Ip kine hrp, goat anti mouse ig-g lcsbellaforzaThis document provides information about a goat anti-mouse IgG antibody product called IPKine HRP. It recommends beginning dilutions for various applications like western blot, immunohistochemistry, and ELISA. It describes how the antibody is affinity purified and optimized to reduce light chain contamination and cross-reactivity with other species. The product is stable for one year when stored at -20°C and is intended for research use only.
Cryonics by sai snehitasnehitak7Cryonics involves preserving humans in extremely cold temperatures after death to stop molecular decay until future technologies can potentially revive them. The first person cryogenically frozen was in 1967. Today hundreds of people are cryopreserved, including baseball player Ted Williams. The cryopreservation process involves cooling the body to very low temperatures in a specialized facility. Some believe future nanotechnology may allow repairing damage from the preservation process and revival of cryopreserved patients through techniques like growing new bodies or mind transfers. However, critics argue the promises of cryonics companies cannot currently be fulfilled.
assessment-of-chromium-oxide-nanoparticles-intake-in-rattus-norvegicus-by-pri...Peertechz PublicationsHaematological tests are signifi cant diagnostic tools that are equally valuable as indicators of toxic insult or stress due to xenobiotics and environmental fluctuations. ...
SPM pptravikalavakollu1. The cold chain refers to the system used to transport and store vaccines at temperatures between 2-8°C from manufacture to point of use to maintain potency. Proper cold chain storage using equipment like walk-in cold rooms, deep freezers, and ice-lined refrigerators is important for vaccine effectiveness and compliance with regulations.
2. Vaccines are biological products that lose potency over time if not stored at proper temperatures. Maintaining the cold chain ensures vaccines provide maximum benefit and protects scarce health resources by preventing wastage from temperature excursions.
3. The immunization schedule approved by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics outlines the vaccines recommended to accelerate control of vaccine-preventable diseases and
Antons testDr Abhijith S.P.Listeria monocytogenes causes circling disease in animals with neurological symptoms. The bacterium produces the toxin Listeriolysin-O. To test for Listeriosis, neural tissue from a suspected animal is injected into the conjunctival sac of a rabbit or guinea pig. If the lab animal develops severe keratoconjunctivitis, the test is considered positive, confirming Listeriosis.
Lab 12 lvvalriveraThis lab used an ELISA test to simulate the sharing of bodily fluids and determine which students were exposed to and transmitted a contagious disease. The ELISA test relies on antibodies to detect antigens produced during an immune response to exposure. The results showed students 1, 2, 8, and 10 were infected, while students 1 and 10 transmitted the disease. ELISA is commonly used in real world applications such as pregnancy tests, disease detection, and testing for food safety and GMOs.
Virus neutralization testShareef NgunguniThe viral neutralization test is a serological method that detects the presence of viral neutralizing antibodies. It involves mixing dilutions of antibodies with a standardized amount of virus, incubating them, and observing for cytopathic effects in cell cultures. If the antibodies neutralize the virus, no cytopathic effects will be observed as the cells remain intact. While the viral neutralization test is highly sensitive and specific, it is also slow, intensive, and requires skilled technicians. It remains the gold standard method for diagnosing viral infections in the laboratory by comparing other test methods to it.
Translational Fellowships in Public Mental Health ServicesUCLA CTSIThis document provides information on current fellows in a mental health research fellowship program, including their educational backgrounds and research topics. It then outlines the goals and approach of establishing a collaborative research cluster across Los Angeles County departments of mental health and health services, UCLA, and USC. This includes conducting individual research projects mentored by faculty from these institutions on topics like a peer health navigator intervention, mental health services act transformation, and evaluating a low income health plan. It provides timelines and outlines of these projects and highlights issues like data harmonization and future funding.
Assessing Research in Communities of ColorUCLA CTSIThis study will develop a toolkit to assist investigators with employing and utilizing the skills of community health workers, or promotoras, to encourage participation of underserved ethnic and minority populations in research.
HIT Use in Primary Care Practices: Understanding and Eliminating Disparity UCLA CTSIUCLA CTSI and University of Minnesota Cross-Institutional Award Projects
Principal Investigators: Hector Rodriguez (UCLA) and William Riley (University of Minnesota)
Large-scale federal investments in health information technology (HIT) are intended to spur health care providers and organizations to share patient information to better coordinate and improve quality of care. However, the uptake of HIT has lagged in ambulatory care settings that care for high proportions of low-income patients. Our pilot study seeks to generate knowledge about facilitators and barriers to the spread of electronic health information exchange (HIE) for improving quality of care among underserved populations. We have established partnerships with two health care organizations: Citrus Valley Health Partners (CVHP), a provider network serving many underserved patients in the East San Gabriel Valley, Calf., and the Federally Qualified Health Center Urban Health Network (FUHN), a group of ten clinic organizations serving the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. We are conducting key informant interviews of physicians, front office staff, IT personnel, and executives. Through these interviews, we are learning about the barriers to electronic exchange of health information within the clinics and practices, between these sites, and at city-wide or regional levels. This multi-level framework elucidates the opportunities and challenges for ambulatory care practices serving underserved populations in adopting and sustaining HIT.
