ImunisasiHarida WirawatiImunisasi merupakan suatu cara untuk meningkatkan kekebalan seseorang terhadap suatu antigen, sehingga bila kelak ia terpajan pada antigen yang serupa, tidak terjadi penyakit
Tujuan dilakukan imunisasi untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit tertentu pada seseorang dan menghilangkan penyakit tertentu pada sekelompok masyarakat (populasi) atau bahkan menghilangkan penyakit tertentu dari dunia
preynolds_blacksearecovery.pptIwl PcuThe new GEF assistance is designed to address the three highest priority transboundary problems in the Black Sea: eutrophication, discharge of toxic substances including oil, and loss of critical habitats. It provides two regional projects for the Black Sea and Danube River basins, as well as country-related investment projects. The goals are to reduce nutrient levels to allow ecosystem recovery, establish monitoring methods, and further assess nutrient loads and ecological status. A range of indicators are proposed to monitor nutrients and their effects, including chemical concentrations, biological parameters, and physical measurements. An implementation process is outlined to agree on indicators, undertake pilot monitoring, and incorporate them into the Black Sea monitoring program.
Question 6jacobdunlopJacob used his Canon EOS Kiss x5 camera with third-party firmware to film a project, though it lacked image stabilization and had a poor built-in microphone. He struggled with kit lenses that distorted images and were hard to focus. Additional equipment like a Manfrotto tripod, Rode Video Mic, and LED light were used but had limitations. In editing with Final Cut Pro X, he found exposure and audio fixes didn't work well and needed to re-film some scenes. He learned to use his 50mm prime lens more, the importance of good audio capture, and that more lighting is needed than he had for outdoor scenes.
Desayuno de trabajo ‘cómo optimizar la digitalización de las empresas’ cast...Javier Gutiérrez AbellaLas ventajas del cloud en un encuentro para responsables del Departamento de Informática y Tecnología de las empresas mas grandes de Castilla y Leon
Task 3 EmmaGower101This document analyzes the typography, layout, colors, images, language, and conventions used across the front cover, content page, and double page spread of a magazine. It finds that the magazine uses sans serif fonts, bright colors like pink and red, and images of young celebrities like Rihanna to target a young, female audience. While the layouts and some language is more casual to appeal to youth, other aspects like formal writing style and ordered page designs signal an attempt to also engage older readers. Overall the brand identity conveyed aims to be fresh, youthful and feminine through its visual design choices.
preynolds_blacksearecovery.pptIwl PcuThe new GEF assistance is designed to address the three highest priority transboundary problems in the Black Sea: eutrophication, discharge of toxic substances including oil, and loss of critical habitats. It provides two regional projects for the Black Sea and Danube River basins, as well as country-related investment projects. The goals are to reduce nutrient levels to allow ecosystem recovery, establish monitoring methods, and further assess nutrient loads and ecological status. A range of indicators are proposed to monitor nutrients and their effects, including chemical concentrations, biological parameters, and physical measurements. An implementation process is outlined to agree on indicators, undertake pilot monitoring, and incorporate them into the Black Sea monitoring program.
Question 6jacobdunlopJacob used his Canon EOS Kiss x5 camera with third-party firmware to film a project, though it lacked image stabilization and had a poor built-in microphone. He struggled with kit lenses that distorted images and were hard to focus. Additional equipment like a Manfrotto tripod, Rode Video Mic, and LED light were used but had limitations. In editing with Final Cut Pro X, he found exposure and audio fixes didn't work well and needed to re-film some scenes. He learned to use his 50mm prime lens more, the importance of good audio capture, and that more lighting is needed than he had for outdoor scenes.
Desayuno de trabajo ‘cómo optimizar la digitalización de las empresas’ cast...Javier Gutiérrez AbellaLas ventajas del cloud en un encuentro para responsables del Departamento de Informática y Tecnología de las empresas mas grandes de Castilla y Leon
Task 3 EmmaGower101This document analyzes the typography, layout, colors, images, language, and conventions used across the front cover, content page, and double page spread of a magazine. It finds that the magazine uses sans serif fonts, bright colors like pink and red, and images of young celebrities like Rihanna to target a young, female audience. While the layouts and some language is more casual to appeal to youth, other aspects like formal writing style and ordered page designs signal an attempt to also engage older readers. Overall the brand identity conveyed aims to be fresh, youthful and feminine through its visual design choices.
EvaYoussef AdelEva Perón was the second wife of Argentine President Juan Perón and served as the First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952. She was born María Eva Duarte and married President Juan Perón in 1945. Eva Perón championed women's suffrage and social programs for the poor.
Moorim ChemtechPedro KimMoorim Chemtech is a digital printing solution provider based in Korea that produces various types of inkjet inks. It has been supplying inks to over 40 countries for nearly 20 years and is recognized for its outstanding quality control. The document discusses Moorim's management philosophy, vision, core values of focusing on customers, technology, and the environment. It also provides details on Moorim's product lines, which include desktop printing ink, wide format printing ink, and laser printer toners. Moorim aims to provide customers with high quality, reliable products through continuous research and development.
