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Balancing New
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On Wednesday, July 31, 2014, a scholarship
reception was held at the offices of the
Community Foundation to honor and celebrate
this years scholarship recipients, their families,
and donor fund representatives. Over 140
guests were in attendance. This year alone,
over $177,000 in scholarships have been
awarded. Since 2000, scholarship funds at the
Community Foundation have collectively
awarded over $1,241,175 in scholarships
to deserving students from throughout the
region. During the brief program, Mr. Derrik
Wynkoop, Board of Directors Chair,
remarked to all scholarship recipients After
you achieve great success in this world by
virtue of the degrees you will achieve,
please remember the Community
Foundation and think about ways to give
back to your community, just as the donor
did who created the scholarship fund from
which you benefitted.
Best wishes to all of you heading off to college. Enjoy the
adventure and the opportunity. Congratulations to the
future class of 2018! - Derrik R. Wynkoop, Chair

Save The Date
15th Anniversary Celebration
and Annual Reception
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Anthonys Pier 9 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
For sponsorships, journal advertisements, and tickets
contact Elizabeth Rowley at Elizabeth@cfosny.org or (845) 769-9393
Jacqueline Lang, recipient of the Michelle Renee
Bratton Memorial Scholarship, with her parents, and
the Bratton Family.
Myriam Moise, recipient of the Justin T. Dimino
Scholarship, with her parents and Camille Stack, the
donor fund representative.
Check out our new website! www.cfosny.org
The Community Foundation has done a total revamp to our website! Thanks to A&E Advertising, the new website is much more user friendly
and each fund has its own individual page. We welcome your ongoing comments and suggestions about ways we can further enhance the
Foundations website and communications. Please contact Nicolette Curcio, Communications Associate, at Nicolette@cfosny.org with comments or
suggestions or call her at 845-769-9393 x2.
Scholarship Spotlight
Nicholas Nanakos, a graduating
student of John S. Burke Catholic
High School, was awarded a $1,000
scholarship from The David Racine
Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Nicholas will be attending Drexel
University in Philadelphia this fall
to pursue a career in Finance.
The David Racine Memorial Scholarship Fund was
created following David Racines sudden passing on
December 27, 2011 as the result of a brain aneurysm.
At 25 years old, David was the only child of Patti and
Tracy Racine. David had recently taken steps to enter
the U.S. Marine Corps as a flight mechanic. His love
of football and his big heart have inspired the Racine
Family to establish The David Racine Memorial
Scholarship Fund as a lasting way to honor David
and to keep his memory alive and vibrant.
Nicholas Nanakos
It is truly an honor to have been
awarded this scholarship, and I am
absolutely humbled to have been
given this award. I would like to
thank the Racine Family from the
bottom of my heart. God bless you
and your son
who is watching
over us.
- Nick Nanakos
David Racine

Professional Advisors Corner
The Community Foundation will host a
Professional Advisors Education Seminar
on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 from 4:30 p.m.
- 8:00 p.m. at the Orange County Chamber
of Commerce Business Center. This seminar
will focus on New Laws and Strategies of
Estate Planning and Easy Ways to Dissolve
a Private Foundation. For more information
and to register, visit www.cfosny.org
Orange County Youth Football and Cheerleading Fund - This fund will provide a
scholarship to a graduating senior who has participated in Orange County Youth Football
and Cheerleading for multiple years. The scholarship is open to graduating seniors in most
Orange County High Schools, as well as students from Monticello, Wallkill, and Marlboro
who plan to attend a 2 or 4 year college.
Firefighters Burn Fund - This fund will support educational and burn prevention program-
ming in Orange, Ulster, Dutchess and Sullivan County including equipment, supplies, and
specialized training of burn care personnel within the four county region.
ND Pro Media Community Give Back Program Fund - The
purpose of this project fund is to raise funds for local charities
in the Hudson Valley region by creating and selling a calendar
featuring photos taken by ND Pro Media.
Marcellos Miracle Foundation - This fund is dedicated to support-
ing scientific research that will advance cures for pediatric-inherited
eye disorders that cause blindness, while also providing a means of
charitable support for families whose children are experiencing loss
of vision as a result of their disorder.
