So what's up in the future, we know a lot about up coming tech & we also know we don't know whats going to kick the next ass. We do know there's a question into if the next big thing(s) to focus on anonymous vs anonymous-ishas a growing factor?
m淡tet mellom politkk, marked & tinfoil hats... og litt om hvorfor internet of things er viktig for samfunnet og noen verdier som utfordres og m奪 ivaretas n奪r vi utivkler nye tjenester
Overv奪kning er et stort gode, eller trenger vi AMS til smarte hjem og alt connected?
Om overv奪kning, AMS, internet of everything
Presentasjon fra konferansen mai 2015.
Internet of What? Some thought on the internet of things, og everything, of humans etc... at Oslo Business Regions Startup Day on the internet of things
There's something online someone doesn't like or want to be there!
What do we do, what do our regulators, the NGOs and special interest groups do?
Who's to look out for the free, open & democratic Internett - and what is the Internett really?
Kroppsn脱r teknologi og flyvende objekter og hvilke utfordringer dette skaper for personvernet
En av de nye megatrendene ser ut til 奪 bli kroppsn脱r teknologi, der vi er koblet p奪 nett gjennom klokker, briller, joggesko og kl脱r. Mobil helseteknologi inkluderes i det norske helsevesenet og mobiltelefonen gj淡r at vi kan lokaliseres hover enn vi g奪r. I denne sesjonen gis en teknologisk oppdatering, og vi sp淡r hvordan dette utfordrer personvernet.
Breakfast seminar: Personal Information data within a test data perspektive
So your company is using data in Norway? What's in it for you?
Will the new regulation benefit you, your customers, the government or the lawyers?
We've had the assumption that Norwegian companies have an edge in the marketplace with the Norwegian privacy regulation, what now?
KabelNorge kongressen 2013 - Regjeringen har lagt frem forslag til ny 奪ndsverkslov. Er det slik reguleringeller andre faktorer som vil skape marked for innholdstjenester.
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn
L脱ring hvor som helst, n奪r som helst og med hvem som helst?
31. januar 2014 - Vilvite, Bergen Vitensenter
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn v/ Torgeir Waterhouse, IKT Norge
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn handler om 奪 v脱re digitalt tilstede og ikke minst forst奪 hvordan digitaliseringen p奪virker og legger f淡ringer for elevenes hverdag. Hvordan kan skolen tilpasses og spille p奪 de digitale mulighetene og utfordringene dette bringer med seg?
Teknologi- og samfunnstrender som vil pavirke oss - til Software 2016Simen Sommerfeldt
Mine tanker om hvordan bedrifter og samfunnet blir ber淡rt av Tingenes internett, big data, AI, roboter, (nye regler om) Personvern og Kundens tidsalder.
This document discusses the benefits of play-based learning and interactive tools like Kahoot!. It notes that Kahoot! allows teachers to create learning games that engage students in classrooms and beyond. One quote emphasizes that how students learn is more important than what they learn. The document also profiles a teacher who is recognized as a Kahoot! hero for her innovative use of the platform to enhance biology instruction.
DW 2015: Raoul Scherwitzl Natural CyclesTelenor Group
Our vision is to be the default choice for birth control worldwide. The mission is to inform every woman and her partner about fertility and pregnancy. The app uses daily basal body temperature readings from a thermometer to determine fertility and provide either a red or green day indication to prevent or plan pregnancy naturally without hormones or side effects. It aims to be a complete reproductive health solution over a woman's lifetime.
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Internet of What? Some thought on the internet of things, og everything, of humans etc... at Oslo Business Regions Startup Day on the internet of things
There's something online someone doesn't like or want to be there!
What do we do, what do our regulators, the NGOs and special interest groups do?
Who's to look out for the free, open & democratic Internett - and what is the Internett really?
Kroppsn脱r teknologi og flyvende objekter og hvilke utfordringer dette skaper for personvernet
En av de nye megatrendene ser ut til 奪 bli kroppsn脱r teknologi, der vi er koblet p奪 nett gjennom klokker, briller, joggesko og kl脱r. Mobil helseteknologi inkluderes i det norske helsevesenet og mobiltelefonen gj淡r at vi kan lokaliseres hover enn vi g奪r. I denne sesjonen gis en teknologisk oppdatering, og vi sp淡r hvordan dette utfordrer personvernet.
Breakfast seminar: Personal Information data within a test data perspektive
So your company is using data in Norway? What's in it for you?
Will the new regulation benefit you, your customers, the government or the lawyers?
We've had the assumption that Norwegian companies have an edge in the marketplace with the Norwegian privacy regulation, what now?
