Informaii primite prin Cuv但ntul interior i notate de Gottfried Mayerhofer
Tradus din german de David Brown
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David Brown
ianuarie, 2019
Six cities among the Tribe of Levi were sprinkled strategically on both sides of the Jordan River. They were cities of refuge, sanctuary cities for those fleeing for safety from an avenging family when there was an unintentional homicide.
The document discusses various aspects of the book of Revelation including:
1) Key symbols in Revelation like the four living creatures representing different animals and the 24 elders representing the 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles.
2) Passages from Revelation discussing Jesus being the only one worthy to open the seals on the scroll and redeem people through his blood.
3) An overview of the events of the first half of the tribulation period according to Revelation including wars, famine, death and martyrdom.
4) Discussion of the rapture and different views on its timing and nature.
5) Descriptions of end times events like the second coming, millennium reign, and great white throne
This document discusses the relationship between the Old Testament (Torah) and the New Testament, and the concepts of law and grace. It seeks to challenge common misconceptions that the Old Testament is only for Jews or is obsolete now that Christians are under grace rather than law. The document argues that understanding scripture from a Jewish believer's perspective can provide valuable insights and correct misunderstandings that have arisen. It aims to show the Old and New Testaments are not separate but rather one continuous story, and that properly understanding their relationship has important practical implications for Christian life.
El documento resume las diferentes perspectivas sobre la santidad de la Iglesia desde las Escrituras, la Tradici坦n y el Magisterio, as鱈 como desde la reflexi坦n teol坦gica moderna. Las Escrituras muestran a Cristo amando y entreg叩ndose por la Iglesia para santificarla. Los s鱈mbolos bautismales y los concilios afirman la santidad de la Iglesia. El Vaticano II ense単a que la Iglesia es santificada por Cristo y que todos est叩n llamados a la santidad. Los te坦logos explican que la
The bible teaches that baptism is necessary for salvation. Look at all the scriptures that talk about baptism and we see that it is definitely necessary for salvation. b
The document discusses how the 10 plagues that God brought upon Egypt during the time of Moses foreshadowed the death and salvation provided by Jesus Christ. It notes similarities between the Passover lamb whose blood saved the Israelites and spared them God's judgment, and Jesus who is described as the Lamb of God who was sacrificed to save humanity and deliver us from sin and death. Key events of the Passover and crucifixion are compared to show how the Old Testament feast and killing of the lamb prefigured Jesus' redemptive work on the cross.
This document provides an overview of the spiritual entity known as Behemoth. It describes Behemoth as a massive creature that represents oppressive systems that enslave millions of people. The document analyzes passages from the Book of Job and Book of Enoch that reference Behemoth. It examines characteristics of Behemoth such as its size, strength, power, and solid foundations, which allow it to flexibly withstand attacks and challenges to its rule while continuing to reproduce fear and control over mankind. The overall message is that Behemoth represents demonic systems of vast influence that must be dismantled through spiritual warfare in order to liberate people.
What did God tell Joshua to do after conquering the land? (13:1) How much land remained to be possessed? (13:2-6) Who was the land for and what was the first step? (13:7) How does this study apply to contemporary conflicts between the Jews and the Palestinians in Israel? How do your answers to these questions apply to you?
1) O Livro de Enoque descreve Enoque tendo uma vis達o dos anjos ensinando humanos artes e magias.
2) Os anjos se apaixonaram por humanas e tiveram filhos gigantes com elas.
3) Esses gigantes come巽aram a devorar humanos, causando grande destrui巽達o na terra.
A very informative and insightful Bible Study On the Truth Behind Hell. If you have ever been confused by this subject or if you've wondered how a God who says he is love will allow people to burn forever....this study is for you! What does really teach about Hell and Death?!! Let's find out :)
This document discusses the concept of God as the creator. It presents two possible explanations for how the world came to be - either through a creator or by chance. The document argues that only the creator explanation is logical, as something must have begun the sequence. It provides biblical passages that affirm God as the creator. It also discusses God's plan and purpose in creation, what the future may hold, and encourages learning more about God.
The document provides an overview of the biblical tabernacle and its significance. It notes that approximately 50 chapters of the Bible concern the tabernacle, which was God's dwelling place among the Israelites and a representation of his desire to restore relationship with humanity. The tabernacle foreshadowed Jesus Christ tabernacling or dwelling among humanity. It also points to God's future dwelling with believers in the New Jerusalem.
