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Charge Past Your Opponents

Jaisal, Ryan, Haroon, Yohann
Themes and Messages
 Motivation for people to do physical activity
 For Professional Athletes to enhance their
  sporting ability
 Charge Past your Opponent  An Energetic
  Slogan symbolising the drive to get past your
  opponent and become the best.
Target audience
 The target audience for our product would be
  Teens and adults who participate in sport.
 Most people who drink energy drinks are
  partaking in hard sport.
 The audience would be attracted to the power
  of the energy drink and how it can enhance
  their performance.
Basketball Advert 1
 One Male Character walking into Gym
 A zoom in on Rhino
 Playing Basketball, shooting hoops missing
  every shot and getting out of breath and
 Picks up Rhino and drinks
 Re-energised and pro active
 Shoots basketball in net and does trick shots
Gym Advert 2
 Two Males walking into the gym
 One has Rhino Energy and other character
  has unbranded Water
 On bike machine one male character keeps
  drinking Rhino and maintains energy and
  performance in contrast to other character.
 Voice over indicating Describing product and
 Bottle slammed into a puddle of shallow
 This is to identify what the bottle looks like
  and the different uses of colour.
 Small, effective advert which shows the
  product and the power of it
Radio Advert
 Another brief description of product and
  telling the user it will increase their physical
 Fast paced which is associated with the
  enhancement and the physical side of the
 Using a catchy slogan, hopefully will stick in
  peoples heads and become a memorable
  radio advert.
How the adverts fit together
 Sport themed adverts and all the adverts have
  some sort of physical activity incorporated
  into it.
 In each advert it shows how the energy drink
  enhances performance through camera shots
  and the pace of the filming.
Textual features and techniques
 General features of the advert is that it shows
  the product being used
 Shows the advantages of the product
 Advert also has a theme for the product
 Voiceover and music is used in the advert
  which is also a generic feature/technique.

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  • 1. Charge Past Your Opponents Jaisal, Ryan, Haroon, Yohann
  • 2. Themes and Messages Motivation for people to do physical activity For Professional Athletes to enhance their sporting ability Charge Past your Opponent An Energetic Slogan symbolising the drive to get past your opponent and become the best.
  • 3. Target audience The target audience for our product would be Teens and adults who participate in sport. Most people who drink energy drinks are partaking in hard sport. The audience would be attracted to the power of the energy drink and how it can enhance their performance.
  • 4. Basketball Advert 1 One Male Character walking into Gym A zoom in on Rhino Playing Basketball, shooting hoops missing every shot and getting out of breath and restless. Picks up Rhino and drinks Re-energised and pro active Shoots basketball in net and does trick shots
  • 5. Gym Advert 2 Two Males walking into the gym One has Rhino Energy and other character has unbranded Water On bike machine one male character keeps drinking Rhino and maintains energy and performance in contrast to other character. Voice over indicating Describing product and regulations
  • 6. Sponsorship Bottle slammed into a puddle of shallow water. This is to identify what the bottle looks like and the different uses of colour. Small, effective advert which shows the product and the power of it
  • 7. Radio Advert Another brief description of product and telling the user it will increase their physical ability Fast paced which is associated with the enhancement and the physical side of the product Using a catchy slogan, hopefully will stick in peoples heads and become a memorable radio advert.
  • 8. How the adverts fit together Sport themed adverts and all the adverts have some sort of physical activity incorporated into it. In each advert it shows how the energy drink enhances performance through camera shots and the pace of the filming.
  • 9. Textual features and techniques General features of the advert is that it shows the product being used Shows the advantages of the product Advert also has a theme for the product Voiceover and music is used in the advert which is also a generic feature/technique.