Established in 1997, the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation focuses its efforts on three main areas of need: homelessness, indigent healthcare and children's programs of all types, including education and youth baseball field development. In addition, the Foundation has created strategic programs that address the needs of our community including veterans, police, teachers, and firefighters - just to name a few. To date, the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation have made charitable contributions totaling more than $55 million to non-profit organizations from across Arizona.
2014 Round Rock Express Community Impact ReportcmacquarrieThe document provides details about the Round Rock Express baseball club's community involvement and impact initiatives in 2014. It discusses youth baseball and softball development programs that served over 500 kids, various community events hosted at Dell Diamond stadium that raised over $100,000 for charities, and ways the front office was involved in the community through donations, volunteer work, and appearances that distributed over $77,000 worth of tickets and merchandise to local organizations.
2019 State Of Affiliated - Michigan CENTURY 21 AffiliatedThis document appears to be from a State of the Affiliated company event, recognizing top performing agents and teams from the past year. It lists various award categories for individual producer performance based on annual gross commission, as well as awards for rookie of the year, quality service, leadership, and foundation contributions. Several top producing individuals and teams are recognized in each category.
Community Newsletter - VOL 6, ISSUE 1 • OPENING DAY 2018Noel GuevaraThe document celebrates $55 million in charitable giving by the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation since 1998. It discusses various community programs supported by the Foundation including providing uniforms to 60,000 Little Leaguers, refurbishing baseball fields, and hosting a Native American baseball tournament. The annual Evening on the Diamond event raised $3 million this year for Foundation programs that benefit the Arizona community.
Nwsc 2014 awardswatersafetycongressThis document provides information from the 2014 National Water Safety Congress Awards Luncheon. It lists various regional awards given out by region. Region 1 gives an award to James F. O'Boyle for his work promoting water safety. Region 2 gives awards to organizations like the Mississippi River Water Trail Association for their water safety initiatives. Region 3 gives an award to the staff at Carr Creek Lake and Buckhorn Lake for educating over 7,900 people on water safety. Region 4 gives an award to Mike Fugate for his work with the Brandon Michael Fugate Project raising awareness and resources for water safety.
2013-Program-BookHeidi WaiteThe top buyers and add-on contributors for the 2012 steer and hog show at the Collier County Fair included Publix Supermarkets, Robert & Laura Kline, and Southern Sanitation, Inc. who were among over 30 supporters listed in the program book.
Omaha Storm Chasers' Community Relations 2012 ReviewjbentupThe Omaha Storm Chasers' Community Relations department runs over 30 programs designed to contribute and enhance the greater Omaha metro.
History & Events 2009ChristineBelleMadison Festivals, Inc. (MFI) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1993 to organize charitable events in Madison, Wisconsin. MFI's flagship event is Taste of Madison, a food festival that has been held since 1983 and draws over 150,000 people. Other events include the Madison Marathon and Kids Expo. MFI contracts with Purple Door Productions to manage the events. Revenue comes from sponsorships, food/beverage sales, and registration fees. MFI donates proceeds to charitable partners like United Cerebral Palsy and the American Cancer Society. In 2009, MFI had over 150 benefiting charities and non-profits.
TrentgolfgiftbagsIndraPRThe 2nd Annual Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament & Gala will be held on September 9-10, 2012 in New York City. It will benefit the All 4 Kids Foundation and the Max Cure Foundation, which support education for at-risk youth and pediatric cancer research. Celebrities like Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Jeff Gordon will participate in a welcome dinner and golf tournament. Local businesses are offered a gift bag sponsorship opportunity to provide products that will be distributed to the celebrity attendees.
2016 Community Outreach ReportSarah BuddThe Crosscutters hosted various community outreach events in 2016 that raised money for local charities. Some of the events included a Hot Stove Banquet that raised $5,025 for the James V. Brown Library, a 5k run that raised $9,680 for the Children's Development Center, and Military Appreciation Night that raised $4,920 for the MSG Sean Thomas Foundation. In total, the Crosscutters raised over $87,000 and made donations that benefited libraries, food banks, homeless shelters, and other local charities through events, a home run fundraising program, and other outreach activities in 2016.
Coca-Cola Holiday VolunteerismThe Wilbert GroupFor the fifth year in a row, Coca-Cola facilities in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois held a toy drive for Toys for Tots, collecting over 1,500 toys and giving over 1,500 children a memorable holiday. Coca-Cola has also partnered with organizations like Dollar General, the Arkansas FOP and local radio stations to provide Christmas gifts and hold toy drives that have collected thousands of toys and bicycles for families in need. Coca-Cola volunteers helped with events like setting up a Thanksgiving dinner for over 1,000 homeless individuals, building turkey dinner boxes for residents of South LA, and donating turkeys and soda to families in Georgia and New York. For Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
Sep 2008 Santa Barbara Audubonxx5v4This newsletter summarizes the recent Feather the Nest benefit auction held by the Santa Barbara Audubon Society. The event was held at Creekspirit, the private garden of artists Patti Jacquemain and David Gledhill. Forty-seven items were sold in the silent auction and 14 items in the live auction, raising $9,600 to support the Audubon's educational programs. The newsletter thanks the donors, bidders, and volunteers who supported the event. It also announces upcoming Audubon programs, field trips, and bird walks.
