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Perception of
Humans have
60,000 thoughts
per day
These thoughts
affect the choices
you make and
form your
Where do the
thoughts come
It depends on YOU.
You can control what
thoughts you have:
Eyes & Ears are the gates
to the Brain & Heart.
We should look at those
who are above us in
doing good deeds. This
encourages us to do
more good.
"Look at those who are below
you, and do not look at those who
are above you- so you do not
belittle the blessings you have
been given
Ahadeeth of the Prophet (S) regarding
lowering the gaze:
We should look at those who
have less than us in worldly
affairs. This encourages us to
be grateful for what we have.
Beware of jealousy, for verily it
destroys good deeds the way
fire destroys wood.
The Prophets teachings about lowering our
gaze will protect ourselves from jealousy.
WHY does jealousy burn away good deeds?
HOW does jealousy hurt you?
HOW does jealousy hurt others?
A person whom Allah gave wisdom
A person whom
Allah gave wealth
and he spends it in
the path of Allah
Jealousy Exceptions:
惶曄惡悖 曄
 悋惷愃  曄
曄悴惘 悋惴 曄
忰  曄 
 悋惡 蜮惘惡悽  
抉ル 悒 曄  曄
Tell the believing men to lowering their gaze
and guard their private parts. That is purer for
them. Indeed, Allah is knowledgeable with
what they do.
Ayat from the Quran (S) regarding
lowering the gaze:
This Ayah teaches us
how to protect our
actions by
protecting our eyesight
Society banks on this
and uses the media to
shape our World view.
What we see affects
how we view things:
Subconscious messages to
foster of acceptance of sins.
Racism in
the Media
How could
this have an
affect on your
daily life ??
When people digress from
the path of Allah, they end
up looking for ways to fulfill
their lives. They live for the
next moment of temporary
1 in 10 Americans are on
They pierce, tatoo and
transform their bodies in
ways that are strange and
sometimes harmful.
They try to dull their pain
with drugs and alcohol.
Islam's View on Life: How to Protect Ourselves
How does Islam solve these problems?
How does Islam shape our World view?
Minimizes the
outside impact.
Maximizes the
inside impact.
When you see things
through the lens of
You see them for
what they really are
You reach the point where you are
CONVINCED that the haram will hurt you
emotionally, physically, spiritually.
You feel content.
You know your beliefs are the correct ones.
You feel confident that you are not missing
out on anything.
You dad works really hard and saves money so you can go to a
nice place for vacation, stay at the nicest resorts, and go to the
best restaurants.
Before you all leave, you pack your stuff in your suitcase 
clothes, toiletries, all the things you need.
When the vacation ends, you always go back home.
Well, this life is like that vacation!!
 Our bodies, our knowledge, our houses, our money, our kids
are all the stuff we have in our bags. Thats all the stuff we need
while we are here. But, in the end, we wont stay here forever. We
will eventually go to our final home in the Akhira. And everything
Think of this Example::
People who just want to have fun their whole lives, and
do bad things and dont work on building their house in
Jenna, are not going to be happy with where they will
spend eternity.
If someone asked you to make a choice:
Ill give you $10 now, or Ill give you $10,000 next year
Which would you choose?
The smart person would wait to get more!
Its like this life. Allah is telling us we have a choice:
Do whatever you want NOW, but spend eternity
regretting that choice, OR work hard and do good, and
spend eternity in Paradise
Which would you choose?
A life of 20, 30, 50, maybe 80 years? OR eternity??
The fool is the one who forgets he
has a beginning point and end point

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Islam's View on Life: How to Protect Ourselves

  • 2. Humans have 60,000 thoughts per day MOOD PERSONALIT Y Hard-wired Neurons These thoughts affect the choices you make and form your personality Where do the thoughts come from??? THOUGHT S
  • 3. It depends on YOU. You can control what thoughts you have: Eyes & Ears are the gates to the Brain & Heart.
  • 4. We should look at those who are above us in doing good deeds. This encourages us to do more good. "Look at those who are below you, and do not look at those who are above you- so you do not belittle the blessings you have been given Ahadeeth of the Prophet (S) regarding lowering the gaze: We should look at those who have less than us in worldly affairs. This encourages us to be grateful for what we have. Beware of jealousy, for verily it destroys good deeds the way fire destroys wood. The Prophets teachings about lowering our gaze will protect ourselves from jealousy. WHY does jealousy burn away good deeds? HOW does jealousy hurt you? HOW does jealousy hurt others?
  • 5. A person whom Allah gave wisdom A person whom Allah gave wealth and he spends it in the path of Allah Jealousy Exceptions:
  • 6. 惶曄惡悖 曄 悋惷愃 曄 悗曄 曄悴惘 悋惴 曄 忰 曄 惘 悵 悋惡 蜮惘惡悽 抉ル 悒 曄 曄 慍悖 曄惶 Tell the believing men to lowering their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is knowledgeable with what they do. Ayat from the Quran (S) regarding lowering the gaze: This Ayah teaches us how to protect our actions by protecting our eyesight
  • 7. Society banks on this and uses the media to shape our World view. LGBTQ acceptance Example: What we see affects how we view things: Subconscious messages to foster of acceptance of sins.
  • 8. Example: Racism in the Media How could this have an affect on your daily life ??
  • 9. When people digress from the path of Allah, they end up looking for ways to fulfill their lives. They live for the next moment of temporary pleasure FACT: 1 in 10 Americans are on anti-depressants. They pierce, tatoo and transform their bodies in ways that are strange and sometimes harmful. They try to dull their pain with drugs and alcohol.
  • 11. How does Islam solve these problems? How does Islam shape our World view?
  • 12. Minimizes the outside impact. Maximizes the inside impact. When you see things through the lens of Islam.. . You see them for what they really are You reach the point where you are CONVINCED that the haram will hurt you emotionally, physically, spiritually. You feel content. You know your beliefs are the correct ones. You feel confident that you are not missing out on anything.
  • 13. You dad works really hard and saves money so you can go to a nice place for vacation, stay at the nicest resorts, and go to the best restaurants. Before you all leave, you pack your stuff in your suitcase clothes, toiletries, all the things you need. When the vacation ends, you always go back home. Well, this life is like that vacation!! Our bodies, our knowledge, our houses, our money, our kids are all the stuff we have in our bags. Thats all the stuff we need while we are here. But, in the end, we wont stay here forever. We will eventually go to our final home in the Akhira. And everything Think of this Example::
  • 14. People who just want to have fun their whole lives, and do bad things and dont work on building their house in Jenna, are not going to be happy with where they will spend eternity. If someone asked you to make a choice: Ill give you $10 now, or Ill give you $10,000 next year Which would you choose? The smart person would wait to get more! Its like this life. Allah is telling us we have a choice: Do whatever you want NOW, but spend eternity regretting that choice, OR work hard and do good, and spend eternity in Paradise Which would you choose? A life of 20, 30, 50, maybe 80 years? OR eternity??
  • 15. The fool is the one who forgets he has a beginning point and end point