Professor Alex Sandro Gomes apresenta a tecnologia Youubi no evento, que ocorre ┐s 16h no Pitch
A Ger┷ncia de Inova??o e Empreendedorismo do Centro de Inform│tica da UFPE, o CInove, promove a segunda edi??o do Tech Spin, evento que tem como objetivo a discuss?o de oportunidades de inova??o a partir de tecnologias geradas no Centro. O Tech Spin "Arquitetura de refer┷ncia para situa??es ub┴quas de aprendizagem^ acontece no dia 6 de outubro, ┐s 16h, no Pitch (quarto andar do Bloco E do CIn-UFPE) e └ aberto a todos os interessados, que podem se inscrever gratuitamente pelo Eventick:
A ideia do encontro └ reunir pesquisadores e empreendedores interessados em explorar as tecnologias desenvolvidas pelos alunos visando criar novos produtos e servi?os. A previs?o └ que o Tech Spin tenha edi??es mensais, trazendo sempre um palestrante convidado apresentando a tecnologia dispon┴vel aos participantes, que t┷m a oportunidade de desenvolver ideias de poss┴veis projetos inovadores, tudo sob a orienta??o da equipe do CInove.
Esta segunda edi??o traz Alex Sandro Gomes, professor e pesquisador do CIn-UFPE, apresentando a Youubi, tecnologia que └ uma arquitetura de refer┷ncia orientada a componentes. Youubi pode servir para coordenar situa??es de aprendizagem formais e informais no contexto urbano. Resultados recentes mostraram que este ambiente pode equilibrar aprendizagem e lazer, a partir da combina??o de recursos de gamifica??o, rede social e desafios, promovendo motiva??o e engajamento dos usu│rios. A tecnologia tamb└m └ destinada para situa??es de aprendizagem a curto prazo, e pode ser usada em muitos setores distintos, como educa??o, marketing experiencial, solu??es de cidades inteligentes, divers?o e outros.
This document summarizes a lecture about practical programming in Haskell. It discusses reading files, counting words, and improving performance. It shows how to:
1) Read a file into a bytestring for efficient processing, count the words, and print the result.
2) Use the Data.Text module for Unicode support when processing text files, reading the file as bytes and decoding to text before counting words.
3) Achieve performance comparable or better than C implementations when choosing efficient data representations like bytestrings and text.
HeartMath Pr?sentation 22/10 i AlbertslundStig Brandt
Foredrag og pr?sentation a HeaRt Management's produkter og services til h?ndtering af stress, angst, depression og smerte med det form?l, at opn? velv?re gl?de og energi, ved hj?lp af metoder og v?rkt?jer fra HeartMath.
This document summarizes a lecture about quaternions and how to represent them in Haskell using algebraic data types and type classes. It introduces quaternions, defines a Quaternion data type, and shows how to use data constructors to create and pattern match quaternion values. It also discusses type classes like Eq and Show that allow quaternions to be compared and printed by making Quaternion an instance of these classes. Finally, it provides homework problems about working with points and angles in 2D space.
Seven Domains of Predictability - BPMCM 2014Keith Swenson
This is an updated version of the seven domains of predictability that define the different types of process technology given at the BPM & Case Management summit in Washington DC Jun e2014
This document discusses adding new formations and plays to a single wing offense to give defenses more to think about. It presents several new play series numbered 000 to 300, including straight rushing plays, motion rushing plays, and half-spin passing plays. It also discusses using an unbalanced "A" formation to confuse defenses on how to align since they will not know whether it is a run or pass. The goal is to modernize the single wing with new passing tools to make it a more lethal and difficult to defend offense.
1. The document discusses techniques and coaching points for a "Flow Screen" play, including how to sell the play fake, block assignments for each position, and installation procedures.
2. It provides terminology for the play and illustrations of block assignments. Installation is broken into phases, starting with air drills and progressing to bag drills with live blocking.
3. Coaching points emphasize creating flow to one side of the defense before throwing back behind a wall of blockers, with the goal of separating defenders and creating running lanes for the ball carrier.
Orb24 is a secure digital portal that allows users to create a personalized Cyber Home to manage, store, and back up all personal and business media in one centralized location. It aims to provide an intuitive information management system and allows artists to easily convert, upload, and share digital copies of their work for publication or with friends and family. Orb24 helps filmmakers back up and share their work digitally in the web 2.0 era.
This document contains the table of contents for an online magazine called Pothiz published by It lists 14 short stories, poems and articles. The document also includes an introductory note from the publisher welcoming readers to the inaugural issue and highlighting some of the featured entries.
This document lists the titles of 7 artworks and the year they were created: Morning In Vertigo (1998), Pax et Lux (1998), Andrew (Youth) (1981), Father (1981), Jean Mayer (1996), Chaz (1998), and Valerie (1998).
Opus is a leading international consultancy specializing in civil engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, architecture, planning, and property and environmental services. It has over 1700 employees across New Zealand, Australia and the UK. David Taylor, an environmental engineer at Opus, presented on how the company can help projects through a two-stage review process to identify design issues and provide technical advice. Contact details are provided for those interested in the project review services.