KabelNorge kongressen 2013 - Regjeringen har lagt frem forslag til ny 奪ndsverkslov. Er det slik reguleringeller andre faktorer som vil skape marked for innholdstjenester.
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn
L脱ring hvor som helst, n奪r som helst og med hvem som helst?
31. januar 2014 - Vilvite, Bergen Vitensenter
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn v/ Torgeir Waterhouse, IKT Norge
L脱ring i et digitalt samfunn handler om 奪 v脱re digitalt tilstede og ikke minst forst奪 hvordan digitaliseringen p奪virker og legger f淡ringer for elevenes hverdag. Hvordan kan skolen tilpasses og spille p奪 de digitale mulighetene og utfordringene dette bringer med seg?
Teknologi- og samfunnstrender som vil pavirke oss - til Software 2016Simen Sommerfeldt
Mine tanker om hvordan bedrifter og samfunnet blir ber淡rt av Tingenes internett, big data, AI, roboter, (nye regler om) Personvern og Kundens tidsalder.
This document discusses the benefits of play-based learning and interactive tools like Kahoot!. It notes that Kahoot! allows teachers to create learning games that engage students in classrooms and beyond. One quote emphasizes that how students learn is more important than what they learn. The document also profiles a teacher who is recognized as a Kahoot! hero for her innovative use of the platform to enhance biology instruction.
DW 2015: Raoul Scherwitzl Natural CyclesTelenor Group
Our vision is to be the default choice for birth control worldwide. The mission is to inform every woman and her partner about fertility and pregnancy. The app uses daily basal body temperature readings from a thermometer to determine fertility and provide either a red or green day indication to prevent or plan pregnancy naturally without hormones or side effects. It aims to be a complete reproductive health solution over a woman's lifetime.
1. While children have access to many media technologies, traditional television remains the dominant medium for how they spend their media time, though it is fragmenting across more channels.
2. Streaming services are growing in popularity and reach among children, with one third of Norwegian households subscribing to a streaming service. Children stream television programs, films, and series twice as much as adults.
3. There is increasing international competition for children's attention across both traditional television and streaming platforms. Major players include YouTube, Netflix, and Disney streaming services and channels.
DW 2015: Ivar Steen-Johnsen Nordic ScreensTelenor Group
1) Nordic Screens MCN is a network of YouTube channels that represents YouTubers and their traffic to advertisers and sponsors. It has 22 million views per month across 280 channels.
2) Nordic Screens also provides consulting, production, publishing, and marketing services for businesses wanting to build and manage their own YouTube channels.
3) The presentation provides advice for businesses looking to use YouTube video, including getting started, developing a long-term strategy and video plan, and hiring an "editor in chief" to lead video efforts. It suggests considering how video could help a business.
Programmatic advertising allows for real-time automated buying of digital impressions using data to target audiences more effectively. It enables frequency capping, customized messaging, dynamic budgets, and real-time optimization to tell stories more cost efficiently. Programmatic focuses on optimizing results in real-time rather than inputs. It provides platform independence and uses data as fuel to outsmart competitors rather than outspend them. The medium has become more important than the message, allowing creative and media to unite harmoniously.
DW2015: Steve Clayton Microsoft - Corporate InnovationTelenor Group
Steve Clayton argues that innovation requires embracing failure, patience, and serendipity. Innovation involves doing something new and risky, which often leads to failure before success. Rather than viewing failure as bad, it should be seen as a necessary part of the process of innovating. Additionally, the technologies that will have major impacts in the future are often developments that have been in progress for 10 years or more. True innovation takes time to germinate and succeed. Serendipitous discoveries can also drive innovation in unexpected ways.
DW 2015: Sangwoo Kim - The Internet of ThingsTelenor Group
This document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its benefits. It describes how IoT can improve healthcare through connected devices, help people of all abilities, and sync technology with users' lives. Samsung aims to use IoT to create a more efficient and sustainable future through smart home technologies that provide convenience, savings, and peace of mind. Key to IoT taking off are overcoming obstacles, industry standards, and connecting people.
DW 2015: Per Simonsen - Making I(o)T HappenTelenor Group
The document describes different spaces in a building and sensors that monitor conditions. It mentions sensors that track temperature, humidity, oxygen levels in a meeting room, the number of users of a restroom since cleaning and low soap alert, the number of free desks in an office space, and automatic AC adjustment in an event space based on attendee numbers and real-time weather data.
1. Children have widespread access to various media technologies at home, though access to certain devices like tablets depends on family economics.
