Jaké reklamní tašky si lidé schovávají? Záleží spíš na značce, nebo na designu a materiálu? Respondenty jsme oslovili s klasickým dotazníkem. Zároveň jsme metodologii obohatili o náš nový výzkumný nástroj Ideabaker, který respondentům umožňuje "sbírat data" přímo v terénu - v tomto případě fotky tašek.
Music PresentationjardacThe music industry is facing major challenges due to new digital technologies and file sharing. CD sales have declined 20% in 2007 and the industry is predicted to half in size. Consumers now listen to music on average 5-6 devices and most agree it is easy to share and transfer music digitally. While some propose more aggressive legal action, others argue file sharing can benefit artists and that not all music consumption can be measured traditionally. The industry must adapt to changing consumer behaviors and find new business models directly connecting artists and fans.
London in Prague - workshop on "water conservation"jardacThis document outlines several ideas for a "Conserve Water Project" including:
1) Educating children to teach their elders about water conservation and have children monitor their parents' water usage.
2) A program that allows households to save water and earn points that can be redeemed for beer, and gives rewards like letterboxes to top water savers.
3) Using hidden cameras and social media groups to make individuals aware of their water usage compared to averages and give incentives for lowering consumption.
4) A website that uses color-coding to show which cities are conserving water the best, inspiring competition between neighboring municipalities.
John Kearon Creative Consumers London in Prague 2007jardacThe document discusses measuring and increasing creativity. It describes administering personality and creativity tests to individuals to measure their creativity. More creative individuals generated more novel ideas in idea generation exercises. The document also discusses challenging highly creative individuals ("Creative Sixers") to build upon existing ideas, which significantly increased their creative output. Giving the Creative Sixers more time to consider the ideas also substantially increased novel, high-quality ideas generated.
Andrew Needham London in Prague 2008jardacThe document discusses the rise of "empowered consumers" and argues that companies should embrace co-creation with consumers. It notes that consumers are in control of content and are actively engaged in sharing opinions online. The document advocates that companies find ways to meaningfully collaborate with influential consumers who are willing to help shape brands, and presents a case study of a company that co-created a new product variant with consumers. Finally, it frames co-creation as a revolution rather than just a passing fad.
Richard Connell SonyBMG London in Prague 2008jardacThe document outlines a segmentation strategy for SonyBMG Music UK that divides consumers into 4 macro groups - The Fanatics, The Enthusiasts, The Casuals, and The Indifferents - with each group further divided into multiple segments. It also lists the creative, CRM, media buying, and other teams responsible for developing strategies targeted at each consumer segment.
Ivan Pollard London In Prague 151008jardacThis document discusses communications planning in the age of digital conversations. It notes that brands are now part of conversations and that consumers have more control over their relationships with brands. Communications planning is likened to sex, with considerations around who to target, when, where it will have most effect, and how to do it memorably at lowest cost. Digital has changed the rules and game, with power, speed and ability now key. Word of mouth and customer experiences are highly influential. The document advocates for propagation and transmedia planning to spread content across various touchpoints and allow users to pick up, repurpose and propagate messages. In summary, it examines how communications planning must adapt to a world where conversations are digital and spread virally
American Dream Election 2jardacThe American Dream on the Couch and
the Obama Effect
The bulk of this work was commissioned by an agency who asked to explore the
cultural dynamics of the American Dream for a major US client. Although we
cannot present the commercially viable concepts that we developed from this
analysis, we are pleased to share with you some of the analytical framework that
we used in order to make sense of the American Dream.
Find out more about more our work in the US, UK and the rest of the world at
All images herein remain the copyright of their
respective owners.
About Facebook by Blake ChandleejardacThe document discusses the rise of social media and its importance globally and in Europe. It notes that social media is becoming a central part of people's lives and is no longer just about finding information but connecting people. Specific statistics are given about the large numbers of global users of major social media platforms like Facebook. The rest of the document focuses on Facebook, including its goal of connecting people, its rapid growth worldwide and in diverse markets like the Czech Republic. Demographic data is presented about Czech Facebook users. The document also discusses how marketers can use Facebook to engage with users and the evolution of Facebook ads to focus more on social engagement between users.
