This document is a newsletter that discusses the importance of gratitude. It contains several articles and quotes about how practicing gratitude can improve relationships and overall well-being by increasing happiness, health, and life satisfaction. Some key ways discussed to practice gratitude include keeping a gratitude journal, writing thank you letters, and focusing on appreciating small daily blessings rather than waiting for major life events to feel grateful. The newsletter encourages readers to develop gratitude by finding reasons daily to express thanks to others.
Top 10-ways-to-show-your-gratitude-and-appreciation (1)Sanorah Coaching
If you have ever wanted to be more grateful and appreciate what you ahve, you can use this simple, easy to read guide to help you to be more grateful, which will improve your self-confidence, boost your self esteem and change your life - achieve your goals by getting the confidence you have always dreamed about
The Gratitude Project: How Gratitude Will Improve Your LifeRussell Terry
I just wrote a book (My Gratitude Journal, now available for sale) and this workshop takes you through various exercises to help you lead a more grateful life. Who doesn't want that??
This document discusses the value of gratitude. It defines gratitude as an appreciation for what is meaningful in one's life. Expressing gratitude has numerous benefits, including improved physical health, mental health, sleep, mental strength, and self-esteem. Some ways to express gratitude include writing thank you notes, forgiving others, acts of service, and expressing appreciation on social media. The weekend task encourages students to make a bird feeder, take a photo with it, and send it to their teacher to express gratitude towards nature.
This document discusses cultivating an attitude of gratitude. It states that gratitude is acknowledging and appreciating the good things in life, and focusing on gratitude can lead to increased happiness, contentment, and well-being. It provides tips for developing a grateful mindset, such as starting each day by reflecting on things one is grateful for, keeping a gratitude journal, practicing mindfulness, and expressing gratitude to others. The overall message is that practicing gratitude regularly through small, intentional actions can help improve one's outlook on life.
This is a material that can be used to introduce people to learn about being 'healthy' at work or in personal life by practicing self discovery, proactive mindset, and growth mindset
#CultureCode Change your world with just 5 thanks a day.Naomi Simson
A 42 page book which shows how easy it is to feel great every day - and when you thank someone authentically they too will feel great.
Here are some suggestions to get you started:
1. Write it in a letter
- or in an email; on a card; in a text message; the back of
an envelope; or a fortune cookie. Put it in writing, make it
personal, go to the effort.
2. Use your words
- say it face to face and say it from the heart. Also extra points
if you call someone instead of texting and make actual contact
rather than leaving a voicemail.
3. Make a mental note
- at the end of every day, instead of thinking about all you
have to do, count your blessings. Reflect on that which you
have (not lack) in your life and feel good about them.
4. This ones on me
- pick up the tab for a meal, coffee or parking. Make it a
surprise rather than an expected part of your time together.
5. Gift card
- a little amount towards a store, experience or service of
interest can say a lot.
And there are lot's more easy ways to feel great
We believe:
- Everyone deserves to have fun, feel good
and be happy!
- Happiness is a choice, starts with a drop,
becomes a ripple and creates a WAVE.
- Happiness is amplified when its shared.
- We are passionate about giving people more
good times.
- We are in the business of fun!
- We have started a HAPPINESS REVOLUTION
one amazing experience at a time.
This document discusses compassion and how to cultivate it in one's life. It defines compassion as the desire to ease suffering combined with sympathy. Developing compassion provides physical, emotional and spiritual benefits such as happiness. The document recommends 7 steps to cultivate compassion, including daily meditation rituals, practicing empathy, recognizing commonalities with others, and acting with kindness. It provides examples of how children and communities can demonstrate compassion through service activities.
The document discusses the importance of kindness and mental health awareness week. It provides slides on the benefits of kindness, such as improving mood, reducing stress and anxiety, and boosting self-worth. Students are encouraged to practice kindness each day for a week and note how it makes them feel. Suggested acts of kindness include helping others, spending time with family/friends, and being considerate in public.
