vodn鱈 prezentace k semin叩i Nezamotejte se do v箪zkumn箪ch online s鱈t鱈.
Prezentace byla sou叩st鱈 semin叩e SIMAR Nezamotejte se do v箪zkumn箪ch online s鱈t鱈 23. dubna 2014.
Millward Brown: Sedm model哲 jak si spo鱈tat hodnotu sv辿ho budouc鱈ho trhuSIMAR
Insight semin叩 SIMAR
D叩v叩me smysl dat哲m
4. kvtna 2016
Synt辿za dat: hled叩n鱈 skryt辿ho potenci叩lu
Sedm model哲, jak si spo鱈tat hodnotu sv辿ho budouc鱈ho trhu.
Petra Pr哲邸ov叩, Lubo邸 Rezler, Millward Brown
Design naslepo nefunguje. Zn叩te opravdu sv辿 z叩kazn鱈ky ped tvorbou nov辿ho webu, e-shopu nebo produktu? Na praktick箪ch p鱈kladech si uk叩転eme, jak poznat poteby, probl辿my a touhy sv箪ch z叩kazn鱈k哲. Jak vypad叩 邸patn叩 a dobr叩 persona. A tak辿, jak nasb鱈ran辿 informace implementovat a vyu転鱈t k designu.
STEMMARK - Prezentace spolenosti | Company presentationSTEM/MARK
STEM/MARK je pevn箪m bodem v esk辿m v箪zkumu trhu. Vynik叩me d哲razem na kvalitn鱈, emesln poctiv箪 a promy邸len箪 v箪zkum a v箪vojem vlastn鱈ch metod pro online i offline v箪zkum.
BrandBakers - paleta kupav箪ch produkt哲 k budov叩n鱈 znaky zamstnavateleBrandBakers
Kupav辿 produkty z na邸鱈 pek叩rny
v叩m pomohou byt atraktivnj邸鱈m zamstnavatelem
a pitahovat ty spr叩vn辿 lidi.
V鱈me v s鱈lu charismatick辿 znaky, kter叩 d叩v叩 lidem smysl, pro kupovat urit辿 vyrobky a slu転by,
pro pracovat pro uritou organizaci. Podle n叩s za鱈n叩 budov叩n鱈 znaky v転dy uvnit firmy, u vlastn鱈ch zamstnanc哲. Lid辿, kte鱈 se k sob hod鱈 a sd鱈lej鱈 smyslupln辿 posl叩n鱈, mohou vytvoit firemn鱈 kulturu, ve kter辿 se rod鱈 inovace generuj鱈c鱈 r哲st a hodnotu. Proto peeme znakov辿 strategie a pom叩h叩me firm叩m pitahovat talentovan辿 a pro znaku spr叩vn辿 lidi.
Jak pracujeme?
Uplatujeme postup zalo転eny na pozn叩n鱈, promy邸len辿 strategii a jej鱈 d哲sledn辿 realizaci.
Pro ka転dou z tchto t鱈 oblast鱈 jsme pro v叩s pipravili produkty, kter辿 v叩m pomohou byt atraktivnj邸鱈m zamstnavatelem a pitahovat ty spr叩vn辿 lidi.
Petr Hovorka / BrandBakers - Employer Branding Workshop 11/2015BrandBakers
Co je to znaka zamstnavatele (ZZ)?
Jak辿 jsou p鱈nosy ZZ?
Co se m鱈 jako p鱈nos ZZ nejastji?
V jak箪ch kroc鱈ch se ZZ buduje?
Jak se znaka buduje?
Co je na za叩tku projektu d哲le転it辿?
Jak pesvd鱈te CEO a CFO, aby investovali?
Jak m哲転ete ZZ popsat?
Z eho se skl叩d叩 DNA znaky?
Pro je posl叩n鱈 d哲le転it辿?
Jak叩 m叩 b箪t va邸e nab鱈dka (3 parametry)?
Jak辿 ingredience potebujete k vytvoen鱈 EVP?
Jak m哲転ete popsat va邸i firemn鱈 kulturu?
Co potebujete vdt d鱈ve ne転 se pust鱈te do tvorby obsahu?
Jak pop鱈邸ete c鱈lovou skupinu kandid叩t哲?
