Meeting demands of International relations from a small college perspectivePer Arne Godejord
This document discusses internationalization in higher education from the perspective of a small college. It defines internationalization as integrating an international dimension into post-secondary education. Smaller institutions face challenges in internationalization due to limited course offerings in English, few international projects and partners, and low student mobility. One way to address low mobility is through online international courses, like one offered jointly between a Norwegian and Polish university focused on social aspects of ICT. The course aims to integrate students cross-culturally online and investigate communication patterns to inform online intercultural education. Increased international experience through such collaborations can build global citizenship needed today.
Social media refers to online services that allow users to create and share content through audio, video, images and text. Common social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Social media is an important communication tool because it allows users to reach a large audience at low cost and share information quickly. Effective social media use requires posting engaging content on a consistent basis and using hashtags and trends to expand reach. Common mistakes to avoid include having an obscure profile, only self-promoting, not checking links before sharing, and inconsistent or outdated posting strategies.
SPO1510 covered two main focus areas: social media tools and ethics. Students were required to complete mandatory tasks using Twitter, SoundCloud, and They also wrote an essay analyzing video games through an ethical lens, discussing perspectives on killing in games and whether certain games violate the Geneva Convention. The exam would consist of students' curated portfolios and an essay on a topic of their choice relating to the course material.
This document discusses ethics and perspectives in the context of computer games. It presents two perspectives - a child perspective which is egocentric and an adult perspective which is more critical. It discusses ethical theories like utilitarianism and Kantianism in relation to software piracy and killing in computer games. It analyzes specific examples from games like GTA 3 and Ghost Recon in more detail using virtue ethics, duty ethics and consequentialism. Student survey results are presented showing gamers often make ethical choices in games like The Walking Dead. The conclusion questions whether computer games truly desensitize kids or make them more violent given the survey results.
Satya Nadella is the Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft and has been a charter member since 2016. Ivar Orn Petursson has successfully completed the requirements to be recognized as a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate in Web Applications as of September 26, 2016 with the certification number F813-0904.
This presentation is for the requirements needed for Ateneo de Manila Graduate School of Business Marketing Management class of Professor Bong De Ungria.
25- Neri, Hiyasmin
v60 Hypermarketing Class
Wash skin with warm water and mild soap or scrub 2-3 times per day to prevent clogged pores. Avoid harsh chemicals and overwashing which can disrupt the skin's natural oil balance and lead to excess oil production. Choose a non-comedogenic moisturizer and avoid sticky makeup and heavy, fried foods which can clog pores and cause acne. Maintain a balanced diet with exercise and herbal cleansing techniques to keep skin clear.
Prezentacja dotyczaca projektu Summer University organizowana przez europejskie oddziay AEGEE. Dziki AEGEE-Warszawa macie okazj prze甜y przygod swojego 甜ycia !
Este documento analiza las estrategias de calidad como las normas ISO para las peque単as y medianas empresas (pymes) en M辿xico. Explica conceptos clave como estrategia, calidad, pymes y normas ISO. Propone apoyar a las pymes con capital, pr辿stamos, asesor鱈as y capacitaci坦n para ayudarlas a implementar normas ISO y enfrentar los desaf鱈os de la innovaci坦n y la creatividad.
Innledning til teknologi og rettstatsprinsipper i krisetiderSimen Sommerfeldt
Min innleding dannet bakteppet for Tekna og Juristforbundets nett-debatt 15. juni 2020: om smittestopp og veien videre. NB 際際滷 2 og 28 ble lagt til etterp奪 for 奪 gi mer info. 際際滷 28 mangler litt p奪 layout! Se opptak her
Social media refers to online services that allow users to create and share content through audio, video, images and text. Common social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Social media is an important communication tool because it allows users to reach a large audience at low cost and share information quickly. Effective social media use requires posting engaging content on a consistent basis and using hashtags and trends to expand reach. Common mistakes to avoid include having an obscure profile, only self-promoting, not checking links before sharing, and inconsistent or outdated posting strategies.
SPO1510 covered two main focus areas: social media tools and ethics. Students were required to complete mandatory tasks using Twitter, SoundCloud, and They also wrote an essay analyzing video games through an ethical lens, discussing perspectives on killing in games and whether certain games violate the Geneva Convention. The exam would consist of students' curated portfolios and an essay on a topic of their choice relating to the course material.