Humboldt Area Foundation 2015/16 YearbookCourtney HaraldsonHumboldt Area Foundation is committed to strengthening the region we serve. We do this by serving as a vehicle for donors to support the causes that matter; by developing, supporting and encouraging leaders to step forward; and by working to make sure everyone is included and has access to opportunity. Through our grants, our programs,and our local investments, we strive to make our communities stronger and healthier.
Brochure Inspiration: Spring 2016 RecreationKathryn Lynch-MorinThis document is a brochure for recreation programs and activities in Irvine for Spring 2016. It provides information on various city programs for teens, children, adults, seniors and families. It also highlights the completion of the Bommer Canyon Nature Garden and previews upcoming events and developments in the city for 2016.
MADD Hawaii Spring 2020 NewsletterMADD HawaiiOur spring 2020 newsletter is primarily a recap of the 35th Anniversary activities we did in 2019. We celebrated and commemorated 35 years of hard and important work.
Fall 2016 LeisuregramTown of Dyer Parks & RecreationThis document is the fall 2016 newsletter from the Town of Dyer Parks & Recreation department. It provides information about upcoming programs including Kindermusik music classes for young children, park rules, volunteer recognition, and contact information for the department. Kindermusik classes are offered for children from newborn to 5 years old and focus on music, movement, and parent/child bonding. The newsletter lists the Dyer parks and provides details about living tree and park bench memorial donation programs. It also announces a partnership with Munster Parks & Recreation that allows Dyer residents to register for their programs at the resident rate.
Coastal clean upKimie RomeoThe International Coastal Clean Up began in 1986 in Texas and has since grown to a worldwide movement involving over half a million volunteers across 100 countries annually. In 1993, an 8-year-old girl in Monroe County, New York helped bring the event to her local beach after learning about the Ocean Conservancy's efforts. Since then, she has continued to organize the annual clean up, engaging hundreds of volunteers each year to remove trash from local shorelines and raise awareness of marine debris. After 25 years of dedication, the coastal clean up has removed millions of pounds of litter globally and educated communities on protecting coastal and ocean environments.
Potomac Conservancy - 2014 Annual ReportMelissa DiemandThe annual report summarizes the Potomac Conservancy's work in 2014 to protect the Potomac River and build a local movement for clean water. In 2014, the Conservancy permanently protected 470 acres of land, removed over 10,000 pounds of trash from shorelines, and had over 17,000 people take action through volunteering, petitions, or donations. The report discusses the ongoing threat of polluted runoff to the river and the importance of citizen involvement in achieving the goal of a swimmable and fishable Potomac by 2025.
Presentation: Year in Review 2008lesleyrankinMentoring Today for Tomorrow, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that mentors at-risk youth ages 9-18. In 2008, they served over 400 youth through programs like a sports camp, environmental fair, and fashion show. They partner with schools and organizations in the community. Looking ahead, they have more events planned for 2009 and need volunteers, donations, and financial support to continue their important work.
Youth Leadership Summit 2013Stone Soup Leadership InstituteThe MVYLI Annual Youth Leadership Summit for Sustainable Development was held from June 22-28, 2013 on Martha's Vineyard. The summit brought together over 30 youth delegates ages 14-21 from Martha's Vineyard, Hawaii, and Lana'i to learn about sustainability initiatives and develop leadership skills. During the week-long program, youth explored careers, heard from guest speakers on global sustainability topics, participated in workshops, and developed 5-year action plans. They also toured local sustainable businesses and farms. Key outcomes included youth projects on creating a sustainable business map of Martha's Vineyard and planning a multicultural festival.
Pam Ray Feature Article Spin Sheet February 2016 by Beth CrabtreePam RayPam Ray is an entrepreneur and advocate for STEM education and the marine community. She serves as the chair of the Eastport Yacht Club Foundation, where she leads efforts to address economic challenges through programs focused on STEM, youth sailing scholarships, and the maritime industry. Pam grew up boating in upstate New York and now sails out of Annapolis with her husband aboard their boat Dream Builder, which they use to host STEM students and participate in charity events. In her professional work, Pam specializes in government relations and advocates for the importance of STEM skills in marine trades and preparing youth for future careers.
HolidayTraditions2014Emily GordonTerry Burton hosts an annual Christmas Eve buffet tradition for friends and family in Wayne, Ohio for the past 24 years. The buffet features approximately 22-23 homemade appetizers and finger foods prepared by Burton and friends. Burton enjoys researching new recipe ideas throughout the year from cookbooks and online. In November, he and his cooking group meet to plan the menu, keeping popular dishes and adding new recipes. The well-balanced menu aims to please all guests both in taste and visual presentation. Approximately 50 people now attend the buffet each Christmas Eve.
"EVA LONGORIA & IYAZ- RALLY FOR KIDS" Cancer Charity FundraiserDavid MackMulti-platinum music artist Iyaz and Mojoflo Productions partnered with Eva Longoria's Rally For Kids With Cancer charity organization to raise donations for children with cancer at the Eden Roc Renaissance Hotel in Miami, FL on April 28th, 2011. Other celebrity guests included Jamie Lynn Sigler, Michael Yo, and Christina Milian.
Children at Risk's 16th Annual Golf ClassicLeland TurnerLeland Turner of Katy, TX and his wife regularly support various local, national, and international charities. One of these is the Texas-based nonprofit Children at Risk, which works for the benefit of children in areas including public education, human trafficking, health and nutrition, and parenting. Each year, Children at Risk holds a golf classic for their benefit, which Leland Turner has participated in for the past three years.