Jak strukturovat sdlen鱈 n叩borovou komunikaci?
Jak箪 obsah buduje vztahy?
Kter箪 prostedek se v叩m l鱈bil nejv鱈ce?
Jak叩 forma komunikace je nej炭innj邸鱈?
Jak叩 jsou pravidla pro dobr辿 kari辿rn鱈 str叩nky?
Tom叩邸 Ludv鱈k: U転ivatelsk箪 v箪zkum v n叩vrhu webu #blokexpertuKISK FF MU
Slajdy k pedn叩邸ce pro pedmt Blok expert哲 na KISKu (kisk.cz/blok-expertu).
Tom叩邸 Ludv鱈k v Dobr辿m webu vede UX t箪m a jako designer pom叩h叩 spolenostem definovat a navrhovat 炭sp邸n辿 digit叩ln鱈 produkty a slu転by. Na Bloku expert哲 vystoup鱈 s pedn叩邸kou na t辿ma "User experience", objasn鱈 z叩kladn鱈 term鱈ny z t辿to oblasti, uvede metody u転ivatelsk辿ho v箪zkumu a jejich zapojen鱈 do procesu n叩vrhu webu. P鱈nosy "User-centered designu" budou demonstrov叩ny na re叩ln箪ch p鱈kladech z praxe, zejm辿na na pr叩ci pi redesignu webu MFF Univezity Karlovy.
Webin叩: Jak nevyhodit investice do marketingu ven oknem (29. bezna 2017)response:now
Prezentace o v箪zkumu trhu pro za叩ten鱈ky. Tyto sn鱈mky jste mohli vidt poprv辿 pi webin叩i od response:now, kter箪 vedl Ren辿 Henc.
l叩nek a videa zde: http://rnow.in/MR_webinar01
Text na webu, t坦n a styl e-mailu, ale i slogan na obalu va邸eho v箪robku v叩s bu vystel鱈 do srdc鱈 z叩kazn鱈k哲, nebo st叩hne mezi pr哲mr. Co z toho chcete vy?
Martin na workshopu na re叩ln箪ch p鱈kladech firem a projekt哲 炭astn鱈k哲 pedstavil sadu know-how nutnou k sestaven鱈 vlastn鱈 obsahov辿 strategie.
Na邸im klient哲m rad鱈me, aby znaku vn鱈mali jako svoje obchodn鱈 aktivum - podobn jako 炭sp邸n辿 prodejce, slu転ebn鱈 auta, IT infrastrukturu nebo patenty. Znaka m叩 odv叩dt zcela konkr辿tn鱈 a mitelnou pr叩ci. Jinak se st叩v叩 p鱈t転鱈 a pro firmu zbyten箪m luxusem. Pod鱈v叩me se na praxi 鱈zen鱈 炭sp邸n箪ch znaek a nasd鱈l鱈me praktick辿 rady, jak znaku vyu転鱈t pro 炭spch va邸eho podnik叩n鱈. Budeme pitom vych叩zet z na邸ich v鱈ce ne転 25-let箪ch zku邸enost鱈 z oboru a z pr叩ce pro des鱈tky dom叩c鱈ch i zahranin鱈ch znaek.
Tom叩邸 je poradcem v oblasti 鱈zen鱈 znaek. V posledn鱈ch 20 letech pracoval v oblasti reklamy, marketingu a poradenstv鱈 jako texta (MARK/BBDO), kreativn鱈 editel (MARK/BBDO, editel firmy (Men on the Moon) a strategic planner (TBWA a Euro RSCG). Posledn鱈 tyi roky vlastn鱈 konzultantskou firmu Hrivn叩k.
Prezentace z 6/10/2011 v r叩mci akce Rozjedte svuj social startup pod hlavickou InnovationTank.
Presentation I gave during "Start your Social Startup" in Oct 2011 in Brno, Czech Rep.
Jak辿 reklamn鱈 ta邸ky si lid辿 schov叩vaj鱈? Z叩le転鱈 sp鱈邸 na znace, nebo na designu a materi叩lu? Respondenty jsme oslovili s klasick箪m dotazn鱈kem. Z叩rove jsme metodologii obohatili o n叩邸 nov箪 v箪zkumn箪 n叩stroj Ideabaker, kter箪 respondent哲m umo転uje "sb鱈rat data" p鱈mo v ter辿nu - v tomto p鱈pad fotky ta邸ek.