This document discusses ethics and perspectives in the context of computer games. It presents two perspectives - a child perspective which is egocentric and an adult perspective which is more critical. It discusses ethical theories like utilitarianism and Kantianism in relation to software piracy and killing in computer games. It analyzes specific examples from games like GTA 3 and Ghost Recon in more detail using virtue ethics, duty ethics and consequentialism. Student survey results are presented showing gamers often make ethical choices in games like The Walking Dead. The conclusion questions whether computer games truly desensitize kids or make them more violent given the survey results.
Satya Nadella is the Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft and has been a charter member since 2016. Ivar Orn Petursson has successfully completed the requirements to be recognized as a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate in Web Applications as of September 26, 2016 with the certification number F813-0904.
This presentation is for the requirements needed for Ateneo de Manila Graduate School of Business Marketing Management class of Professor Bong De Ungria.
25- Neri, Hiyasmin
v60 Hypermarketing Class
Wash skin with warm water and mild soap or scrub 2-3 times per day to prevent clogged pores. Avoid harsh chemicals and overwashing which can disrupt the skin's natural oil balance and lead to excess oil production. Choose a non-comedogenic moisturizer and avoid sticky makeup and heavy, fried foods which can clog pores and cause acne. Maintain a balanced diet with exercise and herbal cleansing techniques to keep skin clear.
Prezentacja dotyczaca projektu Summer University organizowana przez europejskie oddziay AEGEE. Dziki AEGEE-Warszawa macie okazj prze甜y przygod swojego 甜ycia !
Este documento analiza las estrategias de calidad como las normas ISO para las peque単as y medianas empresas (pymes) en M辿xico. Explica conceptos clave como estrategia, calidad, pymes y normas ISO. Propone apoyar a las pymes con capital, pr辿stamos, asesor鱈as y capacitaci坦n para ayudarlas a implementar normas ISO y enfrentar los desaf鱈os de la innovaci坦n y la creatividad.
Innledning til teknologi og rettstatsprinsipper i krisetiderSimen Sommerfeldt
Min innleding dannet bakteppet for Tekna og Juristforbundets nett-debatt 15. juni 2020: om smittestopp og veien videre. NB 際際滷 2 og 28 ble lagt til etterp奪 for 奪 gi mer info. 際際滷 28 mangler litt p奪 layout! Se opptak her
The document summarizes evaluations from students in Norway on a mobile app called MILAGE that was used as part of a blended learning project for teaching mathematics. Students found the app to be interesting, easy to use, and innovative. They believed it supported individual and collaborative work. Most students indicated that instructional videos were the most helpful feature for learning. Overall, the evaluations found that students were actively engaged with constructing content for the app and viewed it as a useful additional approach for learning mathematics.
Nordlab - Nord preparedness management lab brochurePer Arne Godejord
Nord University has invested in computer-based simulation capacities and crisis management decision support tools at its Preparedness Management Lab (NORDLAB). NORDLAB provides an arena for education, research, exercises, and testing of emergency response management tools and collaboration processes related to sea, land, and air-based emergencies. It aims to advance knowledge development within emergency preparedness and provide support to research projects, with a focus on the Arctic environment. NORDLAB is equipped to conduct training exercises and test emergency management support tools.
Tactical evaluation and guidance a concept for active learning in emergency...Per Arne Godejord
This document discusses the tactical evaluation system used by the Norwegian Civil Defence for emergency preparedness training. The system has two parts: guidance to improve individual and unit performance, and evaluation to measure operational effectiveness. It was introduced in 2014 to evaluate officers and then expanded to evaluate entire units. The goal is to provide feedback that enables better response to emergency situations. Key principles are that evaluation should guide improvement, the process should be transparent, and follow-up should focus on relevant improvement measures. Evaluators observe and provide guidance during exercises, and report back to exercise leaders to facilitate continuous learning between exercises.
This document discusses the experience and background of Tony Whittingham in digital media and learning. It outlines his 23 years of experience in ICT work and 15 years experience teaching computer science. It also lists some of the digital tools he has used in teaching like wikis, blogs, YouTube and games. It discusses some of his projects from 2000 onward using digital tools to enhance learning for students in subjects like math and social informatics. The overall point is about utilizing popular digital tools students already use for entertainment to enhance learning when assessed appropriately by teachers.
