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.....noblesse oblige......
i.e. if you are given much, much is expected of you
 A community is defined by the way it acts for its most
vulnerable and marginalised Tracey Bahen
.... connecting Head Heart and Hands ....
Our PLC Community
 Parent Committees
 Community Based Organisations
Our Focus
 Young women with self worth, sense of
purpose, resilient, happy, problem solvers, life-
 Visible Community Spirit
 Broad Based Education
 Sound sense of self...privileged, loved,
 Willingness to immerse/other centred
Service Learning
The experience of serving others using
ones skills, talents and knowledge in
a tangible and meaningful way is,
as it suggests, a learning experience.
Give to others, and God will
give to you. Indeed, you will
receive a full measure, a
generous helping poured into
your hands - all that you can
hold. The measure you use for
others is the one that God will
use for you
Luke 6:38
Helpers Halo
 Lowers Stress
 Greater Happiness
 Boosts Self Esteem
 Reduces Anger
 Builds Resilience
 Builds Relationships
PLC Service Leadership
You are like light for the whole world. A City
built on a hill cannot be hid. No one lights a
lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead he puts it
on the lamp stand, where it gives light for
everyone in the house. In the same way your
light must shine before people so that they will
see the good things you do and praise your
father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14
UCW Social Justice Conference 2014
Indicators of Engagement in
Community Service &
Anecdotal evidence, student reflections, verbal
discussions, parent involvement and student record of
hours all contribute to the general perception that the
PLC Service Culture has reason to celebrate.
Embracing Friendship
The following criteria act as possible indicators of active
engagement in Community and Service Learning.
 How many students do more than the minimum requirement in one
 How many community partnerships are maintained over two, five
and eight years or more?
 How many service hours and volunteers are recorded in one year?
 How many students achieve MYP Service Bookmark, Service
Leadership Certificate, Silver Badge, Gold Badge or Service
Leadership Pocket? CONTINUED
 How many service programs are there?
 How many new programs (if any) were added during the year?
 How accessible is information about the program to students?
 How accessible is information about the program to staff?
 How accessible is information about the program to parents?
 How often are student service learning outcomes shared and
 How many programs were embedded within curriculum?
 How many HTG organised service events?
 Service Leadership recorded:
 Semester reports
 Year 12 Certificate of Achievement
Service Learning
Indicators Reflections
 Describe some of the activities you undertook during your time
with this organisation/activities
 Did you enjoy your experience? Why or why not? How did you
 What new things have you learned (include skills, new
knowledge, emotions, new experience)?
 What do you think was gained by those you were helping?
 What was a challenge, or difficult for you?
 What was a highlight for you?
 If you would do this activity again, what would you change and
 What guidance would you give others who might consider this
 Why did you choose this action?
 What were the needs and how have your views changed in
relation to who you have served?
 How will you further contribute to this area of our community that
you served?
 Outline the personal qualities required to serve a community.
Relay For Life
 How do I perceive/feel about the country, the land?
 What do I observe about the indigenous peoples connection with the
land, their country? With each other? With me?
 Which role do stories, song, dance and rituals play in Aboriginal peoples
 What stories and songs have I heard, which rituals have I observed?
 Do you feel a spiritual connection? How would you describe this possible
spiritual connection?
 Describe in detail your reaction when meeting with one or two of the
Aboriginal people you are helping.
 Talk about what you have done with them and how that has made an
impact on them and you.
 What did I enjoy today?
 What made me feel uncomfortable?
 What made me wonder?
 What was completely new to me?
 What felt familiar?
 Which smells, tastes, sounds, views, emotions, physical
sensations stay with me at the end of the day?
 Which word in which Aboriginal language did I learn today?
 Today, what struck me in a positive way?
 Today, what struck me in a negative way?
 What feelings did I experience today? (e.g. failure, success,
indecision, doubt, anger, humour, frustration, happiness and
 What am I learning about society?
 What am I learning about myself?
 What questions arise for me so far?
 Describe in detail the environment in which you have spent the
day. Describe how your senses have absorbed the service you
were doing. The senses will help you tell stories of the places you
visited, the people you have met and help you reflect on your
reactions to the experience.
 Talk about what you SEE: What does the location where you
serve look like? How is it different to your usual environment?
Describe the faces and moods of the people you have been
working with. How do you think others see you?
 Talk about what you HEAR: What kind of sounds did you hear
during the day? Were they joyful sounds or did you hear
sadness? What kind of things did people say to you today?
Record some of the conversations you have had.
We are happy and thankful, Lord, that
you have given us this opportunity to be
a witness of Gods love in action.
Help us to remember that it is Christ
who works through us - we are merely
instruments for service.
