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Multiple Ph.D. positions in Mechanics of Advanced Materials
MIT Skoltech Initiative
A limited number of Ph.D. positions are available as early as Fall 2013. Ph.D. students will
have the opportunity to conduct research side-by-side with their faculty advisor in residence at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA). All admitted Ph.D. students at Skoltech
will receive an internationally competitive package of 鍖nancial support, including a stipend, tuition
waiver, housing arrangements, and medical insurance.
Our desire is to hire candidates with a strong interest in mechanics of composites, active ma-
terials (such as electroactive polymers and magnetorheological elastomers), bioinspired materials,
acoustic metamaterials, and materials for energy storage.
The research group uses a good mix of theory, numerical simulations and experiments. The ideal
candidates will demonstrate at least one of the following:
 solid knowledge in non-linear elasticity
 experience in 鍖nite element simulations (especially, multiphysics simulations)
 strong experimental background
Interested candidates should e-mail Dr. Stephan Rudykh (rudykh@mit.edu) a single pdf containing
1. Statement of Purpose
2. CV/Resume and contact information of at least 2 references
3. Copy of transcripts, in English (and original language)
The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology is a new English-language graduate university founded in 2011
and located just outside of Moscow in the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Established in collaboration with the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology, Skoltech will educate future generations of entrepreneurial scientists, advance knowl-
edge, and foster technological innovation.

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Opportunities for Material Science PhD students at Skoltech

  • 1. Multiple Ph.D. positions in Mechanics of Advanced Materials MIT Skoltech Initiative A limited number of Ph.D. positions are available as early as Fall 2013. Ph.D. students will have the opportunity to conduct research side-by-side with their faculty advisor in residence at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA). All admitted Ph.D. students at Skoltech will receive an internationally competitive package of 鍖nancial support, including a stipend, tuition waiver, housing arrangements, and medical insurance. Our desire is to hire candidates with a strong interest in mechanics of composites, active ma- terials (such as electroactive polymers and magnetorheological elastomers), bioinspired materials, acoustic metamaterials, and materials for energy storage. The research group uses a good mix of theory, numerical simulations and experiments. The ideal candidates will demonstrate at least one of the following: solid knowledge in non-linear elasticity experience in 鍖nite element simulations (especially, multiphysics simulations) strong experimental background Interested candidates should e-mail Dr. Stephan Rudykh (rudykh@mit.edu) a single pdf containing 1. Statement of Purpose 2. CV/Resume and contact information of at least 2 references 3. Copy of transcripts, in English (and original language) The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology is a new English-language graduate university founded in 2011 and located just outside of Moscow in the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Established in collaboration with the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology, Skoltech will educate future generations of entrepreneurial scientists, advance knowl- edge, and foster technological innovation.