Building Communities Online presentation: Commodity or Community?Tara Hunt
The document contrasts the concepts of community and commodity in business. It notes that community is more complex and slow-growing than commodity, but can create excellent customer experiences and benefit all parties. Some tips for focusing on community over being a commodity include finding ways for customers to win, creating open communication, being authentic, developing a personality, rewarding customers, and prioritizing community over other goals. Building community takes time, patience, introspection and honesty.
Este documento apresenta o processo de modelagem de processos do PMI Recife, Pernambuco Brazil Chapter para otimizar e padronizar seus projetos de certifica巽達o e educa巽達o. O documento discute a estrutura do programa de grupos de estudo para certifica巽達o, n炭meros e reconhecimento do cap鱈tulo, an叩lise e modelagem de processos, e prospec巽達o de volunt叩rios.
This slide deck gives a brief overview of electro-horticulture - the science of optimizing the growth of plants using electricity. Also known as electroculture, plants grown under the influence of electric fields have been known to experience an increase in growth rate, faster maturation of fruit, and significant increases in yield, amongst other effects.
This document provides an overview of HiP's B2B demand generation services. HiP is a New York-based agency that offers lead generation, engagement data services, and historical behavior scoring to help clients attract qualified leads. HiP builds targeted lists from its proprietary B2B database, creates customized content, and runs multi-broadcast email campaigns to deliver qualified leads on a cost-per-lead basis. HiP also verifies contact information for all leads through phone calls before delivery.
The document summarizes the history and origins of judo, including that it was founded in 1532 as a martial art called Takenouchi-ryu and was derived from jujitsu. It describes how Dr. Jigoro Kano studied ancient self-defense forms and integrated them into a sport called Kodokan Judo. Kano is considered the "Father of Judo" and helped develop Japanese athletics and sports.
My first presentation (out of three) in the Master on European and Global Governance by the Institute for European Global Studies (University of Basel, Switzerland).
An analysis of the global food system (production, consumption and crisis) and the two different sub-systems that conform it: the industrial food systema and the peasant's food web.
The document provides two mnemonics, SCASI and SPECS SLIMS, for analyzing prose, drama, and poetry. SCASI is best for analyzing prose and drama by examining the setting, characters, action, style, and ideas in a text. SPECS SLIMS is for analyzing poetry by examining the subject, purpose, emotion, craftsmanship, and summary, as well as the structure, language, imagery, mood, and sensory imagery. The document also outlines the criteria used by the International Option Certificate (IOC) exam for evaluating students' analysis, including their knowledge, interpretation, presentation skills, and use of language.
El documento describe tres estrechamientos normales del es坦fago, la acalasia que causa la incapacidad del esf鱈nter esof叩gico inferior para relajarse, y la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesof叩gico que ocurre cuando el contenido g叩strico refluye hacia el es坦fago. Provee detalles sobre la fisiopatolog鱈a, diagn坦stico y tratamiento m辿dico y quir炭rgico de estas afecciones esof叩gicas.
Direito do Trabalho - Repouso Semanal Remunerado e Descanso em FeriadosPreOnline
Conte炭do Gratuito de Direito do Trabalho para concursos p炭blicos - Repouso Semanal Remunerado e Descanso em Feriados. Mentor Concursos. Professora Alessandra Parreiras.
Cursos Gr叩tis (V鱈deo Aulas):
Atos de Of鱈cio - Da verifica巽達o dos prazos e das penalidadesPreOnline
Conte炭do Gratuito para concurso TJMG. Atos de Of鱈cio de acordo com o Novo CPC (C坦digo de Processo Civil). Mentor Concursos. Professor Charley Teixeira.
Cursos Gr叩tis (V鱈deo Aulas):
Direito do Trabalho - Rescis達o ContratualPreOnline
O documento descreve as verbas rescis坦rias devidas em cada forma de extin巽達o do contrato de trabalho de acordo com a CLT, incluindo FGTS, 13o sal叩rio e f辿rias. Tamb辿m lista as faltas que permitem a dispensa por justa causa sem direito ao saque do FGTS.
O documento discute as fontes do direito do trabalho no Brasil. Ele explica que as fontes formais podem ser heter担nomas ou aut担nomas e lista exemplos de cada uma. Tamb辿m estabelece a hierarquia entre essas fontes e menciona que a norma mais favor叩vel deve prevalecer. Por fim, descreve fontes subsidi叩rias como jurisprud棚ncia, analogia, equidade e princ鱈pios que podem ser usados quando n達o h叩 previs達o na legisla巽達o.
Este documento contiene varios ejemplos de canciones de cuna y retah鱈las infantiles en espa単ol. Incluye nanas como "A la ru ru, nene" y "Du辿rmete mi ni単o", as鱈 como retah鱈las como "Me cepillo los dientes" que se usan en juegos. Las canciones de cuna suelen tener ritmos suaves y letras para arrullar a los beb辿s, mientras que las retah鱈las se usan en juegos infantiles.
Since the beginning of the social web, marketers have been trying to figure out what it is that creates buzz online? Is it that funny viral YouTube video? Witty real-time twitter banter? A big enough budget on that Facebook video? Kylie Jenners instagram?
