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                                                     Parami General Hospital

                                                                                 Issue 15    November, 2012
                                     Holistic, Compassionate and Quality Health Care

Advisory Group                        Audiology Brainstem Response " ABR "
Prof. U Thein Aung
                                                                                                      Dr. Shein Myint
Prof. U Khin Maung Aye
                                                                                              Parami Hospital - Yangon
Dr. Tin Nyunt
Prof. U Saw Win              	        The Auditory Brainstem Response is most commonly abbreviated "ABR", but also
                             referred to as the BAER (brainstem auditory evoked response, BAEP (brainstem auditory
Prof. Daw Mya Thida
                             evoked potential), BER (brainstem evoked response), etc. The ABR represents electrical
Prof. U Ne Win
                             activity generated by the eighth cranial (vestibulo-cochlear) nerve and neural centres and
Editorial Board              tracts within the brainstem that are responsive to auditory stimulation.
Dr. Myint Lwin               	       The ABR has primary clinical application in two areas :
Dr. Shwe Baw                 	 (a)	 Identification of neurological abnormalities in the eighth cranial nerve and
                             		     auditory pathways of the brainstem.
Dr. Zay Ya Aye
                             	 (b)	 Estimation of hearing sensitivity based on the presence of a response at various
Dr. Shein Myint
                             		     intensity levels.
Dr. Tin Moe Phyu
                             	        The ABR is most robust in identifying tumours of the eighth nerve that are greater than
Dr. Khin Than Htay
                             one centimeter (cm), whereas less success has been experienced with diffuse demyelinating
Dr. Thida Oo                 disease like multiple sclerosis.
Dr. Nyein Moe Thaw           	       There are two primary groups of patients who will benefit from ABR testing :
Dr. Hnin Thuzar Aung         	       (a)	 Those patients with suspected neural problems.

Contact Us                   	 (b)	 Those patients for whom accurate behavioural evaluation of hearing sensitivity
        No-60, G-1,          		     is not possible.
   New Parami Road,          	       A normal ABR waveform is characterized by five to seven vertex positive peak that
Mayangone Tsp,Yangon,        occur on the time period from 1.4 to 8.0 multi second after the onset of a stimulus.
         Myanmar.            	       Thus, wave (I) corresponds, to recording from the distal position of the eighth nerve
Tel	:	651674, 660083,        and wave (II) originates mainly from the proximal position of the eighth nerve with a possible
		 657226, 657228,           small contribution from more distal positions of the auditory nerve.
		 657230 to 657232          	        Recording from the cochlear nucleus correspounds with the surface-recorded wave
info@paramihospital.com      (III), suggesting that wave (III) is generated mainly by neurons in the cochlear nucleus,
    Free Distribution
                             with possible additional contributions from fibres entering the cochlear nucleus. The neural
   The contents of the
                             generations of wave (IV) are uncertain, although third order neurons in the superior olivary
 newsletter are not to be
                             complex are most likely involved; other contributors may include the cochlear nucleus and
 reproduced in any form
                             the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The wave (V) may be related to activity in the lateral
  without prior written
                             lemniscus and inferior colliculus, but it should be emphasized that peaks IV, V, VI and VII
     approval of the
                             of the ABR are complex, with more than one anatomical structure contributing to each peak
    editorial board.
                                                                                                     (To Page - 4 _____ )
                         yg&rDaq;遜Hk-&efukefonf taxGaxGa&m*gukaq;遜HkBuD; jzpfygonf/
Issue - 15, November 2012	                          Page - 2                   Parami Hospital - Yangon, Newsletter

Ill report this!