Gratitude is an emotion of appreciation for things that are undeserved. Research shows practicing gratitude provides mental and physical health benefits like lower stress, stronger relationships, optimism, and happiness. Studies found people who focused on gratitude showed more life satisfaction weeks later. Practicing gratitude involves writing thank you letters or keeping a gratitude journal to reflect on positive things each day.
The document discusses various topics related to interpersonal relationships including understanding oneself and others, communication skills like listening, emotional intelligence, love, forgiveness, and maintaining healthy relationships through practices like gratitude, appreciation and discipline. Some of the key points covered are the four stages of empathic listening, the difference between love and infatuation, elements of forgiveness, importance of gratitude and keeping commitments in relationships.
The document discusses the importance of civil society and community service. It emphasizes that a community is defined by how it helps its most vulnerable members. It outlines various groups that make up the school community and focuses on empowering students with self-worth and life skills. The school's service programs in Cambodia, Kimberley, and Tanzania are highlighted. Indicators of engaged service learning include the number of community partnerships, recorded service hours, and levels of student recognition achieved. Student reflections on their service experiences address what was learned, challenges, and impacts on both those served and themselves.
This document discusses the significance of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, a Muslim holiday celebrated at the end of Ramadan. It explains that Hari Raya Aidilfitri marks the end of the month of fasting, and is not the Muslim New Year. It also describes important traditions on Hari Raya Aidilfitri, including congregational prayers, visiting family and friends, and seeking forgiveness from others through gestures and words to strengthen relationships and renew ties. The document advocates that seeking forgiveness should be done sincerely to repair any past wrongs.
This document promotes the "Thank You Forward" initiative which encourages people to express gratitude by thanking 3 people, asking them to thank 3 more, and sharing it with friends and family. It notes that practicing gratitude brings benefits like more energy, optimism, and happiness. It also suggests teaching gratitude to children and thanking people like teachers, family, friends, and service workers to focus on positives and spread more positivity in the world.
This document promotes the "Thank You Forward" initiative which encourages people to express gratitude by thanking 3 people, asking them to thank 3 more, and sharing it with friends and family. It notes that practicing gratitude brings benefits like more energy, optimism, and happiness. It also suggests teaching gratitude to children and thanking people like teachers, family, friends, and service workers to focus on positives and spread more positivity in the world.
Is it unrealistic to think that gratitude could play an important part in your success? I don't think it is.
This article tries to explain why the daily practicing of gratitude could increase your chances of success.
This document discusses the importance of gratitude and practicing thanksgiving. It defines gratitude as appreciating what one has and being satisfied with positive thinking. Practicing gratitude can transform sadness into happiness. The document encourages focusing on life's abundance rather than lack and wearing "spectacles of gratitude." It provides examples of finding gratitude even in small things or difficult circumstances.
Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much youve been given. Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. In addition, behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress.
The document discusses 10 keys to happier living according to recent scientific evidence. The keys are: giving to others, strengthening relationships, exercising and healthy living, appreciating the present moment, learning new things, having goals and direction, developing resilience when facing difficulties, maintaining a positive outlook, self-acceptance, and finding meaning and purpose. Practical tips are provided for each key to improve well-being, such as acts of kindness, spending quality time with loved ones, getting outside, learning mindfulness, trying new activities, and volunteering to help others. The overall message is that small, positive actions in these areas can significantly impact happiness.
Success through interpersonal skills - Management Concepts - Manu Melwin Joy ...manumelwinjoy
Total interpersonal space devoted to mutual understanding and shared information.
Productivity and interpersonal effectiveness are directly related to the amount of mutually-held information
This document discusses the importance of expressing gratitude. It notes that experiencing gratitude makes positive experiences more memorable and beneficial to our well-being. When we feel gratitude, we see our relationships and interactions with others as interconnected. The document emphasizes being grateful not just for things but also for people and their specific help. It suggests thanking others specifically for how they have enriched our lives. Expressing gratitude can help us process both positive and negative life experiences.
