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Two Semesters:
Semester 1:   September - January
Semester 2:   February  June

Assessment Reporting Periods
        per Semester:
1. Mid-term report card and Student Led
2. Final report card
Five Periods Per Day
         Period 1: 8:55 - 10:00
         Period 2: 10:05 - 11:05
         Period 3: 11:10 - 12:10
         Lunch:    12:10 - 1:00
         Period 4: 1:05 - 2:05
         Period 5: 2:10 - 3:10

These are the current bell times we use but they may
  change depending on next years school calendar.
Programs Offered
TMSS offers Three Programs
    One Class = One Credit
    Classes # 10 - Grade 10
    Classes # 20 - Grade 11
    Classes # 30 - Grade 12
Programs Offered
TMSS offers Three Programs

    Classes # 11 - Grade 10
    Classes # 21 - Grade 11
    Classes # 31 - Grade 12
Programs Offered
TMSS offers Three Programs

    Classes # 18 - Grade 10
    Classes # 28 - Grade 11
    Classes # 38 - Grade 12
                    Ten Credits
   English Language Arts A 10
   English Language Arts B 10
   History 10
   Science 10
   Workplace and Apprenticeship Math 10
   Foundations/Pre-Calculus Math 10
   Wellness 10
   3 Electives (at least one from the Arts Education
    or Practical & Applied Arts section)
Workplace & Apprenticeship
           This pathway is designed for
              students interested in
              learning the mathematics
              needed to enter most trades
              or to enter the workforce
              after high school.
             Note: Some technical school
              programs that require study
              in calculus will not accept this
              pathway for admission.
Foundations of Mathematics
           This pathway is designed
            for students who want to
            attend a university, college,
            or technical institute after
            high school, but do not
            need calculus skills.
           Students will study the
            greatest variety of
            mathematical topics in
            these courses. This path
            will fulfill most students'
    This pathway is designed for
     students who want to study
     mathematics or sciences at a
     university, college, or
     technical institute and go on
     to a related career.
    Pre-Calculus is for students
     who plan to enter post-
     secondary programs such as
     engineering, mathematics,
     sciences, some business
     studies, or other programs
     that require calculus.
             Graduation Requirement

         Compulsory Mathematics Courses
         GRADE 10                      GRADE 11               GRADE 12
Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10 Foundations of Math 20
OR                            OR
Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 Pre-Calculus 20
                              Workplace & Apprenticeship 20
Graduation Requirement
Compulsory Science Courses
    GRADE 10      GRADE 11 or 12
 Science 10    Biology 20 or 30
               Physics 20
               Chemistry 20
               Computer Science 20
     Graduation Requirement
Compulsory Social Science Courses
 GRADE 10     GRADE 11        GRADE 12
 History 10   History 20      History 30
              OR              OR
              Psychology 20   Native Studies 30
              Psychology 30
              Law 30
   Graduation Requirement

Compulsory Health Education/Physical
         Education Course
   GRADE 10         GRADE 11          GRADE 12
      Wellness 10 OR Phys Ed 20 OR Phys Ed 30
SECONDARY SUBJECT SELECTION FORM 2013-2014                        NAME:____________________________

