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Font cover.Its a close up image and has space around to put sell lines and the masthead.Plain background so you can easily see what the main image is.Eye line is at the top of the 1/3 so it brings the reader into the magazine.Plain colours used to symbolize her simple personality
Contents Page.Lots of space around the image for page numbers.Plain background so will easily be able to understand text around it.Costume stands out on plain background (the red especially making her look very feminine and glamorous.Shes placed centrally making her the dominant person.
Double page spread.Not centrally positioned so wouldnt be a front cover photograph.This would probably be the left hand side of the article with the text on the other half immediately telling the reader the article is about her.
The masthead would probably go behind Katy Perrys head slightly.Facial expression looks very flirtatious with her slight smile and represents her personalityThe white background makes the main image stand out making her bright costume catch peoples attention.Centrally positioned so it can be a front cover and it also has a lot of room around the sides for sell lines.Her bright, florescent clothes represent her fun and energetic side and also make her stand out on the cover.Its a medium shot which showing all her clothing.

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  • 2. Font cover.Its a close up image and has space around to put sell lines and the masthead.Plain background so you can easily see what the main image is.Eye line is at the top of the 1/3 so it brings the reader into the magazine.Plain colours used to symbolize her simple personality
  • 3. Contents Page.Lots of space around the image for page numbers.Plain background so will easily be able to understand text around it.Costume stands out on plain background (the red especially making her look very feminine and glamorous.Shes placed centrally making her the dominant person.
  • 4. Double page spread.Not centrally positioned so wouldnt be a front cover photograph.This would probably be the left hand side of the article with the text on the other half immediately telling the reader the article is about her.
  • 5. The masthead would probably go behind Katy Perrys head slightly.Facial expression looks very flirtatious with her slight smile and represents her personalityThe white background makes the main image stand out making her bright costume catch peoples attention.Centrally positioned so it can be a front cover and it also has a lot of room around the sides for sell lines.Her bright, florescent clothes represent her fun and energetic side and also make her stand out on the cover.Its a medium shot which showing all her clothing.