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can provide significant physical and mental health benefits. Research has shown that gratitude reduces stress levels and improves immune function. However, our brains are wired to focus on potential threats, so it is easy to dwell on negatives rather than appreciate positives. Making gratitude a daily habit, such as keeping a gratitude list or writing gratitude letters, can counteract this tendency and boost overall well-being and performance.
When you practice gratitude you have a better outlook on your life and as a result, your mental health improves.
It is not unusual to have a smile on your face after a gratitude meditation.
There are more benefits besides creating a level of happiness. We are able to find ways to create the best life for ourselves.
In fact, when we feel more gratitude we have a better self-image, a lower level of anxiety, and even depression gets reduced.
In fact, scientists report that when we feel more gratitude in our lives, dopamine and serotonin levels increase in our brains.
Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. - Eckhart Tolle -
I believe it's one of the greatest lessons in life to be grateful for all the things we have and for who we are. Most of the people are not used to being thankful...
To study historically the rise and fall of disease in the population.
Community diagnosis.
Planning and evaluation.
Evaluation of individuals risks and chances.
Completing the natural history of disease.
Searching for causes and risk factors.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
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The document discusses the importance of kindness and mental health awareness week. It provides slides on the benefits of kindness, such as improving mood, reducing stress and anxiety, and boosting self-worth. Students are encouraged to practice kindness each day for a week and note how it makes them feel. Suggested acts of kindness include helping others, spending time with family/friends, and being considerate in public.
Gratitude is an emotion of appreciation for things that are undeserved. Research shows practicing gratitude provides mental and physical health benefits like lower stress, stronger relationships, optimism, and happiness. Studies found people who focused on gratitude showed more life satisfaction weeks later. Practicing gratitude involves writing thank you letters or keeping a gratitude journal to reflect on positive things each day.
The document discusses various topics related to interpersonal relationships including understanding oneself and others, communication skills like listening, emotional intelligence, love, forgiveness, and maintaining healthy relationships through practices like gratitude, appreciation and discipline. Some of the key points covered are the four stages of empathic listening, the difference between love and infatuation, elements of forgiveness, importance of gratitude and keeping commitments in relationships.
The document discusses the importance of civil society and community service. It emphasizes that a community is defined by how it helps its most vulnerable members. It outlines various groups that make up the school community and focuses on empowering students with self-worth and life skills. The school's service programs in Cambodia, Kimberley, and Tanzania are highlighted. Indicators of engaged service learning include the number of community partnerships, recorded service hours, and levels of student recognition achieved. Student reflections on their service experiences address what was learned, challenges, and impacts on both those served and themselves.
This document discusses the significance of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, a Muslim holiday celebrated at the end of Ramadan. It explains that Hari Raya Aidilfitri marks the end of the month of fasting, and is not the Muslim New Year. It also describes important traditions on Hari Raya Aidilfitri, including congregational prayers, visiting family and friends, and seeking forgiveness from others through gestures and words to strengthen relationships and renew ties. The document advocates that seeking forgiveness should be done sincerely to repair any past wrongs.
This document promotes the "Thank You Forward" initiative which encourages people to express gratitude by thanking 3 people, asking them to thank 3 more, and sharing it with friends and family. It notes that practicing gratitude brings benefits like more energy, optimism, and happiness. It also suggests teaching gratitude to children and thanking people like teachers, family, friends, and service workers to focus on positives and spread more positivity in the world.
This document promotes the "Thank You Forward" initiative which encourages people to express gratitude by thanking 3 people, asking them to thank 3 more, and sharing it with friends and family. It notes that practicing gratitude brings benefits like more energy, optimism, and happiness. It also suggests teaching gratitude to children and thanking people like teachers, family, friends, and service workers to focus on positives and spread more positivity in the world.
Is it unrealistic to think that gratitude could play an important part in your success? I don't think it is.
This article tries to explain why the daily practicing of gratitude could increase your chances of success.
This document discusses the importance of gratitude and practicing thanksgiving. It defines gratitude as appreciating what one has and being satisfied with positive thinking. Practicing gratitude can transform sadness into happiness. The document encourages focusing on life's abundance rather than lack and wearing "spectacles of gratitude." It provides examples of finding gratitude even in small things or difficult circumstances.
Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much youve been given. Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. In addition, behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress.
The document discusses 10 keys to happier living according to recent scientific evidence. The keys are: giving to others, strengthening relationships, exercising and healthy living, appreciating the present moment, learning new things, having goals and direction, developing resilience when facing difficulties, maintaining a positive outlook, self-acceptance, and finding meaning and purpose. Practical tips are provided for each key to improve well-being, such as acts of kindness, spending quality time with loved ones, getting outside, learning mindfulness, trying new activities, and volunteering to help others. The overall message is that small, positive actions in these areas can significantly impact happiness.
Success through interpersonal skills - Management Concepts - Manu Melwin Joy ...manumelwinjoy
Total interpersonal space devoted to mutual understanding and shared information.
Productivity and interpersonal effectiveness are directly related to the amount of mutually-held information
This document discusses the importance of expressing gratitude. It notes that experiencing gratitude makes positive experiences more memorable and beneficial to our well-being. When we feel gratitude, we see our relationships and interactions with others as interconnected. The document emphasizes being grateful not just for things but also for people and their specific help. It suggests thanking others specifically for how they have enriched our lives. Expressing gratitude can help us process both positive and negative life experiences.
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can provide significant physical and mental health benefits. Research has shown that gratitude reduces stress levels and improves immune function. However, our brains are wired to focus on potential threats, so it is easy to dwell on negatives rather than appreciate positives. Making gratitude a daily habit, such as keeping a gratitude list or writing gratitude letters, can counteract this tendency and boost overall well-being and performance.
When you practice gratitude you have a better outlook on your life and as a result, your mental health improves.
It is not unusual to have a smile on your face after a gratitude meditation.
There are more benefits besides creating a level of happiness. We are able to find ways to create the best life for ourselves.
In fact, when we feel more gratitude we have a better self-image, a lower level of anxiety, and even depression gets reduced.
In fact, scientists report that when we feel more gratitude in our lives, dopamine and serotonin levels increase in our brains.
Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. - Eckhart Tolle -
I believe it's one of the greatest lessons in life to be grateful for all the things we have and for who we are. Most of the people are not used to being thankful...
To study historically the rise and fall of disease in the population.
Community diagnosis.
Planning and evaluation.
Evaluation of individuals risks and chances.
Completing the natural history of disease.
Searching for causes and risk factors.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
Silicon is considered an inorganic biostimulant and a prophylactic extracellular agent that allows the stimulation of a
wide range of natural defences against abiotic and biotic stresses. However, little or no work has focused on the direct action of silicon on some enzymes. Indeed, during this study, the action of silicon was studied in vitro by direct contact of this element at different doses with the enzymatic extracts of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) seeds. Our results showed that silicon
strongly inhibited antioxidant and hydrolytic enzymatic activities. The percentage of this inhibition depends on the dose of silicon and the type of enzyme. The most sensitive enzymes to this inhibition were SOD and lipases whose activity was totally inhibited at
4 mM and 7 mM respectively. However, we report that the inhibitory action of silicon was limited to 50% for GPOX whatever the concentration of silicon used, the plateau being reached at 10 mM for GPOX and at 70 mM for proteases. Since these enzymes are mainly metallo-dependent, we hypothesize that their inhibition by silicon may be due to interactions between silicon and the metals involved in the functioning of each enzyme. Our study shows that silicon can be used as an inhibitor of enzymes involved in certain diseases.
Energ and Energy Forms, Work, and Power | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of energy, work, and power for IGCSE Physics. It covers fundamental concepts such as the definition of work done, kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, conservation of energy, efficiency, and power. The presentation also includes energy transfer, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, calculation of work done, power output, and real-life applications of energy principles. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Variation and Natural Selection | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of variation and natural selection for IGCSE Biology. It covers key concepts such as genetic and environmental variation, types of variation (continuous and discontinuous), mutation, evolution, and the principles of natural selection. The presentation also explains Darwins theory of evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest, selective breeding, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and speciation. With illustrative diagrams, real-life examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymis...ThrombUS+ Project
At the BIOSTEC 2025 conference, Eleni Kaldoudi, ThrombUS+ project coordinator, presented our recent work entitled Preparing Ultrasound Imaging Data for Artificial Intelligence Tasks: Anonymisation, Cropping, and Tagging. Eleni provided an overview of the application we developed to facilitate the preparation of ultrasound images, acquired via the ThrombUS+ clinical study A, for the purpose of developing AI models for automated detection of deep vein thrombosis.
