Facebook London - Learning from User InteractionsRishabh Mehrotra
As increasingly larger proportions of users interact with online services like search engines and recommender systems to satisfy their information needs, developing better understanding of user interactions becomes important for improving user experience and gauging user satisfaction. In this talk, I will focus on different aspects of user behavior, and present algorithms that learn from user interactions. Starting with understanding users information needs, I will present techniques which aim at extracting tasks from a collection of search log data. The mined knowledge from log activity data reveals users' underlying intentions and interests, which provide unique signals for human centric optimization and personalization. I will discuss different ways of building user models which leverage such behavioral signals. Going beyond user modeling, I will touch upon novel ways of leveraging user interaction sequences to detect implicit measures of user satisfaction for metric development. Finally, I will discuss offline counterfactual estimation of online metrics which are essential for efficient experimentation.
We the humans are surrounded with immense unprecedented wealth of information which are available as documents, database or other resources. The access to this information is difficult as by having the information it is not necessary that it could be searched or extracted by the activity we are using. The search engines available should be also customized to handle such queries, sometime the search engines are also not aware of the information they have within the system. The method known as keyword extraction and clustering is introduced which answers this shortcoming by spontaneously recommending documents that are related to users current activities. When the communication takes place the important text can be extracted from the conversation and the words extracted are grouped and then are matched with the parts in the document. This method uses Natural Language Processing for extracting of keywords and making the subgroup that is a meaningful statement from the group, another method used is the Hierarchical Clustering for creating clusters form the keywords, here the similarity of two keywords is measured using the Euclidean distance. This paper reviews the various methods for the system.
User modeling involves creating explicit or implicit models of users to tailor systems to individual needs. The document discusses the history, purposes, techniques and challenges of user modeling. Early work in the 1970s and 1980s focused on developing user modeling shells and frameworks. More recent developments include using machine learning, emotions, and preferences in user models. Overall, user modeling aims to personalize systems but faces challenges in accurately inferring user attributes.
This document summarizes Task 3.4 of the All-WP-Meeting, which focuses on identifying the "functional primitives" or common operations that digital humanists perform. It discusses developing a Scholarly Domain Model to map the generic humanistic research process and primitives. It also describes plans to interview digital humanists on the primitives, experiment with the Pundit tool, and revise the domain model based on the results. The goal is to better understand what digital humanists want to do with linked data tools from a conceptual humanities perspective.
This document provides an overview of the CS6502 Object Oriented Analysis and Design course. The course covers UML design diagrams, design patterns, case studies, applying design patterns, and coding and testing. It discusses the objectives of learning OOAD skills, UML, mapping design to code, and testing techniques. Textbooks and reference materials are also listed. The syllabus outlines five units covering UML diagrams, design patterns, a case study, applying patterns, and coding and testing.
This document discusses two methodological approaches to assessing transformational learning in online professional programs and the challenges of each. Transformational learning involves a changed perspective through critical reflection and discourse. The approaches studied transformational learning in an online social work program and education doctorate program. The internal approach used embedded assessments like student e-portfolios, while the external approach employed interviews and surveys by external researchers. Both found evidence of transformational learning, but the internal approach relied on student self-reports while the external approach could not follow-up with students after their programs. The conclusion is that combining internal and external approaches may best assess transformational learning, but challenges remain in avoiding bias and designing sustainable methodologies.
Predicting Answering Behaviour in Online Question Answering CommunitiesGregoire Burel
This document discusses predicting answering behavior in online question answering communities. It presents a method to represent individual users' question selection behavior using a matrix structure. It then uses learning to rank models to predict this behavior based on user, question, and thread features. The models achieved a mean reciprocal rank of 0.446, significantly outperforming baselines. Question features were found to be the most predictive, indicating questions from reputable users and with fewer existing answers are more likely to be selected.
This document summarizes a literature review on prediction and personalization in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
It finds that MOOCs are commonly used to predict outcomes like certificate earning, dropout rates, scores and forum post classification. Features used include demographics, video interactions, and platform usage. Common techniques are regression, decision trees, random forests and neural networks. Metrics for evaluation include accuracy, AUC, F-score and recall/precision.