	         D ay in day out! Its not easy to travel daily by bus. But when one doesnt own a car, theres no way but to take
a bus to get to your destination!
	         The start of another day! By 8 oclock, lunch-box in hand, May starts her day  she walks out to her bus  stand,
a few kilometers away from her apartment. Actually, she lives in an eight-storeyed building  her apartment being in the
topmost floor. She has to make sure she doesnt forget to bring along everything as she left home.  Or else, she might
have to run up the stairs again to pick up whatever she has forgotten to bring along with her, making her all in before she
could even go to the bus-stand.
	         Once at the bus-stand, she has to wait for sometime noticed the scarcity of the passengers. It took some forty-
at least ten minutes before the bus she usually catches comes five minutes to reach the bus-stand where she should get
into view. She lives in down-town. Usually she used to off to reach her office. She was engrossed in her thoughts,
go to the university by the school-bus. But now she has happy  and content with her endeavour to help the office
graduated and has started working in a newly established girls at work  imagining herself as an outstanding worker,
company. Her work takes her daily (except Sundays) to the reaching the office earlier than others and organizing her
outskirts of the city.                                         staff. No, she had not forgotten she was in a bus. She was
	         She is happy. In fact she is feeling on top of the not used to going to this surrounding where her office
world! Who wouldnt be happy when one gets a job a few was and she had a time trying to remember the bus-stand
months after ones graduation.  And it is a new office  a which preceded the one that she should really get off. It
new company  everything new! Her job starts at nine in is common practice to walk to the bus doorway when one
the morning and finishes at five in the evening.    She has reaches the stop preceding the one where one should get
to work six days in a week. Naturally she does not have off, to be ready to get off when the bus stops at the next
to work on Sundays and of course neither on government- stand  ones destination. No bus drivers nor bus conductors
gazetted holidays.                                             would find time for passengers who are slow and not active
	         It was one gazetted holiday  a religious day: a full- enough to jump into the bus or off the bus  they are all
moon day when Myanmar people celebrate their kasone in a hurry to do their chores of bus-round and overtaking
nyaung-y辿-thun festival. It was a holiday for Mays office their fellow buses.
too. But she must go to the office  she needed to help her 	          Soon the bus rushed passed many bus-stands and
junior colleagues who were engaged in cleaning up the new May could well remember that she was almost there  her
office. She caught the bus after waiting for sometime at office-building,  but she did not hear the bus conductor shout
the bus-stand. There were few people in the bus because it the name of the bus-stand she was to get off. Anyway, the
was a holiday but those inside were well-dressed and some bus usually let down the passengers at the crossroads where
were equipped with bouquets of flowers: only then did she the traffic lights turned red.  She stood up from her seat and
remember that it was a religious holiday. She got a seat in walked to the bus doorway although the bus was not at all
the front line at the back of the driver and she no longer                                    (To Page - 4 _____ )
Issue - 15, November 2012	                               Page - 3                    Parami Hospital - Yangon, Newsletter

                        " Rules For Living As A Good Leader "
1.	    Lead by example from the front of the formation.                  could be you and either your thinking or your
       Take your performance personally  if you are proud               communication skills. Likewise, sometimes the best
       to be average, so too will be your troops.                        ideas come from bottom-up information sharing (i.e.,
2.	    A leader must provide a vision  clear and achievable             "Need to share" not "Need to know"). Use "directed
       '' big ideas " combined in a strategic concept  and              telescopes" to improve situational awareness.
       communicate those ideas throughout the entire 9.	                 Leaders should be thoughful but decisive. Listen to
       organization and to all other stakeholders.                       subordinates' input, evaluate courses of action and
3.	    A leader needs to give energy; don't be an oxygen                 second-and third-order effects, but be OK with an
       thief.                                                            "80 percent solution." "There will be many moments
                                                                         when all eyes turn to you for a decision. Be prepared
4.	    There is an exception to every rule, standard                     for them. Don't shrink from them. Embrace them."
       operating procedure, and policy; it is up to leaders              Sometimes the best move is the bold move.
       to determine when exceptions should be made and
       to explain why they made them.                       10.	         Stay fit to fight. Your body is your ultimate weapons
                                                                         system. Physical fitness for your body is essential for
5.	    We all make mistakes. The key is to recognize them                mental fitness.
       and admit them, to learn from them, and to take off
       the rearview mirrors  drive on and avoid making 11.	             The only thing better than a little competition is a lot
       them again.                                                       of competition. Set challenges for your subordinates
                                                                         to encourage them to excel.
6.	    Be humble. The people you'll be leading already
       have on-the-ground conflict experience. " Listen and       12.	   Everyone on the team is mission critical. Instill in
       learn. "                                                          your team members a sense of great self-worth-that
                                                                         each, at any given time, can be the most important
7.	    Be a team player. " Your team's triumphs and failures             on the battlefield.
       will, obviously, be yours. " Take ownership of both.
8.	    Don't rely on rank. If you rely on rank, rather than Ref :	 Lessons on leadership from General David Petraeus.
       on the persuasiveness of your logic, the problem            By Paula Broadwell.