National wildlife federation a northern california campaignClear Channel San FranciscoThis document proposes a marketing campaign by Clear Channel Radio to promote the National Wildlife Federation and its goals of wildlife conservation, climate solutions, and outdoor education. The campaign would utilize Clear Channel's radio stations in the San Francisco Bay Area to reach over 3.2 million Californians through on-air advertising, digital promotions, events like Commuter Appreciation Days, and print advertising in local newspapers. The goals are to increase NWF membership, drive traffic to its website, and encourage donations.
Dyer Parks and Recreation 2017 Summer LeisuregramTown of Dyer Parks & RecreationThe summer 2017 Town of Dyer Parks & Recreation Leisuregram provides information on summer camps, youth sports, Kindermusik classes, and general park and recreation department information. Several summer camps are offered for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary aged children focusing on sports, crafts, games, and field trips. Kindermusik classes for ages 2-6 are also listed along with dates and fees. The document provides contact information for the parks department and lists the parks board members and town council members.
Cass City Chronicle NewsTina PallasThis summary provides an overview of the sample electronic edition of the Cass City Chronicle:
- The document is a sample of the Chronicle's online edition, showing how readers can access stories from the latest print issue.
- One story discusses a recent home burglary in Argyle Township, with thieves stealing guns, electronics, and jewelry. Police are searching for two male suspects seen leaving in a silver or gray sedan.
- Another story profiles Becky Wass, a Cass City resident who would like to see a bookstore open in the community to avoid long trips for shopping and entertainment.
- Finally, the summary previews the annual fly-in event hosted by the Caro Area Kiwanis Club
Donation Drive Press Release Melissa HughesChaminade Julienne Catholic High School will host a donation drive called "Stuff The Truck" on April 18th in partnership with Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley. Four CJ seniors have organized the event as part of their Senior Capstone Project. Community members are encouraged to donate gently used clothing, household items, furniture, books, and more to help people with disabilities achieve independence. Donations will go to Goodwill stores in the Dayton area. The drive aims to collect a large donation for Goodwill while keeping landfills clean and benefiting citizens in need.
Alive East Bay Las Lomas ArticleJennifer SebayThe non-profit organization TLC for Kids Sports broke ground on the construction of the Las Lomas Outdoor Memorial Classroom. This project honors two students, Gavin Powell and Matt Miller, who passed away last year in a rafting accident. The senior class proposed this memorial as their class gift. Construction will include concrete pathways and a circular seating area dedicated to nature, relationships, and education, which were things Miller enjoyed. Major funding is provided by O.C. Jones & Sons, Inc. and their non-profit TLC for Kids Sports, with additional donations from the community. The memorial will ensure Powell and Miller are never forgotten by the school community.
JES Holdings: 2017 Year in ReviewJacob RenieThis document summarizes the mission, vision, philanthropic activities, employee engagement events, and employee wellness programs of JES Holdings. The company's mission is to develop, build, manage and invest in quality housing. Their vision involves developing long-term relationships to maximize opportunities for clients, investors, and communities. They support various philanthropic causes through fundraising, volunteer hours, and donations. Events for employees include intern programs, family activities, total solar eclipse viewing, and wellness challenges promoting healthy habits.
TrentgolfgiftbagsIndraPRThe 2nd Annual Trent Tucker All 4 Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament & Gala will be held on September 9-10, 2012 in New York City. It will benefit the All 4 Kids Foundation and the Max Cure Foundation, which support education for at-risk youth and pediatric cancer research. Celebrities like Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Jeff Gordon will participate in a welcome dinner and golf tournament. Local businesses are offered a gift bag sponsorship opportunity to provide products that will be distributed to the celebrity attendees.
2016 Community Outreach ReportSarah BuddThe Crosscutters hosted various community outreach events in 2016 that raised money for local charities. Some of the events included a Hot Stove Banquet that raised $5,025 for the James V. Brown Library, a 5k run that raised $9,680 for the Children's Development Center, and Military Appreciation Night that raised $4,920 for the MSG Sean Thomas Foundation. In total, the Crosscutters raised over $87,000 and made donations that benefited libraries, food banks, homeless shelters, and other local charities through events, a home run fundraising program, and other outreach activities in 2016.
Coca-Cola Holiday VolunteerismThe Wilbert GroupFor the fifth year in a row, Coca-Cola facilities in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois held a toy drive for Toys for Tots, collecting over 1,500 toys and giving over 1,500 children a memorable holiday. Coca-Cola has also partnered with organizations like Dollar General, the Arkansas FOP and local radio stations to provide Christmas gifts and hold toy drives that have collected thousands of toys and bicycles for families in need. Coca-Cola volunteers helped with events like setting up a Thanksgiving dinner for over 1,000 homeless individuals, building turkey dinner boxes for residents of South LA, and donating turkeys and soda to families in Georgia and New York. For Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
Sep 2008 Santa Barbara Audubonxx5v4This newsletter summarizes the recent Feather the Nest benefit auction held by the Santa Barbara Audubon Society. The event was held at Creekspirit, the private garden of artists Patti Jacquemain and David Gledhill. Forty-seven items were sold in the silent auction and 14 items in the live auction, raising $9,600 to support the Audubon's educational programs. The newsletter thanks the donors, bidders, and volunteers who supported the event. It also announces upcoming Audubon programs, field trips, and bird walks.
