Internet of What? Some thought on the internet of things, og everything, of humans etc... at Oslo Business Regions Startup Day on the internet of things
Kroppsn?r teknologi og flyvende objekter ¨C¨C og hvilke utfordringer dette skaper for personvernet
En av de nye megatrendene ser ut til ? bli kroppsn?r teknologi, der vi er koblet p? nett gjennom klokker, briller, joggesko og kl?r. Mobil helseteknologi inkluderes i det norske helsevesenet og mobiltelefonen gj?r at vi kan lokaliseres hover enn vi g?r. I denne sesjonen gis en teknologisk oppdatering, og vi sp?r hvordan dette utfordrer personvernet.
Overv?kning er et stort gode, eller trenger vi AMS til smarte hjem og alt connected¡?
Om overv?kning, AMS, internet of everything
Presentasjon fra konferansen mai 2015.
Siamo un Gruppo d¡¯Acquisto indipendente al 100% che gratuitamente tutela i propri consorziati nella fornitura dei servizi energetici consentendo di avere a disposizione servizi qualificati e consulenze tecniche.
Este documento presenta el reglamento para el torneo SP Gaming Tournament de Overwatch. Resume las reglas de inscripci¨®n de equipos, el formato del torneo de 32 equipos en 8 grupos, los modos y formatos de encuentros como Bo3 y Bo5, el sistema de puntuaci¨®n, y las regulaciones para antes, durante y despu¨¦s de los partidos, incluyendo posibles sanciones por violaciones a las reglas.
Dreaming serves important functions like helping us process emotions and consolidate memories. During REM sleep, our brain is active and we experience vivid dreams that our mind interprets. Different stages of sleep cycle through and dreams typically occur during REM sleep, helping the brain rest and develop.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kontrak bisnis, termasuk pengertian kontrak bisnis, asas dan syarat sah kontrak, prestasi dan wanprestasi, penyelesaian sengketa kontrak, jenis-jenis kontrak bisnis, dan sebab-sebab berakhirnya suatu perjanjian.
Responsive email, de hogyan? - Kolozsi Istv¨¢n, kolboidIstv¨¢n Kolozsi
A II. Email Marketing Konferenci¨¢n (2013.10.02.) elhangzott el?ad¨¢som prezent¨¢ci¨®ja. Az el?ad¨¢sr¨®l k¨¦sz¨¹lt r?vid blog poszt ?sszefoglal¨®:
The document discusses the history of chocolate production and consumption. It details how chocolate originated from cacao beans grown in Central and South America by the Maya and Aztec civilizations. The Spanish introduced chocolate to Europe in the 16th century, where it became popular among the elite. By the 19th century, chocolate had become widely consumed as new production methods made it more affordable and available to the masses.
Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift in 1912, which stated that around 250 million years ago, all the continents were joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea, and have been gradually drifting apart to their current positions. As evidence, the continents appear to fit together like puzzle pieces, the same plant and animal fossils are found on different continents' coastlines, identical rock formations and sequences are found across separated continents, and tropical plant remains have been discovered in Antarctica along with evidence of simultaneous glaciation in other modern landmasses. However, the theory lacked a proposed mechanism for continental movement and was not widely accepted by the scientific community at the time.
The document contains wishes for good health, prosperity, and happiness in the new year. It wishes for clean bills of health, healthy hair, teeth, and body. It wishes for peaceful family dinners surrounded by loved ones. It wishes for inner and outer beauty, and for someone who loves all of one's virtues and flaws. It wishes for quiet commercials and a balanced budget with money for charity. It wishes for expressions of love to close family each day. Finally, it wishes for a peaceful world filled with signs of God's love.
This document discusses outsourcing data mining services. It provides an overview of what data mining is and describes several types of data mining services that can be outsourced, including Excel data mining, web data mining, restaurant data mining, healthcare data mining, financial data mining, data extraction, and web data extraction. It outlines the benefits of outsourcing data mining such as lower costs, quick turnaround times, and access to latest technology. Finally, it promotes Cogneesol as a leading provider of outsourced data mining services.
Este documento presenta los pasos para realizar una instalaci¨®n limpia de Windows 7 en una computadora durante una clase pr¨¢ctica. Explica que Windows 7 es un sistema operativo dise?ado para uso en PC, port¨¢tiles y tabletas. Luego detalla cada uno de los pasos a seguir, como ingresar al BIOS, seleccionar la unidad de CD-ROM como dispositivo de arranque, insertar el disco de instalaci¨®n, y realizar la instalaci¨®n siguiendo las instrucciones en pantalla. El objetivo es que los estudiantes aprendan de forma pr
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kontrak bisnis, termasuk pengertian kontrak bisnis, asas dan syarat sah kontrak, prestasi dan wanprestasi, penyelesaian sengketa kontrak, jenis-jenis kontrak bisnis, dan sebab-sebab berakhirnya suatu perjanjian.
Responsive email, de hogyan? - Kolozsi Istv¨¢n, kolboidIstv¨¢n Kolozsi
A II. Email Marketing Konferenci¨¢n (2013.10.02.) elhangzott el?ad¨¢som prezent¨¢ci¨®ja. Az el?ad¨¢sr¨®l k¨¦sz¨¹lt r?vid blog poszt ?sszefoglal¨®:
The document discusses the history of chocolate production and consumption. It details how chocolate originated from cacao beans grown in Central and South America by the Maya and Aztec civilizations. The Spanish introduced chocolate to Europe in the 16th century, where it became popular among the elite. By the 19th century, chocolate had become widely consumed as new production methods made it more affordable and available to the masses.
Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift in 1912, which stated that around 250 million years ago, all the continents were joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea, and have been gradually drifting apart to their current positions. As evidence, the continents appear to fit together like puzzle pieces, the same plant and animal fossils are found on different continents' coastlines, identical rock formations and sequences are found across separated continents, and tropical plant remains have been discovered in Antarctica along with evidence of simultaneous glaciation in other modern landmasses. However, the theory lacked a proposed mechanism for continental movement and was not widely accepted by the scientific community at the time.
The document contains wishes for good health, prosperity, and happiness in the new year. It wishes for clean bills of health, healthy hair, teeth, and body. It wishes for peaceful family dinners surrounded by loved ones. It wishes for inner and outer beauty, and for someone who loves all of one's virtues and flaws. It wishes for quiet commercials and a balanced budget with money for charity. It wishes for expressions of love to close family each day. Finally, it wishes for a peaceful world filled with signs of God's love.
This document discusses outsourcing data mining services. It provides an overview of what data mining is and describes several types of data mining services that can be outsourced, including Excel data mining, web data mining, restaurant data mining, healthcare data mining, financial data mining, data extraction, and web data extraction. It outlines the benefits of outsourcing data mining such as lower costs, quick turnaround times, and access to latest technology. Finally, it promotes Cogneesol as a leading provider of outsourced data mining services.
Este documento presenta los pasos para realizar una instalaci¨®n limpia de Windows 7 en una computadora durante una clase pr¨¢ctica. Explica que Windows 7 es un sistema operativo dise?ado para uso en PC, port¨¢tiles y tabletas. Luego detalla cada uno de los pasos a seguir, como ingresar al BIOS, seleccionar la unidad de CD-ROM como dispositivo de arranque, insertar el disco de instalaci¨®n, y realizar la instalaci¨®n siguiendo las instrucciones en pantalla. El objetivo es que los estudiantes aprendan de forma pr
What's going on with technology, or what's happens when people & society meets new technology and the possibilities it provides?
do believe the hype¡!
So what's up in the future, we know a lot about up coming tech & we also know we don't know whats going to kick the next ass. We do know there's a question into if the next big thing(s) to focus on anonymous vs anonymous-ish¡as a growing factor?
m?tet mellom politkk, marked & tinfoil hats... og litt om hvorfor internet of things er viktig for samfunnet og noen verdier som utfordres og m? ivaretas n?r vi utivkler nye tjenester
KabelNorge kongressen 2013 - Regjeringen har lagt frem forslag til ny ?ndsverkslov. Er det slik reguleringeller andre faktorer som vil skape marked for innholdstjenester.
There's something online someone doesn't like or want to be there!
What do we do, what do our regulators, the NGOs and special interest groups do?
Who's to look out for the free, open & democratic Internett - and what is the Internett really?
L?ring i et digitalt samfunn
L?ring hvor som helst, n?r som helst og med hvem som helst?
31. januar 2014 - Vilvite, Bergen Vitensenter
L?ring i et digitalt samfunn v/ Torgeir Waterhouse, IKT Norge
L?ring i et digitalt samfunn handler om ? v?re digitalt tilstede og ikke minst forst? hvordan digitaliseringen p?virker og legger f?ringer for elevenes hverdag. Hvordan kan skolen tilpasses og spille p? de digitale mulighetene og utfordringene dette bringer med seg?
Breakfast seminar: Personal Information data within a test data perspektive
So your company is using data in Norway? What's in it for you?
Will the new regulation benefit you, your customers, the government or the lawyers?
We've had the assumption that Norwegian companies have an edge in the marketplace with the Norwegian privacy regulation, what now?
The Internet is hailed as a free, open & democratic force with great transformational powers. There¡¯s no doubt it¡¯s contributed substantially to the progress of society. Is this about to change? Are governments, NGOs and special interest groups around the world introducing legislation and putting forward proposals to cripple the openness, reduce personal freedom and take control of the communication?
om digitutvalget & nou 2013:2 p? NUF ¨C Mobil Agenda arrangerer fagseminar: Smarttelefoner og nettbrett - hvordan forbedre brukeropplevelsen og anvendeligheten?
2. IT-n?ringens interesseorganisasjon
we are now collecting more data each day, so much
that 90% of the data in the world today has been
created in the last two years alone. In fact, every
day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data ¡ª by
some estimates that¡¯s one new Google every four
days, and the rate is only increasing
Peter Levine, Andreessen Horowitz
28. IT-n?ringens interesseorganisasjon
DIY cyborgs who are upgrading their bodies with
hardware without waiting for corporate development
cycles or authorities to say it¡¯s OK
a 38-year-old programmer and self-styled ¡°adventure technologist¡±, has been
inserting various types of radio-frequency identi?cation (RFID) chips into the
soft ?esh between his thumbs and index ?ngers since 2005
Amal Graafstra
51. IT-n?ringens interesseorganisasjon
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