The document discusses different leadership styles and qualities of effective leaders. It describes autocratic leadership as centered on the boss who makes unilateral decisions, while democratic leadership involves subordinates in decision making. Transformational leadership motivates followers to achieve more than originally intended. Effective leadership involves facilitating teamwork, managing conflict, developing others and communicating a compelling vision. The document contrasts leaders with bosses, noting that leaders inspire and support followers through commitment and values, while bosses focus on control and standards.
Chapter 11 Basic Approaches to Leadership.pptAmira591487
Basic Approaches to Leadership
the ability of the management to make sound decisions and inspire others to perform well. It is the process of directing the behavior of others towards achieving a common goal. In short, leadership is getting things done through others.
Chapter 11
La loi sur la formation professionnelle, l¡¯emploi et la d¨¦mocratie sociale du 5 mars 2014 a cr¨¦¨¦ un nouvel entretien professionnel obligatoire.
Il remplace un certain nombre d¡¯entretiens pr¨¦vus par la r¨¦glementation ¨¤ la suite de p¨¦riodes d¡¯inactivit¨¦ du salari¨¦ (entretien sur l¡¯orientation professionnelle au retour du cong¨¦ maternit¨¦, du cong¨¦ d¡¯adoption, du cong¨¦ parental¡), et uniformise leur r¨¦gime dans un entretien unique (conditions, objet, contenu et formalisation).
Tous les employeurs sont concern¨¦s, quel que soit leur effectif. La loi ne pr¨¦voyant pas de date d¡¯application sp¨¦cifique, l¡¯obligation d¡¯organisation de cet entretien existe depuis le 7 mars 2014 pour tous les salari¨¦s remplissant les conditions d¡¯anciennet¨¦.