The climax of the book of Revelation is unarguably the return of Christ. What precedes in the judgments (Rev 1-18) proves his right to judge and what follows (Rev 20-22) is simply the "mopping up" operation. Download the entire manuscript, study notes, and handout at (NT sermons link). You may also listen to the audio of this message at
This document provides an overview and summary of a sermon given on Galatians 5:13-25. The key points are:
1. Christian freedom is not freedom to sin but freedom from sin and freedom to serve others through love.
2. Christians face an ongoing conflict between their sinful nature and living by the Spirit. They must choose not to gratify their sinful desires.
3. Living by the Spirit produces fruit including love, joy, peace and more. Those who live habitually in sin will not inherit God's kingdom.
4. Christians can live victoriously by crucifying their sinful nature through denial of self and by continually walking with the Spirit.
Paul confronted Peter for separating himself from Gentile believers out of fear of criticism. Paul argued that justification comes through faith in Christ, not works of the law. Paul explained that through dying with Christ to the law, believers can now live for God identified with Christ living in them through faith. Justification is not by works of the law, otherwise Christ's death would be unnecessary.
HIS nail pierced hands - Shocking vision of November 2013.Christine Gitau
The written HOLY ORACLES of the LORD GOD JEHOVAH YAHWEH - the nail pierced hands of the CHRIST, the MESSIAH, the LAMB who was slain for the sins of the all men (all people).
Sermon 際際滷 Deck: "The Gift of Adoption" (Galatians 4:4-7)New City Church
鐃Since we have been given the gift of adoption, to live as an orphan is no longer an option.
This message was given on October 18, 2015 at New City Church in Calgary by Pastor John Ferguson. For more info, please visit:
Cartea lui Enoh fiul lui Iared, scris de Elisa Ben-Eden, la 樽nceputul lui Enoh ca mprat peste tot pm但ntul (Cap. 1:1), chiar 樽n vremea vie釘ii lui Adam (Cap. 1:3 i 15:4, 6), scris i dup crile lui Enoh (Cap. 1:4). Mai mult chiar, Enoh a fost cel dint但i care a scris i cel dint但i care a fcut table de lut i de rain pentru scris, el a scris pe pergament, pe papirus semnele lui (Cap. 1:15 i Cartea Jubileelor 4:17, 18).
Dei nu se cunosc foarte multe lucruri despre aceast carte sf但nt i plin de 樽nelepciune, cu excepia celor scrise 樽n ea, presupunem c ea se afla 樽n corabia lui Noe, ajung但nd 樽n posesia lui Sem i de acolo la urmaii si. 4 Enoh este denumirea dat de noi pentru Cartea 樽nvturii-Cartea lui Enoh sau Evanghelia preistoriei umane, in但nd cont i de faptul c 樽n prezent mai exist 1 Enoh Cartea etiopian a lui Enoh, 2 Enoh Cartea Slavon a lui Enoh sau Secretele lui Enoh i 3 Enoh Cartea ebraic a lui Enoh.
El documento describe el origen, objeto y m辿todo de la teolog鱈a fundamental. Explica que la teolog鱈a fundamental estudia la revelaci坦n divina y la credibilidad de la fe, centr叩ndose principalmente en Cristo como la plenitud de la revelaci坦n. Usa un m辿todo teol坦gico con aportaciones apolog辿ticas, prestando atenci坦n especial a las Escrituras, la Tradici坦n y el Magisterio.
This document discusses the mass and weight of water. It states that 1000 cm3 of water has a mass of 1000g, so 1 cm3 of water has a mass of 1g. It also provides a results table to show the relationship between weight in Newtons and mass in grams for different amounts of water, including 1000g, 100g, and 10g.
This document provides an overview of the spiritual entity known as Behemoth. It describes Behemoth as a massive creature that represents oppressive systems that enslave millions of people. The document analyzes passages from the Book of Job and Book of Enoch that reference Behemoth. It examines characteristics of Behemoth such as its size, strength, power, and solid foundations, which allow it to flexibly withstand attacks and challenges to its rule while continuing to reproduce fear and control over mankind. The overall message is that Behemoth represents demonic systems of vast influence that must be dismantled through spiritual warfare in order to liberate people.
