Two Pseudo-random Number Generators, an Overview Kato Mivule
This document provides an overview of two pseudorandom number generators: the linear congruential generator (LCG) and the Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS) pseudorandom bit generator. It describes how LCGs work using a linear recurrence formula to generate pseudorandom numbers from a seed value. It also explains that BBS generators are cryptographically secure as they pass the next-bit test, making the sequence unpredictable. The document concludes by thanking the audience for their time and inviting comments and questions.
Adaline and Madaline are adaptive linear neuron models. Adaline is a single linear neuron that can be trained with the least mean square algorithm or stochastic gradient descent. Madaline is a network of multiple Adalines that can be trained with Madaline Rule II to perform non-linear functions like XOR. Madaline has applications in tasks like echo cancellation, signal prediction, adaptive beamforming antennas, and translation-invariant pattern recognition. Conjugate gradient descent converges faster than gradient descent for minimizing quadratic functions.
This document provides an overview of bag-of-words models for image classification. It discusses how bag-of-words models originated from texture recognition and document classification. Images are represented as histograms of visual word frequencies. A visual vocabulary is learned by clustering local image features, and each cluster center becomes a visual word. Both discriminative methods like support vector machines and generative methods like Naive Bayes are used to classify images based on their bag-of-words representations.
- The document contains code and explanations for solving optimization problems using dynamic programming, including calculating minimum costs using a 2D array to store results.
- It describes applying dynamic programming to problems involving finding minimum costs for tasks that can be split into subtasks, with the overall cost determined by combining subtask costs.
- The code provided shows initializing a 2D array and using nested for loops to iterate through values, calculate minimum costs based on previous results, and store them in the 2D array to build up an optimal solution.
The document discusses N-gram language models, which assign probabilities to sequences of words. An N-gram is a sequence of N words, such as a bigram (two words) or trigram (three words). The N-gram model approximates the probability of a word given its history as the probability given the previous N-1 words. This is called the Markov assumption. Maximum likelihood estimation is used to estimate N-gram probabilities from word counts in a corpus.
The document discusses pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) and different algorithms used to generate pseudo-random numbers, including the middle-square method, linear congruence method, and MersenneTwister. PRNGs are useful for applications like cryptography, games, and statistics, but different algorithms have strengths best suited for different uses. Parameters must be carefully chosen for reliable sequences without repeats or quick degeneration.
Information retrieval 10 tf idf and bag of wordsVaibhav Khanna
The bag-of-words model is a simplifying representation used in natural language processing and information retrieval (IR). In this model, a text (such as a sentence or a document) is represented as the bag (multiset) of its words, disregarding grammar and even word order but keeping multiplicity.
This presentation on Pseudo Random Number Generator enlists the different generators, their mechanisms and the various applications of random numbers and pseudo random numbers in different arenas.
Design and analysis of algorithms - Abstract ViewWaqas Nawaz
This document discusses the design and analysis of algorithms. It introduces algorithms and defines them as sets of rules to solve computational problems. It emphasizes the importance of both designing algorithms through techniques like divide-and-conquer as well as analyzing their performance through complexity analysis. The document provides examples of analyzing worst-case, best-case, and average-case runtime and uses an example algorithm to find the largest number in an array to demonstrate space and time analysis methods.
This document provides an overview of natural language processing (NLP) for text categorization and classification. It discusses supervised and unsupervised learning problems and classification algorithms like Naive Bayes and support vector machines (SVM). Specific applications mentioned include email classification, spam filtering, and document organization. The document compares Naive Bayes and SVM, noting that Naive Bayes is easier and faster while SVM is more difficult but can handle binary classification problems.
PGP and S/MIME are two common methods for securing email. PGP uses public/private key encryption and digital signatures to provide confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. It operates by encrypting messages with a randomly generated session key, signing with the sender's private key, and distributing the session key via the recipient's public key. S/MIME also uses public/private key encryption and digital signatures as defined in its X.509 certificate standard to secure email in a similar manner to PGP. Both protocols aim to protect email contents and verify sender identity.
AlexNet was the winning model of the 2012 ImageNet competition. It has a deep convolutional neural network architecture consisting of five convolutional layers and three fully connected layers. AlexNet contains over 60 million parameters and has more filters and layers than previous networks, helping to address the problem of overfitting. It also employs techniques like dropout and data augmentation to improve performance.