Brian Strommer II Fund - This fund, established in memory of
Brian Strommer II, will provide grants and/or scholarships annually.
Doug Ackermann and Brenna Darling Memorial Fund - This fund, established by
family members of Doug and Brenna who both passed away from cancer at young ages,
will award annual grants to nonprofit organizations that assist individuals in Sullivan
County dealing with catastrophic illness.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange County Endowment Fund - An agency
endowment fund that will support their 4-H Park and all other programs of Cornell
Cooperative Extension of Orange County.
105th Airlift Wing Alumni Fund - This fund will support a variety of
causes as stated in the groups charter including activities of the 105th
Airlift Wing; programs and services offered by the Family Readiness
Office; other types of patriotic activities and other veteran activities
in the Hudson Valley.
Recent Funds Established
Surge of Charitable Remainder Trusts as Baby Boomers Age
Originally published by Chronicle of Philanthropy on July 10, 2014
The oldest of Americas 72 million baby boomers are turning 68 this year, the average age at which individuals
create charitable remainder trusts. Thats likely to produce a surge in such gifts during the next 20 years,
predicts Robert Sharpe, a planned-giving expert in Memphis.
Aside from the factor of demographics, more people will be interested in charitable trusts because of recent tax
changes that increased the amount of capital-gains taxes they will owe after selling a business or other asset.
Charitable remainder trusts can be set up in various ways. Typically, the donor enjoys tax benefits from
establishing the trust and draws an income from it for a specified period; the funds in the trust go to a charity
after the trust expires or when the donor, and in some cases a spouse or other heir, dies.
With 10,000 baby boomers a day turning 68, charitable organizations and potential donors can benefit from
charitable remainder trusts. For example, a charitable remainder trust could be well suited to a 60-year-old
donor who needs income for 10 years until he begins mandatory withdrawals from his retirement plan. For a
donor in his late 40s who sells a business and wants to make a gift but is concerned about putting his children
through college, a charitable trust established for seven or eight years could make it possible to bypass
capital-gains taxes while providing income needed for the costs of education.
Other planned-giving experts agree that interest in charitable remainder trusts is likely to grow, as a result of
increased income and capital gains taxes many people now face. Traditional charitable remainder trusts,
offering payment for life are a great option for generating income and leaving a charitable legacy.
Brian Strommer II
15th Anniversary Celebration
and Annual Reception
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Monticello Motor Club
with the
2014 David T. Cocks Award for Commitment to the
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Anthonys Pier 9
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The Annual Reception promises to be a very special evening.
Many community and key business leaders from throughout the
region attend this signature event, and is sure to be a sell-out.
Proceeds from the Annual Reception support the Foundations
work in establishing charitable funds that make grants in the
areas of education, the environment, the arts and health and
human services.
For sponsorships, journal ads, and tickets
contact Elizabeth Rowley at Elizabeth@cfosny.org
Major Sponsors:
The Kaplan Family Foundations
4th Stewart Military Appreciation Day Picnic
105th Airlift Wing Base (Private event)
Newburgh, NY
Contact Alan Seidman: (845) 562-4280
Carlys Kids Day Friends and Family Night Out
Orange County Choppers
Newburgh, NY
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Orange County Firefighters Museum Golf Outing
Winding Hills Golf Club
Contact the Museum: (845) 457-9666
David Racine Memorial Car and Bike Show
John S. Burke Catholic High School
Goshen, NY
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Visit www.cfosny.org for all registration details.
Donor Funds
Upcoming Events
Recent Grants Awarded
The Gumaer Cemetery/Pioneer Knoll Cemetery Fund awarded a $2,820 grant to the
Minisink Valley Historical Society to assist with general expenses to maintain the cemetery.
The Keith B. Hayes Foundation awarded a $10,000 grant to The Trustees of
Columbia University for research funding, $1,750 to the Childrens
Cardiomyopathy Foundation, $1,000 to Rockland Independent Living Center,
and $150 to the Wheelchair Foundation.
The Anonymous Designated Fund #1 awarded a $1,295 grant to Christ
Church of Warwick to be used for capital, buildings and grounds projects.