London in Prague - workshop on "water conservation"jardac
This document outlines several ideas for a "Conserve Water Project" including:
1) Educating children to teach their elders about water conservation and have children monitor their parents' water usage.
2) A program that allows households to save water and earn points that can be redeemed for beer, and gives rewards like letterboxes to top water savers.
3) Using hidden cameras and social media groups to make individuals aware of their water usage compared to averages and give incentives for lowering consumption.
4) A website that uses color-coding to show which cities are conserving water the best, inspiring competition between neighboring municipalities.
STEMMARK - Prezentace spolenosti | Company presentationSTEM/MARK
STEM/MARK je pevn箪m bodem v esk辿m v箪zkumu trhu. Vynik叩me d哲razem na kvalitn鱈, emesln poctiv箪 a promy邸len箪 v箪zkum a v箪vojem vlastn鱈ch metod pro online i offline v箪zkum.
BrandBakers - paleta kupav箪ch produkt哲 k budov叩n鱈 znaky zamstnavateleBrandBakers
Kupav辿 produkty z na邸鱈 pek叩rny
v叩m pomohou byt atraktivnj邸鱈m zamstnavatelem
a pitahovat ty spr叩vn辿 lidi.
V鱈me v s鱈lu charismatick辿 znaky, kter叩 d叩v叩 lidem smysl, pro kupovat urit辿 vyrobky a slu転by,
pro pracovat pro uritou organizaci. Podle n叩s za鱈n叩 budov叩n鱈 znaky v転dy uvnit firmy, u vlastn鱈ch zamstnanc哲. Lid辿, kte鱈 se k sob hod鱈 a sd鱈lej鱈 smyslupln辿 posl叩n鱈, mohou vytvoit firemn鱈 kulturu, ve kter辿 se rod鱈 inovace generuj鱈c鱈 r哲st a hodnotu. Proto peeme znakov辿 strategie a pom叩h叩me firm叩m pitahovat talentovan辿 a pro znaku spr叩vn辿 lidi.
Jak pracujeme?
Uplatujeme postup zalo転eny na pozn叩n鱈, promy邸len辿 strategii a jej鱈 d哲sledn辿 realizaci.
Pro ka転dou z tchto t鱈 oblast鱈 jsme pro v叩s pipravili produkty, kter辿 v叩m pomohou byt atraktivnj邸鱈m zamstnavatelem a pitahovat ty spr叩vn辿 lidi.
Petr Hovorka / BrandBakers - Employer Branding Workshop 11/2015BrandBakers
Co je to znaka zamstnavatele (ZZ)?
Jak辿 jsou p鱈nosy ZZ?
Co se m鱈 jako p鱈nos ZZ nejastji?
V jak箪ch kroc鱈ch se ZZ buduje?
Jak se znaka buduje?
Co je na za叩tku projektu d哲le転it辿?
Jak pesvd鱈te CEO a CFO, aby investovali?
Jak m哲転ete ZZ popsat?
Z eho se skl叩d叩 DNA znaky?
Pro je posl叩n鱈 d哲le転it辿?
Jak叩 m叩 b箪t va邸e nab鱈dka (3 parametry)?
Jak辿 ingredience potebujete k vytvoen鱈 EVP?
Jak m哲転ete popsat va邸i firemn鱈 kulturu?
Co potebujete vdt d鱈ve ne転 se pust鱈te do tvorby obsahu?
Jak pop鱈邸ete c鱈lovou skupinu kandid叩t哲?
Jak strukturovat sdlen鱈 n叩borovou komunikaci?
Jak箪 obsah buduje vztahy?
Kter箪 prostedek se v叩m l鱈bil nejv鱈ce?
Jak叩 forma komunikace je nej炭innj邸鱈?
Jak叩 jsou pravidla pro dobr辿 kari辿rn鱈 str叩nky?
Tom叩邸 Ludv鱈k: U転ivatelsk箪 v箪zkum v n叩vrhu webu #blokexpertuKISK FF MU
Slajdy k pedn叩邸ce pro pedmt Blok expert哲 na KISKu (kisk.cz/blok-expertu).