Well, Im going to tell you today that it is NONE of those things, but its also NOT rocket science.
The biggest factor that will determine how quickly something travels through a network is
I guess youll just have to click through the presentation to find out.
This talk was given at Social Media Camp in Victoria, BC on May 7, 2016.
Portugu棚s para concursos p炭blicos - Adv辿rbioPreOnline
Conte炭do Gratuito de Portugu棚s para concursos p炭blicos- Adv辿rbio. Mentor Concursos. Professora Raquel Ces叩rio
Cursos Gr叩tis (V鱈deo Aulas):
Moving Towards Insights-Driven StrategiesTara Hunt
There are lots of analytics you can pull when you are working with a large audience to determine what people like/don't like, but there is also a lot of behavioural/interest data that can be used to determine what they will respond to as you are planning your strategies. This presentation was given at Inbound 2015 in Boston (September 8-11).
My first presentation (out of three) in the Master on European and Global Governance by the Institute for European Global Studies (University of Basel, Switzerland).
An analysis of the global food system (production, consumption and crisis) and the two different sub-systems that conform it: the industrial food systema and the peasant's food web.
The document provides two mnemonics, SCASI and SPECS SLIMS, for analyzing prose, drama, and poetry. SCASI is best for analyzing prose and drama by examining the setting, characters, action, style, and ideas in a text. SPECS SLIMS is for analyzing poetry by examining the subject, purpose, emotion, craftsmanship, and summary, as well as the structure, language, imagery, mood, and sensory imagery. The document also outlines the criteria used by the International Option Certificate (IOC) exam for evaluating students' analysis, including their knowledge, interpretation, presentation skills, and use of language.
El documento describe tres estrechamientos normales del es坦fago, la acalasia que causa la incapacidad del esf鱈nter esof叩gico inferior para relajarse, y la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesof叩gico que ocurre cuando el contenido g叩strico refluye hacia el es坦fago. Provee detalles sobre la fisiopatolog鱈a, diagn坦stico y tratamiento m辿dico y quir炭rgico de estas afecciones esof叩gicas.
Direito do Trabalho - Repouso Semanal Remunerado e Descanso em FeriadosPreOnline
Conte炭do Gratuito de Direito do Trabalho para concursos p炭blicos - Repouso Semanal Remunerado e Descanso em Feriados. Mentor Concursos. Professora Alessandra Parreiras.
Cursos Gr叩tis (V鱈deo Aulas):
Atos de Of鱈cio - Da verifica巽達o dos prazos e das penalidadesPreOnline
Conte炭do Gratuito para concurso TJMG. Atos de Of鱈cio de acordo com o Novo CPC (C坦digo de Processo Civil). Mentor Concursos. Professor Charley Teixeira.
Cursos Gr叩tis (V鱈deo Aulas):
Direito do Trabalho - Rescis達o ContratualPreOnline
O documento descreve as verbas rescis坦rias devidas em cada forma de extin巽達o do contrato de trabalho de acordo com a CLT, incluindo FGTS, 13o sal叩rio e f辿rias. Tamb辿m lista as faltas que permitem a dispensa por justa causa sem direito ao saque do FGTS.
O documento discute as fontes do direito do trabalho no Brasil. Ele explica que as fontes formais podem ser heter担nomas ou aut担nomas e lista exemplos de cada uma. Tamb辿m estabelece a hierarquia entre essas fontes e menciona que a norma mais favor叩vel deve prevalecer. Por fim, descreve fontes subsidi叩rias como jurisprud棚ncia, analogia, equidade e princ鱈pios que podem ser usados quando n達o h叩 previs達o na legisla巽達o.
Este documento contiene varios ejemplos de canciones de cuna y retah鱈las infantiles en espa単ol. Incluye nanas como "A la ru ru, nene" y "Du辿rmete mi ni単o", as鱈 como retah鱈las como "Me cepillo los dientes" que se usan en juegos. Las canciones de cuna suelen tener ritmos suaves y letras para arrullar a los beb辿s, mientras que las retah鱈las se usan en juegos infantiles.
Since the beginning of the social web, marketers have been trying to figure out what it is that creates buzz online? Is it that funny viral YouTube video? Witty real-time twitter banter? A big enough budget on that Facebook video? Kylie Jenners instagram?
Well, Im going to tell you today that it is NONE of those things, but its also NOT rocket science.
The biggest factor that will determine how quickly something travels through a network is
I guess youll just have to click through the presentation to find out.
This talk was given at Social Media Camp in Victoria, BC on May 7, 2016.
Portugu棚s para concursos p炭blicos - Adv辿rbioPreOnline
Conte炭do Gratuito de Portugu棚s para concursos p炭blicos- Adv辿rbio. Mentor Concursos. Professora Raquel Ces叩rio
Cursos Gr叩tis (V鱈deo Aulas):
Moving Towards Insights-Driven StrategiesTara Hunt
There are lots of analytics you can pull when you are working with a large audience to determine what people like/don't like, but there is also a lot of behavioural/interest data that can be used to determine what they will respond to as you are planning your strategies. This presentation was given at Inbound 2015 in Boston (September 8-11).