adjust to breathing air and the placenta is delivered. Some mothers require a cesarean section. Recovery from childbirth takes 6 weeks as the body adjusts to the changes. Newborns need to eat frequently.
Money laundering involves converting illegally obtained money to make it appear legitimate through a three-stage process. The first stage, placement, involves moving dirty money into the financial system. The second, layering, uses complex transactions to obscure the audit trail. The final stage, integration, makes the money appear to come from legal sources. Banks are at risk of reputational, legal, operational, and concentration risks if they allow money laundering. Indian regulations require banks to follow know-your-customer procedures, monitor transactions, and report suspicious activity to authorities to prevent money laundering and comply with anti-money laundering laws.
The Worlds biodiversity is in serious decline. We do not know the total number of species that were on this planet, say, at the beginning of the Second millennium, but by the beginning of the Third, we have identified 1.4 million species and we think there are at least 20 million, based upon individual studies of trees in rain forest for example and estimates of ecosystem diversity. How can we measure the usefulness of species to us and how many of them do we need to maintain the Biosphere sustainably?
The document summarizes the childbirth process. It describes how the baby moves into position in the pelvis before birth. When contractions become strong and regular, labor begins. During labor the cervix dilates and the baby moves down the birth canal. Eventually the mother feels a need to push and the baby is born. After birth, the baby must adjust to breathing air and the placenta is delivered. Some mothers require a cesarean section. Recovery from childbirth takes 6 weeks as the body adjusts to the changes. Newborns need to eat frequently.
Money laundering involves converting illegally obtained money to make it appear legitimate through a three-stage process. The first stage, placement, involves moving dirty money into the financial system. The second, layering, uses complex transactions to obscure the audit trail. The final stage, integration, makes the money appear to come from legal sources. Banks are at risk of reputational, legal, operational, and concentration risks if they allow money laundering. Indian regulations require banks to follow know-your-customer procedures, monitor transactions, and report suspicious activity to authorities to prevent money laundering and comply with anti-money laundering laws.
This document provides instructions on how to solve projectile motion problems using the formula s(t) = -16t^2 + VoT + So, where s(t) is the position of the projectile at time t, Vo is the initial velocity, and So is the initial height. It gives an example of finding the maximum height and time for a ball thrown upward with an initial velocity of 96 feet/second from a height of 200 feet. It then provides two example problems to solve using the same approach.
This document provides a psychological analysis and portrait of Gustavo based on his astrological chart. It examines his sensitivity, affectivity, mode of action, intellect, communication style, goals, strengths, serious side, personality traits, uniqueness, inspiration, passion, and karmic themes. The analysis is based on the positions of the planets, houses, aspects, and other components of his natal chart.
The document contains profiles of 11 individuals who are members or sponsored by various Rotary Clubs in Brazil. Each profile provides information on the person's age, family status, education, current occupation, hobbies and special professional interests related to Montana. The profiles express interests in visiting environmental areas in Montana, learning about sustainable agriculture and energy practices, and contacting the Montana Energy Agency to learn about Montana's energy sector and sustainability projects.
The document summarizes some key aspects of cameras and film, including:
- The basic parts of a modern camera, including the lens, shutter, aperture, and film transport.
- Different types of film and their speeds, with faster film being more grainy but usable in low-light situations.
- How aperture, shutter speed, and depth of field can be adjusted to control the amount of light exposure and what is in or out of focus in an image.
This document contains an application form for admission to courses at the Indian Management School & Research Centre. The multi-page form requests information such as personal details, educational qualifications, employment history, reason for applying, and fees payment. It also lists the institute's rules and regulations such as the director's right to accept or reject applications and a prohibition on refunds after admission.
The document contains profiles of 11 individuals who are members or potential members of Rotary clubs in Brazil. Each profile provides information about the person's age, family status, education, current occupation, hobbies, and any special professional interests. It also lists the team's general interests in visiting environmental areas and learning about sustainability projects in Montana.