About ThrombUS+:
Our interdisciplinary approach centers around creating a novel wearable diagnostic device utilizing autonomous, AI-driven DVT detection. This groundbreaking device incorporates wearable ultrasound hardware, impedance plethysmography, and light reflection rheography for early clot detection. Activity and physiological measurements will continuously assess DVT risk, supporting prevention through serious gaming. An intelligent decision support unit will provide real-time monitoring and alerts, with extended reality guiding users for optimal device utilization.
ThrombUS+ is designed for postoperative patients, those undergoing lengthy surgical procedures, cancer patients, bedridden individuals at home or in care units, and women during pregnancy and postpartum.
Deep Learning-Driven Protein Design for Maize Improvement: AI-Guided Solution...Muhammad Salman Iqbal
Bridging AI, Synthetic Biology, and Crop Science to Address Global Food Security.
This presentation explores the transformative potential of AI-driven protein design in revolutionizing maize (corn) breeding. Learn how deep learning models like AlphaFold, ESMFold, and RFdiffusion enable rapid engineering of stress-resilient proteins for:
Disease resistance (e.g., fungal pathogens like Fusarium and Puccinia)
Drought and heat tolerance (synthetic transcription factors for root and stomatal optimization)
Nutrient efficiency (engineered phosphate/nitrogen transporters)
Enhanced photosynthesis (AI-designed carbonic anhydrases)
Key highlights:
Case studies from Cell, Science, and Nature Biotechnology (20232024) showcasing AI-designed proteins validated in field trials.
Ethical considerations and future directions for AI-guided CRISPR integration in crop improvement.
Visual summaries of protein structures, field data, and AI workflows.
Target audience: Plant scientists, agronomists, bioinformaticians, AI researchers, and students in biotechnology and agriculture.
#DeepLearning #ProteinDesign #MaizeImprovement #AIinAgriculture #SustainableFarming #CropBreeding #SyntheticBiology #FoodSecurity #AlphaFold #CRISPR
What is Nutrient Deficiency?
Nutrient deficiency in plants occurs when they lack one or more of the essential minerals required for their growth and development.
These deficiencies can lead to various physiological disorders and reduced plant productivity.
Categories of Essential Nutrients
Required in larger quantities for plant growth and development.
Includes primary and secondary nutrients.
Primary Macronutrients:
Nitrogen (N): Vital for vegetative growth, chlorophyll production, and protein synthesis.
Phosphorus (P): Important for energy transfer, root development, and flowering.
Potassium (K): Essential for water regulation, enzyme activation, and disease resistance.
Secondary Macronutrients:
Calcium (Ca): Important for cell wall structure, root development, and enzyme
Magnesium (Mg): Central component of chlorophyll and aids in enzyme activation.
Sulfur (S): Crucial for amino acids, proteins, and enzyme function.
-> P H O N S K Ca Mg C
Required in smaller quantities but equally important for plant health.
Iron (Fe): Essential for chlorophyll synthesis and electron transport in photosynthesis.
Manganese (Mn): Important for photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen assimilation.
Zinc (Zn): Vital for enzyme function and growth regulation.
Copper (Cu): Involved in photosynthetic electron transport and enzyme activity.
Boron (B): Crucial for cell wall formation and reproductive development.
Molybdenum (Mo): Essential for nitrogen fixation and enzyme function in nitrogen metabolism.
-> Fe Cu Mo Zn Mn Cl B Ni.