         Omega-3 may help struggling children to read, says study
	         C hildren with the worst reading skills could improve their literacy with daily supplements of fatty acids found
in fish, seafood and some algae, researchers claim. Scientists gave a daily 600mg omega-3 fatty acid pill to children aged
seven to nine and found that those whose reading skills were in the lowest fifth of the normal range improved over the
four months of the study.
	       On average, the children in the bottom 20% for literacy boosted their reading age by three weeks more than a
control group taking a daily placebo. Those in the lowest 10% for literacy improved their reading age by 1.9 months
compared with the placebo group. The study was funded by a company called DSM Nutritional Lipids, which makes
omega-3 supplements, though the study was performed at Oxford independently.
	       Ref : http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/sep/06/reading-fatty-acids-controversy
Issue - 15, November 2012	                               Page - 4                     Parami Hospital - Yangon, Newsletter

                                                                  onto it, the bus had swayed and swerved in trying to overtake
 Continued from Ill report this! (Page - 2)                    theone in front.
slowing down at the crossroads. Perhaps the traffic lights        	        Yes, Ill report this! she shouted again and looked
were still green, she thought. But even as she walked to          up at the bus which had disappeared from her view  too
the doorway, the bus did not come to a halt at the oncoming       late, she had not even noted down its registered number
bus-stop that she was to get off:                                 plate..!                                        - ktt -
	         Stop! Stop! This is the stop I am to get off!, she
                                                               Continued from Audiology Brainstem Response
raised her voice in distress, but to no avail. Surprised, she
                                                               " ABR " (Page - 1)
looked at the direction of the conductor who did not seem to
care at all, You did not get up from your seat in due time. and each structure contributing to more than one peak.
You can catch the return bus, its quite easy, he muttered. The only obligatory synaptic sites in the human brainstem
	        May stared at the bus conductor, and suddenly burst pathway are the cochlear nuclei and the inferior colliculus,
out in anger, Why dont your bus halt at the bus-stop? Its a and between these pathways there are series of parallel
job of every bus to stop at the bus-stop! I am going to report pathway.
this!. Her eyes wavered onto the inside of the cars          	      However auditory evoked potential provides
roof {the bus ceiling} searching for the phone number powerful, objective methods of assessing the neural integrity
allowing passengers to send a complaint; this being usually of the auditory pathways from the eight cranial nerve to the
present in buses. But here she could not find it. This made cortex.
her more frustrated: Ill report this to your headquarters! Figure showing Normal ABR waveform responser
How dare you do like this! Give me back the bus fare. She
shouted at the top of her voice oblivious of the passengers
whose eyes were on her. The conductor was surprised: he
seemed to think it was no problem for one to catch back a
bus just for one stop! But May was angry especially because
she had wanted to reach her office early, earlier than the
appointed time! Now, with the time wasted to catch another
bus, how could she reach the office early? Not easy even
to arrive in time!
	        She jumped off the bus when it came to a halt at the
next stand. But even as she did so, she felt a sensation of
dull pain in her left knee - " Ah-h-h! ", she landed in a limp
making her more angry as she remembered the day before
yesterday when she was injured as she caught the bus to
                                                               Ref:	 (1)	Hood, L.J (1998)
go to her new job: she had landed on all fours at that time 		           Clinical applications of the Auditory Brainstem Response.
as she got into the bus because soon after she had stepped 		            Singular Publishing group.
                                                                  	 (2)	 Katz. J. (2002). Handbook of CLINICAL AUDIOLOGY
                                                                  		     Lippincott Williams + Wilkins.