                        Place an X in the box of the COMPULSORY classes you will be taking.
Number(1, 2, 3...) in order of preference the ELECTIVES you would like to take (include 2 alternate choices)
             You may choose any grade level electives provided the pre-requisites have been met.
             Grade 11 and 12 students, remember to circle the number of classes you want to take.
GRADE 10 -must choose 10 classes             GRADE 11 - minimum 9 classes     GRADE 12 - minimum 8 classes
            COMPULSORY                                COMPULSORY                       COMPULSORY
English Language Arts A10                 English Language Arts 20*        English Language Arts A30*
English Language Arts B10                 At least one of the following:   English Language Arts B30*
Workplace & Apprenticeship 10             History 20*                      At least one of the following:
Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10             Law 30*                          History 30*
Science 10                                Psychology 20*                   Native Studies 30*
Wellness 10                               Psychology 30*                                 ELECTIVES
History 10                                At least one of the following:   Science
              ELECTIVES                   Biology 20*                      Biology 30*
Arts Education                            Chemistry 20*                    Chemistry 30*
Band 10                                   Computer Science 20*             Computer Science 30*
Choral 10                                 Physics 20*                      Physics 30*
Visual Arts 10                            At least one of the following:   Math
Practical & Applied Arts                  Workplace & Apprenticeship 20*   Workplace & Apprenticeship 30*
Accounting 10                             Foundations of Math 20*          Foundations of Math 30*
Career & Work Exp. 10/20                  Pre-Calculus 20*                 Pre-Calculus 30*
Design Studies 10                                       ELECTIVES          Calculus 30*
Food Studies 10                           Language                         Arts Education
PAA 10A (Cosmo, Quilting)                 Creative Writing 20              Band 30*
PAA 10B (Ind. Arts)                       Journalism 20                    Drama 30
Welding 10                                Media Studies 20                 Visual Arts 30*
                                          Arts Education                   Practical & Applied Arts
*Requires a pre-requisite                 Band 20*                         Career & Work Exp. 30A&B
   For subject descriptions with pre-     Drama 20                         Construction/Carpentry 30*
                                          Visual Arts 20*                  Food Studies 30
 requisites listed, refer to the Subject
                                          Practical & Applied Arts         Life Transition 30
            Selection Guide.              Accounting 20*                   Wildlife Management 30
                                          Construction/Carpentry 20*       Other
2 courses from Arts Education and/or Life Transitions 20                   Computer Animation 30*
 Practical & Applied Arts are required PAA 20A (Commercial Cooking)        Leadership 30
                                          PAA 20B (Photo/21st Skills/Comm) Personal Finance 30
             for graduation.
                                          Welding 20*                      Physical Education 30
   The selections made have been          Computer Animation 20*
                                          Outdoor Ed 20*(Bio20+PE20)        I will be taking this many classes
      checked for pre-requisites.
                                          Physical Education 20
____________________________                                                      8             9            10
Ms. C. Wright-Fulton                                                                  Please circle one

To be completed by Parent/Guardian and Student - We understand that this application is used to staff and plan the
 coming year. We agree with the school policy that students are expected to continue in the courses selected for each
       semester. If a change in the course selected is necessary we will promptly notify the school at 873-2352.

____________________________________________                            ________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature                                                Student Signature
Three Year Planning Guide
     A Recommended Strategy for Meeting Minimum Core Curriculum Requirements at Tisdale Middle &Secondary School

           Grade 10                                  Grade 11                                        Grade 12
 Compulsory:                                Compulsory:                                     Compulsory:
 English 10 A                               English 20                                      English 30 A
 English 10 B                               At least one of:                                English 30 B
                                            Biology 20
 History 10                                                                                 At least one Canadian
                                            Chemistry 20
 Science 10                                 Computer Science 20                             Studies:
                                            Physics 20                                      History 30
 Math Workplace/App. 10                                                                     Native Studies 30
 Math Foundations 10                        At least one of:
                                            Math Workplace/App. 20
 Wellness 10
                                            Math Foundations 20
                                            Math Pre-Calculus 20
                                                                             At least one Social Science:
                                                                              History 20
                                                                              Law 30
                                                                              Psychology 20
                                                                              Psychology 30

                    At least two Arts Education or Practical & Applied Arts at the 10, 20 or 30 level:
                    Accounting, Band, Career & Work Exploration, Design Studies, Drama, Foods,
                          Life Transitions, PAA, Visual Art, Welding, Wildlife Management

 Electives:                                 Electives:                                      Electives:
 ________________________                   __________________________                      ________________________
 ________________________                   __________________________                      ________________________
 ________________________                   __________________________                      ________________________
 ________________________                   __________________________                      ________________________
 ________________________                   __________________________                      ________________________
 ________________________                   __________________________                      ________________________
 ________________________                                                                   ________________________

                                         Total minimum classes to take = 9              Total minimum classes to take = 8
Total minimum classes to take = 10
                                         Grade 10 + 11 = 16 minimum to be               (5 must be at 30 level)
                                         promoted to grade 12.                          To graduate you must have 24 credits.