Masterproef tussentijdse presentatie novemberNiels DelestinneThis document provides an overview of a thesis project investigating second screen applications for nature documentaries. It discusses the goals of optimizing user experience and finding design guidelines. An initial prototype was created and evaluated, with results showing it was somewhat distracting. A second digital prototype was made and evaluated, showing improved usability. Key difficulties identified were defining the research question and limitations of nature documentaries. Statistics on progress include blog posts, papers read, and time tracked spent developing the digital prototype.
American Revolution Research ReportYoussef AdelThe American Revolution ended British rule over the North American colonies and created the United States. It was both an exhilarating and disturbing time. Many events led to the Revolution, including taxation acts by the British Parliament intended to raise revenue from the colonies and restrictions on colonial trade and settlement. Growing colonial unhappiness culminated in open warfare at Lexington and Concord in 1775. The Second Continental Congress formed the Continental Army under George Washington and governed the colonies during the Revolutionary War.
Mindfulness meditationOmri Ben SimonThe document discusses mindfulness meditation and its benefits. It describes how meditation helps one connect to the present moment and be less distracted by thoughts. Some benefits of meditation mentioned are greater peace, happiness, focus, and stress management. Meditation can improve both personal and professional life by increasing concentration, optimism, and social skills while reducing stress and conflicts. The document also provides links to research on mindfulness and presents tips on incorporating positivity into daily life.
Task 8 EmmaGower101The document describes focus group interviews conducted for a pop music magazine. The interviews included questions about views on the pop genre, expectations of a music magazine, opinions on fonts, images, colors and layout of the sample magazine. Screenshots and videos would be used to document the responses from three interviews - with friends Olivia and Shaye, and an additional unnamed interview. The interviews focused on gathering feedback on design elements of the pop magazine.
Task 5 EmmaGower101This document analyzes the representation techniques used across multiple pages of a magazine featuring artist Akon. It examines the images, fonts, colors, language and lighting employed on the front cover, content page, and double page spread. The analysis finds that masculine sans-serif fonts, low-key colors, relaxed poses in images of young adults, and informal language are used consistently to represent Akon and target a young male audience.
20140929 china 2020 presentation for israel china business conference h-v2Zvi Gur1. The document provides an overview of key trends in global innovation from 2000 to 2020 based on McKinsey analysis. It shows increases in R&D spending, patents, and scientific publications over time across countries and sectors.
2. China has become a global innovation leader, surpassing countries like US, Japan, and Germany in metrics like total patents filed annually and R&D spending as a percentage of GDP. Emerging technologies like AI and 5G are driving new areas of innovation.
3. The analysis highlights that while global innovation is growing rapidly, significant challenges remain in translating innovation into products and scaling new technologies for social and economic impact. Government policies and private sector investments will be critical to maximize innovation's benefits
Lisseth vizcaino orozcolissethvizcaino91Microsoft Word es un software de procesamiento de textos desarrollado por Microsoft que permite la creación de documentos electrónicos. Forma parte del paquete Microsoft Office e incluye herramientas como la cinta de opciones, la barra de acceso rápido y las barras de desplazamiento para facilitar la edición de documentos.
Gigas destaca la flexibilidad y la reducción de costes que aporta el 'cloud' ...Javier Gutiérrez AbellaJosé Antonio Moreno de Gigas destacó la flexibilidad y reducción de costes que ofrece el cloud computing a las empresas, permitiéndoles enfocarse sólo en la productividad del negocio. El cloud también proporciona interfaces sencillas mientras mantiene el control de la infraestructura para el cliente y cumple con la ley de protección de datos. Gigas organizó un desayuno sobre la digitalización de empresas en Valladolid al que asistieron directivos de varias compañías.
Mataram KunoFani Mira QadrinaDokumen tersebut menampilkan daftar nama anggota kelompok 3 dan raja-raja Kerajaan Medang dari tahun 717-898 M. Dokumen memberikan informasi tentang kondisi ekonomi Kerajaan Medang pada masa pemerintahan raja-raja tersebut yang ditandai dengan hasil pertanian melimpah dan adanya perdagangan ekspor impor hasil pertanian antara berbagai kerajaan.
Presentación Jardín Infantil AguiluchoJunta Nacional de Jardines InfantilesPresentación del Jardín infantil Aguilucho de la comuna de Providencia, Santiago, en el Seminario de Educación Ambiental, Educación Parvularia y Gestión de Resiudos y Energía", organizado por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI) el 30 de septiembre de 2014
Danube Regional Project presentationIwl PcuMost states in the US require separation distances between livestock production/ manure storage facilities and water resources
Iowa, for example, for liquid manure from animal buildings and manure storages requires 150 -300 meters separation