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The 2nd Annual Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament & Gala
is brought to you by All 4 Kids Foundation, a 501(c)(3) committed to educating at-risk youth
    academically, personally, socially and physically through a curriculum that expands their
           horizons and encourages them to participate in new areas of learning, and
    The Max Cure Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity, dedicated to advancing cures for
 pediatric cancers, funding the development of less toxic treatments for children with the disease
                and assisting low-income families battling cancer in their children.
In 1982, Trent Tucker began his career playing for the NY Knicks for 9 seasons and then spent
About All 4 Kids Foundation                          his final season in 1993, with the World Champion Chicago Bulls where he earned a
The All 4 Kids Foundation is a 501(c)(3)             Championship Title. Trent holds the Bulls record for most 3-pointers in one game and ranks
committed to educating at-risk youth                 fifth in 3-pointers in one game. After retiring from the NBA in 1993, Trent became a
academically, personally, socially and physically    broadcast analyst for the Minnesota Timberwolves for five years and is currently heard on
through a curriculum that expands their horizons     KFAN radio. Trent has been very active in the Minnesota communities for over 20 years. His
and encourages them to participate in new areas      basketball camp (named after him) had its 25th annual camp session this past year in
of learning. This mission includes striving to       Minneapolis, MN and in 1998, he started his own nonprofit foundation now called the All 4
develop the whole students mind so that they        Kids Foundation. In 2001, The Trent Tucker University Scholars Program began at the
have the tools to make decisions that are            University of Minneapolis and has now expanded to NYC and will be hosted by an Ivy League
intellectual and moral.                              school beginning this spring 2012. Trent has also been named the Circle of Pride Ambassador
                                                     for The Max Cure Foundation for pediatric cancer causes and is lending his time and celebrity to
Further, Trent Tucker partners with other causes     children in need. As one of the leading philanthropists to come out of the NBA, Trent is proud
in order to raise national awareness and funds to    to have raised millions of dollars throughout the year for his foundation as well as many others.
benefit children in need. In 2001, The Trent
Tucker University Scholars Program was created      Recognition:
to provide at-risk youth with the tools necessary   The Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Foundation: 1998-Present
to develop academically, mentally and socially      The Trent Tucker University Scholars Program: Present, Minneapolis-2001 &NYC-2012
through tutoring and mentoring programs.            The Max Cure Foundation Beyond Barriers Ambassador: 2011-Present
Throughout the years, many of these students        Breakthrough Spirit Award: Childrens Cancer & Blood Foundation - 2010
not only have graduated from high school, but       Bachelor of Science Psychology of Communication  University of Minneapolis 2007
also now attend some of the top private and         Color Commentator: Big 10 Network  2007-2009
public colleges in the country. This May 2012,      Color Commentator: Minnesota Timberwolves - 1995-2000
the first class of Trent Tucker University          World Championship Title: Chicago Bulls - 1993
Scholars will be graduating from their respective   Trent Tucker Rule: NBA Rule Book  1990
universities.                                       Trent Tucker Nonprofit Foundation: Founder - 1998
                                                    NBA 1st Round Draft Pick: NY Knicks - 1982
The Max Cure Foundation for Pediatric Cancer Causes

 The Max Cure Foundation, Inc. (MCF), a 501(c)(3) public
 charity, is dedicated to advancing cures for pediatric cancers,
 funding the development of less toxic treatments for children with
 the disease and assisting low-income families battling cancer in
 their children. MCF strives to raise both awareness of the cause as
 well as money for innovative research and "Beyond Barriers, a
 family navigation system that provides low-income families certain
 necessities of life as they, with their children, fight to overcome
 cancer. MCF seeks to inspire children afflicted with cancer to face
 the disease with courage, hope and most important, bravery.

                                                          To Date:
                                                          The Max Cure Foundation has raised in excess of $1.6 million for pediatric
                                                          cancer causes through various fundraising initiatives with in excess of $820,000
                                                          having been directed to The Max Cure Fund at Memorial Sloan-Kettering
                                                          Cancer Center to underwrite a cell therapy lab dedicated to alternative
                                                          treatments and innovative research. This lab is responsible for 65% of children
                                                          and young adults who did not respond to chemotherapy and or radiation
                                                          treatments, being in remission. MCF has donated over $380,000 to other
                                                          pediatric cancer causes. Last year, MCF teamed up with the Samuel Waxman
                                                          Cancer Research Foundation and created a collaborative grant to be awarded
                                                          annually to pediatric cancer researchers. Thus far, this collaboration has
                                                          resulted in two research grants being given in the area of Ewing sarcoma and B-
 www.maxcurefoundation.org                                Cell Lymphoma.
For 13 years, The Trent Tucker Celebrity Golf
                   Tournament & Dinner Gala has received the star
                   support of Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing, Scottie
                   Pippen, Charles Oakley, Kevin Garnett, BJ
                   Armstrong, Kenny Lofton and Kris Humphries to
                   name a few. What started out as a local golf event in
                   Minneapolis, has turned into a major celebrity golf
                   event that raises a significant amount of money each
                   year to provide the at-risk students of the youth