The document discusses N-gram language models, which assign probabilities to sequences of words. An N-gram is a sequence of N words, such as a bigram (two words) or trigram (three words). The N-gram model approximates the probability of a word given its history as the probability given the previous N-1 words. This is called the Markov assumption. Maximum likelihood estimation is used to estimate N-gram probabilities from word counts in a corpus.
The document discusses pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) and different algorithms used to generate pseudo-random numbers, including the middle-square method, linear congruence method, and MersenneTwister. PRNGs are useful for applications like cryptography, games, and statistics, but different algorithms have strengths best suited for different uses. Parameters must be carefully chosen for reliable sequences without repeats or quick degeneration.
Information retrieval 10 tf idf and bag of wordsVaibhav Khanna
The bag-of-words model is a simplifying representation used in natural language processing and information retrieval (IR). In this model, a text (such as a sentence or a document) is represented as the bag (multiset) of its words, disregarding grammar and even word order but keeping multiplicity.
This presentation on Pseudo Random Number Generator enlists the different generators, their mechanisms and the various applications of random numbers and pseudo random numbers in different arenas.
Design and analysis of algorithms - Abstract ViewWaqas Nawaz
This document discusses the design and analysis of algorithms. It introduces algorithms and defines them as sets of rules to solve computational problems. It emphasizes the importance of both designing algorithms through techniques like divide-and-conquer as well as analyzing their performance through complexity analysis. The document provides examples of analyzing worst-case, best-case, and average-case runtime and uses an example algorithm to find the largest number in an array to demonstrate space and time analysis methods.
This document provides an overview of natural language processing (NLP) for text categorization and classification. It discusses supervised and unsupervised learning problems and classification algorithms like Naive Bayes and support vector machines (SVM). Specific applications mentioned include email classification, spam filtering, and document organization. The document compares Naive Bayes and SVM, noting that Naive Bayes is easier and faster while SVM is more difficult but can handle binary classification problems.
PGP and S/MIME are two common methods for securing email. PGP uses public/private key encryption and digital signatures to provide confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. It operates by encrypting messages with a randomly generated session key, signing with the sender's private key, and distributing the session key via the recipient's public key. S/MIME also uses public/private key encryption and digital signatures as defined in its X.509 certificate standard to secure email in a similar manner to PGP. Both protocols aim to protect email contents and verify sender identity.
AlexNet was the winning model of the 2012 ImageNet competition. It has a deep convolutional neural network architecture consisting of five convolutional layers and three fully connected layers. AlexNet contains over 60 million parameters and has more filters and layers than previous networks, helping to address the problem of overfitting. It also employs techniques like dropout and data augmentation to improve performance.
This talk gives a brief introduction to machine learning. I try to use pictures and videos to clarify the most important ideas in this field. In case of any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Data clustering, data deduction and data visualization. Using advnaced skills to encode the free format articles to cluster data by using LLM pre-trained models.
Making data-informed decisions and building intelligent products (Chinese)Jay (Jianqiang) Wang
this talk is presented in Mandarin Chinese. In this talk, i discuss how to make data-informed decisions and build data-driven engineering culture. I also cover stitch fix, which is a AI-driven fashion company. I go over various aspects of the business and data challenges.
4. 什么是机器学习?
? 机器可以学习和思考么?
? “Machine Learning”, 1959, IBM, Arthur Samuel
? 机器学习(统计学习): 计算机系统基于数据运用统计方法提升系统
? 基本假设: 同类型的数据具有一定的统计规律性
Data ML Skill
5. 机器学习的定义
? 形式化定义:
? A computer program is said to learn from experience E with
respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its
performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with
experience E (Tom M.Mitchell)
Data ML Skill
Improved performance measure
(e.g. prediction accuracy)
Experience Task: e.g. prediction
9. AI的诞生: 40~50年代
? 1943, Pitts和McCulloch提出人工神经网络(ANN)
? 1950, 图灵测试,如果一台机器能够与人类展开对话而不能被辨别出
? 1952, 游戏AI, Samuel的国际象棋程序可以挑战有相当水平的业务
? 1955, Newell&Simon开发了逻辑理论家证明数学原理的38个原理
? 1956, 达特茅斯Workshop, 提出AI定义
? 人工智能就是要让机器的行为和人所表现的智能行为一样
? Every aspect of learning or any other feature of
intelligence can be so precisely described that a
machine can be made to simulate it.