Esomar Innovation presentation June 2008jardacThe document describes a project called Wildfire that was initiated by Unilever to generate new deodorant concepts in an innovative way. It discusses using a team of "creative sixers" - the top 6% most creative individuals - to generate unconventional ideas. Over 100 concepts were developed and tested using an online "predictive market" with 500 participants to identify the most promising ideas. Two top concepts from this process were translated into new Axe fragrance products called Axe Day and Axe Night.
Marta Hoffman Esomar Network Of Favours 0708jardacThe document describes a project to develop branded content for a brand through co-creation with consumers. A research agency worked with an advertising agency and brand to develop content ideas through workshops with consumer panels. The workshops generated over 250 ideas which were refined into five concepts over two stages of workshops. The concepts were tested and two were selected, one being a social networking site called "The Network of Favours" which addressed consumers' need for help from their social networks. The project demonstrated the effectiveness of co-creation and testing concepts with consumers to develop innovative branded content.
Co-creation Face and UnileverjardacThe document discusses the rise of "empowered consumers" and argues that companies should embrace co-creation by actively involving consumers in the innovation process through new research techniques and by encouraging positive word of mouth. It notes that some argue this represents a revolution in corporate innovation, while others believe consumers should be kept out of the process and that innovation comes from companies, not consumers. The document presents both sides of the debate around whether companies should trust consumers during the innovation process.
cocreation deskjardacThe document discusses the shift from traditional consumer models to consumer co-creation enabled by new technologies and user-generated content. It provides examples of companies like Procter & Gamble and Lego that have successfully engaged communities to gather feedback and co-create new products and innovations. It also outlines considerations for developing effective communities of creation, such as balancing order and openness, intellectual property management, and incentives for long-term user involvement.
Ivan Pollard London In Prague 151008jardacThis document discusses communications planning in the age of digital conversations. It notes that brands are now part of conversations and that consumers have more control over their relationships with brands. Communications planning is likened to sex, with considerations around who to target, when, where it will have most effect, and how to do it memorably at lowest cost. Digital has changed the rules and game, with power, speed and ability now key. Word of mouth and customer experiences are highly influential. The document advocates for propagation and transmedia planning to spread content across various touchpoints and allow users to pick up, repurpose and propagate messages. In summary, it examines how communications planning must adapt to a world where conversations are digital and spread virally
American Dream Election 2jardacThe American Dream on the Couch and
the Obama Effect
The bulk of this work was commissioned by an agency who asked to explore the
cultural dynamics of the American Dream for a major US client. Although we
cannot present the commercially viable concepts that we developed from this
analysis, we are pleased to share with you some of the analytical framework that
we used in order to make sense of the American Dream.
Find out more about more our work in the US, UK and the rest of the world at
All images herein remain the copyright of their
respective owners.
About Facebook by Blake ChandleejardacThe document discusses the rise of social media and its importance globally and in Europe. It notes that social media is becoming a central part of people's lives and is no longer just about finding information but connecting people. Specific statistics are given about the large numbers of global users of major social media platforms like Facebook. The rest of the document focuses on Facebook, including its goal of connecting people, its rapid growth worldwide and in diverse markets like the Czech Republic. Demographic data is presented about Czech Facebook users. The document also discusses how marketers can use Facebook to engage with users and the evolution of Facebook ads to focus more on social engagement between users.
Esomar Innovation presentation June 2008jardacThe document describes a project called Wildfire that was initiated by Unilever to generate new deodorant concepts in an innovative way. It discusses using a team of "creative sixers" - the top 6% most creative individuals - to generate unconventional ideas. Over 100 concepts were developed and tested using an online "predictive market" with 500 participants to identify the most promising ideas. Two top concepts from this process were translated into new Axe fragrance products called Axe Day and Axe Night.