The review also identifies needs for personalization in MOOCs like accommodating learner diversity, offering personalized paths and assessment, and improving community continuity after courses end. The seminar topic could be extended to a project applying predictive models to analyze student performance data
Enhancing Information Retrieval by Personalization Techniquesveningstonk
This document outlines the research modules proposed for a PhD thesis focused on enhancing information retrieval through personalization techniques. The research will include four modules: 1) enhancing retrieval using term association graph representation, 2) integrating document and user topic models for personalization, 3) using genetic algorithms for document re-ranking, and 4) employing ant colony optimization for query reformulation. Module 1 will represent documents as a term graph and use the graph to re-rank documents based on term associations. The methodology for Module 1 includes preprocessing, frequent itemset mining to construct the term graph, and approaches for ranking documents based on semantic associations in the graph.
Personal recommender systems for learners in lifelong learning networksDenny Abraham Cheriyan
This document discusses the requirements and techniques for developing personal recommender systems to support lifelong learning. It outlines how recommender systems can help learners navigate learning networks by recommending suitable learning activities based on their goals, preferences, and knowledge. Both collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation techniques are described, along with their advantages and disadvantages. The document also discusses using knowledge maps and learner grouping to provide personalized recommendations.
Are topic-specific search term, journal name and author name recommendations ...GESIS
In this paper we describe a case study where researchers in the social sciences (n=19) assess topical relevance for controlled search terms, journal names and author names which have been compiled automatically by bibliometric-enhanced information retrieval (IR) services. We call these bibliometric-enhanced IR services Search Term Recommender (STR), Journal Name Recommender (JNR) and Author Name Recommender (ANR) in this paper. The researchers in our study (practitioners, PhD students and postdocs) were asked to assess the top n pre-processed recommendations from each recommender for specific research topics which have been named by them in an interview before the experiment. Our results show clearly that the presented search term, journal name and author name recommendations are highly relevant to the researchers topic and can easily be integrated for search in Digital Libraries. The average precision for top ranked recommendations is 0.75 for author names, 0.74 for search terms and 0.73 for journal names. The relevance distribution differs largely across topics and researcher types. Practitioners seem to favor author name recommendations while postdocs have rated author name recommendations the lowest. In the experiment the small postdoc group (n=3) favor journal name recommendations.
The document provides information about Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology. It includes the vision, mission and quality policy of the institute which focus on producing global citizens through quality education and meeting technological challenges. The document also contains the lesson plan for the subject "Computer Organization" taught to third year students. The lesson plan details the prerequisites, objectives, outcomes, syllabus, teaching methodologies and assessment criteria for the course.
eMadrid 2014-01-17 uned Salvador Ros (UNED) "Big Data in Education"eMadrid network
The document summarizes research analyzing student behavior and discussion topics in online learning communities. It introduces learning analytics and different approaches. It then describes analyzing student interactions in asynchronous forums to identify behavior patterns and relevant topics. Two algorithms are proposed: one to characterize sustained "chatter" topics and another for spike-related "chatter" topics. The results identify the most common topics and subtopics in the online discussion forums.
Apresenta巽達o - Revis達o Sistem叩tica | T辿cnicas de Estudos do FuturoIgor Sampaio
Apresenta巽達o da r叩pida revis達o sistem叩tica das t辿cnicas de estudos do futuro realizada na disciplina "Estudos do Futuro".
Centro de Inform叩tica - UFPE - 2016.2
This document provides an introduction and overview of the IT3010 Research Methodology course. It introduces the course staff and their contact information. It then discusses what research is, why research methods are important, and the course's learning objectives. The course will focus on qualitative empirical research and involve group exercises simulating research projects, along with an individual final essay. Students will be evaluated based on their contributions to the group assignments and presentations, as well as their individual final essay developing an original research plan.
Lectures from NTNU courses IT3010 and TDT30. See http://www.idi.ntnu.no/emner/it3010/ for more information. This lecture gives practical information about the course for the students.