Video games are a form of cultural expression and art, similar to movies and comics. They tell stories and evoke emotions through interactive gameplay [SENTENCE 1]. Like films, games have evolved from early kinetic recordings with no narrative to incorporating sophisticated storytelling techniques [SENTENCE 2]. Comics and games both use the concept of closure between panels or gameplay to drive the narrative forward [SENTENCE 3].
The document discusses pervasive games, which involve mixing gameplay with reality using mobile devices and location-based elements. It notes that pervasive games include alternate reality games and location-based games. The document raises ethical questions about organizing horror games in public spaces and the responsibilities of designers to avoid legal and psychological dangers for unaware bystanders. It concludes by questioning whether pervasive games are actually popular and who the players are.
2. Hva er personvern? Menneskets integritet, korrekt informasjon, beskyttet informasjon Selvbestemmelse og verdighet Retten til 奪 selv bestemme over opplysninger om deg selv
3. Hva er personvern? Forts. .. Juridisk definisjon: Den mulig interesse du har av 奪 f淡re kontroll med den informasjon som beskriver deg selv Den aktuelle eller mulig bruken av informasjon om deg, kan f淡re til krenkelse
4. De syv hensyn Diskresjon (adgangskontroll) Innsyn (rettighet for den registrerte) Fullstendighet (tilstrekkelig og korrekt) Privatlivets fred (reklame) Tap av forvaltningens menneskelige trekk (automatisering) Maktmisbruk og urimelig kontroll (samfunnssikkerhet Samfunnets robusthet (systemenes holdbarhet)
6. Elektroniske spor All elektronisk kommunikasjon setter spor som kan loggf淡res og lagres, og som i ettertid kan fortelle hvilken kommunikasjon som har funnet sted Krav til samfunnets sikkerhet Krav til den enkeltes personvern
7. Hvilke spor etterlater vi? Autentisering og digital ID Betalingstjenester Adgangskontroll Sporing av biler og folk
10. En transaksjon Mye info Du foretar et 油innkj淡p 油og bruker ditt Visa-kort. Vi f奪r betalingsinformasjon , men ogs奪: Stedsinformasjon (betalingen ble utf淡rt p奪 et bestemt油tidspunkt p奪油et gitt sted)油 Forbruksinformasjon 油 (som i seg selv gir flere typer informasjon).
11. Elektroniske spor Elektroniske spor油faller inn under油begrepet personopplysninger slik det er definert i person-opplysningsloven.油 Loven definerer personopplysninger som:油 opplysninger og vurderinger som kan knyttes til en enkelt person .油
12. To typer spor Elektroniske 油spor 油kan 油deles 油opp 油i to 油typer: Hendelsesdata/trafikkdata Innholdsdata.油
14. N奪r er vi sporbare? Vi etterlater oss elektroniske spor n奪r vi: logger oss p奪 datamaskinen surfer p奪 Internett betaler med kort ringer med telefon har mobiltelefon p奪sl奪tt registrerer oss i et kunderegister kj淡rer gjennom bomringen med abonnementsbrikke eller har moderne bil med sensorer som registrer hendelser og overv奪ker forskjellige faktorer i bilen.
15. Kan vi beskytte oss? Dagens n淡tt: 1. Kan vi surfe anonymt p奪 Internett? 2. Hvis ja, HVORDAN? A) Finn hvilke onlinetjenester som kan benyttes til anonym surfing. Hvor anonym er de? B) Finnes det programvare man kan laste ned og benytte fra sin egen datamaskin som gir en mulighet for anonym surfing? Fungerer de? Test din anonymitet FR og ETTER bruk av verkt淡y nevnt under A) og B) her: OG....
16. Kan vi beskytte oss forts.. Dagens n淡tt forts.. : 3) google er blitt et verb. Hva finner dere om dere selv hvis dere googler dere? Og kan denne informasjonen fjernes? Besvar oppgaven i form av et kort notat, men iht HiNe`s skriftlige retningslinjer, lagre det som pdf og last det ferdige produktet opp i forumet.