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Tisdale Middle & Secondary School presents...
Graduation 2015
Orientation Evening
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
 To provide basic information to better prepare Grade
12s and Parents for the celebration of your High
School Graduation.
 To identify the committees that are responsible for
organizing Graduation.
 To provide a timeline of events associated with
 To answer any initial questions from parents and
Grade 12s and maintain open lines of
TMSS Grad 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
 Approx. 87 graduates. (Numbers will be
confirmed in April. This is based on the TMSS
Graduation Policy.)
TMSS Grad Committees
Overall Planning
Grade 12s are invited to sign up to work on these committees outside Mrs.
Andriss Room.
Sign up will be Thursday March 5th
and Friday March 6th
Grad Information wall is outside of Mrs. Simoneau/Mrs.Andriss
NOTE: Grads can only sign up for One Committee
Overall PlanningOverall Planning
Mrs. AndrisMrs. Andris
 Communicate with other committees
 (and other super important things)!!
Program Committee
Mrs. Simoneau
 select music for Grand March
 select people to say grace, sing O Canada, emcee
 select toast presenters for banquet
 arrange surveys for selection of:
 class album presenters
 guest speaker
 class song
 future plans
 organize program for printing
Invitation/Banquet Committee
Mrs. Messer
-organize fee payment (forms, receipts)
-organize invitations and tickets
-organize seating plan
-create placecards and table cards
-select caterer
-create record of DVD, photos and grad item sales
Grad Invitation/Fees
 Graduates are able to bring themselves and a maximum of 3 people to the banquet
 You will not receive paper banquet tickets. Instead, place cards will be set on the table for the number of plates you have
 Total number of people attending Banquet: 4
 If you have extenuating circumstances (ex. step-family) and you need extra Banquet or Exercise tickets, please explain and Mrs.
Messer/Ms. Andris will get back to you, however due to the large number of grads this year there are no guarantees.
 You are given a total of 9 tickets for the exercises. These tickets need to be presented at the door, (the people at the
banquet will need an exercise ticket).
 Ex: If Peter invites 3 people and himself to the banquet, he can invite 6 more people to the exercises.
 The number of invitations ordered does not necessarily have to match the number of people attending the Banquet and/or
Exercises. You only order invitations you wish to send out or keep as a memento.
 General Grad Fee __1__ x $ 34.00 = $ (may be adjusted on final bill)
 Group Photo _____ x $ 18.00 each = $____________
 Banquet (plates) .._____ x $ 15.00 each = $____________
 Exercises Only Invitations: ._____ x $ 1.00 each = $____________
 Banquet and Exercise Invitations _____ x $ 1.00 each = $____________
 Class Album Picture (receiving diploma and folio) _____ x $ 7.00 each = $ ____________
 Grad DVD_____ x $ 50.00 each = $____________
Online Form
Decorating Committee
Mrs. Clarke
 Decorate for grad
 Stage set-up
 Table Decoration (including setting of tables)
 Names for wall
 Picture area outside of auditorium
 Other as determined by committee
 Will start right away.
 First meeting will be next week
Technology Committee
Mr. Janzen
 Assists in technology set-up at grad
o 2014-15 Reps  Sunil Madhar, Alexei Tiganov
 Graduates  Please provide your baby
picture to Sunil or Alexei or preferably you
can email the scanned photo to
sm501@learner.nesd.ca or
Graduation Timeline
* C o m m it t e e s d i g i n a n d
g e t t o w o r k o n
g r a d p l a n n i n g
* A l l f e e s s h o u ld b e p a id b y f i n a l d u e d a t e .
* C o m m i t t e W o r k s h o u l d b e m in im a l ( E v e r y t h i n g s h o u l d b e a l m o s t d o n e !)
* " T h e B ig d a y is a lm o s t h e r e !"
* C o m m it t e e s s h o u l d b e f in a li z i n g
t h e la s t o f t h e i r w o r k .
* O r d e r a ll o f y o u r I n v i t a t io n s & s t a r t p a y i n g g r a d f e e s
M A R C H /A P R I L
* E s t a b l i s h p la n n i n g c o m m i t t e e s
* S t u d e n t s w i ll s u g g e s t id e a s f o r T h e m e / G u e s t S p e a k e r / C l a s s A l b u m P r e s e n t e r s /V a le d i c t o r i a n & V o te
* C a p & G o w n P h o t o s c o m p l e t e d * G r a d E l ig i b i l i t y L i s t F in a l i z e d
Grad Pictures
 These are finished! Hope they turned out
TMSS Scholarship Applications
The TMSS Scholarship Fund will award $31,000 at our 2015 Graduation.
However, only the students who apply are considered for these
 Two of them are specifically designated for person(s) attending
technical schools.
 If you have a 70% average or even think you might have,
 Forms are available on our school web site under Student Information,
TMSS Scholarship Fund.
 These completed application forms are due Friday, May 29, 2015 at
3:30 pm.
 Give the application directly to Mrs. Lee.
Late applications are not considered.
Graduation Countdown...