Humboldt Area Foundation 2015/16 YearbookCourtney HaraldsonHumboldt Area Foundation is committed to strengthening the region we serve. We do this by serving as a vehicle for donors to support the causes that matter; by developing, supporting and encouraging leaders to step forward; and by working to make sure everyone is included and has access to opportunity. Through our grants, our programs,and our local investments, we strive to make our communities stronger and healthier.
Brochure Inspiration: Spring 2016 RecreationKathryn Lynch-MorinThis document is a brochure for recreation programs and activities in Irvine for Spring 2016. It provides information on various city programs for teens, children, adults, seniors and families. It also highlights the completion of the Bommer Canyon Nature Garden and previews upcoming events and developments in the city for 2016.
MADD Hawaii Spring 2020 NewsletterMADD HawaiiOur spring 2020 newsletter is primarily a recap of the 35th Anniversary activities we did in 2019. We celebrated and commemorated 35 years of hard and important work.
Fall 2016 LeisuregramTown of Dyer Parks & RecreationThis document is the fall 2016 newsletter from the Town of Dyer Parks & Recreation department. It provides information about upcoming programs including Kindermusik music classes for young children, park rules, volunteer recognition, and contact information for the department. Kindermusik classes are offered for children from newborn to 5 years old and focus on music, movement, and parent/child bonding. The newsletter lists the Dyer parks and provides details about living tree and park bench memorial donation programs. It also announces a partnership with Munster Parks & Recreation that allows Dyer residents to register for their programs at the resident rate.
Coastal clean upKimie RomeoThe International Coastal Clean Up began in 1986 in Texas and has since grown to a worldwide movement involving over half a million volunteers across 100 countries annually. In 1993, an 8-year-old girl in Monroe County, New York helped bring the event to her local beach after learning about the Ocean Conservancy's efforts. Since then, she has continued to organize the annual clean up, engaging hundreds of volunteers each year to remove trash from local shorelines and raise awareness of marine debris. After 25 years of dedication, the coastal clean up has removed millions of pounds of litter globally and educated communities on protecting coastal and ocean environments.
Potomac Conservancy - 2014 Annual ReportMelissa DiemandThe annual report summarizes the Potomac Conservancy's work in 2014 to protect the Potomac River and build a local movement for clean water. In 2014, the Conservancy permanently protected 470 acres of land, removed over 10,000 pounds of trash from shorelines, and had over 17,000 people take action through volunteering, petitions, or donations. The report discusses the ongoing threat of polluted runoff to the river and the importance of citizen involvement in achieving the goal of a swimmable and fishable Potomac by 2025.
Presentation: Year in Review 2008lesleyrankinMentoring Today for Tomorrow, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that mentors at-risk youth ages 9-18. In 2008, they served over 400 youth through programs like a sports camp, environmental fair, and fashion show. They partner with schools and organizations in the community. Looking ahead, they have more events planned for 2009 and need volunteers, donations, and financial support to continue their important work.
Youth Leadership Summit 2013Stone Soup Leadership InstituteThe MVYLI Annual Youth Leadership Summit for Sustainable Development was held from June 22-28, 2013 on Martha's Vineyard. The summit brought together over 30 youth delegates ages 14-21 from Martha's Vineyard, Hawaii, and Lana'i to learn about sustainability initiatives and develop leadership skills. During the week-long program, youth explored careers, heard from guest speakers on global sustainability topics, participated in workshops, and developed 5-year action plans. They also toured local sustainable businesses and farms. Key outcomes included youth projects on creating a sustainable business map of Martha's Vineyard and planning a multicultural festival.
Pam Ray Feature Article Spin Sheet February 2016 by Beth CrabtreePam RayPam Ray is an entrepreneur and advocate for STEM education and the marine community. She serves as the chair of the Eastport Yacht Club Foundation, where she leads efforts to address economic challenges through programs focused on STEM, youth sailing scholarships, and the maritime industry. Pam grew up boating in upstate New York and now sails out of Annapolis with her husband aboard their boat Dream Builder, which they use to host STEM students and participate in charity events. In her professional work, Pam specializes in government relations and advocates for the importance of STEM skills in marine trades and preparing youth for future careers.
HolidayTraditions2014Emily GordonTerry Burton hosts an annual Christmas Eve buffet tradition for friends and family in Wayne, Ohio for the past 24 years. The buffet features approximately 22-23 homemade appetizers and finger foods prepared by Burton and friends. Burton enjoys researching new recipe ideas throughout the year from cookbooks and online. In November, he and his cooking group meet to plan the menu, keeping popular dishes and adding new recipes. The well-balanced menu aims to please all guests both in taste and visual presentation. Approximately 50 people now attend the buffet each Christmas Eve.
"EVA LONGORIA & IYAZ- RALLY FOR KIDS" Cancer Charity FundraiserDavid MackMulti-platinum music artist Iyaz and Mojoflo Productions partnered with Eva Longoria's Rally For Kids With Cancer charity organization to raise donations for children with cancer at the Eden Roc Renaissance Hotel in Miami, FL on April 28th, 2011. Other celebrity guests included Jamie Lynn Sigler, Michael Yo, and Christina Milian.
Children at Risk's 16th Annual Golf ClassicLeland TurnerLeland Turner of Katy, TX and his wife regularly support various local, national, and international charities. One of these is the Texas-based nonprofit Children at Risk, which works for the benefit of children in areas including public education, human trafficking, health and nutrition, and parenting. Each year, Children at Risk holds a golf classic for their benefit, which Leland Turner has participated in for the past three years.
