1. The document proposes a co-branded product called the o.d-Pod, a watch developed by o.d.m. that has embedded iPod capabilities, allowing users to store and play up to 200 songs.
2. o.d.m is a Hong Kong-based watchmaker known for stylish, minimalist designs, while Apple is famous for the iPod, iPhone, and other devices.
3. The o.d-Pod is intended to be trendy and intuitive like music and fashion, coming in various colorful designs. It would sync with iTunes and allow headphone plugging.
The document discusses global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. It identifies the primary greenhouse gases as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide which are emitted through activities like burning fossil fuels and decomposition of waste. It notes that atmospheric concentrations of these gases have increased significantly since the industrial era due to human activity. The document also examines the role of energy and emissions by sector in contributing to climate change. Finally, it outlines some of the potential effects of global warming and solutions to address rising greenhouse gas levels.
Past progress has lead to future promises of dramatic growth in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing. Is this a realistic vision or a distant dream? What changes must occur to make this technological fact instead of science fiction? Who will be affected and how? Will the change be evolutionary or revolutionary?
Leveraging the past and building on the present, these questions are investigated to reveal the impact, opportunity and challenge of change in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing.
The organization was co-founded by well known people to advocate and campaign against global poverty through fighting diseases like AIDS and malaria that disproportionately impact sub-Saharan Africa, as well as promoting education since 72 million children cannot attend school. It encourages people to give their time and help those less fortunate.
This document summarizes residential foreclosure and vacancy trends in Kent County, Michigan from 2004 to mid-2010. It finds that the number of foreclosures peaked in 2008 and 2009 before declining in 2010, with over 16,000 cumulative foreclosures county-wide since 2004. Vacancy rates measured by USPS data also peaked in 2009 before declining, with Grand Rapids seeing the most vacant addresses which averaged over 400 days empty. The report analyzes trends in cities and neighborhoods within Kent County to understand local impacts of foreclosures and vacancies.
The document provides instructions for configuring Windows Deployment Services (WDS) in Windows Server 2008. It describes configuring WDS using the configuration wizard, adding Windows PE and Windows installation images, configuring the boot menu, and adding a capture image. It also describes how to PXE boot a client to install Windows using WDS, but notes this cannot be demonstrated in the virtual environment. The objectives, prerequisites, estimated time, and computer used are also outlined.
Calling line identification presentation (CLIP) allows the calling party's number and subscriber name to be displayed to the called party. When a call is placed, the originating phone switch sends the caller ID information, which the receiving telephone company looks up in a database to identify the subscriber name. However, caller ID can be blocked, trapped, or spoofed. Blocking prevents display of the caller ID by dialing a code, while trapping still sends the blocked number through the network where it can be identified. Spoofing involves generating fake caller ID information that does not match the actual calling number.
1. The document proposes a co-branded product called the o.d-Pod, a watch developed by o.d.m. that has embedded iPod capabilities, allowing users to store and play up to 200 songs.
2. o.d.m is a Hong Kong-based watchmaker known for stylish, minimalist designs, while Apple is famous for the iPod, iPhone, and other devices.
3. The o.d-Pod is intended to be trendy and intuitive like music and fashion, coming in various colorful designs. It would sync with iTunes and allow headphone plugging.
The document discusses global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. It identifies the primary greenhouse gases as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide which are emitted through activities like burning fossil fuels and decomposition of waste. It notes that atmospheric concentrations of these gases have increased significantly since the industrial era due to human activity. The document also examines the role of energy and emissions by sector in contributing to climate change. Finally, it outlines some of the potential effects of global warming and solutions to address rising greenhouse gas levels.
Past progress has lead to future promises of dramatic growth in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing. Is this a realistic vision or a distant dream? What changes must occur to make this technological fact instead of science fiction? Who will be affected and how? Will the change be evolutionary or revolutionary?
Leveraging the past and building on the present, these questions are investigated to reveal the impact, opportunity and challenge of change in 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing.
The organization was co-founded by well known people to advocate and campaign against global poverty through fighting diseases like AIDS and malaria that disproportionately impact sub-Saharan Africa, as well as promoting education since 72 million children cannot attend school. It encourages people to give their time and help those less fortunate.
This document summarizes residential foreclosure and vacancy trends in Kent County, Michigan from 2004 to mid-2010. It finds that the number of foreclosures peaked in 2008 and 2009 before declining in 2010, with over 16,000 cumulative foreclosures county-wide since 2004. Vacancy rates measured by USPS data also peaked in 2009 before declining, with Grand Rapids seeing the most vacant addresses which averaged over 400 days empty. The report analyzes trends in cities and neighborhoods within Kent County to understand local impacts of foreclosures and vacancies.
The document provides instructions for configuring Windows Deployment Services (WDS) in Windows Server 2008. It describes configuring WDS using the configuration wizard, adding Windows PE and Windows installation images, configuring the boot menu, and adding a capture image. It also describes how to PXE boot a client to install Windows using WDS, but notes this cannot be demonstrated in the virtual environment. The objectives, prerequisites, estimated time, and computer used are also outlined.
Calling line identification presentation (CLIP) allows the calling party's number and subscriber name to be displayed to the called party. When a call is placed, the originating phone switch sends the caller ID information, which the receiving telephone company looks up in a database to identify the subscriber name. However, caller ID can be blocked, trapped, or spoofed. Blocking prevents display of the caller ID by dialing a code, while trapping still sends the blocked number through the network where it can be identified. Spoofing involves generating fake caller ID information that does not match the actual calling number.
2. En pige l? p? molen. Hun befandt sig i en stor by i
et varmt land. Hun havde g?et hele dagen uden
hverken at f? noget at spise eller drikke, s? hun var
tr?t, t?rstig og sulten. Det var en trist historie,
havde det ikke v?ret for pigens telefon. Den
forbandt hende med hele verden.
I den fandt hun tr?et.
3. Tr?et var et m?rkeligt tr?.
Det var slet ikke som de
tr?er, pigen kendte.
Tr?et havde ikke nogen
rigtig stamme. Det havde
ingen begyndelse eller
Pigen kunne godt li' tr?et.
Hun t?nkte: ¡±bare jeg var
ligesom tr?et - bare tr?et
og jeg var venner¡± ....
Og tr?et t?nkte det
4. Da tr?et var begyndt at t?nke
p? pigen, skete der noget
Pigen l? ikke l?ngere p?
molen. Hun kunne ikke m?rke
sine arme, de var blevet som
grene. Telefonen var blevet et
blad, og hun t?nkte ikke
l?ngere p? hele verden.
Hun t?nkte p? sig selv og
tr?et - eller m?ske snarere p?,
hvordan hun var blevet til en
del af tr?et.
5. Pigen kunne m?rke, at hun
var ved at blive som tr?et.
Hun stod stejlt og stolt i
vinden. Hun havde ikke mere
brug for st?tte for at st? -
hun kunne selv st?tte de,
der ikke kunne st? af sig selv.
Hun havde sat et aftryk p?