California Closets has four showrooms located between New York and Miami. They offer innovative Italian closet finishes like Venetian Wenge, Roman Walnut, and Umbrian Oak. They also introduce new finishes like White Linen and Bamboo. California Closets provides custom millwork and accessories for organizing closets and storage spaces. They partner with other companies to offer additional storage solutions like garage storage systems.
This document discusses using Drupal Features to capture configuration settings as code modules. Features allows distinguishing configuration from content and storing configuration in version control. It improves multi-developer workflows by reducing errors and making changes transparent. Features exports things like content types, views, and files to modules that can be shared or updated between environments.
Apex Apparel is a ski clothing manufacturer headquartered in Minneapolis that serves the North American market. Its main target market is avid, young winter athletes. Its mission is to provide the best, well-designed ski apparel through moral and ethical practices. It aims to capture the market through various strategies and recommendations.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.
2. ELS NOUS MITJANS afecten a totes
les fases de comunicaci坦
(captaci坦, manipulaci坦,
enmagatzament i distribuci坦)
aix鱈 com afecten
a mitjans de tot tipus
(textos, imatges fixes
i en moviment, so
o construccions espacials)
3. Els nous mitjans representen la converg竪ncia
de les tecnologies informtica i meditica.
Ambdues arranquen a la d竪cada de 1830 amb:
La mquina anal鱈tica
de Babbage
El Daguerrotip
de Daguerre
4. D辿cada de 1830
Un segle despr辿s les dues tecnologies es van trobar
Alan Turing va proporcionar
la descripci坦 te嘆rica dun Konrad Zuse va construir el primer
ordinador dus general. ordinador digital que funcionaba.
Lesquema 辿s similar al La cinta que va emprar eren descarts
dun projector de cinema. duna pel揃l鱈cula cinematogrfica
de 35 mm.
Lev Manovich defineix els nous mitjans
a partir de 5 principis:
1. Representaci坦 num竪rica
2. Modularitat
3. Automatitzaci坦
4. Variabilitat
5. Transcodificaci坦
Un objecte dels nous mitjans:
1. Pot ser descrit en termes matemtics.
2. Est sotm竪s a una manipulaci坦 algor鱈tmica.
En els vells mitjans es podia definir un objecte a partir de dades
continues, un objecte dels nous mitjans es defineix a partir
dunitats diferenciades i quantificades.
Una imatge, sigui digitalitzada
a partir dun original anal嘆gic o
creada directament amb un
ordinador, es pot quantificar amb
En aquesta imatge dun videojoc
de 8 bits es poden apreciar els
p鱈xels que la composen.
Els elements que formen un objecte dels nous mitjans
sagrupen sense perdre la seva identitat.
Igualment, diferents objectes dels nous mitjans es poden agrupar
per crear objectes m辿s grans, sense perdre la seva independ竪ncia.
La World wide web,
formada per
diverses pgines,
a la vegada
formades per
diferents elements
format per videos,
imatges, text,
8. 粥雨意或珂粥意鴛意舘粥遺鴛用
La codificaci坦 num竪rica i la estructura modular permeten automatitzar
moltes de les operacions de la creaci坦, manipulaci坦 i acc辿s.
Automatitzaci坦 de baix nivell:
Actualitzaci坦 automtica dun antivirus.
Automatitzaci坦 dalt nivell:
La intelig竪ncia artificial dels videojocs.
Un objecte dels nous mitjans no es crea una vegada i queda fixat
per sempre, sin坦 que pot existir en diverses versions.
Els videos penjats
a internet,
es poden veure a
diferents resolucions,
segons convingui al
Un objecte dels nous mitjans 辿s sempre una arxiu informtic. En aquest
nivell sempre es podr comparar amb un altre arxiu informtic en les seves
dimensions: tamany, tipus darxiu, format etc... Sense importar que els
dos arxius pertanyin a objectes diferents com un arxiu de so o una imatge.
La interficie dun
ordinador permet que
lusuari pugui accedir a
diferents objectes dels
nous mitjans.
Sigui s坦, imatges,
videos, objectes 3D
Grcies a que tots s坦n
arxius informtics.