National wildlife federation a northern california campaignClear Channel San FranciscoThis document proposes a marketing campaign by Clear Channel Radio to promote the National Wildlife Federation and its goals of wildlife conservation, climate solutions, and outdoor education. The campaign would utilize Clear Channel's radio stations in the San Francisco Bay Area to reach over 3.2 million Californians through on-air advertising, digital promotions, events like Commuter Appreciation Days, and print advertising in local newspapers. The goals are to increase NWF membership, drive traffic to its website, and encourage donations.
Dyer Parks and Recreation 2017 Summer LeisuregramTown of Dyer Parks & RecreationThe summer 2017 Town of Dyer Parks & Recreation Leisuregram provides information on summer camps, youth sports, Kindermusik classes, and general park and recreation department information. Several summer camps are offered for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary aged children focusing on sports, crafts, games, and field trips. Kindermusik classes for ages 2-6 are also listed along with dates and fees. The document provides contact information for the parks department and lists the parks board members and town council members.
Cass City Chronicle NewsTina PallasThis summary provides an overview of the sample electronic edition of the Cass City Chronicle:
- The document is a sample of the Chronicle's online edition, showing how readers can access stories from the latest print issue.
- One story discusses a recent home burglary in Argyle Township, with thieves stealing guns, electronics, and jewelry. Police are searching for two male suspects seen leaving in a silver or gray sedan.
- Another story profiles Becky Wass, a Cass City resident who would like to see a bookstore open in the community to avoid long trips for shopping and entertainment.
- Finally, the summary previews the annual fly-in event hosted by the Caro Area Kiwanis Club
Donation Drive Press Release Melissa HughesChaminade Julienne Catholic High School will host a donation drive called "Stuff The Truck" on April 18th in partnership with Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley. Four CJ seniors have organized the event as part of their Senior Capstone Project. Community members are encouraged to donate gently used clothing, household items, furniture, books, and more to help people with disabilities achieve independence. Donations will go to Goodwill stores in the Dayton area. The drive aims to collect a large donation for Goodwill while keeping landfills clean and benefiting citizens in need.
Alive East Bay Las Lomas ArticleJennifer SebayThe non-profit organization TLC for Kids Sports broke ground on the construction of the Las Lomas Outdoor Memorial Classroom. This project honors two students, Gavin Powell and Matt Miller, who passed away last year in a rafting accident. The senior class proposed this memorial as their class gift. Construction will include concrete pathways and a circular seating area dedicated to nature, relationships, and education, which were things Miller enjoyed. Major funding is provided by O.C. Jones & Sons, Inc. and their non-profit TLC for Kids Sports, with additional donations from the community. The memorial will ensure Powell and Miller are never forgotten by the school community.
JES Holdings: 2017 Year in ReviewJacob RenieThis document summarizes the mission, vision, philanthropic activities, employee engagement events, and employee wellness programs of JES Holdings. The company's mission is to develop, build, manage and invest in quality housing. Their vision involves developing long-term relationships to maximize opportunities for clients, investors, and communities. They support various philanthropic causes through fundraising, volunteer hours, and donations. Events for employees include intern programs, family activities, total solar eclipse viewing, and wellness challenges promoting healthy habits.
Community Special EventsNational Safe PlaceThis will be an opportunity to hear from other Safe Place agencies about the community events that are hosted for the purpose of raising awareness and/or fundraising. Examples of different events will be shared including a brief overview of the resources and time needed, and obstacles and challenges.
2015 Impact Report - USAJess LevensThe Union Sportsmen's Alliance (USA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to uniting the union community to preserve North America's outdoor heritage through hands-on conservation projects. In 2015, the USA completed 26 conservation projects involving 488 volunteers who contributed 5,295 man-hours, valued at $175,825. The USA's flagship program, Work Boots on the Ground, coordinates these volunteer conservation projects. Other programs include fundraising conservation dinners, a shooting tour that raised over $1.2 million, and the Brotherhood Outdoors TV show broadcast on Sportsman Channel.
Pebble Beach White Paper - The Perfect PairingKacey ReilThis document discusses how top charities use Pebble Beach to achieve fundraising goals through golf tournaments. It provides examples like the Lexus Champions for Charity and National Kidney Foundation Cadillac Golf Classic which hold local tournaments throughout the year with the national championship at Pebble Beach. The AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, which began as Bing Crosby's tournament in 1947, has raised over $110 million for local charities. Pebble Beach supports charities through discounted vacation packages for fundraising auctions and hosting exclusive tournaments that attract wealthy donors.
MSL Cause Case StudiesDon MartelliMS&L created a cause marketing campaign called "Kids Take A Stand" for Sunkist lemons to empower kids to raise money for charity through lemonade stands. The program raised over $800,000 and received over 17 million media impressions. It increased web traffic by 200% and sales by up to 38% at key retailers. The campaign was recognized with several awards.
20101204 peninsula response to board 1201 questions - description of ad astr...krgcThe document discusses a proposed $1.5 million annual scholarship program called the Kansas All Star Ad Astra Scholarship Program that would be funded by the proposed Kansas Star Casino. The program would provide $100 vouchers for K-12 students, $500 annually for teachers for supplies, and $1,000 scholarships for graduating seniors in Sumner County and Mulvane school districts. A local board of education leaders would govern the program and distribute the funds. Based on current enrollment numbers, the $1.5 million fund would exceed the anticipated costs of the program.