 For detailed listing of electives please consult the Subject Selection Guide.
 * Students planning to pursue a post-secondary education of any kind should consult with Student
 Services to check program requirements before selecting their classes.
Apprenticeship 20 or 30
 If you are employed in an apprenticeship trades
  program, you can apply to participate in this
  course. Students must work 100 hours in a
  trade to receive this credit. There is a
  possibility to acquire this class over the
  summer. Applications for this course are made
  at Student Services, to Ms. Wright-Fulton.
Saskatchewan Youth
  1. To introduce apprenticeship and trade certification process
  2. Create awareness of apprenticeship programs and opportunities
  3. Make connections between high school programs and skilled trades
Entry Requirements:
  Saskatchewan secondary students who are 15 years of age and meet one
  of the following:
  揃 Experience with part-time or seasonal employment
  揃 Registered in a trade-related Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) course
  揃 Register in Career and Work Exploration 10, 20 or 30
  揃 Get a head start on career planning
  揃 Record achievements for resumes and career portfolios
  揃 Youth registering as an apprentice in a designated trade within three
  years receive:
  1. Waiver of registration fee ($150.)
  2. Waiver of the first level of technical training tuition
  3. 100 hours of trade time credit per SYA level completed
Choral 10

 This course is designed to provide an
  atmosphere for the enjoyment, appreciation
  and performance of all types of choral music.
  The Choir will perform evening concerts as well
  as other special events. Attendance at these
  performances and dress rehearsals are a
  course requirement. The choral program and
  instruction are aligned to the Saskatchewan
  Curriculum Guide and the 9 National Standards
  for Music Education.
SECONDARY SUBJECT SELECTION FORM 2013-2014                        NAME:____________________________

                        Place an X in the box of the COMPULSORY classes you will be taking.
Number(1, 2, 3...) in order of preference the ELECTIVES you would like to take (include 2 alternate choices)
             You may choose any grade level electives provided the pre-requisites have been met.
             Grade 11 and 12 students, remember to circle the number of classes you want to take.
GRADE 10 -must choose 10 classes             GRADE 11 - minimum 9 classes     GRADE 12 - minimum 8 classes
            COMPULSORY                                COMPULSORY                       COMPULSORY
English Language Arts A10                 English Language Arts 20*        English Language Arts A30*
English Language Arts B10                 At least one of the following:   English Language Arts B30*
Workplace & Apprenticeship 10             History 20*                      At least one of the following:
Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10             Law 30*                          History 30*
Science 10                                Psychology 20*                   Native Studies 30*
Wellness 10                               Psychology 30*                                 ELECTIVES
History 10                                At least one of the following:   Science
              ELECTIVES                   Biology 20*                      Biology 30*
Arts Education                            Chemistry 20*                    Chemistry 30*
Band 10                                   Computer Science 20*             Computer Science 30*
Choral 10                                 Physics 20*                      Physics 30*
Visual Arts 10                            At least one of the following:   Math
Practical & Applied Arts                  Workplace & Apprenticeship 20*   Workplace & Apprenticeship 30*
Accounting 10                             Foundations of Math 20*          Foundations of Math 30*
Career & Work Exp. 10/20                  Pre-Calculus 20*                 Pre-Calculus 30*
Design Studies 10                                       ELECTIVES          Calculus 30*
Food Studies 10                           Language                         Arts Education
PAA 10A (Cosmo, Quilting)                 Creative Writing 20              Band 30*
PAA 10B (Ind. Arts)                       Journalism 20                    Drama 30
Welding 10                                Media Studies 20                 Visual Arts 30*
                                          Arts Education                   Practical & Applied Arts
*Requires a pre-requisite                 Band 20*                         Career & Work Exp. 30A&B
   For subject descriptions with pre-     Drama 20                         Construction/Carpentry 30*
                                          Visual Arts 20*                  Food Studies 30
 requisites listed, refer to the Subject
                                          Practical & Applied Arts         Life Transition 30
            Selection Guide.              Accounting 20*                   Wildlife Management 30
                                          Construction/Carpentry 20*       Other
2 courses from Arts Education and/or Life Transitions 20                   Computer Animation 30*
 Practical & Applied Arts are required PAA 20A (Commercial Cooking)        Leadership 30
                                          PAA 20B (Photo/21st Skills/Comm) Personal Finance 30
             for graduation.
                                          Welding 20*                      Physical Education 30
   The selections made have been          Computer Animation 20*
                                          Outdoor Ed 20*(Bio20+PE20)        I will be taking this many classes
      checked for pre-requisites.
                                          Physical Education 20
____________________________                                                      8             9            10
Ms. C. Wright-Fulton                                                                  Please circle one

To be completed by Parent/Guardian and Student - We understand that this application is used to staff and plan the
 coming year. We agree with the school policy that students are expected to continue in the courses selected for each
       semester. If a change in the course selected is necessary we will promptly notify the school at 873-2352.