The document proposes modeling teachers' activities on social networking platforms using a case-based workflow approach to partially automate and optimize their learning processes. It defines different types of users (passive vs. active) and provides examples of structured workflows for typical learning scenarios, such as getting introduced to a new subtopic, getting feedback on slides, or discovering an expert in a topic area. The workflows are based on analyzing common activities performed by teachers in their personal learning networks. The goal of this modeling is to develop recommendations and guidance to make teachers' learning more effective and support automation/semi-automation of certain activities. The proposed approach is the first step towards software to facilitate personalized automation of teachers' social behaviors for learning purposes.
MyPlan - similarity metrics for matching lifelong learner timelinesNicolas Van Labeke
This document discusses using similarity metrics to match lifelong learners based on their timelines. It describes the MyPlan project which aims to develop personalized tools for lifelong learning planning. String similarity metrics are explored for searching learner profiles and identifying similar timelines in order to provide role models. Various metrics are tested on encoded timelines and their suitability is discussed. Future work is proposed to improve explanations for similarity and incorporate dependencies between episodes.
Textual information exchanged among users on online social network platforms provides deep understanding into users' interest and behavioral patterns. However, unlike traditional text-dominant settings such as online publishing, one distinct feature for online social network is users' rich interactions with the textual content, which, unfortunately, has not yet been well incorporated in the existing topic modeling frameworks.
In this paper, we propose an LDA-based behavior-topic
model (B-LDA) which jointly models user topic interests and behavioral patterns. We focus the study of the model on on-line social network settings such as microblogs like Twitter where the textual content is relatively short but user inter-actions on them are rich. We conduct experiments on real Twitter data to demonstrate that the topics obtained by our model are both informative and insightful. As an application of our B-LDA model, we also propose a Twitter followee rec-ommendation algorithm combining B-LDA and LDA, which we show in a quantitative experiment outperforms LDA with a signicant margin.
The University of Edinburgh is currently re-imagining its student and staff portal. Using user surveys and custom analytics we have found out who wants and uses what, and on which devices. Now we are applying that intelligence, creating a new desktop and mobile portal, designed to meet the needs of the 2015 user, and to play a strong connecting role in the whole online student experience.
Interactive Recommender Systems: Bridging the gap between predictive algorithms and interactive user interfaces.
Invited talk at UFMG, Brasil. March 2017.
More on this topic:
Chen He, Denis Parra, and Katrien Verbert. 2016. Interactive recommender systems. Expert Syst. Appl. 56, C (September 2016), 9-27. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2016.02.013
The document describes Kalvi, an adaptive Tamil m-learning system based on the open-source Sakai learning management system. Kalvi includes a server that hosts courses and an adaptive learning system, and a client for mobile access. The system aims to make courses adaptive based on student data mining and machine learning. It allows students to access and complete courses on mobile devices both online and offline. The document outlines components of Kalvi like the server, client, and architecture, and discusses how adaptive learning, analytics, and a mobile-first approach could make education more ubiquitous and learner-centric.
This document provides an update on an initiative to develop a shared vision of employability at DkIT. It outlines progress made, including literature reviews on employability and graduate attributes and focus groups with employability champions. Emerging themes from the focus groups include graduate attributes related to communication, technical skills, confidence, and collaboration. A marketing mission is discussed to promote project deliverables like an employability statement and graduate attribute framework. The project aims to develop these tools along with an embedding employability framework and industry forum by its launch at the end of June.
This document discusses two methodological approaches to assessing transformational learning in online professional programs and the challenges of each. Transformational learning involves a changed perspective through critical reflection and discourse. The approaches studied transformational learning in an online social work program and education doctorate program. The internal approach used embedded assessments like student e-portfolios, while the external approach employed interviews and surveys by external researchers. Both found evidence of transformational learning, but the internal approach relied on student self-reports while the external approach could not follow-up with students after their programs. The conclusion is that combining internal and external approaches may best assess transformational learning, but challenges remain in avoiding bias and designing sustainable methodologies.