About Our Event
                   program benefits that would never be possible
                   otherwise. In 2011, Trent brought this exciting two-day
                   event to New York City. This year, the All 4 Kids
                   Foundation has teamed up with The Max Cure
                   Foundation for pediatric cancer causes to present the
                   2nd Annual All 4 Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament &
                   Dinner Gala this coming September 9-10, 2012. There
                   is a confirmed list of celebrity participants including
                   Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Jeff Gordon just to
                   name a few.

                   The private Welcome Dinner Party will be held on
                   Sunday, September 9, 2012, and will begin at _:__ p.m.
                   at The Ainsworth located at 122 West 26th Street in
                   New York City. Guests will enjoy dinner, an open
                   bar, silent auction and rubbing elbows with the many
                   celebrity participants and sponsors on hand.

                   On Monday, September 10, 2012, Old Oaks Country
                   Club in Purchase, NY, will host the Celebrity Golf
                   Tournament. Registration will begin at _:__ a.m.
                   followed by a shotgun golf start at _:__ a.m. All golf
                   participants will receive breakfast, lunch, on-course
                   refreshments, cocktails and a dinner reception. There
                   will be an award ceremony, live and silent auction and as
                   an added bonus, each foursome will have a celebrity
                   participant golfing with them.
Celebrities Invited
    to Attend
   Michael Jordan
   Michael Strahan
   Patrick Ewing
   Scottie Pippen
   Charles Oakley
   Kris Humphries
   Howard Cross
   Derek Rose
   BJ Armstrong
   Byron Scott
   Darrell Walker
   Jeff Gordon
   John Starks
   Emmitt Smith
   Chris Canty
   Kenny Lofton
   John Franco
   Cliff Robinson
   Billy King
   Amani Toomer
   Ann Ligouri
   Maurice Dubois
   Greg Anthony
   Steve Smith
   Bruce Smith
   Johnny Newman
   Andy Thompson
   Michael Thompson
Gift Bag Sponsorship
Dear Business Owner,

Enjoy all the benefits of branding your company with celebrities at the 2nd Annual Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Foundation
Celebrity Golf Tournament & Gala! In this difficult economic environment, corporations are scrambling for value
added in every marketing endeavor available.

Having your products in our exclusive gift bags will generate media buzz and add value. Our staff works tirelessly to
ensure guests leave the event buzzing about the gift bags. We will assist in branding your company by placing your
products directly in the hands of celebrities, agents, producers, athletes, musicians, editors and your customers.

This year take advantage of free sponsorship rates that your marketing team will appreciate in this difficult
economic time! Your marketing department will celebrate this great deal by participating in a cost effective yet
elegant event!

All products or gift bag confirmations must be received by July 15, 2012 for inclusion.

Best regards,
MJ Pedone
Indra Public Relations
Reports reveal that the buying power totals more than $500 billion. It is what the
 celebrities eat, wear, drink, drive and say that influences what consumers will

Trend-setting celebrities want to find new and exciting things daily.
This is a rare opportunity to have high profile celebrities EXPERIENCE your
product not simply read or hear about it.
Enhanced company perception by celebrities as well as the public.
Valuable editorial angle that can be pitched to your media contacts.

This is an exciting platform for your company to be involved in. Gift
  the biggest names in the entertainment industry and create a
                    visibility factor with celebrities.

                       Sponsorship Costs: $0

                   Quantity: 180 gift bag items*

                        *No gift certificates
Product Donation Form
Name of Business/Organization/Individual that is Donating: __________________________________________________________________________________

Item: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name: ___________________________            Phone:        _______________________           Email: ___________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:                     _______________________________________________

Authorizing Signature: ____________________________________________________ Donation Solicited By: _______________________________________

Please write your name as you would like it to appear in our thank you listing:

Please write a detailed description of the item(s) below, as this information will be used for the signage material. You may also forward and/or enclose additional information.