2. While television still dominates children's media time, TV viewing is fragmenting across more channels and streaming services. Streaming of TV programs and online videos is growing among children.
3. Competing for children's attention is an international landscape that includes both traditional broadcasters and digital services across various devices, led by tablets for streaming. The rise of mobile devices is also increasing kids' access to online media on the go.
DW 2015: Joachim Rajaram - Myanmar Digital Leapfrogging in PracticeTelenor Group
Myanmar has experienced a digital leapfrogging in recent years as mobile penetration has grown significantly despite low internet access rates historically. Mobile phones and SIM cards remain relatively expensive compared to neighboring countries. There is enormous pent-up demand for digital services as the majority of the population is young. Mobile data usage is growing rapidly and is fueling further digital adoption, especially through social media platforms like Facebook. The opportunity exists to use digital technologies to boost education and provide access to life-enhancing services to facilitate development in Myanmar.
DW 2015: Berit Svendsen - Does Internet For All Mean That Everyone Will Be D...Telenor Group
The document discusses whether universal internet access means everyone will be digital winners and outlines Telenor's goals to provide a safe internet for all. It notes that technology usage, not just access, drives economic growth through new business models and industry convergence. Telenor aims to make not just cities but entire societies smart by ensuring internet access across municipalities and prioritizing citizens in areas like transportation, infrastructure, and public services.
DW 2015: Raju Narisetti - In Search of Adjacent GrowthTelenor Group
News Corp has pursued an acquisition strategy to diversify and grow adjacent to its core news businesses. It has made several acquisitions including Move Inc. to leverage the WSJ Digital Network audience, launched to better monetize real estate content globally, and acquired a stake in PropTiger to bring its real estate resources to the Indian market. News Corp has also incubated new sites like to tap into professional business growth using WSJ content. The document outlines News Corp's rationale and early results for these ventures as part of its diversification strategy.
DW 2015: Peter Gleissner - From Silicon Valley to Digital Europe, Innovation ...Telenor Group
Peter Gleissner discusses Intel's history of innovation from Silicon Valley to Europe. Intel has enabled new devices through advances like high-k metal gates, strained silicon, and 3D transistors. Intel's vision is for smart, connected devices using its technology. Intel Labs collaborates with universities, governments, and industry on research in areas like user experience, architecture, systems/software, security/privacy, and integrated computing to fuel Intel's growth and technology leadership. This research helps bridge the gap from research to product development.
DW 2015: Per Olav Monseth & John M Lervik. The Polaris WayTelenor Group
Polaris Media is a leading media group in Norway with 36 media houses covering over 50% of daily digital news and 60% of print. It has strong financial results with over 10% EBITDA margins and 30% of revenue from digital ads, which are growing over 15% annually. Polaris is transforming its media properties to create world-class personalized user experiences through innovations in content, personalization, and ad efficiency. It partners with companies like Cxense to power personalization and recommendations that have increased page views by over 20% and time spent on articles by a similar amount, showing the strategy is successfully driving engagement and revenue.
1. Popsugar is a digital media company focused on lifestyle content for millenials with a large engaged global audience. It has expanded into e-commerce through a subscription box service and influencer marketplace.
2. The document discusses trends in content and commerce, including the rise of mobile and video consumption, shopping experiences becoming more like browsing content, and the growth of shoppable social platforms and video.
3. It argues that the future will see content distributed across multiple platforms rather than central sites, and that everywhere will become shoppable as platforms integrate more commerce capabilities. Popsugar aims to capitalize on these shifts through its owned technology and data platforms.
DW 2015: Frode Eilertsen - The Future is NowTelenor Group
The document discusses Schibsted's transformation into a global internet company. It outlines Schibsted's history of disruption and success, from a Norwegian to Scandinavian to global company. It describes how Schibsted has massive reach across 5 continents and hundreds of millions of users. The document then discusses how the internet has changed with new trends like cloud, sensors and smart devices. This creates both new problems around information overload and new opportunities around personalized experiences on an "identified web." Schibsted is well-positioned to capitalize on these changes by combining its local and global scale with a rich data set on users. It outlines Schibsted's strategy to build logged-in ecosystems by rethinking its newsrooms, marketplaces
DW 2015: Frode Eilertsen - The Future is NowTelenor Group
Digital Winners 2014: Torgeir Waterhouse IKT Norway
1. IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon
The Next Digital Winners?
big anonymous vs anonymousish thing(s) to come
Torgeir Waterhouse
Direkt淡r Internet & New Media
11. If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don't
understand the problems and you don't understand the technology.
Bruce Schneier
internationally renowned security technologist and author