Marta Hoffman Esomar Network Of Favours 0708jardacThe document describes a project to develop branded content for a brand through co-creation with consumers. A research agency worked with an advertising agency and brand to develop content ideas through workshops with consumer panels. The workshops generated over 250 ideas which were refined into five concepts over two stages of workshops. The concepts were tested and two were selected, one being a social networking site called "The Network of Favours" which addressed consumers' need for help from their social networks. The project demonstrated the effectiveness of co-creation and testing concepts with consumers to develop innovative branded content.
Co-creation Face and UnileverjardacThe document discusses the rise of "empowered consumers" and argues that companies should embrace co-creation by actively involving consumers in the innovation process through new research techniques and by encouraging positive word of mouth. It notes that some argue this represents a revolution in corporate innovation, while others believe consumers should be kept out of the process and that innovation comes from companies, not consumers. The document presents both sides of the debate around whether companies should trust consumers during the innovation process.
cocreation deskjardacThe document discusses the shift from traditional consumer models to consumer co-creation enabled by new technologies and user-generated content. It provides examples of companies like Procter & Gamble and Lego that have successfully engaged communities to gather feedback and co-create new products and innovations. It also outlines considerations for developing effective communities of creation, such as balancing order and openness, intellectual property management, and incentives for long-term user involvement.
Vzorek: 100 respondentů
Reprezentativní vzorek respondentů podle pohlaví, věku, vzdělání, velikosti
místa bydliště a regionu.
Kvantitativní studie na online panelu Sběr fotografického materiálu
respondentů Perfect Crowd respondenty přímo v terénu během
Délka dotazníku 5 minut jejich přirozeného pohybu městem.
Co je Ideabaker a k čemu slouží?
IDEABAKER je jednoduchý nástroj,
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inspirace v reálném čase.
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mohou účastníci projektu snadno
pořizovat fotografie, zvukové záznamy
i texty přímo „v terénu“ a zasílat je
prostřednictvím mobilního telefonu
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„Téměř všichni respondenti si schovávají nákupní tašky“
96 % respondentů si schovává nákupní tašky, aby je využilo pro další účely. Ovšem
typicky (55 %) si vybírají, jakou tašku si nechají a kterou vyhodí.
Ne, všechny
tašky od
Ano, všechny
Ano, některé
v % respondentů, N=100
Schováváte si tašky z nákupů (papírové a igelitové)?
„Většina respondentů dále tašky nosí ven“
¾ respondentů tašky používají na odpad, 59 % respondentů na směsný odpad a 57 %
na tříděný odpad. V součtu pak 83 % dále používá tašky mimo domov, nejčastěji na
nákupy. 0% 50% 100%
Do odpadkového koše na směsný odpad - místo pytle 59
Na nákupy potravin 58
Na tříděný odpad 57
Na balení věcí, když cestuji 42
Jako větší kabelku – používám ji opakovaně na nákupy 31
Na ukládání věcí v domácnosti – kolíčky, dárky atp.
83 %
Na dárky – jako balení či na přenos 25
Při sběru plodů a hub 13
Nosím v ní věci na cvičení 10
Jinak 4
v % respondentů, N=100
A k čemu je pak používáte?
„bez ohledu na účel využití jsou díky masovému nasazení
nejpoužívanější tašky supermarketů“
Tašky Tesco jsou nejpoužívanější společně s taškami Albert, Billa a Globus.
38% Tesco 29% Tesco 21% Tesco
23% Albert 21% Albert 16% Albert
13% Globus 17% Billa 10% Billa
7% Billa 8% Interspar, Spar
7% Kaufland
12% Globus
10% Interspar, Spar 8% Globus
7% Kaufland
10% Kaufland 7% Lidl
10% Lidl 6% Penny
10% Penny 4% Dm drogerie
v % respondentů, N=75, 58, 83
Nyní prosím zkuste ke každému způsobu použití připsat značky, jejichž tašky byste
uvedeným způsobem použil/a.
