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By Prof Ntsibande
Assignment Learning
 To understand the meaning of
 To understand the importance of this
 To develop research, synthesis and evaluation
 To develop presentation skills
 To develop collaborative skills
 To understand interdisciplinary themes
through the use of technology in the
Summative project instructions
 Create a Photo Story or video
summarizing research findings
 Upload your video to an online space for
 Group presentation and feedback
Full Instructions
 Section A: What is Photosynthesis
 Is the environment significant to photosynthesis?
 Time:2 weeks
 Technical Requirements
 Microsoft AutoCollage (download a free trial
version at Microsoft.com/AutoCollage, or join
PartnersinLearningNetwork.com to download the
free full version (details in the Additional Resources
 Microsoft Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, or Paint (to
create a quick poster)
 Internet access
Full Instructions continues..
 1. Think about human impact on the environment.
 2. Is it safe to the environment?
 3. Research in your choice but present your findings in a technological.
 4. Create a collage using the 10 images with Microsoft AutoCollage. See this example.
 5. Express yourself by creating a poster of what you think. Import your collage into
 Microsoft Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, or Paint, and add your own words.
 6. Present your poster to the class.
 7. Complete a reflection sheet.
 Extension Activity:
  Search for other relevant images using Bing.com/images.
  Create a new collage and/or poster with the new search images.
Section B
 Upload the presentation of your research to the
attachments of submission page (remember that
this counts 40% of your term mark!)
Assessment Opportunities
Each of these lessons provides opportunities for assessment. Rubrics
provide students with a better understanding of what is being
assessed, and how to improve through the help of ongoing monitoring
and assessment for learningrather than an end-of-project
summative assessment. Use your school or regions standard
assessment scheme, or assign a scale and use visual approaches to
feedback on progress.
(3 points)
(2 points)
(1 point)
Participation Student displays
enthusiasm in
listening to others
and provides
constructive feedback
Student displays
confidence in leading
Student is able to
turn ideas into
Student contributes
to class discussions
or group work
Student listens to
other students and
provides his or her
own input
Student does not
listen to the input of
Student does not
contribute to
discussion or activities
Student displays
hostility towards
others with different
Thinking &
Solving Skills
Student is especially
adept at using IT skills
to create original and
compelling work
Student is able to
solve problems using
critical thinking skills
Student approaches
challenges with
original and creative
Student encourages
others to be creative
Student displays
eagerness to use IT
skills, imagination,
or critical problem-
solving skills
throughout lesson
and in discussions
Student assists
others in pursuing
their critical or
creative goals
Student does not
contribute creative
Student gives up on
challenges and
Student uses other
peoples work or ideas
as their own
Student displays
greatly increased
understanding of
subject matter or IT
Student shares
understanding to
enhance the lesson
for others
Student engages in all
aspect of the lesson
and looks for ways to
take activities further
Student completes
Student displays
understanding of
subject matter
and/or IT skills
Student displays
pride in their work
and understanding
Student does not
complete work or
completes it after the
Student does not
display increased
understanding of
subject matter or IT
Student is disruptive
to activities (i.e. aims
to prevent other
students from
Our Environment
Classroom Projects
The End
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Photosynthesis (ASSIGNMENT)

  • 3. Assignment Learning Outcomes To understand the meaning of Photosynthesis To understand the importance of this process To develop research, synthesis and evaluation skills To develop presentation skills To develop collaborative skills To understand interdisciplinary themes through the use of technology in the classroom
  • 4. Summative project instructions Create a Photo Story or video summarizing research findings Upload your video to an online space for feedback Group presentation and feedback Self-reflection
  • 5. Full Instructions Section A: What is Photosynthesis Is the environment significant to photosynthesis? Time:2 weeks Technical Requirements Microsoft AutoCollage (download a free trial version at Microsoft.com/AutoCollage, or join PartnersinLearningNetwork.com to download the free full version (details in the Additional Resources section) Microsoft Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, or Paint (to create a quick poster) Internet access
  • 6. Full Instructions continues.. 1. Think about human impact on the environment. 2. Is it safe to the environment? 3. Research in your choice but present your findings in a technological. 4. Create a collage using the 10 images with Microsoft AutoCollage. See this example. 5. Express yourself by creating a poster of what you think. Import your collage into Microsoft Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, or Paint, and add your own words. 6. Present your poster to the class. 7. Complete a reflection sheet. Extension Activity: Search for other relevant images using Bing.com/images. Create a new collage and/or poster with the new search images.
  • 7. Section B Upload the presentation of your research to the attachments of submission page (remember that this counts 40% of your term mark!)
  • 8. Rubric Assessment Opportunities Each of these lessons provides opportunities for assessment. Rubrics provide students with a better understanding of what is being assessed, and how to improve through the help of ongoing monitoring and assessment for learningrather than an end-of-project summative assessment. Use your school or regions standard assessment scheme, or assign a scale and use visual approaches to feedback on progress. Rubric Excellent (3 points) Satisfactory (2 points) Needs Improvement (1 point) Participation Student displays enthusiasm in listening to others and provides constructive feedback Student displays confidence in leading work Student is able to turn ideas into actions Student contributes to class discussions or group work Student listens to other students and provides his or her own input Student does not listen to the input of others Student does not contribute to discussion or activities Student displays hostility towards others with different ideas Creativity/ Critical Thinking & Problem- Solving Skills Student is especially adept at using IT skills to create original and compelling work Student is able to solve problems using critical thinking skills Student approaches challenges with original and creative thought Student encourages others to be creative Student displays eagerness to use IT skills, imagination, or critical problem- solving skills throughout lesson and in discussions Student assists others in pursuing their critical or creative goals Student does not contribute creative input Student gives up on challenges and problems Student uses other peoples work or ideas as their own Lesson Proficiency Student displays greatly increased understanding of subject matter or IT skills Student shares previous understanding to enhance the lesson for others Student engages in all aspect of the lesson and looks for ways to take activities further Student completes activities Student displays increased understanding of subject matter and/or IT skills Student displays pride in their work and understanding Student does not complete work or completes it after the deadline Student does not display increased understanding of subject matter or IT skills Student is disruptive to activities (i.e. aims to prevent other students from learning) Our Environment Classroom Projects