Please return this completed form and attach logo Email: mj@indrapr.com  Please deliver donated items to:                       Indra Public Relations
                                                  Fax: (866) 668-9106                                                           521 Fifth Avenue Suite 1700 , New York, NY 10175
                                                                                                                                Attn: Media Department
Sponsorship & Media Opportunities:

       MJ Pedone                      Allie MacLeod
       mj@indrapr.com                 allie@indrapr.com
       O: (212) 292-4555              O: (212) 292-4555
       C: (917) 319-9600              C: (813) 767-2571
       F: (866) 668-9106              F: (866) 668-9106

521 Fifth Avenue Suite 1700, New York, NY 10175 212.292.4555

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  • 2. The 2nd Annual Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament & Gala is brought to you by All 4 Kids Foundation, a 501(c)(3) committed to educating at-risk youth academically, personally, socially and physically through a curriculum that expands their horizons and encourages them to participate in new areas of learning, and The Max Cure Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity, dedicated to advancing cures for pediatric cancers, funding the development of less toxic treatments for children with the disease and assisting low-income families battling cancer in their children.
  • 3. In 1982, Trent Tucker began his career playing for the NY Knicks for 9 seasons and then spent About All 4 Kids Foundation his final season in 1993, with the World Champion Chicago Bulls where he earned a The All 4 Kids Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Championship Title. Trent holds the Bulls record for most 3-pointers in one game and ranks committed to educating at-risk youth fifth in 3-pointers in one game. After retiring from the NBA in 1993, Trent became a academically, personally, socially and physically broadcast analyst for the Minnesota Timberwolves for five years and is currently heard on through a curriculum that expands their horizons KFAN radio. Trent has been very active in the Minnesota communities for over 20 years. His and encourages them to participate in new areas basketball camp (named after him) had its 25th annual camp session this past year in of learning. This mission includes striving to Minneapolis, MN and in 1998, he started his own nonprofit foundation now called the All 4 develop the whole students mind so that they Kids Foundation. In 2001, The Trent Tucker University Scholars Program began at the have the tools to make decisions that are University of Minneapolis and has now expanded to NYC and will be hosted by an Ivy League intellectual and moral. school beginning this spring 2012. Trent has also been named the Circle of Pride Ambassador for The Max Cure Foundation for pediatric cancer causes and is lending his time and celebrity to Further, Trent Tucker partners with other causes children in need. As one of the leading philanthropists to come out of the NBA, Trent is proud in order to raise national awareness and funds to to have raised millions of dollars throughout the year for his foundation as well as many others. benefit children in need. In 2001, The Trent Tucker University Scholars Program was created Recognition: to provide at-risk youth with the tools necessary The Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Foundation: 1998-Present to develop academically, mentally and socially The Trent Tucker University Scholars Program: Present, Minneapolis-2001 &NYC-2012 through tutoring and mentoring programs. The Max Cure Foundation Beyond Barriers Ambassador: 2011-Present Throughout the years, many of these students Breakthrough Spirit Award: Childrens Cancer & Blood Foundation - 2010 not only have graduated from high school, but Bachelor of Science Psychology of Communication University of Minneapolis 2007 also now attend some of the top private and Color Commentator: Big 10 Network 2007-2009 public colleges in the country. This May 2012, Color Commentator: Minnesota Timberwolves - 1995-2000 the first class of Trent Tucker University World Championship Title: Chicago Bulls - 1993 Scholars will be graduating from their respective Trent Tucker Rule: NBA Rule Book 1990 universities. Trent Tucker Nonprofit Foundation: Founder - 1998 NBA 1st Round Draft Pick: NY Knicks - 1982
  • 4. The Max Cure Foundation for Pediatric Cancer Causes The Max Cure Foundation, Inc. (MCF), a 501(c)(3) public charity, is dedicated to advancing cures for pediatric cancers, funding the development of less toxic treatments for children with the disease and assisting low-income families battling cancer in their children. MCF strives to raise both awareness of the cause as well as money for innovative research and "Beyond Barriers, a family navigation system that provides low-income families certain necessities of life as they, with their children, fight to overcome cancer. MCF seeks to inspire children afflicted with cancer to face the disease with courage, hope and most important, bravery. To Date: The Max Cure Foundation has raised in excess of $1.6 million for pediatric cancer causes through various fundraising initiatives with in excess of $820,000 having been directed to The Max Cure Fund at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to underwrite a cell therapy lab dedicated to alternative treatments and innovative research. This lab is responsible for 65% of children and young adults who did not respond to chemotherapy and or radiation treatments, being in remission. MCF has donated over $380,000 to other pediatric cancer causes. Last year, MCF teamed up with the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation and created a collaborative grant to be awarded annually to pediatric cancer researchers. Thus far, this collaboration has resulted in two research grants being given in the area of Ewing sarcoma and B- www.maxcurefoundation.org Cell Lymphoma.