Mobile Nutrients - Cl, K, Mg, Mo, N, P-> older parts
Immobile Nutrients - B, Cu, Ca, Fe, Mn, S, Zn-> younger parts
Cell division is a fundamental biological process that enables the growth, development, and repair of living organisms. It's the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells, each carrying a complete set of genetic instructions. This intricate process occurs in two primary ways: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is responsible for the creation of identical daughter cells, ensuring the maintenance of genetic information for growth and tissue repair. Meiosis, on the other hand, is a specialized form of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms, producing gametes (sperm and egg cells) with half the number of chromosomes, contributing to genetic diversity in offspring.
How could modern LA research address data-related ethics issues in informal and situated professional learning? I will identify in this talk three relevant insights based on field studies around workplace LA interventions: Firstly, in informal and situated learning, data isnt just about the learners. Secondly, the affordances of manual and automatic data tracking for learning are very different, with manual tracking allowing a high degree of learner control over data. Thirdly, learning is not necessarily a shared goal in workplaces. These can be translated into seeing a potential for systems endowed with sufficient natural-language-processing capability (now seemingly at our fingertips with LLMs), and socio-technical design and scenario-based data collection analysis as design and research methods.
Electrical Quantities and Circuits | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of electrical quantities and circuits for IGCSE Physics. It covers key electrical quantities, including charge, current, voltage (potential difference), resistance, power, energy, electromotive force (EMF), and internal resistance. The presentation also explains series and parallel circuits, with in-depth discussions on Ohms Law, Kirchhoffs Laws, electrical components, circuit calculations, and practical applications. Packed with illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
This PowerPoint gives a brief idea about the identification of herbal drug plants with special reference to organoleptic studies. The study comprises different parameters like physical, chemical, biological, and other features associated with it. It offers an idea about the need for scientifically identifying drug plants to avoid adulteration.
2. 2
Gratitude is Feeling of thankfulness.
A sense of wonder, thankfulness & appreciation for life
3. 3
According to Dr. Robert Emmons,
the feeling of gratitude involves two
Stages of
What story do you want to tell?
1. Acknowledgemen
t of goodness
2. Sources of this
6. 6
1. I have so much in life to be thankful for.
7. 7
2. If I had to list everything that I felt
grateful for, it would be a very long list.
8. 8
3. When I look at the world, I dont see
much to be grateful for.
9. 9
4. I am grateful to a wide variety of people.
10. 10
5. As I get older I find myself more able to
appreciate the people, events, and
situations that have been part of my life
11. 11
6. Long amounts of time can go by before
I feel grateful to something or someone.
12. 12
Reverse the item 3 and 6 as following:
13. 13
35 or below - you are in the bottom
38 out of 42 - you scored higher than 50% of the people
who took it.
38 or below - you are in the bottom half of people who
took the survey.
41 - you scored higher than 75% of the individuals from
the sample
42 - you scored among the top 13% of the sample.
14. Benefits of gratitude
to God
Ability to cope with
Feel more loving
and forgiving
Greater physical
Develop optimism
16. 16
Grateful people sense that they are not
separate from others or from God. This
recognition itself brings a deep sense of
When something is not working, focus on
what is working and say, Alhamdulillahi
Rabbil Aalameen (All praise to the Lord of
the Universe)
If you are grateful, I will surely increase you
[in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My
punishment is severe. [Quran: Chapter 14,
Verse 7].
Tea example
Gratitude and
17. 17
If we have not
obstacles in our lives
we simply wont
Successful people
have more problems
to deal with than an
18. 18
In relationships, forgiveness is
liberating. It frees us from a
negative attachment to a
person who has hurt us even
if that person is someone we
love. This liberates us from the
cycle of negativity and anger
allowing us to open our hearts
to gratitude, happiness, and
love once again.
Gratitude, Forgiveness
and Relationships
19. 19
Gratitude, Forgiveness
and Relationships
Everyone is the enemy of his
own self
Back mirror, live in Now
Always is today
Being thankful opens all the
doors of opportunities
20. 20
Rewire your brain in three minutes
a day for 45 days
Gratitude, Forgiveness
and Relationships
Focusing on forgiveness, training one's
brain for gratitude, or accepting gratitude as
an attitude clears a path for embracing
forgiveness and promoting positive
relationships and a certain peace of mind.
