Deserts are arid regions with little vegetation that are characterized by extreme temperatures. The Sahara desert is the largest hot desert found in North Africa, covering over 8 million square kilometers across 11 countries. Temperatures in the Sahara can exceed 50°C during the day. Nomadic tribes such as the Bedouins and Tuaregs inhabit the Sahara and rely on livestock like camels for their livelihood. Ladakh is a high altitude cold desert in India with harsh winter conditions where people engage in farming during summer and festivals to pass winter months.
Metallic minerals contain metals and are generally found in igneous rocks. They can be melted to form new products and are vital for industrialization. Examples include iron ore, manganese, and copper. Non-metallic minerals do not contain metals or yield new products when melted. They are found in sedimentary rocks and examples include limestone and mica. Metallic and non-metallic minerals have different properties and uses.
Descripció dels elements d'un riu (longitud, afluent, conca i cabal) usant el riu Amaçones i comparant-lo amb altres rius. Destinat a ciències socials de primer d'ESO.
Deserts are arid regions with little vegetation that are characterized by extreme temperatures. The Sahara desert is the largest hot desert found in North Africa, covering over 8 million square kilometers across 11 countries. Temperatures in the Sahara can exceed 50°C during the day. Nomadic tribes such as the Bedouins and Tuaregs inhabit the Sahara and rely on livestock like camels for their livelihood. Ladakh is a high altitude cold desert in India with harsh winter conditions where people engage in farming during summer and festivals to pass winter months.
Metallic minerals contain metals and are generally found in igneous rocks. They can be melted to form new products and are vital for industrialization. Examples include iron ore, manganese, and copper. Non-metallic minerals do not contain metals or yield new products when melted. They are found in sedimentary rocks and examples include limestone and mica. Metallic and non-metallic minerals have different properties and uses.
Descripció dels elements d'un riu (longitud, afluent, conca i cabal) usant el riu Amaçones i comparant-lo amb altres rius. Destinat a ciències socials de primer d'ESO.
5. FT-42-GN-400
És el de les zones pròximes al mar. La costa pot ser de dos tipus:
Alta ïƒ Amb penya – segats, quan les muntanyes arriben fins al mar.
Baixa ïƒ Amb platges, quan les terres que són al costat del mar són planes.
Formes de la costa