____________________________________________                            ________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature                                                Student Signature
Clubs and Activities
           GET INVOLVED

    Badminton               Football
    Basketball       Golf (Spring and Fall)
   Business Club           In Motion
    Chess Club            Intramurals
Chums (Mentorship)       Photography
  Cross Country      SIAST Robot Rumble
      Curling          Softball (sr. girls)
      Drama                   SRC
 Earth Adventures       Track and Field
    Envirothon             Volleyball


    Have a Nice Evening!

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Pp gr 9 reg 2013

  • 2. Two Semesters: Semester 1: September - January Semester 2: February June Assessment Reporting Periods per Semester: 1. Mid-term report card and Student Led Conferences 2. Final report card
  • 3. Five Periods Per Day Period 1: 8:55 - 10:00 Period 2: 10:05 - 11:05 Period 3: 11:10 - 12:10 Lunch: 12:10 - 1:00 Period 4: 1:05 - 2:05 Period 5: 2:10 - 3:10 These are the current bell times we use but they may change depending on next years school calendar.
  • 4. Programs Offered TMSS offers Three Programs 1. REGULAR PROGRAM One Class = One Credit Classes # 10 - Grade 10 Classes # 20 - Grade 11 Classes # 30 - Grade 12
  • 5. Programs Offered TMSS offers Three Programs 2. MODIFIED PROGRAM Classes # 11 - Grade 10 Classes # 21 - Grade 11 Classes # 31 - Grade 12
  • 6. Programs Offered TMSS offers Three Programs 3. ALTERNATE PROGRAM Classes # 18 - Grade 10 Classes # 28 - Grade 11 Classes # 38 - Grade 12
  • 7. GRADE TEN REQUIREMENTS Ten Credits English Language Arts A 10 English Language Arts B 10 History 10 Science 10 Workplace and Apprenticeship Math 10 Foundations/Pre-Calculus Math 10 Wellness 10 3 Electives (at least one from the Arts Education or Practical & Applied Arts section)
  • 9. Workplace & Apprenticeship Mathematics This pathway is designed for students interested in learning the mathematics needed to enter most trades or to enter the workforce after high school. Note: Some technical school programs that require study in calculus will not accept this pathway for admission.
  • 10. Foundations of Mathematics This pathway is designed for students who want to attend a university, college, or technical institute after high school, but do not need calculus skills. Students will study the greatest variety of mathematical topics in these courses. This path will fulfill most students' needs.
  • 11. Pre-Calculus This pathway is designed for students who want to study mathematics or sciences at a university, college, or technical institute and go on to a related career. Pre-Calculus is for students who plan to enter post- secondary programs such as engineering, mathematics, sciences, some business studies, or other programs that require calculus.
  • 12. MATH PROGRAM Graduation Requirement Compulsory Mathematics Courses GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10 Foundations of Math 20 OR OR Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 Pre-Calculus 20 OR Workplace & Apprenticeship 20
  • 13. SCIENCE PROGRAM Graduation Requirement Compulsory Science Courses GRADE 10 GRADE 11 or 12 Science 10 Biology 20 or 30 OR Physics 20 OR Chemistry 20 OR Computer Science 20
  • 14. SOCIAL SCIENCES Graduation Requirement Compulsory Social Science Courses GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 History 10 History 20 History 30 OR OR Psychology 20 Native Studies 30 OR Psychology 30 OR Law 30
  • 15. WELLNESS & PHYSICAL EDUCATION Graduation Requirement Compulsory Health Education/Physical Education Course GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Wellness 10 OR Phys Ed 20 OR Phys Ed 30
  • 16. SECONDARY SUBJECT SELECTION FORM 2013-2014 NAME:____________________________ Place an X in the box of the COMPULSORY classes you will be taking. Number(1, 2, 3...) in order of preference the ELECTIVES you would like to take (include 2 alternate choices) You may choose any grade level electives provided the pre-requisites have been met. Grade 11 and 12 students, remember to circle the number of classes you want to take. GRADE 10 -must choose 10 classes GRADE 11 - minimum 9 classes GRADE 12 - minimum 8 classes COMPULSORY COMPULSORY COMPULSORY English Language Arts A10 English Language Arts 20* English Language Arts A30* English Language Arts B10 At least one of the following: English Language Arts B30* Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 History 20* At least one of the following: Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10 Law 30* History 30* Science 10 Psychology 20* Native Studies 30* Wellness 10 Psychology 30* ELECTIVES History 10 At least one of the following: Science ELECTIVES Biology 20* Biology 30* Arts Education Chemistry 20* Chemistry 30* Band 10 Computer Science 20* Computer Science 30* Choral 10 Physics 20* Physics 30* Visual Arts 10 At least one of the following: Math Practical & Applied Arts Workplace & Apprenticeship 20* Workplace & Apprenticeship 30* Accounting 10 Foundations of Math 20* Foundations of Math 30* Career & Work Exp. 10/20 Pre-Calculus 20* Pre-Calculus 30* Design Studies 10 ELECTIVES Calculus 30* Food Studies 10 Language Arts Education PAA 10A (Cosmo, Quilting) Creative Writing 20 Band 30* PAA 10B (Ind. Arts) Journalism 20 Drama 30 Welding 10 Media Studies 20 Visual Arts 30* Arts Education Practical & Applied Arts *Requires a pre-requisite Band 20* Career & Work Exp. 30A&B For subject descriptions with pre- Drama 20 Construction/Carpentry 30* Visual Arts 20* Food Studies 30 requisites listed, refer to the Subject Practical & Applied Arts Life Transition 30 Selection Guide. Accounting 20* Wildlife Management 30 Construction/Carpentry 20* Other 2 courses from Arts Education and/or Life Transitions 20 Computer Animation 30* Practical & Applied Arts are required PAA 20A (Commercial Cooking) Leadership 30 PAA 20B (Photo/21st Skills/Comm) Personal Finance 30 for graduation. Welding 20* Physical Education 30 Other The selections made have been Computer Animation 20* Outdoor Ed 20*(Bio20+PE20) I will be taking this many classes checked for pre-requisites. Physical Education 20 ____________________________ 8 9 10 Ms. C. Wright-Fulton Please circle one To be completed by Parent/Guardian and Student - We understand that this application is used to staff and plan the coming year. We agree with the school policy that students are expected to continue in the courses selected for each semester. If a change in the course selected is necessary we will promptly notify the school at 873-2352. ____________________________________________ ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature
  • 17. Three Year Planning Guide A Recommended Strategy for Meeting Minimum Core Curriculum Requirements at Tisdale Middle &Secondary School Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Compulsory: Compulsory: Compulsory: English 10 A English 20 English 30 A English 10 B At least one of: English 30 B Biology 20 History 10 At least one Canadian Chemistry 20 Science 10 Computer Science 20 Studies: Physics 20 History 30 Math Workplace/App. 10 Native Studies 30 Math Foundations 10 At least one of: Math Workplace/App. 20 Wellness 10 Math Foundations 20 Math Pre-Calculus 20 At least one Social Science: History 20 Law 30 Psychology 20 Psychology 30 . At least two Arts Education or Practical & Applied Arts at the 10, 20 or 30 level: Accounting, Band, Career & Work Exploration, Design Studies, Drama, Foods, Life Transitions, PAA, Visual Art, Welding, Wildlife Management Electives: Electives: Electives: ________________________ __________________________ ________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ________________________ ________________________ __________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Total minimum classes to take = 9 Total minimum classes to take = 8 Total minimum classes to take = 10 Grade 10 + 11 = 16 minimum to be (5 must be at 30 level) promoted to grade 12. To graduate you must have 24 credits. For detailed listing of electives please consult the Subject Selection Guide. * Students planning to pursue a post-secondary education of any kind should consult with Student Services to check program requirements before selecting their classes. 2013-14
  • 18. Apprenticeship 20 or 30 If you are employed in an apprenticeship trades program, you can apply to participate in this course. Students must work 100 hours in a trade to receive this credit. There is a possibility to acquire this class over the summer. Applications for this course are made at Student Services, to Ms. Wright-Fulton.