What did God tell Joshua to do after conquering the land? (13:1) How much land remained to be possessed? (13:2-6) Who was the land for and what was the first step? (13:7) How does this study apply to contemporary conflicts between the Jews and the Palestinians in Israel? How do your answers to these questions apply to you?
1) O Livro de Enoque descreve Enoque tendo uma vis達o dos anjos ensinando humanos artes e magias.
2) Os anjos se apaixonaram por humanas e tiveram filhos gigantes com elas.
3) Esses gigantes come巽aram a devorar humanos, causando grande destrui巽達o na terra.
A very informative and insightful Bible Study On the Truth Behind Hell. If you have ever been confused by this subject or if you've wondered how a God who says he is love will allow people to burn forever....this study is for you! What does really teach about Hell and Death?!! Let's find out :)
This document discusses the concept of God as the creator. It presents two possible explanations for how the world came to be - either through a creator or by chance. The document argues that only the creator explanation is logical, as something must have begun the sequence. It provides biblical passages that affirm God as the creator. It also discusses God's plan and purpose in creation, what the future may hold, and encourages learning more about God.
The document provides an overview of the biblical tabernacle and its significance. It notes that approximately 50 chapters of the Bible concern the tabernacle, which was God's dwelling place among the Israelites and a representation of his desire to restore relationship with humanity. The tabernacle foreshadowed Jesus Christ tabernacling or dwelling among humanity. It also points to God's future dwelling with believers in the New Jerusalem.
The climax of the book of Revelation is unarguably the return of Christ. What precedes in the judgments (Rev 1-18) proves his right to judge and what follows (Rev 20-22) is simply the "mopping up" operation. Download the entire manuscript, study notes, and handout at (NT sermons link). You may also listen to the audio of this message at
This document provides an overview and summary of a sermon given on Galatians 5:13-25. The key points are:
1. Christian freedom is not freedom to sin but freedom from sin and freedom to serve others through love.
2. Christians face an ongoing conflict between their sinful nature and living by the Spirit. They must choose not to gratify their sinful desires.
3. Living by the Spirit produces fruit including love, joy, peace and more. Those who live habitually in sin will not inherit God's kingdom.
4. Christians can live victoriously by crucifying their sinful nature through denial of self and by continually walking with the Spirit.
Paul confronted Peter for separating himself from Gentile believers out of fear of criticism. Paul argued that justification comes through faith in Christ, not works of the law. Paul explained that through dying with Christ to the law, believers can now live for God identified with Christ living in them through faith. Justification is not by works of the law, otherwise Christ's death would be unnecessary.
HIS nail pierced hands - Shocking vision of November 2013.Christine Gitau
The written HOLY ORACLES of the LORD GOD JEHOVAH YAHWEH - the nail pierced hands of the CHRIST, the MESSIAH, the LAMB who was slain for the sins of the all men (all people).
Sermon 際際滷 Deck: "The Gift of Adoption" (Galatians 4:4-7)New City Church
鐃Since we have been given the gift of adoption, to live as an orphan is no longer an option.
This message was given on October 18, 2015 at New City Church in Calgary by Pastor John Ferguson. For more info, please visit:
Cartea lui Enoh fiul lui Iared, scris de Elisa Ben-Eden, la 樽nceputul lui Enoh ca mprat peste tot pm但ntul (Cap. 1:1), chiar 樽n vremea vie釘ii lui Adam (Cap. 1:3 i 15:4, 6), scris i dup crile lui Enoh (Cap. 1:4). Mai mult chiar, Enoh a fost cel dint但i care a scris i cel dint但i care a fcut table de lut i de rain pentru scris, el a scris pe pergament, pe papirus semnele lui (Cap. 1:15 i Cartea Jubileelor 4:17, 18).
Dei nu se cunosc foarte multe lucruri despre aceast carte sf但nt i plin de 樽nelepciune, cu excepia celor scrise 樽n ea, presupunem c ea se afla 樽n corabia lui Noe, ajung但nd 樽n posesia lui Sem i de acolo la urmaii si. 4 Enoh este denumirea dat de noi pentru Cartea 樽nvturii-Cartea lui Enoh sau Evanghelia preistoriei umane, in但nd cont i de faptul c 樽n prezent mai exist 1 Enoh Cartea etiopian a lui Enoh, 2 Enoh Cartea Slavon a lui Enoh sau Secretele lui Enoh i 3 Enoh Cartea ebraic a lui Enoh.
