Coloring Book of Cause and Effect by Tritsab RinpocheW J
The coloring book helps children to learn how to rest their mind. All of us wants to be happy and our children to happy, so all of us needs to practice compassion.
And the reason why we have to practice compassion in order to be happy is due to the law of cause and effect. In another words, we reap what we sow. We could not be happy by hurting or harming others but only by caring for and loving others. We are
all connected and interdependent with one another.
This coloring book of cause an effect is based on the sutra of cause an effect by Buddha Sakyamuni, which is very important teaching to remind us how to be happy.
With a motivation of making a book for children as well adults to practice concerntration through coloring and to learn the cause and effect that all of us are bounded in erery aciton we take, this book has been made with a wish that it could help all of us practice
compassion to others and ourselves.
India, November, 2021
H.E. Tritsab Gyabra Rinpoche
This document contains a collection of messages wishing women a Happy Women's Day. The messages praise women for their strengths, accomplishments, and the positive impact they have on others' lives. They encourage women to feel proud, celebrate themselves, and enjoy their special day.
2. Thu畛 x動a, c坦 anh chng 畛c kinh nghe n坦i v畛 Ph畉t, th鱈ch l畉m, quy畉t 畛nh i t狸m g畉p Ngi b畉ng 動畛c.
3. Anh chng khn g坦i qu畉 m動畛p ra i. Sau khi tr畉i qua kh担ng bi畉t c董 man no l n炭i s担ng, thnh ph畛, h畉m h畛 gian nguy hi畛m tr畛 .. Chng v畉n ch動a g畉p 動畛c Ph畉t gi畛ng nh動 h狸nh d畉ng trong Kinh 達 di畛n t畉.
4. " Th但n Ph畉t s畉c vng, cao m畛t tr動畛ng s叩u, 畉y 畛 ba m動董i hai t動畛ng t畛t, t叩m m動董i v畉 畉p, ho quang ch坦i s叩ng. "