9.30.2015 - La PrensitaMaria Palafox MDThis document summarizes the opening of a new breast cancer clinic in San Antonio that aims to provide specialized care to underserved women on the Southside. The clinic, South Texas Breast Surgery, was opened by Dr. Maria Palafox, one of only four female surgeons in San Antonio who specializes in breast cancer. It aims to offer bilingual services and life-saving procedures like lumpectomies and mastectomies to the over 1,000 women living in the Southside area who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. The clinic hopes to improve access to specialized care and reduce health disparities for these patients.
2015 Community OutreachWilliamsport CrosscuttersThe Crosscutters hosted various community events and fundraisers throughout 2015 that raised over $100,000 for local charities. Some of the events included a hot stove dinner and auction, a 5k run, military appreciation night, pet photo jersey auction, and food/clothing drives. The Crosscutters also partnered with businesses for initiatives like the home run team and score for your neighbors program. Players volunteered over 130 hours in the community through appearances.
Palm Springs Life - Article on Modernism Week Scholarship ProgramCindy DuffyModernism Week is an annual 11-day event in Palm Springs that celebrates mid-century modern design and attracts 40,000 visitors, providing an estimated $12 million annual economic impact. In addition to hosting events, it provides scholarships to local students pursuing architecture and design careers. Since 2011 it has awarded $27,000 in scholarships and also provides substantial grants to local preservation organizations, contributing over $450,000 in 2013 to support the local community.
BTS 2016 Post Release FINALChristina (Chris) Loddo EpsteinBEAM held a successful Back to School event that served almost 800 children from low-income families in the Jacksonville area. The event provided backpacks, school supplies, clothing, shoes and other necessities. It would not have been possible without the support of over 200 volunteers and local organizations that donated food, drinks and supplies. Volunteers remarked that the gratitude and smiles of the families and children made the event rewarding. BEAM continues to help families in need through food assistance, educational programs and other services throughout the year.
PDF FINAL FINAL VERSIONKaren VanHouten MinogueThe document discusses a scholarship reception held by the Community Foundation to honor scholarship recipients. Over $177,000 in scholarships were awarded this year alone. The Community Foundation has collectively awarded over $1.24 million in scholarships since 2000 to deserving students in the region.
Marist Magazine2Richard DeonThe document discusses Marist College partnering with the FDR Presidential Library to provide public access to historical documents and photographs through a new digital repository called FRANKLIN. It launched with 350,000 pages of archival documents and 2,000 photographs from the Roosevelt era. The repository is hosted on Marist's servers and allows open online access to the FDR Library's digitized collections. The document also provides brief updates on other recent news from Marist College.
2022 APA New Jersey Annual Awards Reception [Program]APA-NJAPA New Jersey was pleased to host its annual awards program on December 15th to honor this year's Great Places in New Jersey designees and Planning Excellence Awards recipients.
Boys and Girls Club of Kingston & Area Annual Report 2011bgckingstonThis annual report summarizes the activities of the Boys and Girls Club of Kingston & Area in 2012. It provides an overview of the organization's mission and programs for children and youth. Key details include:
- The Club served over 2,000 members through various after-school and evening programs.
- Programs were offered in locations across Kingston and Gananoque and focused on health, education, arts, and physical activity.
- Community support from donors, volunteers, and partners like the United Way were instrumental in the Club's success and ability to provide services to members.
- The report highlights some member and community feedback praising the positive impact of the Club.
Trails For Kids 2009Trails for KidsThese trails are for kids.... the kid in all of us. On February 7, 2009 while walking with my daughter Rachael at Don Davidson Park in Fayetteville, Tennessee we discovered land that we thought could one day be a trail or greenway.
Help For Children’s 19th Annual New York Gala Set for March 2, 2017Mitch AcklesHelp For Children’s 19th Annual New York Gala Set for March 2, 2017
Proceeds from the Alternative Investment Industry’s Premier Charity Gala to Empower Programs that Protect Children in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut
Kids View_Spring 2013David SchmoellerThe document discusses Kansas Children's Service League's (KCSL) 120th anniversary activities and events, including their annual meeting where awards were given to recognize contributions to helping children. It provides details on KCSL's programs and services, partnerships, and upcoming events like building healthy families tours to educate the public. The document also features stories of children available for adoption through KCSL.
Over 400 people attended william ritchey insurance’s 2nd cig insurance commun...brickman2014Over 400 people attended William Ritchey Insurance's 2nd CIG Insurance Community Safety Saturday event in Delano, California, which provided safety information and resources from over 20 organizations to children, teens, and adults. The free event was a success, with valuable information shared about topics like car seat safety, distracted driving, fire safety, emergency preparedness, and more. Capital Insurance Group supported the event to promote safety in the community.
Clean Up Damascus Day In Your Community!Montgomery County Volunteer CenterLearn more about Clean Up Damascus Day 2010 and how you can create a clean-up in your community for Community Service Day 2011!
Intangibles in Sports Betting: How Pro Bettors WinJoe DuffyFrom Description: Successful sports bettors know that stats and analytics are only part of the equation. The best handicappers also consider intangibles—unquantifiable factors like motivation, revenge games, travel fatigue, weather, coaching strategies, team chemistry, and referee tendencies. This ݺߣShare breaks down how these hidden factors impact game outcomes and how you can leverage them for smarter bets. Learn how to spot betting edges that sportsbooks and casual bettors often overlook! 🚀💰 #SportsBetting #Handicapping #BettingStrategy
TUNGGU APA LAGI UPGRADE ID MU MENJADI ID PRO 2025 DI #TANGKI4D #Tangki4dexclusive #tangki4dlink #tangki4dvip #bandarsbobet #idpro2025 #stargamingasia #situsjitu #jppragmaticplay #scatternagahitam
Hockey India: A Story of Pride, Passion, and Perseverance"Gayatri PatelGet ready to be inspired by the story of Indian hockey! This presentation takes you through the highs and lows, the victories and setbacks, and the unwavering commitment of our hockey heroes."