„ale o pozornost si řekne originalita“
Sběr foto materiálů samotnými respondenty v terénu ovšem ukazuje, že klasických
tašek supermarketů si lidé nevšímají. Naopak, zaujmou nápadité tašky s osobitým
Souhrn zaslaných fotomateriálů
„v líbivosti papír vítězí nad igelitem“
Respondenti nejen odpovídali na dotazník a fotografovali tašky při vlastním pohybu
městem ale také hodnotili tašky, které byly zachyceny ostatními respondenty.
Papírové tašky získaly v průměru 0.77 likes proti průměrným 0.49 likes tašek
Tašky papírové 0,77
Tašky plastové 0,49
Souhrn zaslaných fotomateriálů
„ochotni jsme na tašce nosit značky zboží, zejména potravin, a
neochotni značky služeb“
Kolem 90 % respondentů by se nestydělo za značku cukrovinek nebo kávy na tašce.
Ale ani ostatní kategorie, až na alkohol a služby, nijak výrazně nezaostávají.
0% 50% 100%
Cukrovinky, čokolády, sušenky 90
Káva 89
Móda 85
Internetové obchody 84
Nealkoholické nápoje 83
Elektronika 82
Hračky 80
Sýry a mléčné výrobky 79
Internetové prohlížeče 76
Supermarkety 75
Maso, pečivo nebo uzeniny 72
Pivo a alkoholické nápoje 70
Mobilní operátoři 69
Banky a pojišťovny 65
Energetické a plynárenské společnosti 56
v % respondentů, N=100
Pro které z těchto kategorií byste se nestyděl/a nosit igelitovou nebo papírovou tašku, pokud
by Vám vyhovovala konkrétní značka?
Respondenti by v dané kategorii nosili tašky značky …
Cukrovinky: Orion, Opavia, Milka, Figaro
Káva: Tchibo, Jacobs, Nescafé, Jihlavanka
Móda: Adidas, C&A, H&M, New Yorker
Internetové obch.: Alza, Mall, Kasa, Aukro
Nealkoholické náp.: Coca-Cola, Kofola, Mattoni, Fanta
Elektronika: Sony, Philips, Panasonic, Samsung
Hračky: Lego, Pompo, Bambule, Sparkys
Sýry / ml.výrobky: Madeta, Olma, Veselá kráva, Apetito
A tašky jakých konkrétních značek (kategorie) byste se nestyděl/a nosit?
Respondenti by v dané kategorii nosili tašky značky …
Internetové prohlížeče: Google, Seznam, Mozilla, Firefox
Supermarkety: Tesco, Albert, Billa, Penny
Maso, pečivo: Kostelecké uzeniny, Novák, Penam, Procházka
Pivo a alko náp.: Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus, Radegast, Budvar
Mobilní operátoři: O2, T-mobile, Vodafone
Banky a pojišťovny: Česká spořitelna, Komerční banka, ČSOB, GEMB
Energetické společ.: RWE, ČEZ, E.ON, Pražská plynárenská
A tašky jakých konkrétních značek (kategorie) byste se nestyděl/a nosit?
Jaká taška skončí na odpadky a jakou si necháme
Výraznější a barevnější
Dostupná Z lepších materiálů
Pevná, neprosakuje Luxusnějších značek
Souhrn zaslaných fotomateriálů
Ideální nákupní taška dle respondentů …
Zadarmo nebo levná
Z přírodních materiálů / recyklovatelná
Opakovatelně použitelná / pevná
Velká „tak akorát“ / k dostání ve více velikostech
Se zajímavým designem
Souhrn zaslaných fotomateriálů
Příležitosti pro brandovanou tašku
Brandovaná taška je substitut, pokud „normální“ taška není k
dispozici nebo se bojíme, že by se zničila například ušpiněním.
Kde není prostor pro okázalou módu, tam je však prostor pro design
a nápad, který v případě tašky nemusí být nadčasový. Taška, ač je
zadarmo nebo levná, je pro zákazníka snesitelnější, pokud je vtipná
nebo vyjadřuje nějaký společenský názor či postoj. Prestiž
ekonomická je v takovém případě nahrazena prestiží kulturní v
podobě deklarovaného společenského postoje nebo vtipu.
Souhrn zaslaných fotomateriálů