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Rehab Aboshama

Parami News Letter-November issue

  • 1. 霞乙&温馨沿;姻禽岳温恰赫温恰赫温&温馨沿;馨*乙顎一温援;遜堰一 Parami General Hospital NEWSLETTER Issue 15 November, 2012 Holistic, Compassionate and Quality Health Care Advisory Group Audiology Brainstem Response " ABR " Prof. U Thein Aung Dr. Shein Myint Prof. U Khin Maung Aye Parami Hospital - Yangon Dr. Tin Nyunt Prof. U Saw Win The Auditory Brainstem Response is most commonly abbreviated "ABR", but also referred to as the BAER (brainstem auditory evoked response, BAEP (brainstem auditory Prof. Daw Mya Thida evoked potential), BER (brainstem evoked response), etc. The ABR represents electrical Prof. U Ne Win activity generated by the eighth cranial (vestibulo-cochlear) nerve and neural centres and Editorial Board tracts within the brainstem that are responsive to auditory stimulation. Dr. Myint Lwin The ABR has primary clinical application in two areas : Dr. Shwe Baw (a) Identification of neurological abnormalities in the eighth cranial nerve and auditory pathways of the brainstem. Dr. Zay Ya Aye (b) Estimation of hearing sensitivity based on the presence of a response at various Dr. Shein Myint intensity levels. Dr. Tin Moe Phyu The ABR is most robust in identifying tumours of the eighth nerve that are greater than Dr. Khin Than Htay one centimeter (cm), whereas less success has been experienced with diffuse demyelinating Dr. Thida Oo disease like multiple sclerosis. Dr. Nyein Moe Thaw There are two primary groups of patients who will benefit from ABR testing : Dr. Hnin Thuzar Aung (a) Those patients with suspected neural problems. Contact Us (b) Those patients for whom accurate behavioural evaluation of hearing sensitivity No-60, G-1, is not possible. New Parami Road, A normal ABR waveform is characterized by five to seven vertex positive peak that Mayangone Tsp,Yangon, occur on the time period from 1.4 to 8.0 multi second after the onset of a stimulus. Myanmar. Thus, wave (I) corresponds, to recording from the distal position of the eighth nerve Tel : 651674, 660083, and wave (II) originates mainly from the proximal position of the eighth nerve with a possible 657226, 657228, small contribution from more distal positions of the auditory nerve. 657230 to 657232 Recording from the cochlear nucleus correspounds with the surface-recorded wave info@paramihospital.com (III), suggesting that wave (III) is generated mainly by neurons in the cochlear nucleus, Free Distribution with possible additional contributions from fibres entering the cochlear nucleus. The neural The contents of the generations of wave (IV) are uncertain, although third order neurons in the superior olivary newsletter are not to be complex are most likely involved; other contributors may include the cochlear nucleus and reproduced in any form the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The wave (V) may be related to activity in the lateral without prior written lemniscus and inferior colliculus, but it should be emphasized that peaks IV, V, VI and VII approval of the of the ABR are complex, with more than one anatomical structure contributing to each peak editorial board. (To Page - 4 _____ ) > yg&rDaq;遜Hk-&efukefonf taxGaxGa&m*gukaq;遜HkBuD; jzpfygonf/
  • 2. Issue - 15, November 2012 Page - 2 Parami Hospital - Yangon, Newsletter Ill report this! D ay in day out! Its not easy to travel daily by bus. But when one doesnt own a car, theres no way but to take a bus to get to your destination! The start of another day! By 8 oclock, lunch-box in hand, May starts her day she walks out to her bus stand, a few kilometers away from her apartment. Actually, she lives in an eight-storeyed building her apartment being in the topmost floor. She has to make sure she doesnt forget to bring along everything as she left home. Or else, she might have to run up the stairs again to pick up whatever she has forgotten to bring along with her, making her all in before she could even go to the bus-stand. Once at the bus-stand, she has to wait for sometime noticed the scarcity of the passengers. It took some forty- at least ten minutes before the bus she usually catches comes five minutes to reach the bus-stand where she should get into view. She lives in down-town. Usually she used to off to reach her office. She was engrossed in her