 June ?? - Decorate/Set-Up Banquet Tables
 Stay tuned for other set-up times
 Friday, June 26th
 Grand March & Class
Photo Rehearsal  Meet in Auditorium at
1:00 pm
 June 27th
- Class Photo (4:30) / Banquet
(5:00) / Exercises (8:00) / Clean-up (10:30)
 June 29th
- Finish Clean-up / Return
borrowed/rented items
Projected Costs of Grad 2015
 General Grad Fee ... $34.00
 Banquet & Exercise Invitations .... $1.00
 Exercise Invitations .$1.00
 Banquet Plates $12.00-$15.00
 Group/Class Photo .. ............$18.00
 Class Album Photo .......................$7.00
 Grad DVD .....$50.00
General Grad Fee Calculation
Invited Guests: 60 x $15.00 $900.00
Class Albums (No cost x 87) $0.00
Gift to Guest Speaker $50.00
Valedictorian Gift $50.00
Set-up/Take-down (Firefighters) $400.00
Miscellaneous (Stamps, Envelopes Recorder Thank-you) $150.00
Flowers on Stage during Grad $75.00
Grad Programs $200.00
Decorations Budget
(decorations for the wall, tables, stage, flowers, napkin)
Tickets/Place setting paper and invitations for special guests $150.00
Place Settings (paper plates, cups, glasses, paper rolls etc  450 people) $450.00
$ 2925.00歎87 Grads = 33.62 or $34.00
BUT ..
If the 2014 Safe Grad Committee donates
to the 2015 Graduating Class, this number will
be reduced
TMSS Alcohol/Drug PolicyTMSS Alcohol/Drug Policy
 TMSS considers the use of alcohol and/or illicit drugs to be a serious offense and will not
tolerate students using nor being under the influence of such substances on school
property or at school-sponsored activities.
 Students who choose to use or are under the influence of alcohol at school or at a school
sponsored activity can expect that there parents will be contacted and that the student will
be sent home. The student can also expect the following:
- A three-day out-of-school suspension.
- A meeting with the school principal or vice-principal, the parent/guardians and the
- The loss of an extra-curricular activity if the offending act took place during that
- The possible loss of all extra-curricular activity privileges.
 As it pertains to Graduation day, if there is sound reason to believe that a
Graduand is under the influence or in possession of alcohol and/or illicit drugs at the
school sponsored Graduation Evening, the Graduand will immediately be
prohibited from participating in any further Graduation activities and will be asked to
leave the premises.
Graduation Tidbits...
 Parent Volunteers
 Grad Family Photos
 Safe Grad & Chem Free Grad

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Grad orientation 2015

  • 1. Tisdale Middle & Secondary School presents... Graduation 2015 Orientation Evening Wednesday, March 4, 2015
  • 2. To provide basic information to better prepare Grade 12s and Parents for the celebration of your High School Graduation. To identify the committees that are responsible for organizing Graduation. To provide a timeline of events associated with Graduation To answer any initial questions from parents and Grade 12s and maintain open lines of communication.
  • 3. TMSS Grad 2015 Saturday, June 27, 2015 Approx. 87 graduates. (Numbers will be confirmed in April. This is based on the TMSS Graduation Policy.)
  • 4. TMSS Grad Committees Decorating Invitation/Banquet Program Overall Planning Grade 12s are invited to sign up to work on these committees outside Mrs. Andriss Room. Sign up will be Thursday March 5th and Friday March 6th . Grad Information wall is outside of Mrs. Simoneau/Mrs.Andriss rooms NOTE: Grads can only sign up for One Committee
  • 5. Overall PlanningOverall Planning Mrs. AndrisMrs. Andris Communicate with other committees (and other super important things)!!
  • 6. Program Committee Mrs. Simoneau DUTIES select music for Grand March select people to say grace, sing O Canada, emcee select toast presenters for banquet arrange surveys for selection of: valedictorian class album presenters guest speaker class song future plans organize program for printing
  • 7. Invitation/Banquet Committee Mrs. Messer Duties: -organize fee payment (forms, receipts) -organize invitations and tickets -organize seating plan -create placecards and table cards -select caterer -create record of DVD, photos and grad item sales
  • 8. Grad Invitation/Fees BANQUET SEATS Graduates are able to bring themselves and a maximum of 3 people to the banquet You will not receive paper banquet tickets. Instead, place cards will be set on the table for the number of plates you have purchased. Total number of people attending Banquet: 4 If you have extenuating circumstances (ex. step-family) and you need extra Banquet or Exercise tickets, please explain and Mrs. Messer/Ms. Andris will get back to you, however due to the large number of grads this year there are no guarantees. EXERCISES You are given a total of 9 tickets for the exercises. These tickets need to be presented at the door, (the people at the banquet will need an exercise ticket). Ex: If Peter invites 3 people and himself to the banquet, he can invite 6 more people to the exercises. GRADS DO NOT NEED AN EXERCISE TICKET INVITATIONS The number of invitations ordered does not necessarily have to match the number of people attending the Banquet and/or Exercises. You only order invitations you wish to send out or keep as a memento. COST General Grad Fee __1__ x $ 34.00 = $ (may be adjusted on final bill) Group Photo _____ x $ 18.00 each = $____________ Banquet (plates) .._____ x $ 15.00 each = $____________ Exercises Only Invitations: ._____ x $ 1.00 each = $____________ Banquet and Exercise Invitations _____ x $ 1.00 each = $____________ Class Album Picture (receiving diploma and folio) _____ x $ 7.00 each = $ ____________ Grad DVD_____ x $ 50.00 each = $____________