Tom叩邸 Ludv鱈k v Dobr辿m webu vede UX t箪m a jako designer pom叩h叩 spolenostem definovat a navrhovat 炭sp邸n辿 digit叩ln鱈 produkty a slu転by. Na Bloku expert哲 vystoup鱈 s pedn叩邸kou na t辿ma "User experience", objasn鱈 z叩kladn鱈 term鱈ny z t辿to oblasti, uvede metody u転ivatelsk辿ho v箪zkumu a jejich zapojen鱈 do procesu n叩vrhu webu. P鱈nosy "User-centered designu" budou demonstrov叩ny na re叩ln箪ch p鱈kladech z praxe, zejm辿na na pr叩ci pi redesignu webu MFF Univezity Karlovy.
Webin叩: Jak nevyhodit investice do marketingu ven oknem (29. bezna 2017)response:now
Prezentace o v箪zkumu trhu pro za叩ten鱈ky. Tyto sn鱈mky jste mohli vidt poprv辿 pi webin叩i od response:now, kter箪 vedl Ren辿 Henc.
l叩nek a videa zde: http://rnow.in/MR_webinar01
Text na webu, t坦n a styl e-mailu, ale i slogan na obalu va邸eho v箪robku v叩s bu vystel鱈 do srdc鱈 z叩kazn鱈k哲, nebo st叩hne mezi pr哲mr. Co z toho chcete vy?
Martin na workshopu na re叩ln箪ch p鱈kladech firem a projekt哲 炭astn鱈k哲 pedstavil sadu know-how nutnou k sestaven鱈 vlastn鱈 obsahov辿 strategie.
Na邸im klient哲m rad鱈me, aby znaku vn鱈mali jako svoje obchodn鱈 aktivum - podobn jako 炭sp邸n辿 prodejce, slu転ebn鱈 auta, IT infrastrukturu nebo patenty. Znaka m叩 odv叩dt zcela konkr辿tn鱈 a mitelnou pr叩ci. Jinak se st叩v叩 p鱈t転鱈 a pro firmu zbyten箪m luxusem. Pod鱈v叩me se na praxi 鱈zen鱈 炭sp邸n箪ch znaek a nasd鱈l鱈me praktick辿 rady, jak znaku vyu転鱈t pro 炭spch va邸eho podnik叩n鱈. Budeme pitom vych叩zet z na邸ich v鱈ce ne転 25-let箪ch zku邸enost鱈 z oboru a z pr叩ce pro des鱈tky dom叩c鱈ch i zahranin鱈ch znaek.
Tom叩邸 je poradcem v oblasti 鱈zen鱈 znaek. V posledn鱈ch 20 letech pracoval v oblasti reklamy, marketingu a poradenstv鱈 jako texta (MARK/BBDO), kreativn鱈 editel (MARK/BBDO, editel firmy (Men on the Moon) a strategic planner (TBWA a Euro RSCG). Posledn鱈 tyi roky vlastn鱈 konzultantskou firmu Hrivn叩k.
Prezentace z 6/10/2011 v r叩mci akce Rozjedte svuj social startup pod hlavickou InnovationTank.
Presentation I gave during "Start your Social Startup" in Oct 2011 in Brno, Czech Rep.
Jak辿 reklamn鱈 ta邸ky si lid辿 schov叩vaj鱈? Z叩le転鱈 sp鱈邸 na znace, nebo na designu a materi叩lu? Respondenty jsme oslovili s klasick箪m dotazn鱈kem. Z叩rove jsme metodologii obohatili o n叩邸 nov箪 v箪zkumn箪 n叩stroj Ideabaker, kter箪 respondent哲m umo転uje "sb鱈rat data" p鱈mo v ter辿nu - v tomto p鱈pad fotky ta邸ek.
London in Prague - workshop on "water conservation"jardac
This document outlines several ideas for a "Conserve Water Project" including:
1) Educating children to teach their elders about water conservation and have children monitor their parents' water usage.
2) A program that allows households to save water and earn points that can be redeemed for beer, and gives rewards like letterboxes to top water savers.
3) Using hidden cameras and social media groups to make individuals aware of their water usage compared to averages and give incentives for lowering consumption.
4) A website that uses color-coding to show which cities are conserving water the best, inspiring competition between neighboring municipalities.