Unlocking Opportunities for Talented Athletes.pdfjinny kaurLPU (Lovely Professional University) offers scholarships for sports persons to encourage and support their participation in various sports activities. These scholarships are designed to provide financial assistance to deserving athletes, helping them balance their academic and athletic pursuits. The benefits include:
Tuition Fee Waiver: Sports scholarships often provide a partial or full waiver on tuition fees based on the level of achievement and performance in sports.
Accommodation and Mess Charges: Some scholarships also cover accommodation and mess charges, reducing the overall cost of living on campus.
Priority in Admissions: Athletes may receive priority during the admission process, making it easier to secure a seat.
Training Facilities: LPU provides state-of-the-art training facilities for athletes, ensuring they have access to the best infrastructure.
Coaching Support: You may receive specialized coaching and mentoring from experienced trainers and coaches to enhance your performance.
Participation in Competitions: Scholarships may cover the cost of participation in national and international competitions, providing exposure and opportunities for further growth.
Career Opportunities: Apart from financial benefits, sports scholarships can open doors to future career opportunities in sports-related fields.
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Community Newsletter - VOL 6, ISSUE 2 • September 2018
dbacks com/community
The alarm clock goes off
at 6 am on a chilly spring
Saturday, but you’ve
already been awake for an
hour, waiting for the first
glimpse of daylight. Today
is the day…FINALLY! Your
new uniform is pressed and
ready. Your glove has been
carefully and methodically
broken in since you first
spotted it under the
Christmas tree. Your bat has seen enough of the
batting cage and is ready for action. It’s Opening
As you step out onto the pristine, freshly mowed turf,
you think to yourself, “how was I lucky enough to
get here, to be able play on this incredible field?”
You take a deep breath, check the positions of your
teammates and then hear the greatest two words in
sports, “Play Ball!” The pitch is thrown and the first
game on Paul Goldschmidt Field has begun!
Since 1998, the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation
has built or refurbished 41 baseball and softball
fields throughout Arizona and has given thousands
of boys and girls the opportunity to experience their
own Opening Day dreams. The “Diamonds Back”
field building program is one of many ways that
the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation gives back
to the community. I am fortunate to have been
part of the fields design team since its inception,
beginning with Matt Williams Field in 2000. The
locations of the fields are determined through a
grant process and the design and construction of the
fields is a partnership of talented local contractors
and businesses. With financial support from Arizona
Public Service and Diamondback players, the design-
build team turns dreams into reality, complete with
new lights, electronic scoreboard, fencing, backstops
and dugouts. As each field is completed, the Arizona
Diamondbacks Foundation, D-Backs front office and
the baseball player to whom the field is dedicated
celebrate with a wonderful unveiling ceremony to
the community. I have attended almost all of the
dedications and best part is to see the kid’s eyes
light up when they see the new field for the first time.
With each new field dedication, a community comes
together. Parents and children have a place to make
new memories. Coaches will teach youngsters the
importance of teamwork, good sportsmanship and
comradery. It is truly a point of pride for the entire
Another Foundation event that I am particularly
proud of is the D-Backs Race Against Cancer. This
annual springtime event includes a 5K race and a
one-mile Family Fun Walk through the streets of
downtown Phoenix, beginning and ending at Chase
Field. Since its inception in 2013, this event has
grown each year and has raised over $1,200,000 to
benefit Arizona non-profit organizations that provide
screening, treatment and support for those dealing
with all types of cancer.
Runners and walkers from the local community as
well as across the country have said this event is one
of their favorites. With sponsors like the University
of Arizona Cancer Center at St. Joseph’s Hospital and
Banana Boat as well as a huge corps of volunteers
and corporate race teams, the D-Backs Race Against
Cancer is quickly becoming one of the premier race
events in the Valley of the Sun.
As the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation celebrates
more than $55 million in charitable giving in our
20th year, we continue to look for new ways to
improve our communities throughout Arizona. The
Foundation focuses its efforts on three main areas
of need: homelessness, indigent healthcare and
children’s programs of all types. In addition, the
Foundation continues to create strategic programs
that address the needs of our community including
veterans, police, teachers, and firefighters - just to
name a few.
Tom Meeks
Member, Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation
Executive Council Senior Project Manager, Civil &
Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Letter from TOM MEEKS
2. dbacks com/communityPAGE 2 VOL 6, ISSUE 2 • AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018
The D-backs hosted the 20th Annual Inter-Tribal Youth Baseball and
Softball Invitational, recognizing the Native American community from
May 31 – June 3. The games are played at Salt River Fields, the only
complex built on tribal land. The tournament spans four days of morning
and evening play, culminating with an exciting championship game
held inside the stadium. This summer, more than 1,170 participants
competed in the tournament, featured 78 teams, all traveled from five
states - Arizona, New Mexico, California, Oklahoma. Since year one, there have been over 1,687 games
played, with 899 teams and 13,485 players.
A surprise visit by D-backs players always caps off the week for the athletes and this year was no
different! Pitcher Brad Boxberger spent the day out at the fields with the baseball and softball players,
teaming up with them in the dugouts, supporting them and sharing memories through the sport.