  • 10. Decorating Committee Mrs. Clarke Decorate for grad Stage set-up Table Decoration (including setting of tables) Names for wall Picture area outside of auditorium Other as determined by committee Will start right away. First meeting will be next week
  • 11. Technology Committee Mr. Janzen Assists in technology set-up at grad o 2014-15 Reps Sunil Madhar, Alexei Tiganov Graduates Please provide your baby picture to Sunil or Alexei or preferably you can email the scanned photo to sm501@learner.nesd.ca or at125@learner.nesd.ca
  • 12. Graduation Timeline A P R IL * C o m m it t e e s d i g i n a n d g e t t o w o r k o n g r a d p l a n n i n g J U N E * A l l f e e s s h o u ld b e p a id b y f i n a l d u e d a t e . * C o m m i t t e W o r k s h o u l d b e m in im a l ( E v e r y t h i n g s h o u l d b e a l m o s t d o n e !) * " T h e B ig d a y is a lm o s t h e r e !" M A Y * C o m m it t e e s s h o u l d b e f in a li z i n g t h e la s t o f t h e i r w o r k . * O r d e r a ll o f y o u r I n v i t a t io n s & s t a r t p a y i n g g r a d f e e s M A R C H /A P R I L * E s t a b l i s h p la n n i n g c o m m i t t e e s * S t u d e n t s w i ll s u g g e s t id e a s f o r T h e m e / G u e s t S p e a k e r / C l a s s A l b u m P r e s e n t e r s /V a le d i c t o r i a n & V o te * C a p & G o w n P h o t o s c o m p l e t e d * G r a d E l ig i b i l i t y L i s t F in a l i z e d
  • 13. Grad Pictures These are finished! Hope they turned out well!
  • 14. TMSS Scholarship Applications The TMSS Scholarship Fund will award $31,000 at our 2015 Graduation. However, only the students who apply are considered for these awards. Two of them are specifically designated for person(s) attending technical schools. If you have a 70% average or even think you might have, PLEASE APPLY. Forms are available on our school web site under Student Information, TMSS Scholarship Fund. These completed application forms are due Friday, May 29, 2015 at 3:30 pm. Give the application directly to Mrs. Lee. Late applications are not considered.
  • 15. Graduation Countdown... June ?? - Decorate/Set-Up Banquet Tables Stay tuned for other set-up times Friday, June 26th Grand March & Class Photo Rehearsal Meet in Auditorium at 1:00 pm June 27th - Class Photo (4:30) / Banquet (5:00) / Exercises (8:00) / Clean-up (10:30) June 29th - Finish Clean-up / Return borrowed/rented items
  • 16. Projected Costs of Grad 2015 General Grad Fee ... $34.00 Banquet & Exercise Invitations .... $1.00 Exercise Invitations .$1.00 Banquet Plates $12.00-$15.00 Group/Class Photo .. ............$18.00 Class Album Photo .......................$7.00 Grad DVD .....$50.00
  • 17. General Grad Fee Calculation Invited Guests: 60 x $15.00 $900.00 Class Albums (No cost x 87) $0.00 Gift to Guest Speaker $50.00 Valedictorian Gift $50.00 Set-up/Take-down (Firefighters) $400.00 Miscellaneous (Stamps, Envelopes Recorder Thank-you) $150.00 Flowers on Stage during Grad $75.00 Grad Programs $200.00 Decorations Budget (decorations for the wall, tables, stage, flowers, napkin) $500.00 Tickets/Place setting paper and invitations for special guests $150.00 Place Settings (paper plates, cups, glasses, paper rolls etc 450 people) $450.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $2925.00 $ 2925.00歎87 Grads = 33.62 or $34.00
  • 18. BUT .. If the 2014 Safe Grad Committee donates to the 2015 Graduating Class, this number will be reduced
  • 19. TMSS Alcohol/Drug PolicyTMSS Alcohol/Drug Policy TMSS considers the use of alcohol and/or illicit drugs to be a serious offense and will not tolerate students using nor being under the influence of such substances on school property or at school-sponsored activities. Students who choose to use or are under the influence of alcohol at school or at a school sponsored activity can expect that there parents will be contacted and that the student will be sent home. The student can also expect the following: - A three-day out-of-school suspension. - A meeting with the school principal or vice-principal, the parent/guardians and the student. - The loss of an extra-curricular activity if the offending act took place during that activity. - The possible loss of all extra-curricular activity privileges. As it pertains to Graduation day, if there is sound reason to believe that a Graduand is under the influence or in possession of alcohol and/or illicit drugs at the school sponsored Graduation Evening, the Graduand will immediately be prohibited from participating in any further Graduation activities and will be asked to leave the premises.
  • 20. Graduation Tidbits... Parent Volunteers Grad Family Photos Safe Grad & Chem Free Grad Questions/Comments...