El documento describe el origen, objeto y m辿todo de la teolog鱈a fundamental. Explica que la teolog鱈a fundamental estudia la revelaci坦n divina y la credibilidad de la fe, centr叩ndose principalmente en Cristo como la plenitud de la revelaci坦n. Usa un m辿todo teol坦gico con aportaciones apolog辿ticas, prestando atenci坦n especial a las Escrituras, la Tradici坦n y el Magisterio.
This document discusses the mass and weight of water. It states that 1000 cm3 of water has a mass of 1000g, so 1 cm3 of water has a mass of 1g. It also provides a results table to show the relationship between weight in Newtons and mass in grams for different amounts of water, including 1000g, 100g, and 10g.
This document provides general information and emergency procedures for Michael Qaissaunee's ELEC 101 Computer Aided Circuit Analysis course. It lists the instructor's name, office location and hours, email address, and phone number. It instructs students to use the course code in email subjects and notes that official communications and grades will be sent electronically. The emergency information section instructs students what to do in the event of a building alarm or evacuation, including immediately leaving the building, using stairs, notifying staff of anyone needing help, evacuating at least 300 feet from the building, and not reentering until emergency personnel allow it.
The document provides guidance on building a website with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. It discusses determining goals and keywords, creating an organized site structure and valid code, developing and managing content over time, and checking performance after launch to ensure the site is functioning properly for search engines. The author is Linda Nawrocki and contact information is provided.
This document discusses an individual's daily and yearly water usage and provides strategies to limit water consumption. The person currently uses 97.41 liters of water per day, which amounts to over 35,000 liters per year through activities like hand washing, bathing, and using the toilet. To reduce water usage, they plan to turn off the tap when brushing teeth, take showers instead of baths, and limit other unnecessary water use.
- Wookie is an open source widget engine that was accepted into the Apache incubator in July 2009 to help build a developer community around the project.
- For an open source project to be viable and sustainable, it needs an active community of both users and developers. The Apache foundation provides mechanisms and processes to help support community engagement.
- While progress has been made in growing the Wookie community, there are still barriers like legal concerns and inexperience with development workflows that can prevent some developers from contributing. The project works to address these challenges and bring more diversity to its community.
This document provides an overview of the history and models of educational policy in Estonian higher education. It discusses four main periods:
1) Academia Gustaviana (1632-1710) which followed regulations from Sweden but also enjoyed some academic freedoms similar to medieval universities.
2) Kaiserliche Universit辰t zu Dorpat (1802-1889) which had a dual nature under Russian and German control and balanced state influence with some institutional autonomy.
3) Tartu University of the Republic of Estonia (1919-1940) where the state supported national education development but also diverse educational institutions.
4) Higher education during Soviet occupation (1940-1986) was strictly controlled by the
The document discusses creativity in science education and provides examples of hands-on activities and projects students can do. It lists activities students regularly do like drawing diagrams, modeling, planning investigations, and displaying results. It suggests doing more role plays, blogs, podcasts, and photo slideshows. Examples of hands-on projects mentioned include chromatography, making bread, onion slides, molecular models, dyeing with fruits and vegetables, and experiments with milk, fertilizer, glass, nylon, and starch.
This document discusses developing digital literacies through interactive content creation. It proposes using the open-source Xerte tool to have students create interactive content as assessed work. Potential benefits include enhancing student and staff digital skills, establishing digital champions, and innovative teaching. Risks include staff inability to learn Xerte and infrastructure issues. Example projects are described to develop digital literacies for employability or create open educational resources. The document promotes sharing methods and experiences within discipline communities.
Internet search and other web tools for teachersOllie Bray
This document discusses Ollie Bray's professional learning network and his role as National Advisor for Emerging Technologies in Learning at Learning and Teaching Scotland. It provides his email address and links to his Twitter profile and blog where he shares resources and ideas about using new technologies in education.
The document discusses how social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are popular among students and how instructors can use these tools in the online classroom. It provides an overview of Twitter and how to get started, common Twitter terminology, tips for using Twitter, and examples of how Twitter can be used for professional growth and networking. Examples of Twitter apps that can be used are also mentioned.
