This document summarizes an eTwinning project called "Teachers4Europe: Eu4all, a workshop on Democracy". The project involved students ages 4-13 from 6 European countries collaborating online to learn about democracy, EU values, and each other's countries. Activities included creating a logo, e-book, game, and surveys. Evaluations found that students learned about the EU and collaboration, while teachers benefited from exchanging ideas and using technology. The project will continue next school year.
The educational program entitled "Eu4all, a workshop on Democracy and Human rights" took place in the framework of Erasmus+ KA3 Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture (2018-22).
Most students recognized the European Union flag but had incomplete knowledge about the EU. While over half knew democracy originated in Greece, many students understood democratic power comes from the people. The questionnaire also found students aware of the EU's impact on their lives and wanting to learn more about the European Union.
Eirini-Anthi Papazachariou is a primary school teacher from Rhodes, Greece. She teaches 3rd grade at the 5th Primary School of Rhodes. Greece has a population of around 10.8 million people and is located in southeastern Europe, with Athens as its capital city. Rhodes is the largest island in the Dodecanese islands region of Greece.
Eirini-Anthi Papazachariou is a primary school teacher from Rhodes, Greece. She teaches 3rd grade at the 5th Primary School of Rhodes. Rhodes is the largest island of the Dodecanese islands in Greece, where the population is around 10.8 million people and Athens is the capital city. She introduces her classroom, which is the C2 - 3rd Grade classroom at the 5th primary school of Rhodes.
The document summarizes teacher feedback from the "Me in Art - Art in Me: A Cultural Heritage" eTwinning project. All teachers found participating beneficial and agreed it achieved the goals of developing student technology skills and enabling collaboration. The teachers spent significant time on project activities in class and found the subject inspired many lessons. Educators were happy and satisfied with their participation, believing it was an interesting, well-organized project for both students and teachers that integrated well with the curriculum.
Kira Sarakosti is an old Greek Easter tradition represented by a small paper or bread figure of a nun-like woman with seven legs. Each leg represents one week of Lent and the figure was used as a calendar to count down the weeks until Easter. In older times in Greece, one of the legs would be cut off each week starting from Clean Monday until only one leg remained on Holy Saturday. The final leg piece would be hidden in a dried fruit and brought luck to whoever found it. Thus, Kira Sarakosti served as a folkloric representation of Lent that has now mostly disappeared as a custom in Greece.
This document outlines the plan for a project called "The Defenders of Peace". It involves several partner schools that will work collaboratively over the course of the school year through various online and offline activities to promote peace, human rights, and non-violence. The project is organized into phases from September to June focused on themes like introduction to peace, human rights, conflict and violence, communication, and evaluation. Throughout each phase, the partner schools will complete tasks like creating presentations, posters, videos and games to share their ideas and learning. The founders are responsible for setting up the online workspace and ensuring all partners stay on schedule and actively participate in the project.
Eirini-Anthi Papazachariou is a primary school teacher from Rhodes, Greece. She teaches 3rd grade at the 5th Primary School of Rhodes. Greece has a population of around 10.8 million people and is located in southeastern Europe, with Athens as its capital city. Rhodes is the largest island in the Dodecanese islands region of Greece.
Eirini-Anthi Papazachariou is a primary school teacher from Rhodes, Greece. She teaches 3rd grade at the 5th Primary School of Rhodes. Rhodes is the largest island of the Dodecanese islands in Greece, where the population is around 10.8 million people and Athens is the capital city. She introduces her classroom, which is the C2 - 3rd Grade classroom at the 5th primary school of Rhodes.
The document summarizes teacher feedback from the "Me in Art - Art in Me: A Cultural Heritage" eTwinning project. All teachers found participating beneficial and agreed it achieved the goals of developing student technology skills and enabling collaboration. The teachers spent significant time on project activities in class and found the subject inspired many lessons. Educators were happy and satisfied with their participation, believing it was an interesting, well-organized project for both students and teachers that integrated well with the curriculum.
Kira Sarakosti is an old Greek Easter tradition represented by a small paper or bread figure of a nun-like woman with seven legs. Each leg represents one week of Lent and the figure was used as a calendar to count down the weeks until Easter. In older times in Greece, one of the legs would be cut off each week starting from Clean Monday until only one leg remained on Holy Saturday. The final leg piece would be hidden in a dried fruit and brought luck to whoever found it. Thus, Kira Sarakosti served as a folkloric representation of Lent that has now mostly disappeared as a custom in Greece.
This document outlines the plan for a project called "The Defenders of Peace". It involves several partner schools that will work collaboratively over the course of the school year through various online and offline activities to promote peace, human rights, and non-violence. The project is organized into phases from September to June focused on themes like introduction to peace, human rights, conflict and violence, communication, and evaluation. Throughout each phase, the partner schools will complete tasks like creating presentations, posters, videos and games to share their ideas and learning. The founders are responsible for setting up the online workspace and ensuring all partners stay on schedule and actively participate in the project.
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RRB ALP (Assistant Loco Pilot) CBT 2 Electrician Previous Year Question Paper MCQ E-Book PDF Free Download in English. Helpful for ITI Trade Theory CBT Exam,油Apprentice test, CTS AITT, ISRO, DRDO, NAVY, ARMY, Naval Dockyard, Tradesman, Training Officer, Instructor, RRB ALP CBT,油Railway Technician, CEPTAM, BRO, PWD, PHED, Air India, BHEL, BARC, IPSC, CTI, HSFC, GSRTC, GAIL, PSC, Viva, Tests, Quiz油& all other technical competitive exams.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
The PLA Beyond Borders: Chinese Military Operations in Regional and Global Co...Dadang Solihin
Buku The PLA Beyond Borders: Chinese Military Operations in Regional and Global Context diedit oleh Joel Wuthnow, Arthur S. Ding, Phillip C. Saunders, Andrew Scobell, dan Andrew N.D. Yang, merupakan karya komprehensif yang membahas operasi militer China di luar batas wilayahnya, termasuk dalam konteks regional dan global.
Buku ini terdiri dari 12 bab yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian utama: bagian pertama membahas faktor-faktor pendukung (enablers) yang memungkinkan operasi militer China, sementara bagian kedua fokus pada teori dan praktik operasi militer China.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.