The Anne F. Bourne Memorial Fund awarded a $5,000 grant to San Miguel Academy in
Newburgh to provide outdoor education programming to underserved students from low-income
The Firefighter Thomas J. Foley Foundation awarded a $5,000 grant
to Children of Promise Stable as a donation towards the indoor riding
stable which was built in memory of Thomas J. Foley who had a deep
love of horses.
Kidz4Causes Fund awarded a $500 grant to Eleanor Roosevelt Center
at Val-Kill to support the work of Girls Leadership Worldwide.
The ATB (Alexander Thomas Blazeski) Legacy Fund awarded a $500
grant to the Pine Bush Bombers Little League team to use for uniforms,
baseballs, and expenses for the team to travel to Cooperstown Dream
Keith B. Hayes
FF Thomas J. Foley
Alexander T. Blazeski
The Community Foundation has a new office!
The Community Foundation is currently celebrating its 15th year of charitable leadership and philanthropy in
connecting people who care with causes that matter. The generosity of those who have given through and to the
Community Foundation in its 15 year history has resulted in over $12.2 million in charitable community assets
spread throughout over 180 charitable funds.
The Community Foundation has moved to a larger office to accomodate the growing demand for our services in
the region. We are still located in the Orange County Chamber of Commerce Business Center at 30 Scotts
Corners Drive in Montgomery, NY, but we are now located in a larger office, Suite 203. An official Ribbon Cutting
Event was held on Thursday, August 14, 2014 to celebrate the recent milestones of the Community Foundation.
This event was generously sponsored by the Community Foundations 15th Anniversary Sponsors:
Gerald N. Jacobowitz, Esq.; Community Foundation Board of Directors Immediate Past President,
Karen VanHouten Minogue; President and CEO, Derrik R. Wynkoop; Community Foundation Board Chair,
and R.J. Smith; Community Foundation Past President(2003-2009),
Steve Burger and Jeffrey Crist
Scott Lask, Eric Egeland,
Edison Guzman, and Aida Guzman
30 Scotts Corners Drive, Suite 203
Montgomery, NY 12549
www.cfosny.org / www.facebook.com/CFOSny / www.twitter.com/CFOSny / 845.769.9393
Karen VanHouten Minogue, President and CEO, Karen@cfosny.org Elizabeth Rowley, Director of Development, Elizabeth@cfosny.org
Stacey Muller, Finance Manager, Stacey@cfosny.org Nicolette Curcio, Communications Associate, Nicolette@cfosny.org
Our mission is to enable charitable individuals and organizations Diversity Statement: We believe that the diversity of our community is a
to become meaningful donors by providing trusted support and fundamental strength of our region. The Community Foundation of Orange
expertise for their contributions to make a difference in our and Sullivan reflects the communitys diversity through its staff, volunteers,
community, now and forever. grantees, donors, partners, and vendors. The Foundation also reflects
diversity in all of its forms, encompassing but not limited to age, disability
Our values. We support our local community through: status, economic circumstance, skill sets, profession/occupation, political
1. Excellence in achieving the highest standard in all aspects of the organization. affiliation, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation. Our vision is
2. Stewardship by ensuring the planned legacy of donors through sound a community in which all residents enjoy a high quality of life and opportunities
financial management. for a better future in a prosperous and inclusive community.
3. Strategic partnerships to understand and address the needs of individuals and
organizations in our region.
Secure on-line donations may be made at any time on the Foundations website: www.cfosny.org
If you are interested in making a donation by check, or just want to know more, please clip and mail this section to us:
Send me more information about the Community Foundation and how to create a donor fund, or make a tax advantaged gift.
Send me more information about how to create a deferred fund through a charitable remainder trust, a life insurance policy, will,
bequest, or life estate.
I want to become a Member of the Presidents Circle and support the general operating expenses of the Foundation.
Enclosed is my annual gift of $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, $_________. A donation of any size is appreciated.
Im including a donation for $_________to be deposited into the _____________________________Fund at the Community Foundation.
Im including a donation for $_________to support the Make A Difference Fund (discretionary fund that awards grants to not-for-profit
oganizations that provide services to families in distress).