With each year comes hope of celebrating a Major League debut of one of the Native American athletes.
On June 3, the D-backs hosted Native American Recognition Day, presented by Gila River Casinos.
The festivities began when the gates opened and included performances throughout the ballpark
– including one on the field – by performance groups including, Native American drum groups,
dancers, vocalists, royalty and more. All participants from the Inter-Tribal Youth Baseball and Softball
Invitational were recognized during a pre-game ceremony that included a parade around the warning
track of the field.
Over 175 D-backs Employees spent several days at the
new Valencia Newcomer School from July 9-11 to help
prepare for the grand opening on August 8. The team
moved furniture out, cleaned, painted and transformed
classrooms into a haven for the students. A library and
teacher’s lounge makeover, cafeteria and nurse’s area
painted, creation and stocking of a new clothing closet,
and a transformation of a classroom into an indoor PE
room, equipped with paint and flooring and them some
was all completed.
On April 29, the D-backs, Safelite AutoGlass, the Phoenix Fire Department,
and the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety teamed up for a free
car seat safety check in Laveen. Technicians were on hand to check car
seats to make sure they were properly installed. Seats that did not meet
safety requirements were replaced free of charge.
On Friday, June 15 the D-backs and Safelite gave away free bikes and
helmets to the members of the Boys and Girls Club Colangelo Branch.
Once the kids received their bikes and helmets, Phoenix Fire and Phoenix
Police instructed the kids in safety drills in an obstacle course. Infielder
Ketel Marte took a whirl around the Bike Rodeo, which was impactful to
the kids.
The Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation and Safelite AutoGlass teamed
up with the Phoenix Fire Department and City of Phoenix Aquatics to
promote swim safety and expand access to swimming lessons for kids and
adults! On top of normal pool hours in June and July, select City of Phoenix
pools were open on weekends in August to offer expanded access to swim
lessons for kids, teens, and adults. Lessons were available at numerous
pools across the Phoenix area, with a limited amount of lessons offered for
the discounted rate of only $3.
Every summer the D-backs partner with Safelite AutoGlass on a series of
programs to support safety for children. Together the D-backs and Safelite
have supported thousands of swimming lesson, car seats, new bikes and
helmets, immunizations, smoke detectors and more.
As parents and partners in the community, we recognize that cyberbullying
and bullying are additional areas where children face tremendous risk.
This year the D-backs and Safelite have teamed up with Be Kind People
Project to deliver a thoughtful and positive message in schools across
Arizona. In September and October, the D-backs, Safelite and Be Kind
People Project will deliver twenty-five “Be A Friend” (Buddy) Benches
to local schools. The “Be A Friend” benches are D-backs branded and
funded by the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation and Safelite. Each will
come with materials that align with the Be Kind People Project messaging
and encourage each school’s commitment to implement the program in
alignment with the Be Kind Pledge.
dbacks com/community PAGE 3VOL 6, ISSUE 2 • AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018
The D-backs and Safelite have stepped up to the plate again this summer to help keep kids safe through the D-backs and Safelite AutoGlass Summer of
Safety Program.
The program will focus on different areas of child safety including swim safety, bicycle safety, and anti-bullying. The program aims to keep kids in the game
all summer long by raising awareness and providing valuable information, instruction, and resources to the community.
Support the Arizona
Diamondbacks Foundation by
purchasing a baseball signed
by one of your D-backs
favorites. Fans can make
a $40 donation in
exchange for a Mystery
Ball box containing an
autographed baseball
signed by D-backs players, coaches and alumni. Funds raised
benefit the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation and are used to
support youth sports and education initiatives.
Mystery Ball sales begin when gates open at section 130.
Quantities are limited.
An additional 2018 Mystery Ball Date was added – Monday,
September 17, D-backs vs. Cubs
dbacks com/communityPAGE 4 VOL 6, ISSUE 2 • AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2018
BACK 50/50
The D-backs Give Back
50/50 Raffle, supported
by Arizona Lottery,
is available at every
D-backs home game
during the 2018
season. The charitable
half of the jackpot
benefits the Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation to support youth
baseball field development and sports outreach across the state
of Arizona.
Tickets are available for 3 for $5, 10 for $10 or 80 for $20 from
roving sellers in the stands and at raffle kiosks located throughout
the Chase Field concourse levels.
Visit to learn more.
D-backs Authentics offers
a wide array of game-used
jerseys, caps, helmets,
baseballs, bases, bats and
more. A portion of funds
from D-backs Authentics
sales benefit the
Arizona Diamondbacks
Shop online at or visit the D-backs
Authentics Store, located at Section 134 at Chase Field during
any 2018 D-backs home game.
Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation’s youth field-building program, supported by APS,
dedicated the 40th and 41st Diamonds Back Fields this summer. First, in Douglas,
Erubiel Durazo Field was dedicated. Just weeks after, the renovated Willie Bloomquist
Field similarly represented a community investment in youth sports programs
exceeding $10 million since its overall inception in 2000.
As a part of Heroes Weekend, Luis Gonzalez visits Phoenix Fire Department and
Phoenix Police Department as part of his foundation, Hometown Heroes. Gonzo’s
Hometown Heroes Fund, benefits projects, programs and non-profit organizations that
support Police Officers, Firefighters, and First Responders across Arizona.
D-backs Players’ Wives host a Birthday Party at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.