By Pamela Hegg
A look at the results of a sabbatical studying the virtual world called Second Life. I would like to share the real life applications of this product to enrich yourself and engage your students in an immersive environment of avatars that fly, change appearance, teleport about the world, and share learning experiences.
1) Whrrl is a social media application that allows users to share stories consisting of photos, text, and location information. Stories can be collaborative with multiple contributors.
2) The document discusses why users should use Whrrl, including its novel approach of storytelling rather than just sharing photos and updates. Stories are seen as more powerful and durable than individual posts.
3) Instructions are provided on how to get started with Whrrl by creating an account on their website or downloading the iPhone app. Tutorials on the website provide guidance on using Whrrl's various features.
The document provides information about various gompas (monasteries) in Ladakh, India, located at high altitudes of around 11,000 feet. It describes the Hemis Gompa as the largest gompa in Ladakh, built in 1620. It also summarizes details about the Likir, Lamayuru, Alchi, Shey, Thikse, and Spituk gompas, including their founding histories, structures, and artifacts. It concludes with sections on festivals held at the gompas and how to travel to Ladakh to visit these religious sites.
Bia?ek E., Kryteria oceny relewantno?ci wynik┏w?w wyszukiwarkach internetowych i ich wykorzystanie do promocji witryn regionalnych, Wyd. WHSZ, S?upsk 2007.
These slides were first presented at the DesignWise November 2013 Social Media Breakfast in Door County WI. I added in some additional slides for this Web version that include some of the content of our discussion.
The Knowledge and Experience of Self-Referral Consciousness and the
Fulfillment of
Interdisciplinary Study
Samuel Y. Boothby
Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, Iowa
This document discusses adding new formations and plays to a single wing offense to give defenses more to think about. It presents several new play series numbered 000 to 300, including straight rushing plays, motion rushing plays, and half-spin passing plays. It also discusses using an unbalanced "A" formation to confuse defenses on how to align since they will not know whether it is a run or pass. The goal is to modernize the single wing with new passing tools to make it a more lethal and difficult to defend offense.
1. The document discusses techniques and coaching points for a "Flow Screen" play, including how to sell the play fake, block assignments for each position, and installation procedures.
2. It provides terminology for the play and illustrations of block assignments. Installation is broken into phases, starting with air drills and progressing to bag drills with live blocking.
3. Coaching points emphasize creating flow to one side of the defense before throwing back behind a wall of blockers, with the goal of separating defenders and creating running lanes for the ball carrier.
Orb24 is a secure digital portal that allows users to create a personalized Cyber Home to manage, store, and back up all personal and business media in one centralized location. It aims to provide an intuitive information management system and allows artists to easily convert, upload, and share digital copies of their work for publication or with friends and family. Orb24 helps filmmakers back up and share their work digitally in the web 2.0 era.
This document contains the table of contents for an online magazine called Pothiz published by It lists 14 short stories, poems and articles. The document also includes an introductory note from the publisher welcoming readers to the inaugural issue and highlighting some of the featured entries.
This document lists the titles of 7 artworks and the year they were created: Morning In Vertigo (1998), Pax et Lux (1998), Andrew (Youth) (1981), Father (1981), Jean Mayer (1996), Chaz (1998), and Valerie (1998).
Opus is a leading international consultancy specializing in civil engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, architecture, planning, and property and environmental services. It has over 1700 employees across New Zealand, Australia and the UK. David Taylor, an environmental engineer at Opus, presented on how the company can help projects through a two-stage review process to identify design issues and provide technical advice. Contact details are provided for those interested in the project review services.
By Pamela Hegg
A look at the results of a sabbatical studying the virtual world called Second Life. I would like to share the real life applications of this product to enrich yourself and engage your students in an immersive environment of avatars that fly, change appearance, teleport about the world, and share learning experiences.
1) Whrrl is a social media application that allows users to share stories consisting of photos, text, and location information. Stories can be collaborative with multiple contributors.
2) The document discusses why users should use Whrrl, including its novel approach of storytelling rather than just sharing photos and updates. Stories are seen as more powerful and durable than individual posts.
3) Instructions are provided on how to get started with Whrrl by creating an account on their website or downloading the iPhone app. Tutorials on the website provide guidance on using Whrrl's various features.
The document provides information about various gompas (monasteries) in Ladakh, India, located at high altitudes of around 11,000 feet. It describes the Hemis Gompa as the largest gompa in Ladakh, built in 1620. It also summarizes details about the Likir, Lamayuru, Alchi, Shey, Thikse, and Spituk gompas, including their founding histories, structures, and artifacts. It concludes with sections on festivals held at the gompas and how to travel to Ladakh to visit these religious sites.
Bia?ek E., Kryteria oceny relewantno?ci wynik┏w?w wyszukiwarkach internetowych i ich wykorzystanie do promocji witryn regionalnych, Wyd. WHSZ, S?upsk 2007.
These slides were first presented at the DesignWise November 2013 Social Media Breakfast in Door County WI. I added in some additional slides for this Web version that include some of the content of our discussion.
The Knowledge and Experience of Self-Referral Consciousness and the
Fulfillment of
Interdisciplinary Study
Samuel Y. Boothby
Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, Iowa