John Kearon Creative Consumers London in Prague 2007jardac
The document discusses measuring and increasing creativity. It describes administering personality and creativity tests to individuals to measure their creativity. More creative individuals generated more novel ideas in idea generation exercises. The document also discusses challenging highly creative individuals ("Creative Sixers") to build upon existing ideas, which significantly increased their creative output. Giving the Creative Sixers more time to consider the ideas also substantially increased novel, high-quality ideas generated.
The document discusses the rise of "empowered consumers" and argues that companies should embrace co-creation with consumers. It notes that consumers are in control of content and are actively engaged in sharing opinions online. The document advocates that companies find ways to meaningfully collaborate with influential consumers who are willing to help shape brands, and presents a case study of a company that co-created a new product variant with consumers. Finally, it frames co-creation as a revolution rather than just a passing fad.
Richard Connell SonyBMG London in Prague 2008jardac
The document outlines a segmentation strategy for SonyBMG Music UK that divides consumers into 4 macro groups - The Fanatics, The Enthusiasts, The Casuals, and The Indifferents - with each group further divided into multiple segments. It also lists the creative, CRM, media buying, and other teams responsible for developing strategies targeted at each consumer segment.
This document discusses communications planning in the age of digital conversations. It notes that brands are now part of conversations and that consumers have more control over their relationships with brands. Communications planning is likened to sex, with considerations around who to target, when, where it will have most effect, and how to do it memorably at lowest cost. Digital has changed the rules and game, with power, speed and ability now key. Word of mouth and customer experiences are highly influential. The document advocates for propagation and transmedia planning to spread content across various touchpoints and allow users to pick up, repurpose and propagate messages. In summary, it examines how communications planning must adapt to a world where conversations are digital and spread virally
The American Dream on the Couch and
the Obama Effect
The bulk of this work was commissioned by an agency who asked to explore the
cultural dynamics of the American Dream for a major US client. Although we
cannot present the commercially viable concepts that we developed from this
analysis, we are pleased to share with you some of the analytical framework that
we used in order to make sense of the American Dream.
Find out more about more our work in the US, UK and the rest of the world at
All images herein remain the copyright of their
respective owners.
The document discusses the rise of social media and its importance globally and in Europe. It notes that social media is becoming a central part of people's lives and is no longer just about finding information but connecting people. Specific statistics are given about the large numbers of global users of major social media platforms like Facebook. The rest of the document focuses on Facebook, including its goal of connecting people, its rapid growth worldwide and in diverse markets like the Czech Republic. Demographic data is presented about Czech Facebook users. The document also discusses how marketers can use Facebook to engage with users and the evolution of Facebook ads to focus more on social engagement between users.
The music industry is facing major challenges due to new digital technologies and file sharing. CD sales have declined 20% in 2007 and the industry is predicted to half in size. Consumers now listen to music on average 5-6 devices and most agree it is easy to share and transfer music digitally. While some propose more aggressive legal action, others argue file sharing can benefit artists and that not all music consumption can be measured traditionally. The industry must adapt to changing consumer behaviors and find new business models directly connecting artists and fans.
The document describes a project called Wildfire that was initiated by Unilever to generate new deodorant concepts in an innovative way. It discusses using a team of "creative sixers" - the top 6% most creative individuals - to generate unconventional ideas. Over 100 concepts were developed and tested using an online "predictive market" with 500 participants to identify the most promising ideas. Two top concepts from this process were translated into new Axe fragrance products called Axe Day and Axe Night.
Marta Hoffman Esomar Network Of Favours 0708jardac
The document describes a project to develop branded content for a brand through co-creation with consumers. A research agency worked with an advertising agency and brand to develop content ideas through workshops with consumer panels. The workshops generated over 250 ideas which were refined into five concepts over two stages of workshops. The concepts were tested and two were selected, one being a social networking site called "The Network of Favours" which addressed consumers' need for help from their social networks. The project demonstrated the effectiveness of co-creation and testing concepts with consumers to develop innovative branded content.
The document discusses the rise of "empowered consumers" and argues that companies should embrace co-creation by actively involving consumers in the innovation process through new research techniques and by encouraging positive word of mouth. It notes that some argue this represents a revolution in corporate innovation, while others believe consumers should be kept out of the process and that innovation comes from companies, not consumers. The document presents both sides of the debate around whether companies should trust consumers during the innovation process.