thoughts, go to the university by the school-bus. But now she has happy and content with her endeavour to help the office graduated and has started working in a newly established girls at work imagining herself as an outstanding worker, company. Her work takes her daily (except Sundays) to the reaching the office earlier than others and organizing her outskirts of the city. staff. No, she had not forgotten she was in a bus. She was She is happy. In fact she is feeling on top of the not used to going to this surrounding where her office world! Who wouldnt be happy when one gets a job a few was and she had a time trying to remember the bus-stand months after ones graduation. And it is a new office a which preceded the one that she should really get off. It new company everything new! Her job starts at nine in is common practice to walk to the bus doorway when one the morning and finishes at five in the evening. She has reaches the stop preceding the one where one should get to work six days in a week. Naturally she does not have off, to be ready to get off when the bus stops at the next to work on Sundays and of course neither on government- stand ones destination. No bus drivers nor bus conductors gazetted holidays. would find time for passengers who are slow and not active It was one gazetted holiday a religious day: a full- enough to jump into the bus or off the bus they are all moon day when Myanmar people celebrate their kasone in a hurry to do their chores of bus-round and overtaking nyaung-y辿-thun festival. It was a holiday for Mays office their fellow buses. too. But she must go to the office she needed to help her Soon the bus rushed passed many bus-stands and junior colleagues who were engaged in cleaning up the new May could well remember that she was almost there her office. She caught the bus after waiting for sometime at office-building, but she did not hear the bus conductor shout the bus-stand. There were few people in the bus because it the name of the bus-stand she was to get off. Anyway, the was a holiday but those inside were well-dressed and some bus usually let down the passengers at the crossroads where were equipped with bouquets of flowers: only then did she the traffic lights turned red. She stood up from her seat and remember that it was a religious holiday. She got a seat in walked to the bus doorway although the bus was not at all the front line at the back of the driver and she no longer (To Page - 4 _____ ) >
  • 3. Issue - 15, November 2012 Page - 3 Parami Hospital - Yangon, Newsletter " Rules For Living As A Good Leader " 1. Lead by example from the front of the formation. could be you and either your thinking or your Take your performance personally if you are proud communication skills. Likewise, sometimes the best to be average, so too will be your troops. ideas come from bottom-up information sharing (i.e., 2. A leader must provide a vision clear and achievable "Need to share" not "Need to know"). Use "directed '' big ideas " combined in a strategic concept and telescopes" to improve situational awareness. communicate those ideas throughout the entire 9. Leaders should be thoughful but decisive. Listen to organization and to all other stakeholders. subordinates' input, evaluate courses of action and 3. A leader needs to give energy; don't be an oxygen second-and third-order effects, but be OK with an thief. "80 percent solution." "There will be many moments when all eyes turn to you for a decision. Be prepared 4. There is an exception to every rule, standard for them. Don't shrink from them. Embrace them." operating procedure, and policy; it is up to leaders Sometimes the best move is the bold move. to determine when exceptions should be made and to explain why they made them. 10. Stay fit to fight. Your body is your ultimate weapons system. Physical fitness for your body is essential for 5. We all make mistakes. The key is to recognize them mental fitness. and admit them, to learn from them, and to take off the rearview mirrors drive on and avoid making 11. The only thing better than a little competition is a lot them again. of competition. Set challenges for your subordinates to encourage them to excel. 