Predicting Answering Behaviour in Online Question Answering CommunitiesGregoire Burel
This document discusses predicting answering behavior in online question answering communities. It presents a method to represent individual users' question selection behavior using a matrix structure. It then uses learning to rank models to predict this behavior based on user, question, and thread features. The models achieved a mean reciprocal rank of 0.446, significantly outperforming baselines. Question features were found to be the most predictive, indicating questions from reputable users and with fewer existing answers are more likely to be selected.
This document summarizes a literature review on prediction and personalization in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
It finds that MOOCs are commonly used to predict outcomes like certificate earning, dropout rates, scores and forum post classification. Features used include demographics, video interactions, and platform usage. Common techniques are regression, decision trees, random forests and neural networks. Metrics for evaluation include accuracy, AUC, F-score and recall/precision.
The review also identifies needs for personalization in MOOCs like accommodating learner diversity, offering personalized paths and assessment, and improving community continuity after courses end. The seminar topic could be extended to a project applying predictive models to analyze student performance data
Enhancing Information Retrieval by Personalization Techniquesveningstonk
This document outlines the research modules proposed for a PhD thesis focused on enhancing information retrieval through personalization techniques. The research will include four modules: 1) enhancing retrieval using term association graph representation, 2) integrating document and user topic models for personalization, 3) using genetic algorithms for document re-ranking, and 4) employing ant colony optimization for query reformulation. Module 1 will represent documents as a term graph and use the graph to re-rank documents based on term associations. The methodology for Module 1 includes preprocessing, frequent itemset mining to construct the term graph, and approaches for ranking documents based on semantic associations in the graph.
Personal recommender systems for learners in lifelong learning networksDenny Abraham Cheriyan
This document discusses the requirements and techniques for developing personal recommender systems to support lifelong learning. It outlines how recommender systems can help learners navigate learning networks by recommending suitable learning activities based on their goals, preferences, and knowledge. Both collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation techniques are described, along with their advantages and disadvantages. The document also discusses using knowledge maps and learner grouping to provide personalized recommendations.
Are topic-specific search term, journal name and author name recommendations ...GESIS
In this paper we describe a case study where researchers in the social sciences (n=19) assess topical relevance for controlled search terms, journal names and author names which have been compiled automatically by bibliometric-enhanced information retrieval (IR) services. We call these bibliometric-enhanced IR services Search Term Recommender (STR), Journal Name Recommender (JNR) and Author Name Recommender (ANR) in this paper. The researchers in our study (practitioners, PhD students and postdocs) were asked to assess the top n pre-processed recommendations from each recommender for specific research topics which have been named by them in an interview before the experiment. Our results show clearly that the presented search term, journal name and author name recommendations are highly relevant to the researchers topic and can easily be integrated for search in Digital Libraries. The average precision for top ranked recommendations is 0.75 for author names, 0.74 for search terms and 0.73 for journal names. The relevance distribution differs largely across topics and researcher types. Practitioners seem to favor author name recommendations while postdocs have rated author name recommendations the lowest. In the experiment the small postdoc group (n=3) favor journal name recommendations.
The document provides information about Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology. It includes the vision, mission and quality policy of the institute which focus on producing global citizens through quality education and meeting technological challenges. The document also contains the lesson plan for the subject "Computer Organization" taught to third year students. The lesson plan details the prerequisites, objectives, outcomes, syllabus, teaching methodologies and assessment criteria for the course.
eMadrid 2014-01-17 uned Salvador Ros (UNED) "Big Data in Education"eMadrid network
The document summarizes research analyzing student behavior and discussion topics in online learning communities. It introduces learning analytics and different approaches. It then describes analyzing student interactions in asynchronous forums to identify behavior patterns and relevant topics. Two algorithms are proposed: one to characterize sustained "chatter" topics and another for spike-related "chatter" topics. The results identify the most common topics and subtopics in the online discussion forums.
Apresenta巽達o - Revis達o Sistem叩tica | T辿cnicas de Estudos do FuturoIgor Sampaio
Apresenta巽達o da r叩pida revis達o sistem叩tica das t辿cnicas de estudos do futuro realizada na disciplina "Estudos do Futuro".
