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Grammar: Nouns and
Miracle Yvette Tomas, LPT
What are NOUNS?
 Latin word nomen
 A noun is a word that names
a person, place, or thing.
 Nouns name things that can
be seen and touched as well
as those that cannot be seen
and touched.
Uncle Mike Catherine neighbor
Canada Library garden
Things You Can See and
Ideas and Actions Conditions and
tree, store, mayfly justice, peace joy, beauty, illness
Common and Proper Nouns
 A common noun names any one of a class of people, places, or
things. A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing.
NOTE: Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
Critical Viewing:
Would you use more common nouns or
more proper nouns in a description
of this picture? Why?
Countable and Uncountable (Mass
 Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers.
 Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with
Abstract and Concrete Nouns
 A concrete noun is a noun that can be identified through
one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or
 An abstract noun is a noun that cannot be perceived using
one of the five senses (i.e., taste, touch, sight, hearing,
Collective Noun
 A count noun that denotes a group of people or things.
 Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum.
 The herd of bison ran across the prairie, leaving a massive
dust cloud in its wake.
Compound Nouns
 Nouns that are made up of more than one word.
Separated Hyphenated Combined
Bubble bath
Station wagon
Grammar Practice:
Instructions: Copy and underline the compound nouns from the
following sentences.
1. The life span of insects is different for each species.
2. An adult male mayfly never lives to see his offspring; he
lives only a few hours.
3. A queen termite can live up to 50 years, although her
lifestyle consists of populating the hive.
4. An individual dragonfly does not live long, but this species
has survived about 250 million years.
5. The American cockroach survives because of its adaptability
to change.
Grammar Practice:
Instructions: Copy the text below and underline the ten compound
nouns you find in the following paragraph.
Insects are fascinating animals. Each one has something unique
about it. Any notebook belonging to a bug collector is full of
interesting facts. Here are a few: The Chrysiridia madagascarensis, a
moth, is full of vibrant colors. A railroad worm, the larval form of
beetle found in South America, makes its own light. A flea has a
broad jump of over 33 centimeters. Honeybees do a dance to
communicate where a specific flower is located, and the queen of
bumblebees gives birth to every bee that lives in her beehive!
Cases of Nouns
Three Cases of Nouns
1. Nominative Case
2. Objective Case
3. Possessive Case
Cases of Nouns: Nominative Case
1. Subject  A noun is used as the subject of a finite verb is the
nominative case.
Ex. In history, Waterloo is the place where Napoleon
Bonaparte was defeated.
2. Predicate Nominative  A noun that follows a
linking/copulative verb in the nominative case if it refers to the
same person or thing as its subject.
Ex. The student was named John.
Cases of Nouns: Nominative Case
3. Apposition  A noun in apposition is in the same case as the noun it explains.
It is used side by side with another noun it refers to.
Ex. Miracle, the English teacher, is from the Philippines.
4. Address A noun is used in direct address.
Ex. Students, please be quiet.
5. Exclamation  A noun is used independently to express a strong emotion.
Ex. Oh, the great actor! Hes doing well.
** Nominative Absolute  a noun is used before participle in an independent
Ex. Opening prayer having been said, the teacher greeted the students.
Cases of Nouns: Objective Case
1. Direct Object  a noun in a DO follows a transitive verb.
Ex. He did not recognize the address of the meeting.
2. Indirect Object  a noun that tells to whom or for whom the action of the
verb is being performed.
Ex. She sent Jerry a birthday card.
3. Object of the Preposition  the noun is preceded by a preposition.
Ex. He did his duties with great courage.
Cases of Nouns: Possessive Case
The noun is in POSSESSIVE CASE if it shows
ownership or possessions.
General rule: an apostrophe () and s are added to the singular noun while only
an apostrophe () is added to the plural noun.
Examples: boys bike  boys bike : the presss books or the press books

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Parts of Speech: Nouns

  • 2. What are NOUNS? Review: Latin word nomen NAME A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. Nouns name things that can be seen and touched as well as those that cannot be seen and touched. People Uncle Mike Catherine neighbor Places Canada Library garden Things Things You Can See and Touch Ideas and Actions Conditions and Qualities tree, store, mayfly justice, peace joy, beauty, illness
  • 3. Common and Proper Nouns A common noun names any one of a class of people, places, or things. A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing. NOTE: Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter. Critical Viewing: Would you use more common nouns or more proper nouns in a description of this picture? Why?
  • 4. Countable and Uncountable (Mass Nouns) Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers.
  • 5. Abstract and Concrete Nouns A concrete noun is a noun that can be identified through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell). An abstract noun is a noun that cannot be perceived using one of the five senses (i.e., taste, touch, sight, hearing, smelling).
  • 6. Collective Noun A count noun that denotes a group of people or things. EXAMPLES: Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum. The herd of bison ran across the prairie, leaving a massive dust cloud in its wake.
  • 7. Compound Nouns Nouns that are made up of more than one word. TYPES OF COMPOUND NOUNS Separated Hyphenated Combined Bubble bath Station wagon Daughter-in-law Hand-me-down Shipwreck handstand
  • 8. Grammar Practice: Instructions: Copy and underline the compound nouns from the following sentences. 1. The life span of insects is different for each species. 2. An adult male mayfly never lives to see his offspring; he lives only a few hours. 3. A queen termite can live up to 50 years, although her lifestyle consists of populating the hive. 4. An individual dragonfly does not live long, but this species has survived about 250 million years. 5. The American cockroach survives because of its adaptability to change.
  • 9. Grammar Practice: Instructions: Copy the text below and underline the ten compound nouns you find in the following paragraph. Insects are fascinating animals. Each one has something unique about it. Any notebook belonging to a bug collector is full of interesting facts. Here are a few: The Chrysiridia madagascarensis, a moth, is full of vibrant colors. A railroad worm, the larval form of beetle found in South America, makes its own light. A flea has a broad jump of over 33 centimeters. Honeybees do a dance to communicate where a specific flower is located, and the queen of bumblebees gives birth to every bee that lives in her beehive!
  • 10. Cases of Nouns Three Cases of Nouns 1. Nominative Case 2. Objective Case 3. Possessive Case
  • 11. Cases of Nouns: Nominative Case 1. Subject A noun is used as the subject of a finite verb is the nominative case. Ex. In history, Waterloo is the place where Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated. 2. Predicate Nominative A noun that follows a linking/copulative verb in the nominative case if it refers to the same person or thing as its subject. Ex. The student was named John.
  • 12. Cases of Nouns: Nominative Case 3. Apposition A noun in apposition is in the same case as the noun it explains. It is used side by side with another noun it refers to. Ex. Miracle, the English teacher, is from the Philippines. 4. Address A noun is used in direct address. Ex. Students, please be quiet. 5. Exclamation A noun is used independently to express a strong emotion. Ex. Oh, the great actor! Hes doing well. ** Nominative Absolute a noun is used before participle in an independent clause. Ex. Opening prayer having been said, the teacher greeted the students.
  • 13. Cases of Nouns: Objective Case 1. Direct Object a noun in a DO follows a transitive verb. Ex. He did not recognize the address of the meeting. 2. Indirect Object a noun that tells to whom or for whom the action of the verb is being performed. Ex. She sent Jerry a birthday card. 3. Object of the Preposition the noun is preceded by a preposition. Ex. He did his duties with great courage.
  • 14. Cases of Nouns: Possessive Case The noun is in POSSESSIVE CASE if it shows ownership or possessions. General rule: an apostrophe () and s are added to the singular noun while only an apostrophe () is added to the plural noun. Examples: boys bike boys bike : the presss books or the press books