Internet of What? Some thought on the internet of things, og everything, of humans etc... at Oslo Business Regions Startup Day on the internet of things
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn
L脱ring hvor som helst, n奪r som helst og med hvem som helst?
31. januar 2014 - Vilvite, Bergen Vitensenter
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn v/ Torgeir Waterhouse, IKT Norge
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn handler om 奪 v脱re digitalt tilstede og ikke minst forst奪 hvordan digitaliseringen p奪virker og legger f淡ringer for elevenes hverdag. Hvordan kan skolen tilpasses og spille p奪 de digitale mulighetene og utfordringene dette bringer med seg?
Kroppsn脱r teknologi og flyvende objekter og hvilke utfordringer dette skaper for personvernet
En av de nye megatrendene ser ut til 奪 bli kroppsn脱r teknologi, der vi er koblet p奪 nett gjennom klokker, briller, joggesko og kl脱r. Mobil helseteknologi inkluderes i det norske helsevesenet og mobiltelefonen gj淡r at vi kan lokaliseres hover enn vi g奪r. I denne sesjonen gis en teknologisk oppdatering, og vi sp淡r hvordan dette utfordrer personvernet.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang lima orang siswa beserta menu pada suatu situs tentang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Ringkasannya adalah: dokumen tersebut memberi daftar lima nama siswa dan menu pada situs tentang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.
Staying Safe, Happy and Healthy on the RoadBen Slavin
This document contains advice for travelers in Latin America, including tips on meeting locals in Mexico, being aware of your surroundings, finding food, using technology to communicate, taking vacations from vacations, exercising personal responsibility, staying positive, thinking of friends, hoping for the best and planning for the worst, getting local advice, making friends not enemies, making good decisions, going with the flow, connecting with locals, understanding local customs, riding faster but safely, having appropriate gear, securing vehicles, knowing help will be found, bringing your own toilet paper, balancing riding and relaxing, having the right attitude, stopping to enjoy treats, always being aware, enjoying troublesome situations, dealing with traffic, celebrating, and giving back to other travelers
Michael Sauers gave a presentation on using audio and video in libraries. He discussed using microphones and editing software like Audacity to record audio. For video, he provided examples of library videos like tours, interviews, and instructional content. He covered video equipment options, recording quality standards, and free and paid video editing software. Sauers also discussed screencasting tutorials and digitizing existing analog video for distribution online.
"Use what you know, to do good as you go."
The Muskoka Foundation helps overland travelers to make a difference in the communities they're visiting, through volunteer and training programs.
This presentation explains how the foundation works, what our mission is and how you can get involved.
Bibliotecas do sec. xxi rompendo paradigmasAna Glenyr
O Este documento discute as transforma巽探es necess叩rias nas bibliotecas do s辿culo 21 para atender melhor os usu叩rios. Ele aborda a estrutura, estrat辿gia e equipe das bibliotecas, enfatizando a centralidade do usu叩rio. Tamb辿m reflete sobre a necessidade de inova巽達o nos cat叩logos e servi巽os para acompanhar as mudan巽as nas expectativas e h叩bitos dos usu叩rios na era digital.
Overv奪kning er et stort gode, eller trenger vi AMS til smarte hjem og alt connected?
Om overv奪kning, AMS, internet of everything
Presentasjon fra konferansen mai 2015.
KabelNorge kongressen 2013 - Regjeringen har lagt frem forslag til ny 奪ndsverkslov. Er det slik reguleringeller andre faktorer som vil skape marked for innholdstjenester.
m淡tet mellom politkk, marked & tinfoil hats... og litt om hvorfor internet of things er viktig for samfunnet og noen verdier som utfordres og m奪 ivaretas n奪r vi utivkler nye tjenester
So what's up in the future, we know a lot about up coming tech & we also know we don't know whats going to kick the next ass. We do know there's a question into if the next big thing(s) to focus on anonymous vs anonymous-ishas a growing factor?
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang lima orang siswa beserta menu pada suatu situs tentang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Ringkasannya adalah: dokumen tersebut memberi daftar lima nama siswa dan menu pada situs tentang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.
Staying Safe, Happy and Healthy on the RoadBen Slavin
This document contains advice for travelers in Latin America, including tips on meeting locals in Mexico, being aware of your surroundings, finding food, using technology to communicate, taking vacations from vacations, exercising personal responsibility, staying positive, thinking of friends, hoping for the best and planning for the worst, getting local advice, making friends not enemies, making good decisions, going with the flow, connecting with locals, understanding local customs, riding faster but safely, having appropriate gear, securing vehicles, knowing help will be found, bringing your own toilet paper, balancing riding and relaxing, having the right attitude, stopping to enjoy treats, always being aware, enjoying troublesome situations, dealing with traffic, celebrating, and giving back to other travelers
Michael Sauers gave a presentation on using audio and video in libraries. He discussed using microphones and editing software like Audacity to record audio. For video, he provided examples of library videos like tours, interviews, and instructional content. He covered video equipment options, recording quality standards, and free and paid video editing software. Sauers also discussed screencasting tutorials and digitizing existing analog video for distribution online.
"Use what you know, to do good as you go."
The Muskoka Foundation helps overland travelers to make a difference in the communities they're visiting, through volunteer and training programs.
This presentation explains how the foundation works, what our mission is and how you can get involved.
Bibliotecas do sec. xxi rompendo paradigmasAna Glenyr
O Este documento discute as transforma巽探es necess叩rias nas bibliotecas do s辿culo 21 para atender melhor os usu叩rios. Ele aborda a estrutura, estrat辿gia e equipe das bibliotecas, enfatizando a centralidade do usu叩rio. Tamb辿m reflete sobre a necessidade de inova巽達o nos cat叩logos e servi巽os para acompanhar as mudan巽as nas expectativas e h叩bitos dos usu叩rios na era digital.
Overv奪kning er et stort gode, eller trenger vi AMS til smarte hjem og alt connected?
Om overv奪kning, AMS, internet of everything
Presentasjon fra konferansen mai 2015.
KabelNorge kongressen 2013 - Regjeringen har lagt frem forslag til ny 奪ndsverkslov. Er det slik reguleringeller andre faktorer som vil skape marked for innholdstjenester.
m淡tet mellom politkk, marked & tinfoil hats... og litt om hvorfor internet of things er viktig for samfunnet og noen verdier som utfordres og m奪 ivaretas n奪r vi utivkler nye tjenester
So what's up in the future, we know a lot about up coming tech & we also know we don't know whats going to kick the next ass. We do know there's a question into if the next big thing(s) to focus on anonymous vs anonymous-ishas a growing factor?
There's something online someone doesn't like or want to be there!
What do we do, what do our regulators, the NGOs and special interest groups do?
Who's to look out for the free, open & democratic Internett - and what is the Internett really?
om digitutvalget & nou 2013:2 p奪 NUF Mobil Agenda arrangerer fagseminar: Smarttelefoner og nettbrett - hvordan forbedre brukeropplevelsen og anvendeligheten?
25. IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon
I can bring up a web browser, and take photos inside grandpas house.
Has he moved his coffee cup today? Is the telly on? At least then
well know hes okay.And I can even type messages - she changes
focus to a textbox inside a web form - that show up on top.We
used ImageMagick for that, you can see it in our code.
44. IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon
Uber, the worlds largest taxi company,
owns no vehicles.