  • 5. For 13 years, The Trent Tucker Celebrity Golf Tournament & Dinner Gala has received the star support of Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing, Scottie Pippen, Charles Oakley, Kevin Garnett, BJ Armstrong, Kenny Lofton and Kris Humphries to name a few. What started out as a local golf event in Minneapolis, has turned into a major celebrity golf event that raises a significant amount of money each year to provide the at-risk students of the youth About Our Event program benefits that would never be possible otherwise. In 2011, Trent brought this exciting two-day event to New York City. This year, the All 4 Kids Foundation has teamed up with The Max Cure Foundation for pediatric cancer causes to present the 2nd Annual All 4 Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament & Dinner Gala this coming September 9-10, 2012. There is a confirmed list of celebrity participants including Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Jeff Gordon just to name a few. The private Welcome Dinner Party will be held on Sunday, September 9, 2012, and will begin at _:__ p.m. at The Ainsworth located at 122 West 26th Street in New York City. Guests will enjoy dinner, an open bar, silent auction and rubbing elbows with the many celebrity participants and sponsors on hand. On Monday, September 10, 2012, Old Oaks Country Club in Purchase, NY, will host the Celebrity Golf Tournament. Registration will begin at _:__ a.m. followed by a shotgun golf start at _:__ a.m. All golf participants will receive breakfast, lunch, on-course refreshments, cocktails and a dinner reception. There will be an award ceremony, live and silent auction and as an added bonus, each foursome will have a celebrity participant golfing with them.
  • 6. Celebrities Invited to Attend Michael Jordan Michael Strahan Patrick Ewing Scottie Pippen Charles Oakley Kris Humphries Howard Cross Derek Rose BJ Armstrong Byron Scott Darrell Walker Jeff Gordon John Starks Emmitt Smith Chris Canty Kenny Lofton John Franco Cliff Robinson Billy King Amani Toomer Ann Ligouri Maurice Dubois Greg Anthony Steve Smith Bruce Smith Johnny Newman Andy Thompson Michael Thompson
  • 7. Gift Bag Sponsorship Opportunity
  • 8. Dear Business Owner, Enjoy all the benefits of branding your company with celebrities at the 2nd Annual Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Foundation Celebrity Golf Tournament & Gala! In this difficult economic environment, corporations are scrambling for value added in every marketing endeavor available. Having your products in our exclusive gift bags will generate media buzz and add value. Our staff works tirelessly to ensure guests leave the event buzzing about the gift bags. We will assist in branding your company by placing your products directly in the hands of celebrities, agents, producers, athletes, musicians, editors and your customers. This year take advantage of free sponsorship rates that your marketing team will appreciate in this difficult economic time! Your marketing department will celebrate this great deal by participating in a cost effective yet elegant event! All products or gift bag confirmations must be received by July 15, 2012 for inclusion. Best regards, MJ Pedone Indra Public Relations
  • 9. The CELEBRITY INFLUENCE Reports reveal that the buying power totals more than $500 billion. It is what the celebrities eat, wear, drink, drive and say that influences what consumers will buy. BENEFITS Trend-setting celebrities want to find new and exciting things daily. This is a rare opportunity to have high profile celebrities EXPERIENCE your product not simply read or hear about it. Enhanced company perception by celebrities as well as the public. Valuable editorial angle that can be pitched to your media contacts. .
  • 10. GIFT BAGS This is an exciting platform for your company to be involved in. Gift the biggest names in the entertainment industry and create a visibility factor with celebrities. Sponsorship Costs: $0 Quantity: 180 gift bag items* *No gift certificates
  • 11. Product Donation Form Name of Business/Organization/Individual that is Donating: __________________________________________________________________________________ Item: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ___________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email: ___________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________ Authorizing Signature: ____________________________________________________ Donation Solicited By: _______________________________________ Please write your name as you would like it to appear in our thank you listing: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please write a detailed description of the item(s) below, as this information will be used for the signage material. You may also forward and/or enclose additional information. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this completed form and attach logo Email: mj@indrapr.com Please deliver donated items to: Indra Public Relations Fax: (866) 668-9106 521 Fifth Avenue Suite 1700 , New York, NY 10175 Attn: Media Department
  • 12. Sponsorship & Media Opportunities: MJ Pedone Allie MacLeod mj@indrapr.com allie@indrapr.com O: (212) 292-4555 O: (212) 292-4555 C: (917) 319-9600 C: (813) 767-2571 F: (866) 668-9106 F: (866) 668-9106 521 Fifth Avenue Suite 1700, New York, NY 10175 212.292.4555 www.indrapr.com