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Shelia Kary
OST 284 Emerging Technologies
Final Exam
I like Yelp because you can go to this site for restaurants choices, shopping
choices, and spas. Its site is user friendly. You just pick what section you
want help with and it pulls up many places for you to research. I like the
colors of the site as well. This will be my go too if I am not sure where I may
want to eat at when I am out and about.
I loved Wordle. It was a lot of fun learning the different things you can create.
I loved being able to pick the different colors, making different designs,
and changing the font type.
It was just really neat and seeing what the
finished work can look like.
I see this becoming something
I would use for parties as
a decoration tool.
 Wayback Machine
I like this because it was interesting to be able to click on something and it
show me when it was last archived or updated. I thought it was very easy to
use. It was also a colorful site that pops out at you when you first open it up.
For future use, I can help my children use this for homework assignments.
 My Alltop
This was neat. You simply log-in, click the + sign and then the article you click
to add is then added to your custom page. This was very easy to set-up.
Some sites take a little longer but this was really click. I can use this to keep
things updated for others to view my feeds through Facebook and Twitter.
I really like Facebook because I can keep up with old friends, new friends, and
family. It stands out to me because I like seeing what is going on in peoples
lives. I like the fact I can share what anyone puts on my page. Its fun when
you are playing games and people can invite you to play new ones or even
send you a new life, if you run out. I will continue to use it for those reasons
and it is just plain old fun.
This was too much like Facebook to me. You can follow people, have people
follow you, post what you like that someone else may have posted (retweets).
While they are different, you can keep up with people that you have not
talked to in a while. You can have friends and see what they are tweeting and
then retweet what they have tweeted. Its just boring to me.
I was not impressed with Flickr. There is not a keyboard support with this
technology. You must assign a different name to every image and you also
have no control over the image on your start page. I for one, like to have the
keyboard support. I sometimes name pictures the same if its something I
want to have grouped together, it makes sense to me, but it will not do it that
 Google yourself for safety.
I did not like this technology at all. It is scary to think someone can just type
in our name and find out information on us. They can see our pictures that
we have out there. They can find out your birthdate, address, how many
times you have been married, even how many children you may have. There
really is no privacy anymore.
There is no structure for tagging things which means you could tag something
incorrectly. Its too personalized so others may have trouble trying to
understand what you mean. It is also very easy to get spam with this
This technology was okay but it takes a while to get to the site. Then you
have to create your flash cards. You have to make sure you save your
password someplace so you get to it if you are somewhere other than your
personal computer. I would rather just type up study guides, etc. in a word
document and put it in my dropbox and then I have it anywhere to share with
a study partner or just use it on my own.

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Powerpoint exam

  • 1. Shelia Kary OST 284 Emerging Technologies Final Exam
  • 2. Yelp I like Yelp because you can go to this site for restaurants choices, shopping choices, and spas. Its site is user friendly. You just pick what section you want help with and it pulls up many places for you to research. I like the colors of the site as well. This will be my go too if I am not sure where I may want to eat at when I am out and about.
  • 3. Wordle I loved Wordle. It was a lot of fun learning the different things you can create. I loved being able to pick the different colors, making different designs, and changing the font type. It was just really neat and seeing what the finished work can look like. I see this becoming something I would use for parties as a decoration tool.
  • 4. Wayback Machine I like this because it was interesting to be able to click on something and it show me when it was last archived or updated. I thought it was very easy to use. It was also a colorful site that pops out at you when you first open it up. For future use, I can help my children use this for homework assignments.
  • 5. My Alltop This was neat. You simply log-in, click the + sign and then the article you click to add is then added to your custom page. This was very easy to set-up. Some sites take a little longer but this was really click. I can use this to keep things updated for others to view my feeds through Facebook and Twitter.
  • 6. Facebook I really like Facebook because I can keep up with old friends, new friends, and family. It stands out to me because I like seeing what is going on in peoples lives. I like the fact I can share what anyone puts on my page. Its fun when you are playing games and people can invite you to play new ones or even send you a new life, if you run out. I will continue to use it for those reasons and it is just plain old fun.
  • 7. Twitter This was too much like Facebook to me. You can follow people, have people follow you, post what you like that someone else may have posted (retweets). While they are different, you can keep up with people that you have not talked to in a while. You can have friends and see what they are tweeting and then retweet what they have tweeted. Its just boring to me.
  • 8. Flickr I was not impressed with Flickr. There is not a keyboard support with this technology. You must assign a different name to every image and you also have no control over the image on your start page. I for one, like to have the keyboard support. I sometimes name pictures the same if its something I want to have grouped together, it makes sense to me, but it will not do it that way.
  • 9. Google yourself for safety. I did not like this technology at all. It is scary to think someone can just type in our name and find out information on us. They can see our pictures that we have out there. They can find out your birthdate, address, how many times you have been married, even how many children you may have. There really is no privacy anymore.
  • 10. Delicious There is no structure for tagging things which means you could tag something incorrectly. Its too personalized so others may have trouble trying to understand what you mean. It is also very easy to get spam with this technology.
  • 11. Quizlet This technology was okay but it takes a while to get to the site. Then you have to create your flash cards. You have to make sure you save your password someplace so you get to it if you are somewhere other than your personal computer. I would rather just type up study guides, etc. in a word document and put it in my dropbox and then I have it anywhere to share with a study partner or just use it on my own.