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Poster evalution
The bright colours are
successful at attracting
the audience.
The information that is
presented on the poster
is clear ad easy to see.
The audience are able to
find the important
information relevant to
the documentary with
out much effort.
The use of the sky one
logo is used to attract
audiences who are used
to watch documentaries
of this style on this
channel already.
The font that was used
was basic and plain. This
was because I didn¡¯t want
to draw attention away
from the pictures and the
The top image is a bit
dark and unable to make
our faces very well.
The information could
have been placed at the
top. This is because
research shows that
when people read they
go from top to bottom,
this would been that the
information would be the
first thing that they see
when they look at the
poster and it would stick
in there mind.
The title is at to much of
an angle, it is readable,
but I think it would be
better if it was angles a
bit more straight.
? If I was to do this task again I would change
the pictures. Instead of having just one image
either side of the title, I would have a collage
of different images to show more of what
would be in my documentary. This images
would include stills of them doing make up,
on the coach, close ups of the three people I
will be interviewing, etc.
? The use of the bright colour and the images,
making it more personal, appeal to the target
audience. This is also done by the use of the
sky one logo. I believe that the poster does fit
the purpose of being the poster for my
documentary because it gives all the
important information and a rough idea of
what the documentary is about.

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Poster evalution

  • 2. STRENGHTS OF THE POSTER The bright colours are successful at attracting the audience. The information that is presented on the poster is clear ad easy to see. The audience are able to find the important information relevant to the documentary with out much effort. The use of the sky one logo is used to attract audiences who are used to watch documentaries of this style on this channel already. The font that was used was basic and plain. This was because I didn¡¯t want to draw attention away from the pictures and the information.
  • 3. WEAKNESSES OF THE POSTER The top image is a bit dark and unable to make our faces very well. The information could have been placed at the top. This is because research shows that when people read they go from top to bottom, this would been that the information would be the first thing that they see when they look at the poster and it would stick in there mind. The title is at to much of an angle, it is readable, but I think it would be better if it was angles a bit more straight.
  • 4. ? If I was to do this task again I would change the pictures. Instead of having just one image either side of the title, I would have a collage of different images to show more of what would be in my documentary. This images would include stills of them doing make up, on the coach, close ups of the three people I will be interviewing, etc.
  • 5. ? The use of the bright colour and the images, making it more personal, appeal to the target audience. This is also done by the use of the sky one logo. I believe that the poster does fit the purpose of being the poster for my documentary because it gives all the important information and a rough idea of what the documentary is about.