21. 21
Humility is characterized by low self-
focus, secure sense of self, and
increased valuation of others. Humility
is being modest and respectful.
Our reaction towards any
circumstances determines our true
strength and character
A 14-day diary study shows that humility
and gratitude mutually predicted one
Gratitude and Humility
22. 22
Robert Emmons and Michael
McCullough asked people with
neuromuscular disorders to
make nightly lists of things for
which they were grateful. After
three weeks, participants
reported getting longer, more
refreshing sleep.
Gratitude and Sleep
27. 27
Writing down a few things you are
grateful for is probably the easiest
and most popular gratitude
exercise available.
Group 1 Blessings Group 2 burdens
29. 29
Robert A. Emmons from the University of California
Davis and Micheal E McCullogh from the University
of Miami conducted a long-term research project
designed to study the effects of gratitude.
fewer physical symptoms
higher levels of positive emotions, life satisfaction, and
lower levels of depression and stress.
Revealing the truth behind Gratitude
30. 30
Gratitude Rock
The secret to this
exercise is that the rock is
just a symbol, a physical
object you can use to
remind yourself of what
you have to be thankful.
31. 31
Gratitude Box
The gratitude box is a thoughtful
way to share your feelings with
loved ones and cultivate your own
sense of gratitude. On the paper,
write down a heartfelt message of
gratitude to your loved one.
1) Thank you for
2) What I love about you
3) My holiday wish for you
32. 32
Gratitude Prompts
Gratitude prompts are a great way to get started, continue
your gratitude practice. The goal is to identify at least three
things in each category that you are thankful for.
The prompts include:
Im grateful for these three family members:
Im grateful for these three things in my home:
Im grateful for these three friends:
Im grateful for these three teachers:
Im grateful for three things I hear:
Im grateful for three things I see:
Im grateful for three things I smell:
33. 33
Gratitude Flower
Start by cutting out a circle
from colored paper then
create flower petals of
gratitude. On the circle,
write Things Im Thankful
For or write your name or
family name
34. 34
Sense the gratitude
Standing in front of the
mirror, focus on your eyes
that can see, ears that can
hear, a nose that can smell,
rather than just measuring
the size and diameter of
that small pimple.
35. 43 Phrases to
Thank you
No duty is more urgent than
that of returning thanks. ~
James Allen
36. Neal Creative | click & Learn more
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I am all gratitude.
I am forever beholden to you.
Thanks a ton.
You have my gratitude.
Words are powerless to express my gratitude.
Thanks for every thing.
Thanks a million.
37. Neal Creative | click & Learn more
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Please accept my best thanks.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks for taking the time to think of me.
All my love and thanks to you.
It was so awesome of you.
Thank you for never letting me down.
I thank you most warmly.
38. Neal Creative | click & Learn more
Neal Creative 息
Words cant describe how thankful I am.
All I can say is thank you.
I wanted to thank you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
My gratitude to you for all you have done.
What would I do without you?
Accept my endless gratitude.
39. Neal Creative | click & Learn more
Neal Creative 息
Words cant describe how thankful I am.
I cant thank you enough.
I will never forget what you have done.
How can I show you how grateful I am?
Your generosity overwhelms me.
I truly appreciate you.
Thank you for helping me.
40. Neal Creative | click & Learn more
Neal Creative 息
Words cant describe how thankful I am.
I appreciate your time.
Consider yourself heartily thanked.
Please accept my deepest thanks.
All I can say is, Thanks!
Thank you for all your kindness.
How can I ever possibly thank you.
41. Neal Creative | click & Learn more
Neal Creative 息
If anyone can deserve thanks, its you.
I cannot express my appreciation.
Thanks for being there when I needed you.
I humbly thank you.
I wish to thank every one who pitched in.
I will forever be grateful.
It is hard to find words to express my gratitude.
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