6. Be humble. The people you'll be leading already have on-the-ground conflict experience. " Listen and 12. Everyone on the team is mission critical. Instill in learn. " your team members a sense of great self-worth-that each, at any given time, can be the most important 7. Be a team player. " Your team's triumphs and failures on the battlefield. will, obviously, be yours. " Take ownership of both. 8. Don't rely on rank. If you rely on rank, rather than Ref : Lessons on leadership from General David Petraeus. on the persuasiveness of your logic, the problem By Paula Broadwell. Omega-3 may help struggling children to read, says study C hildren with the worst reading skills could improve their literacy with daily supplements of fatty acids found in fish, seafood and some algae, researchers claim. Scientists gave a daily 600mg omega-3 fatty acid pill to children aged seven to nine and found that those whose reading skills were in the lowest fifth of the normal range improved over the four months of the study. On average, the children in the bottom 20% for literacy boosted their reading age by three weeks more than a control group taking a daily placebo. Those in the lowest 10% for literacy improved their reading age by 1.9 months compared with the placebo group. The study was funded by a company called DSM Nutritional Lipids, which makes omega-3 supplements, though the study was performed at Oxford independently. Ref : http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/sep/06/reading-fatty-acids-controversy
  • 4. Issue - 15, November 2012 Page - 4 Parami Hospital - Yangon, Newsletter onto it, the bus had swayed and swerved in trying to overtake Continued from Ill report this! (Page - 2) theone in front. slowing down at the crossroads. Perhaps the traffic lights Yes, Ill report this! she shouted again and looked were still green, she thought. But even as she walked to up at the bus which had disappeared from her view too the doorway, the bus did not come to a halt at the oncoming late, she had not even noted down its registered number bus-stop that she was to get off: plate..! - ktt - Stop! Stop! This is the stop I am to get off!, she Continued from Audiology Brainstem Response raised her voice in distress, but to no avail. Surprised, she " ABR " (Page - 1) looked at the direction of the conductor who did not seem to care at all, You did not get up from your seat in due time. and each structure contributing to more than one peak. You can catch the return bus, its quite easy, he muttered. The only obligatory synaptic sites in the human brainstem May stared at the bus conductor, and suddenly burst pathway are the cochlear nuclei and the inferior colliculus, out in anger, Why dont your bus halt at the bus-stop? Its a and between these pathways there are series of parallel job of every bus to stop at the bus-stop! I am going to report pathway. this!. Her eyes wavered onto the inside of the cars However auditory evoked potential provides roof {the bus ceiling} searching for the phone number powerful, objective methods of assessing the neural integrity allowing passengers to send a complaint; this being usually of the auditory pathways from the eight cranial nerve to the present in buses. But here she could not find it. This made cortex. her more frustrated: Ill report this to your headquarters! Figure showing Normal ABR waveform responser How dare you do like this! Give me back the bus fare. She shouted at the top of her voice oblivious of the passengers whose eyes were on her. The conductor was surprised: he seemed to think it was no problem for one to catch back a bus just for one stop! But May was angry especially because she had wanted to reach her office early, earlier than the appointed time! Now, with the time wasted to catch another bus, how could she reach the office early? Not easy even to arrive in time! She jumped off the bus when it came to a halt at the next stand. But even as she did so, she felt a sensation of dull pain in her left knee - " Ah-h-h! ", she landed in a limp making her more angry as she remembered the day before yesterday when she was injured as she caught the bus to Ref: (1) Hood, L.J (1998) go to her new job: she had landed on all fours at that time Clinical applications of the Auditory Brainstem Response. as she got into the bus because soon after she had stepped Singular Publishing group. (2) Katz. J. (2002). Handbook of CLINICAL AUDIOLOGY Lippincott Williams + Wilkins.