Centro de Inform叩tica - UFPE - 2016.2
This document provides an introduction and overview of the IT3010 Research Methodology course. It introduces the course staff and their contact information. It then discusses what research is, why research methods are important, and the course's learning objectives. The course will focus on qualitative empirical research and involve group exercises simulating research projects, along with an individual final essay. Students will be evaluated based on their contributions to the group assignments and presentations, as well as their individual final essay developing an original research plan.
Lectures from NTNU courses IT3010 and TDT30. See http://www.idi.ntnu.no/emner/it3010/ for more information. This lecture gives practical information about the course for the students.
The document proposes modeling teachers' activities on social networking platforms using a case-based workflow approach to partially automate and optimize their learning processes. It defines different types of users (passive vs. active) and provides examples of structured workflows for typical learning scenarios, such as getting introduced to a new subtopic, getting feedback on slides, or discovering an expert in a topic area. The workflows are based on analyzing common activities performed by teachers in their personal learning networks. The goal of this modeling is to develop recommendations and guidance to make teachers' learning more effective and support automation/semi-automation of certain activities. The proposed approach is the first step towards software to facilitate personalized automation of teachers' social behaviors for learning purposes.
MyPlan - similarity metrics for matching lifelong learner timelinesNicolas Van Labeke
This document discusses using similarity metrics to match lifelong learners based on their timelines. It describes the MyPlan project which aims to develop personalized tools for lifelong learning planning. String similarity metrics are explored for searching learner profiles and identifying similar timelines in order to provide role models. Various metrics are tested on encoded timelines and their suitability is discussed. Future work is proposed to improve explanations for similarity and incorporate dependencies between episodes.
Textual information exchanged among users on online social network platforms provides deep understanding into users' interest and behavioral patterns. However, unlike traditional text-dominant settings such as online publishing, one distinct feature for online social network is users' rich interactions with the textual content, which, unfortunately, has not yet been well incorporated in the existing topic modeling frameworks.
In this paper, we propose an LDA-based behavior-topic
model (B-LDA) which jointly models user topic interests and behavioral patterns. We focus the study of the model on on-line social network settings such as microblogs like Twitter where the textual content is relatively short but user inter-actions on them are rich. We conduct experiments on real Twitter data to demonstrate that the topics obtained by our model are both informative and insightful. As an application of our B-LDA model, we also propose a Twitter followee rec-ommendation algorithm combining B-LDA and LDA, which we show in a quantitative experiment outperforms LDA with a signicant margin.
The University of Edinburgh is currently re-imagining its student and staff portal. Using user surveys and custom analytics we have found out who wants and uses what, and on which devices. Now we are applying that intelligence, creating a new desktop and mobile portal, designed to meet the needs of the 2015 user, and to play a strong connecting role in the whole online student experience.
Interactive Recommender Systems: Bridging the gap between predictive algorithms and interactive user interfaces.
Invited talk at UFMG, Brasil. March 2017.
More on this topic:
Chen He, Denis Parra, and Katrien Verbert. 2016. Interactive recommender systems. Expert Syst. Appl. 56, C (September 2016), 9-27. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2016.02.013
The document describes Kalvi, an adaptive Tamil m-learning system based on the open-source Sakai learning management system. Kalvi includes a server that hosts courses and an adaptive learning system, and a client for mobile access. The system aims to make courses adaptive based on student data mining and machine learning. It allows students to access and complete courses on mobile devices both online and offline. The document outlines components of Kalvi like the server, client, and architecture, and discusses how adaptive learning, analytics, and a mobile-first approach could make education more ubiquitous and learner-centric.
This document provides an update on an initiative to develop a shared vision of employability at DkIT. It outlines progress made, including literature reviews on employability and graduate attributes and focus groups with employability champions. Emerging themes from the focus groups include graduate attributes related to communication, technical skills, confidence, and collaboration. A marketing mission is discussed to promote project deliverables like an employability statement and graduate attribute framework. The project aims to develop these tools along with an embedding employability framework and industry forum by its launch at the end of June.
Benefits of flutter development reasons to choose in 2025.pptxseo02siddhiinfosoft
Flutter compiles to native ARM code, providing high-performance applications that run seamlessly on both Android and iOS devices. This native performance contributes to a smooth user experience, making flutter an ideal choice for resource-intensive applications.