Let us always remember it is not how
much we do but how much we put into
the doing.
.adapted from a poster welcoming volunteers to the
Mother Teresa House in Cambodia.

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UCW Social Justice Conference 2014

  • 1. WHAT MAKES FOR A CIVIL SOCIETY? .....noblesse oblige...... i.e. if you are given much, much is expected of you A community is defined by the way it acts for its most vulnerable and marginalised Tracey Bahen .... connecting Head Heart and Hands ....
  • 2. Our PLC Community Students Staff Families Council Parent Committees Community Based Organisations Other
  • 3. Our Focus Young women with self worth, sense of purpose, resilient, happy, problem solvers, life- skills Visible Community Spirit Broad Based Education Sound sense of self...privileged, loved, educated Willingness to immerse/other centred
  • 5. Service Learning The experience of serving others using ones skills, talents and knowledge in a tangible and meaningful way is, as it suggests, a learning experience.
  • 6. Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping poured into your hands - all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you Luke 6:38
  • 8. Helpers Halo Lowers Stress Greater Happiness Boosts Self Esteem Reduces Anger Builds Resilience Builds Relationships
  • 9. PLC Service Leadership Awards You are like light for the whole world. A City built on a hill cannot be hid. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead he puts it on the lamp stand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine before people so that they will see the good things you do and praise your father in heaven. Matthew 5:14
  • 11. Indicators of Engagement in Community Service & Learning Anecdotal evidence, student reflections, verbal discussions, parent involvement and student record of hours all contribute to the general perception that the PLC Service Culture has reason to celebrate.
  • 13. The following criteria act as possible indicators of active engagement in Community and Service Learning. How many students do more than the minimum requirement in one year? How many community partnerships are maintained over two, five and eight years or more? How many service hours and volunteers are recorded in one year? How many students achieve MYP Service Bookmark, Service Leadership Certificate, Silver Badge, Gold Badge or Service Leadership Pocket? CONTINUED
  • 14. How many service programs are there? How many new programs (if any) were added during the year? How accessible is information about the program to students? How accessible is information about the program to staff? How accessible is information about the program to parents? How often are student service learning outcomes shared and where? How many programs were embedded within curriculum? How many HTG organised service events? Service Leadership recorded: Semester reports Year 12 Certificate of Achievement
  • 16. Service Learning Indicators Reflections Describe some of the activities you undertook during your time with this organisation/activities Did you enjoy your experience? Why or why not? How did you respond? What new things have you learned (include skills, new knowledge, emotions, new experience)? What do you think was gained by those you were helping? What was a challenge, or difficult for you?
  • 17. What was a highlight for you? If you would do this activity again, what would you change and why? What guidance would you give others who might consider this activity? Why did you choose this action? What were the needs and how have your views changed in relation to who you have served? How will you further contribute to this area of our community that you served? Outline the personal qualities required to serve a community.
  • 19. How do I perceive/feel about the country, the land? What do I observe about the indigenous peoples connection with the land, their country? With each other? With me? Which role do stories, song, dance and rituals play in Aboriginal peoples lives? What stories and songs have I heard, which rituals have I observed? Do you feel a spiritual connection? How would you describe this possible spiritual connection? Describe in detail your reaction when meeting with one or two of the Aboriginal people you are helping. Talk about what you have done with them and how that has made an impact on them and you.
  • 20. What did I enjoy today? What made me feel uncomfortable? What made me wonder? What was completely new to me? What felt familiar? Which smells, tastes, sounds, views, emotions, physical sensations stay with me at the end of the day? Which word in which Aboriginal language did I learn today?
  • 22. Today, what struck me in a positive way? Today, what struck me in a negative way? What feelings did I experience today? (e.g. failure, success, indecision, doubt, anger, humour, frustration, happiness and sadness) What am I learning about society? What am I learning about myself? What questions arise for me so far?
  • 23. Describe in detail the environment in which you have spent the day. Describe how your senses have absorbed the service you were doing. The senses will help you tell stories of the places you visited, the people you have met and help you reflect on your reactions to the experience. Talk about what you SEE: What does the location where you serve look like? How is it different to your usual environment? Describe the faces and moods of the people you have been working with. How do you think others see you? Talk about what you HEAR: What kind of sounds did you hear during the day? Were they joyful sounds or did you hear sadness? What kind of things did people say to you today? Record some of the conversations you have had.
  • 25. We are happy and thankful, Lord, that you have given us this opportunity to be a witness of Gods love in action. Help us to remember that it is Christ who works through us - we are merely instruments for service. Let us always remember it is not how much we do but how much we put into the doing. .adapted from a poster welcoming volunteers to the Mother Teresa House in Cambodia.