  • 19. Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship Purpose: 1. To introduce apprenticeship and trade certification process 2. Create awareness of apprenticeship programs and opportunities 3. Make connections between high school programs and skilled trades training Entry Requirements: Saskatchewan secondary students who are 15 years of age and meet one of the following: 揃 Experience with part-time or seasonal employment 揃 Registered in a trade-related Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) course 揃 Register in Career and Work Exploration 10, 20 or 30 Benefits: 揃 Get a head start on career planning 揃 Record achievements for resumes and career portfolios 揃 Youth registering as an apprentice in a designated trade within three years receive: 1. Waiver of registration fee ($150.) 2. Waiver of the first level of technical training tuition 3. 100 hours of trade time credit per SYA level completed
  • 20. Choral 10 This course is designed to provide an atmosphere for the enjoyment, appreciation and performance of all types of choral music. The Choir will perform evening concerts as well as other special events. Attendance at these performances and dress rehearsals are a course requirement. The choral program and instruction are aligned to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide and the 9 National Standards for Music Education.
  • 21. SECONDARY SUBJECT SELECTION FORM 2013-2014 NAME:____________________________ Place an X in the box of the COMPULSORY classes you will be taking. Number(1, 2, 3...) in order of preference the ELECTIVES you would like to take (include 2 alternate choices) You may choose any grade level electives provided the pre-requisites have been met. Grade 11 and 12 students, remember to circle the number of classes you want to take. GRADE 10 -must choose 10 classes GRADE 11 - minimum 9 classes GRADE 12 - minimum 8 classes COMPULSORY COMPULSORY COMPULSORY English Language Arts A10 English Language Arts 20* English Language Arts A30* English Language Arts B10 At least one of the following: English Language Arts B30* Workplace & Apprenticeship 10 History 20* At least one of the following: Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10 Law 30* History 30* Science 10 Psychology 20* Native Studies 30* Wellness 10 Psychology 30* ELECTIVES History 10 At least one of the following: Science ELECTIVES Biology 20* Biology 30* Arts Education Chemistry 20* Chemistry 30* Band 10 Computer Science 20* Computer Science 30* Choral 10 Physics 20* Physics 30* Visual Arts 10 At least one of the following: Math Practical & Applied Arts Workplace & Apprenticeship 20* Workplace & Apprenticeship 30* Accounting 10 Foundations of Math 20* Foundations of Math 30* Career & Work Exp. 10/20 Pre-Calculus 20* Pre-Calculus 30* Design Studies 10 ELECTIVES Calculus 30* Food Studies 10 Language Arts Education PAA 10A (Cosmo, Quilting) Creative Writing 20 Band 30* PAA 10B (Ind. Arts) Journalism 20 Drama 30 Welding 10 Media Studies 20 Visual Arts 30* Arts Education Practical & Applied Arts *Requires a pre-requisite Band 20* Career & Work Exp. 30A&B For subject descriptions with pre- Drama 20 Construction/Carpentry 30* Visual Arts 20* Food Studies 30 requisites listed, refer to the Subject Practical & Applied Arts Life Transition 30 Selection Guide. Accounting 20* Wildlife Management 30 Construction/Carpentry 20* Other 2 courses from Arts Education and/or Life Transitions 20 Computer Animation 30* Practical & Applied Arts are required PAA 20A (Commercial Cooking) Leadership 30 PAA 20B (Photo/21st Skills/Comm) Personal Finance 30 for graduation. Welding 20* Physical Education 30 Other The selections made have been Computer Animation 20* Outdoor Ed 20*(Bio20+PE20) I will be taking this many classes checked for pre-requisites. Physical Education 20 ____________________________ 8 9 10 Ms. C. Wright-Fulton Please circle one To be completed by Parent/Guardian and Student - We understand that this application is used to staff and plan the coming year. We agree with the school policy that students are expected to continue in the courses selected for each semester. If a change in the course selected is necessary we will promptly notify the school at 873-2352. ____________________________________________ ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature
  • 22. Clubs and Activities GET INVOLVED Badminton Football Basketball Golf (Spring and Fall) Business Club In Motion Chess Club Intramurals Chums (Mentorship) Photography Cross Country SIAST Robot Rumble Curling Softball (sr. girls) Drama SRC Earth Adventures Track and Field Envirothon Volleyball
  • 23. THANK-YOU PARENTS/GUARDIANS AND STUDENTS Questions? Have a Nice Evening!