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Natarajan, R., & Chaturvedi, R. (2003). Geology of the Indian Ocean Floor. Hartford, CT:
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Mohd Shukri, Abdul Wahab (2006) Peranan Konsultasi Perkhidmatan dan Latihan (PL) Dalam
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Korporat Kastam Diraja Malaysia Pulau Pinang. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia
7. Rujukan Internet
8. Kamus
Prince, M., Vigeant, M. & Nottis, M. Inquiry-based activities can help overcome undergraduate
engineering students misconceptions. Diperoleh pada 20 Jan 2010 daripada
Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.

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  • 1. Contoh Penulisan Rujukan Mengikut Format APA 1. Buku 2. Buku yang melibatkan edisi 3. Artikel dalam buku yang melibatkan editor oo 4. Jurnal 5. Akhbar 6. Thesis Natarajan, R., & Chaturvedi, R. (2003). Geology of the Indian Ocean Floor. Hartford, CT: Merganser University Press. Stanton, D. C., & Farbman, E. (Eds.). (2003). The female autograph: Theory and practice of autobiography. Middletown, CT: Ibis Bookstore Press. Pepin, R. E. (2002). Uses of time in the political novels of Joseph Conrad. In C. W. Darling, Jr., J. Shields, & E. C. Farbman (Eds.), Chronological looping in political novels (pp. 99-135). Hartford: Capital Press. Chinn, C. A. & Brewer, W. F. (1993). The role of anomalous data in knowledge acquisition: A theoritical framework and implication for science instruction. Review of Educational Research. 63 (1), 1-49 John. R. New exam for doctor of future. (1989, March 15). The New York Times, p. B-10. Mohd Shukri, Abdul Wahab (2006) Peranan Konsultasi Perkhidmatan dan Latihan (PL) Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi di Jabatan Kastam: Satu Kajian Kes di Cawangan Pengurusan Korporat Kastam Diraja Malaysia Pulau Pinang. Masters thesis, Universiti Utara Malaysia (unpublished).
  • 2. 7. Rujukan Internet 8. Kamus Prince, M., Vigeant, M. & Nottis, M. Inquiry-based activities can help overcome undergraduate engineering students misconceptions. Diperoleh pada 20 Jan 2010 daripada http://www.chemicalprocessing.com/articles/2010/026.html Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.