Name (Please print): ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Zip: ___________________
Phone: ______________________________________Email: _______________________________________________________________
Clip and mail to the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan
30 Scotts Corners Drive, Suite 203, Montgomery, NY 12549
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Newburgh, NY
Permit No. 39

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  • 1. givingmatters SUMMER/FALL 2014 Balancing New Technology Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nexerc tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequatduis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat. On Wednesday, July 31, 2014, a scholarship reception was held at the offices of the Community Foundation to honor and celebrate this years scholarship recipients, their families, and donor fund representatives. Over 140 guests were in attendance. This year alone, over $177,000 in scholarships have been awarded. Since 2000, scholarship funds at the Community Foundation have collectively awarded over $1,241,175 in scholarships to deserving students from throughout the region. During the brief program, Mr. Derrik Wynkoop, Board of Directors Chair, remarked to all scholarship recipients After you achieve great success in this world by virtue of the degrees you will achieve, please remember the Community Foundation and think about ways to give back to your community, just as the donor did who created the scholarship fund from which you benefitted. Best wishes to all of you heading off to college. Enjoy the adventure and the opportunity. Congratulations to the future class of 2018! - Derrik R. Wynkoop, Chair CONNECTING PEOPLE WHO CARE WITH CAUSES THAT MATTER Save The Date 15th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Reception Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Anthonys Pier 9 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. For sponsorships, journal advertisements, and tickets contact Elizabeth Rowley at Elizabeth@cfosny.org or (845) 769-9393 Honorees: and Jacqueline Lang, recipient of the Michelle Renee Bratton Memorial Scholarship, with her parents, and the Bratton Family. Myriam Moise, recipient of the Justin T. Dimino Scholarship, with her parents and Camille Stack, the donor fund representative. Check out our new website! www.cfosny.org The Community Foundation has done a total revamp to our website! Thanks to A&E Advertising, the new website is much more user friendly and each fund has its own individual page. We welcome your ongoing comments and suggestions about ways we can further enhance the Foundations website and communications. Please contact Nicolette Curcio, Communications Associate, at Nicolette@cfosny.org with comments or suggestions or call her at 845-769-9393 x2.
  • 2. Scholarship Spotlight Nicholas Nanakos, a graduating student of John S. Burke Catholic High School, was awarded a $1,000 scholarship from The David Racine Memorial Scholarship Fund. Nicholas will be attending Drexel University in Philadelphia this fall to pursue a career in Finance. The David Racine Memorial Scholarship Fund was created following David Racines sudden passing on December 27, 2011 as the result of a brain aneurysm. At 25 years old, David was the only child of Patti and Tracy Racine. David had recently taken steps to enter the U.S. Marine Corps as a flight mechanic. His love of football and his big heart have inspired the Racine Family to establish The David Racine Memorial Scholarship Fund as a lasting way to honor David and to keep his memory alive and vibrant. Nicholas Nanakos It is truly an honor to have been awarded this scholarship, and I am absolutely humbled to have been given this award. I would like to thank the Racine Family from the bottom of my heart. God bless you and your son who is watching over us. - Nick Nanakos David Racine Professional Advisors Corner The Community Foundation will host a Professional Advisors Education Seminar on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 from 4:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Orange County Chamber of Commerce Business Center. This seminar will focus on New Laws and Strategies of Estate Planning and Easy Ways to Dissolve a Private Foundation. For more information and to register, visit www.cfosny.org Orange County Youth Football and Cheerleading Fund - This fund will provide a scholarship to a graduating senior who has participated in Orange County Youth Football and Cheerleading for multiple years. The scholarship is open to graduating seniors in most Orange County High Schools, as well as students from Monticello, Wallkill, and Marlboro who plan to attend a 2 or 4 year college. Firefighters Burn Fund - This fund will support educational and burn prevention program- ming in Orange, Ulster, Dutchess and Sullivan County including equipment, supplies, and specialized training of burn care personnel within the four county region. ND Pro Media Community Give Back Program Fund - The purpose of this project fund is to raise funds for local charities in the Hudson Valley region by creating and selling a calendar featuring photos taken by ND Pro Media. Marcellos Miracle Foundation - This fund is dedicated to support- ing scientific research that will advance cures for pediatric-inherited eye disorders that cause blindness, while also providing a means of charitable support for families whose children are experiencing loss of vision as a result of their disorder. Brian Strommer II Fund - This fund, established in memory of Brian Strommer II, will provide grants and/or scholarships annually. Doug Ackermann and Brenna Darling Memorial Fund - This fund, established by family members of Doug and Brenna who both passed away from cancer at young ages, will award annual grants to nonprofit organizations that assist individuals in Sullivan County dealing with catastrophic illness. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange County Endowment Fund - An agency endowment fund that will support their 4-H Park and all other programs of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange County. 105th Airlift Wing Alumni Fund - This fund will support a variety of causes as stated in the groups charter including activities of the 105th Airlift Wing; programs and services offered by the Family Readiness Office; other types of patriotic activities and other veteran activities in the Hudson Valley. Recent Funds Established Surge of Charitable Remainder Trusts as Baby Boomers Age Originally published by Chronicle of Philanthropy on July 10, 2014 The oldest of Americas 72 million baby boomers are turning 68 this year, the average age at which individuals create charitable remainder trusts. Thats likely to produce a surge in such gifts during the next 20 years, predicts Robert Sharpe, a planned-giving expert in Memphis. Aside from the factor of demographics, more people will be interested in charitable trusts because of recent tax changes that increased the amount of capital-gains taxes they will owe after selling a business or other asset. Charitable remainder trusts can be set up in various ways. Typically, the donor enjoys tax benefits from establishing the trust and draws an income from it for a specified period; the funds in the trust go to a charity after the trust expires or when the donor, and in some cases a spouse or other heir, dies. With 10,000 baby boomers a day turning 68, charitable organizations and potential donors can benefit from charitable remainder trusts. For example, a charitable remainder trust could be well suited to a 60-year-old donor who needs income for 10 years until he begins mandatory withdrawals from his retirement plan. For a donor in his late 40s who sells a business and wants to make a gift but is concerned about putting his children through college, a charitable trust established for seven or eight years could make it possible to bypass capital-gains taxes while providing income needed for the costs of education. Other planned-giving experts agree that interest in charitable remainder trusts is likely to grow, as a result of increased income and capital gains taxes many people now face. Traditional charitable remainder trusts, offering payment for life are a great option for generating income and leaving a charitable legacy. Brian Strommer II
  • 3. 15th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Reception honoring Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine and Monticello Motor Club with the 2014 David T. Cocks Award for Commitment to the Community Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Anthonys Pier 9 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The Annual Reception promises to be a very special evening. Many community and key business leaders from throughout the region attend this signature event, and is sure to be a sell-out. Proceeds from the Annual Reception support the Foundations work in establishing charitable funds that make grants in the areas of education, the environment, the arts and health and human services. For sponsorships, journal ads, and tickets contact Elizabeth Rowley at Elizabeth@cfosny.org Major Sponsors: The Kaplan Family Foundations 4th Stewart Military Appreciation Day Picnic 105th Airlift Wing Base (Private event) Newburgh, NY Contact Alan Seidman: (845) 562-4280 Carlys Kids Day Friends and Family Night Out Orange County Choppers Newburgh, NY 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. https://www.facebook.com/carlys.day Orange County Firefighters Museum Golf Outing Winding Hills Golf Club Contact the Museum: (845) 457-9666 David Racine Memorial Car and Bike Show John S. Burke Catholic High School Goshen, NY 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Visit www.cfosny.org for all registration details. Donor Funds Upcoming Events Recent Grants Awarded The Gumaer Cemetery/Pioneer Knoll Cemetery Fund awarded a $2,820 grant to the Minisink Valley Historical Society to assist with general expenses to maintain the cemetery. The Keith B. Hayes Foundation awarded a $10,000 grant to The Trustees of Columbia University for research funding, $1,750 to the Childrens Cardiomyopathy Foundation, $1,000 to Rockland Independent Living Center, and $150 to the Wheelchair Foundation. The Anonymous Designated Fund #1 awarded a $1,295 grant to Christ Church of Warwick to be used for capital, buildings and grounds projects. The Anne F. Bourne Memorial Fund awarded a $5,000 grant to San Miguel Academy in Newburgh to provide outdoor education programming to underserved students from low-income families. The Firefighter Thomas J. Foley Foundation awarded a $5,000 grant to Children of Promise Stable as a donation towards the indoor riding stable which was built in memory of Thomas J. Foley who had a deep love of horses. Kidz4Causes Fund awarded a $500 grant to Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill to support the work of Girls Leadership Worldwide. The ATB (Alexander Thomas Blazeski) Legacy Fund awarded a $500 grant to the Pine Bush Bombers Little League team to use for uniforms, baseballs, and expenses for the team to travel to Cooperstown Dream Park. Keith B. Hayes FF Thomas J. Foley Alexander T. Blazeski The Community Foundation has a new office! The Community Foundation is currently celebrating its 15th year of charitable leadership and philanthropy in connecting people who care with causes that matter. The generosity of those who have given through and to the Community Foundation in its 15 year history has resulted in over $12.2 million in charitable community assets spread throughout over 180 charitable funds. The Community Foundation has moved to a larger office to accomodate the growing demand for our services in the region. We are still located in the Orange County Chamber of Commerce Business Center at 30 Scotts Corners Drive in Montgomery, NY, but we are now located in a larger office, Suite 203. An official Ribbon Cutting Event was held on Thursday, August 14, 2014 to celebrate the recent milestones of the Community Foundation. This event was generously sponsored by the Community Foundations 15th Anniversary Sponsors: Gerald N. Jacobowitz, Esq.; Community Foundation Board of Directors Immediate Past President, Karen VanHouten Minogue; President and CEO, Derrik R. Wynkoop; Community Foundation Board Chair, and R.J. Smith; Community Foundation Past President(2003-2009), Steve Burger and Jeffrey Crist Scott Lask, Eric Egeland, Edison Guzman, and Aida Guzman
  • 4. givingmattersCOMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF ORANGE AND SULLIVAN 30 Scotts Corners Drive, Suite 203 Montgomery, NY 12549 CONNECTING PEOPLE WHO CARE WITH CAUSES THAT MATTER www.cfosny.org / www.facebook.com/CFOSny / www.twitter.com/CFOSny / 845.769.9393 Karen VanHouten Minogue, President and CEO, Karen@cfosny.org Elizabeth Rowley, Director of Development, Elizabeth@cfosny.org Stacey Muller, Finance Manager, Stacey@cfosny.org Nicolette Curcio, Communications Associate, Nicolette@cfosny.org Our mission is to enable charitable individuals and organizations Diversity Statement: We believe that the diversity of our community is a to become meaningful donors by providing trusted support and fundamental strength of our region. The Community Foundation of Orange expertise for their contributions to make a difference in our and Sullivan reflects the communitys diversity through its staff, volunteers, community, now and forever. grantees, donors, partners, and vendors. The Foundation also reflects diversity in all of its forms, encompassing but not limited to age, disability Our values. We support our local community through: status, economic circumstance, skill sets, profession/occupation, political 1. Excellence in achieving the highest standard in all aspects of the organization. affiliation, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation. Our vision is 2. Stewardship by ensuring the planned legacy of donors through sound a community in which all residents enjoy a high quality of life and opportunities financial management. for a better future in a prosperous and inclusive community. 3. Strategic partnerships to understand and address the needs of individuals and organizations in our region. Secure on-line donations may be made at any time on the Foundations website: www.cfosny.org If you are interested in making a donation by check, or just want to know more, please clip and mail this section to us: Send me more information about the Community Foundation and how to create a donor fund, or make a tax advantaged gift. Send me more information about how to create a deferred fund through a charitable remainder trust, a life insurance policy, will, bequest, or life estate. I want to become a Member of the Presidents Circle and support the general operating expenses of the Foundation. Enclosed is my annual gift of $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, $_________. A donation of any size is appreciated. Im including a donation for $_________to be deposited into the _____________________________Fund at the Community Foundation. Im including a donation for $_________to support the Make A Difference Fund (discretionary fund that awards grants to not-for-profit oganizations that provide services to families in distress). Name (Please print): ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Zip: ___________________ Phone: ______________________________________Email: _______________________________________________________________ Clip and mail to the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan 30 Scotts Corners Drive, Suite 203, Montgomery, NY 12549 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Newburgh, NY Permit No. 39