Best Solution For Import and Export Contacts from VCF to CSVsung231
Use the WholeClear VCF to CSV Converter Software油to convert contact lists from VCF to CSV files. Additionally, non-technical users油can use the application more easily because of its user-friendly design. It is simple to convert VCF files to CSV files without losing any data. Using the application as a converter solution does not require installing any other software.
Read More:- https://www.wholeclear.com/converter/vcf-to-csv/
Tightening every bolt at FOSDEM 2025 by Daniel StenbergDaniel Stenberg
Things to do in order to sleep well while having your C code in twenty billion installations. A talk about what the curl project does to minimize security risks: Security, Safety, Reproducibility, Vulnerability handling and the processes and tooling around it.
As BDFL of the curl project, Daniel talks about what this project does to avoid it causing the world to burn. From code style, reviews and tests to signings, reproducibility, running a bug-bounty and becoming a CNA to filter bogus CVEs. curl aims to be top of the class in (Open Source) software security. Here's your chance to point finger and tell us what we should do better.
Metaverse Meetup: Explore Mulesoft MAC ProjectGiulioPicchi
Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
Biometric attendance systems allow organizations to meet their legal responsibility through exact tracking of employee work time estimation and overtime durations and absence documentation.
Software Development Services: A Complete GuideAndrew Wade
This guide provides an in-depth look at software development services, explaining their importance for businesses of all sizes. It outlines the different types of services, including custom software, web and mobile development, enterprise solutions, and cloud-based applications. The blog highlights the key benefits of hiring a software development company, such as expertise, cost-effectiveness, faster time to market, scalability, and ongoing support. Additionally, it offers practical tips for selecting the right software development agency, emphasizing factors like portfolio evaluation, technical expertise, and post-development support. Ultimately, choosing a reliable software development firm can drive business growth, innovation, and efficiency.
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The Large Language Model is not doing what you think it is.Alex Ferguson
Dive deep into the complex world of large language models (LLMs), exploring the foundational aspects of their architecture, functionality, and comprehensive training methodologies. In this detailed presentation, we will examine topics such as the numerous parameters and weights that constitute LLMs, the application of advanced reinforcement learning techniques with human feedback, the innovative use of transformers in processing data, and the intriguing concept of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Our objective is to thoroughly demystify the operational mechanics behind LLMs, highlighting the fact that their functionalities are grounded in mathematical computations and algorithms, and dispelling the notion that these models possess any form of genuine cognitive understanding or consciousness.
Google Cloud Build: Your Complete CI/CD Pipeline Solution in the Cloud
Discover how Google Cloud Build revolutionizes continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) with its fully managed, serverless platform. This comprehensive presentation explores Cloud Build's architecture, features, and real-world implementations for streamlined software delivery.
Learn how Cloud Build integrates with GitHub, Bitbucket, and Cloud Source Repositories, enabling automatic builds triggered by code commits. The platform supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, including Java, Python, Node.js, and Go, making it versatile for diverse development teams.
Through practical examples and demonstrations, attendees will learn to:
Set up automated build triggers for different environments
Implement parallel and sequential build steps
Integrate testing frameworks and quality gates
Manage artifacts across Google Cloud services
Monitor build metrics and optimize pipeline efficiency
The presentation includes case studies and advanced topics covering Cloud Build's integration with Cloud Run, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and Cloud Functions. Perfect for developers, DevOps engineers, and technical leaders looking to streamline their development pipeline.
Adobe Marketo Engage Champion Deep Dive: Extending Marketo With AEM FormsBradBedford3
Discover the various ways and use cases for using Marketo forms vs. AEM forms.. In this session, Adobe experts will explore the different types of forms, key use cases, the pros and cons of each type and more! Learn how to leverage these different types of forms to best suit your business needs and use case.
1.What is a Form?