The document discusses the shift from traditional consumer models to consumer co-creation enabled by new technologies and user-generated content. It provides examples of companies like Procter & Gamble and Lego that have successfully engaged communities to gather feedback and co-create new products and innovations. It also outlines considerations for developing effective communities of creation, such as balancing order and openness, intellectual property management, and incentives for long-term user involvement.
2. Co dl叩me?
Hled叩me a spojujeme nov辿 a u転iten辿 pravdy (aka insights) o lidech,
znak叩ch a produktech
Skuten箪 INSIGHT je z叩kladem pro strategick辿 pl叩nov叩n鱈 znaek a
komunikace a pro budov叩n鱈 skuten siln辿 znaky
A strategick辿 pl叩nov叩n鱈, podlo転en辿 v箪zkumem, za 炭elem zv箪邸en鱈
hodnoty znaky, je to hlavn鱈, co dl叩me.
3. Kdo jsme?
Perfect Crowd je spojen鱈 odborn鱈k哲 (z oblasti v箪zkumu, marketingu,
reklamy a designu) s lidmi, kter箪m 鱈k叩me z叩kazn鱈c鱈.
Se z叩kazn鱈ky jsme v neust叩l辿m doteku prostednictv鱈m panelu
prosebe.cz (30.000 u転ivatel哲) tam hled叩me lidi, kte鱈 maj鱈 vztah k
Va邸鱈 znace a zveme je do hry zvan辿
4. Strategick辿 pl叩nov叩n鱈 pro znaku je v centru v邸eho, co dl叩me
Insights &
Strategick辿 pl叩nov叩n鱈 Inovace
Naming & Branding
Workshopy, 邸kolen鱈 a semin叩e
5. Na邸e v箪zkumn辿 n叩stroje -
prostedky k dosa転en鱈 c鱈le
Kvalitativn鱈 v箪zkum a
kvalitativn鱈 v箪zkum, kulturn鱈 anal箪za (s辿miotika) a
etnografick箪 v箪zkum, tv哲r鱈 workshopy
Online (a offline)
Komunity z叩kazn鱈k哲, se zamen鱈m na Research online,
tv哲r鱈 z叩kazn鱈ky a ambas叩dory znaky
kvantitativn鱈 v箪zkum
6. Perfect Crowd = soustavn辿 hled叩n鱈 tv哲r鱈ch a nadan箪ch lid鱈 (a lid鱈
zap叩len箪ch pro znaku), kter辿 klient m哲転e vyzvat ke spolupr叩ci a
spolutvorb online i offline.
spolupr叩ce s
klientem a
agenturou Tv哲r鱈 a
Pasivn鱈 vt邸ina
studio Long Tale Caf辿 (www.longtalecafe.cz)
je ide叩ln鱈 m鱈sto pro workshopy , kvalitativn鱈
v箪zkum a spolutvorbu
7. FastConnect Research
Rychl箪 a kvalitn鱈 online v箪zkum kdykoli a kdekoli
V箪sledky jednoduch箪ch test哲 do 24-72 hodin!
Kvalitn鱈 panel a reprezentativn鱈 vzorek:
panel prosebe.cz se 30.000 u転ivateli v R a SR (a
poet u転ivatel哲 st叩le roste)
U転ivatel辿 se registruj鱈 pouze na pozv叩n鱈
Odmny u転ivatel哲m zas鱈l叩me po邸tou (pro potvrzen鱈
fyzick辿 identity u転ivatele)
Inteligentn鱈 dotazn鱈ky zaruuj鱈 kvalitu odpovd鱈:
Pomoc鱈 inteligentn鱈ch a interaktivn鱈ch dotazn鱈k哲 se
dost叩v叩me pod povrch k emoc鱈m z叩kazn鱈k哲
Mezin叩rodn鱈 v箪zkumy s vyu転it鱈m FastConnect
dotazn鱈k哲 a partnersk箪ch panel哲 (nap. GMI)
Expertn鱈 anal箪za v箪sledk哲 agenturou Perfect
Vede k nal辿z叩n鱈 nov箪ch podnt哲 pro rozvoj znaek a