Ending Open Access and Other Ideas to Transform High Seas FisheriesSebasti叩n Losada
Presentation by Sebastian Losada, Greenpeace International Policy Adviser, to the Pew Marine Fellows Annual Meeting. Contribution to Panel on RFMOs reform.
Un libro che raccoglie meditazioni e preghiere sulle varie espressioni del Sangue Prezioso di Cristo, seguendo le litanie.. di Suor Anna Maria Vissani, ed. Sul Monte di Castelplanio, novembre 2013
Libro scritto da suor Anna Maria Vissani, durante l'esperienza di eremitaggio a Madonna del monte. Libro che aiuta tutti a meditare sulla preghiera e la vita interiore. Bellissime immagini dell'autrice.
Ges湛 all'umanit- gruppo di Preghiera- Italia
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I doni dello spirito santo - Udienze di papa FrancescoRaffaele Nappi
Raccolta dei testi delle udienze generali di papa Francesco dal 9 aprile al 11 giugno 2014, riguardanti le catechesi sui doni dello Spirito Santo
Un ringraziamento a CATECHISTI 2.0
LIBRO DI PREGHIERE DELLE SUORE ADORATRICI DEL SANGUE DI CRISTO, a cura del Centro di Spiritualit "Sul monte" di Castelplanio /AM).-
Questo prezioso sussidio guider il lettore orante, attraverso testi eucologici di profonda spiritualit e brevi brani meditativi (tratti dalla Sacra Scrittura, dal pensiero dei Papi, dalla riflessione di Santa Maria de Mattias, ecc.), alla riscoperta del valore incommensurabile del Sangue Preziosissimo di nostro Signore Ges湛 Cristo nella storia della salvezza e nella vita quotidiana di ciascuno, per sperimentare con stupore che vivere tenendo accesa la passione damore e di redenzione, nonostante tutto 竪 la pi湛 esaltante avventura che ci 竪 data.
1. La festa del dono dello Spirito Santo alla Chiesa. Gustiamone la presenza, scopriamone la bellezza. Pentecoste
2. Mentre il giorno di Pentecoste stava per finire, si trovavano tutti insieme nello stesso luogo. Venne allimprovviso dal cielo un rombo, come di vento che si abbatte gagliardo, e riemp狸 tutta la casa dove si trovavano. Apparvero loro lingue come di fuoco che si dividevano e si posarono su ciascuno di loro; ed essi furono tutti pieni di Spirito Santo e cominciarono a parlare in altre lingue come lo Spirito dava loro il potere desprimersi. (At 2,1-4)
3. Ma non 竪 un peccato che Egli rimanga cos狸 lontano dalla nostra vita di fede? Non 竪 una ricchezza che purtroppo non gustiamo? Qualcuno lo definisce il grande sconosciuto , forse perch辿 竪 Colui che meno riusciamo a immaginare e a rappresentarci. Ci 竪 stato donato lo Spirito Santo. Chi 竪 lo Spirito Santo?
4. Cerchiamo allora di capire insieme: Chi 竪 lo Spirito Santo? La nostra vita cristiana diventer pi湛 autentica, e certamente pi湛 bella.
5. Nei discorsi dellultima cena Ges湛 aveva detto ai suoi: " bene per voi che io me ne vada, perch辿 se non me ne vado, non verr a voi il Consolatore" (Gv 16,7). Ges湛 collega la venuta dello Spirito con la sua dipartita. Ma, attento, non 竪 una dipartita qualunque油: Ges湛 se ne va donando la vita油! Dunque la venuta dello Spirito 竪 legata al dono della vita di Ges湛 per noi.
6. E infatti,qual 竪 lultimo gesto di Ges湛 sulla croce油? Levangelista Giovanni dice che: "chinato il capo, rese lo Spirito " ( Gv 19,30). Lo rese disponibile per i credenti, dono nuovo di Pasqua.
7. E il primo gesto del Risorto? Apparendo ai discepoli nel cenacolo, Ges湛 "alit嘆 su di loro e disse: Ricevete lo Spirito Santo " ( Gv 20,22).
8. Prima di andare avanti, vuoi fermarti in contemplazione di queste tre parole di Cristo? Lascia che le parole ascoltate affascinino un po il tuo cuore. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo " ( Gv 20,22). Fermati Nutriti Gusta
9. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo " Siete inviati per convertire il mondo diffondendo la fede, ma questo compito immenso 竪 molto superiore alle vostre forze umane.
10. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo " Lo Spirito che vi ho promesso scender su di voi e vi riempir di luce, d'ardore, d'energia, d'amore.
11. Vi santificher, vi trasformer in testimoni convincenti di tutto il mio Vangelo, vi dar una lingua di fuoco. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo "
12. Vi assister, vi ispirer in tutte le vostre iniziative; vi render fedeli al mio insegnamento, che vi far comprendere. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo "
13. Con la sua forza divina, far penetrare le vostre parole umane nello spirito e nel cuore di coloro che guider verso di me e la mia Chiesa. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo "
14. Riunendo, tramite vostro, tutta l'umanit attorno alla mia persona, vi terr uniti come segno e riflesso dell'unit divina. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo "
15. Tiriamo insieme le fila di quanto il Signore ci ha detto in queste tre parole. Ricevete lo Spirito Santo Lo Spirito Santo 竪 legato alla passione di Ges湛 per noi, ed 竪 anche legato alla sua vittoria sul peccato e sulla morte, alla sua risurrezione. La Pasqua di morte e risurrezione 竪 lopera dellamore del Padre ed 竪 lopera del s狸 amoroso di Cristo. Allora lo Spirito 竪 il frutto della donazione damore di Cristo in croce . A partire da quel dono lo Spirito viene messo a nostra disposizione. Lo Spirito che noi abbiamo ricevuto nel battesimo e nella cresima ci collega intimamente con il gesto di amore pi湛 gratuito e fecondo della storia油! Ma lo Spirito non 竪 solo il frutto della Pasqua di Cristo. Ne 竪 anche e non meno il principio . Se Ges湛 ha potuto arrivare a quel momento, lo ha fatto nella forza dello Spirito .
16. Allora possiamo comprendere qualcosa della natura dello Spirito Santo. Egli non 竪 uno "sconosciuto". Lo Spirito 竪 Colui che d alla parola "amore" tutto il suo significato , perch辿 竪 nellintimo dellamore di Cristo, ed 竪 nellintimo dellamore del Padre. Lo Spirito Santo 竪 lamore del Padre per il Figlio e del Figlio per il Padre, ed 竪 lamore che Dio ha voluto esprimere e vivere anche nei nostri confronti. Lo Spirito Santo 竪 Amore, lo Spirito Santo 竪 lamore personale e tenerissimo di Dio油! Vuoi stare allora qualche istante nellintimit di questo Amore油? Prova a scambiare parole di Amore con il Protagonista dellAmore. Ricevi Medita Gusta
17. Solo il tuo soffio, Spirito Santo, pu嘆 portare il nostro amore pi湛 lontano del nostro cuore,farci superare gli stretti confini degli affetti umani.
18. Il tuo soffio pu嘆 darci la forza d'amare come Dio ama, universalmente, d'amare l'umanit senza respingere nessuno.
19. Damare sinceramente non solo a parole, gesti e sorrisi, ma col fondo dell'anima, con vera stima e pensieri benevoli.
20. Damare fedelmente senza mai stancarci, nonostante le delusioni, di rispondere sempre ad una mancanza d'amore con pi湛 amore.
21. Damare intensamente con una dedizione pronta ad ogni sacrificio, di dare nell'amore tutto quello che abbiamo, tutto quello che siamo.
22. Vieni, Santo Spirito, manda a noi dal cielo un raggio del tuo amore. Vieni, Padre dei poveri, vieni, Spirito generoso, vieni, Luce dei cuori. Tu, Consolatore perfetto, dona la pace alla nostra anima: vieni, Santo Spirito. Tu, meravigliosa freschezza, nella fatica sei il riposo, nella prova la forza: vieni, Santo Spirito.
23. Luce beatissima, invadi lintimo dei nostri cuori: vieni, Santo Spirito. Piega ci嘆 che 竪 rigido, scalda ci嘆 che 竪 tiepido: vieni, Santo Spirito. Placa la nostra sete guarisci le nostre ferite: vieni, Santo Spirito. Donaci la gioia eterna: vieni Santo Spirito, manda a noi dal cielo un raggio del tuo amore. Amen Testo di d.Paolo Benvenuto. Preghiere di J.Galot. elaborato da Antonio Barone