2.Marketo Forms overview
3.AEM Forms overview
4.Use Case: Extend communications with personalized PDFs
5.Use Case: Complete journeys with personalized web applications
6.Use Case: Contact Us form
Target Audience
Marketo Users: Professionals already using or considering Marketo who want to expand their marketing capabilities to AEM
AEM Users: Professionals already using or considering AEM who want to expand their marketing capabilities in Marketo
15. Step 1: Collaborative Task Mining:
extract frequent demand sequences from large scale browser logs
achieved via frequent sequence mining problem
Step 2: Task-based Demand Prediction
predict the upcoming demand of a user given the current browsing session
estimate the probability of each demand d D being the follow-on demand of
the current session
Step 3: Task-based Recommendation
Provide site-level recommendations (based on predicted demands)
Provide link-level recommendations (heterogeneous recommendations
based on browsing behavior)
Task-based Recommendation on a Web-Scale
20. Summary - I
Query intent understanding
Classification based (ODP, LDA)
Cluster based (Random walks, reformulations)
Session based techniques
Time based segmentation
Content based segmentation
Hybrid segmentation
Extracting search tasks
Evaluating task extraction algorithms
21. Query intent understanding
Extracting search tasks
Task Extraction
Clustering based approaches
Entity oriented task extraction
Structured SVM based bestlinks structures
LDA topics with Hawkes process
Tasks Subtasks
dd-CRP with embeddings model
BRT Hierarchical Subtask segmentation
Evaluating task extraction algorithms
Summary - II
22. Query intent understanding
Extracting search tasks
Evaluating task extraction algorithms
Gold standard dataset
User study based evaluation
Alternative techniques
TREC Tasks Tracks
Summary - III
28. [21] H. Liao, Song. Evaluating the effectiveness of search task trails. In WWW
[22] J. Liu and N. J. Belkin. Personalizing information retrieval for multi-
session tasks: The roles of task stage and task type. In SIGIR 2010.
[23] Lucchese, Orlando, Perego, Silvestri, and Tolomei. Discovering tasks from
search engine query logs. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2013.
[24] C. Lucchese, S. Orlando, R. Perego, F. Silvestri, and G. Tolomei. Identifying
task-based sessions in search engine query logs. In WSDM 2011.
[25] R. Mehrotra, P. Bhattacharya, and E. Yilmaz. Characterizing users' multi-
tasking behavior in web search. In CHIIR 2016.
[26] Mei, Zhou, and Church. Query suggestion using hitting time. In ACM
CIKM 2008.
[27] Q. Mei, H. Fang, and C. Zhai. A study of poisson query generation model
for information retrieval. In SIGIR 2007.
[28] D. Morris. Searchbar: a search-centric web history for task resumption
and information re-nding. In CHI 2008.
[29] D. Newman, J. H. Lau, K. Grieser, and T. Baldwin. Automatic evaluation of
topic coherence. In NAACL 2010.
[30] O'Connor, Krieger, and Ahn. Tweetmotif: Exploratory search and topic
summarization for twitter. In ICWSM 2010.
29. [31] P. Pecina. Lexical association measures and collocation extraction.
Language resources and evaluation, 2010.
[32] F. Radlinski and T. Joachims. Query chains: learning to rank from implicit
feedback. In KDD 2005.
[33] Segal, Koller, and Ormoneit. Probabilistic abstraction hierarchies. NIPS
[34] Silverstein and Marais. Analysis of a very large web search engine query
log. In SIGIR Forum 1999.
[35] A. Singla, R. White, and J. Huang. Studying trailnding algorithms for
enhanced web search. In SIGIR 2010.
[36] Song, Liu, and Wang. Automatic taxonomy construction from keywords.
In Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD 2012.
[37] Spink, Koshman, Park, Field, and Jansen. Multitasking web search on
vivisimo. com. In ITCC 2005.
[38] P. Vakkari. Task-based information searching. Annual review of
information science and technology, 2003.
[39] H. Wang, X. Song, R. W. White, and W. Chu. Learning to extract cross-
session search tasks. In WWW 2013.
[40] White, Bennett, and Dumais. Predicting short-term interests using
activity-based search context. In CIKM 2010.
30. Deadline: 30th November 2017
Notification: 15th December 2017
Workshop: 9th February 2018