Dubinett WorkshopUCLA CTSIThis document provides information about the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). It discusses the purpose of the National CTSA Program in providing infrastructure for clinical and translational research. It outlines various pilot programs, awards, and funding opportunities available through the UCLA CTSI, including KL2 awards, TL1 fellowships, seed grants, and team science awards. It also describes the Clinical and Translational Research Center facilities and regional consortia like UC-BRAID that enable collaboration between UC medical centers.
K Succession Planning: Out of the box thinking for career developmentHopkinsCFARThis document provides information on obtaining grant funding from various sources. It begins with a survey and tips for grant success. It then outlines objectives and challenges in research funding. Various types of NIH, DOD, foundation, and philanthropic grants are described. Career development awards, including K-awards, are explained. The document provides advice on the grant preparation and submission process, including timelines. It emphasizes applying to multiple sources and persevering through potential rejections. Overall, the document serves as a guide to navigating the complex research funding landscape.
Navigating the NIH K Award Process (July 25, 2013)UCLA CTSIThis document provides information about various types of NIH Career Development Awards (CDAs), including K Awards, for individuals seeking to develop independent research careers. It discusses the different K Award mechanisms (K01, K08, K12/KL2, K23, K99/R00), eligibility requirements, expected time commitments, and salary caps. The document also covers topics like applying for and being reviewed for K Awards, including important components like the candidate, mentor, career development plan, research plan, and institutional environment. It provides guidance on the NIH review process and factors like significance, approach, innovation, and environment that are considered. Funding trends for K Awards over time are presented.
Evidence-based programs to reduce school truancyUCLA CTSIUCLA CTSI-Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) Projects
Principal Investigators: Raymond Perry (DHS), Tony Kuo (DPH), Lauren Gase (UCLA)
School truancy is associated with a variety of negative behavioral and health consequences. In addition, health factors may contribute to why students miss school. This project aims to gain better understanding of the characteristics and needs of truant youth in order to identify opportunities for improving school attendance in Los Angeles County. The project focuses on three research questions: 1) What are the characteristics and needs (e.g., academic, social, health) of truant youth?; 2) How do youth who cut or skip class encounter different school- community- and law-enforcement based systems?; and 3) What programs and policies can help meet the needs of truant youth? To answer these questions, we conducted key informant interviews with representatives from schools, law-enforcement, and community based organizations; in-depth interviews with youth who have school attendance problems; and a review of evidence-based diversion programs and interventions.
Immune MonitoringPamojaThe document discusses immune monitoring in vaccine trials. It provides context on regulatory requirements and the need for standardization. A variety of assays are used to assess cellular and antibody responses, including ELISPOT, flow cytometry, and neutralizing antibody assays [PRIMARY]. Challenges include the need for improved assays to measure antiviral function and mucosal responses. New technologies like single cell analysis and viral inhibition assays provide more detailed immune profiling but require significant bioinformatics support [SECONDARY]. The goal is to define immune correlates of protection to guide vaccine design, but this remains difficult without human challenge models [THIRDARY].
IAVI's Integrated R&D Program: Accelerating AIDS vaccine developmentTRAIN Central Stationthe International AIDS Vaccine Initiative's presents its R&D strategies and approaches at the Partnering for Cures 2009 conference in New York.
Hospital Presentation apollohealingAdvanced Next Generation DNA sequencing can more accurately diagnose infections by identifying bacteria, fungi, and viruses compared to traditional culture techniques. This allows for better treatment decisions. PathoGenius Laboratory uses Next Generation Sequencing to identify microbes in samples, providing physicians with diagnostic results to inform customized treatment. Previous methods of relying only on culture were found to significantly underrepresent the microbes present. Molecular diagnostic techniques provide more comprehensive information about biofilms and chronic infections compared to traditional approaches.
Recent advances in enteric feverDiwan ShresthaRecent advances in enteric fever diagnosis and treatment include new diagnostic tests and vaccines. The IDL Tubex® test and Typhidot® test can rapidly detect IgM antibodies to aid in diagnosing current Salmonella infections. Typhidot-M® detects IgM only and can replace Widal tests. PCR methods also show promise but may not be cost-effective. Newer treatments include azithromycin and combination therapies with quinolones and zidovudine. Vaccines including the Vi polysaccharide vaccine and live attenuated vaccines like CVD 908 and CVD 908-htrA show effectiveness above 65% and are well tolerated.
WEBINAR: CHERUB collaboration & UK research towards HIV curecalvaccThe CHERUB collaboration combines the research efforts of five UK comprehensive biomedical research centers to develop clinical studies and assays focused on eradicating HIV reservoirs. Key studies include CHERUB 001 evaluating IVIG in primary HIV infection, CHERUB 003 assessing chemotherapy's impact on viral reservoirs, and observational studies of viral reservoirs. Planned future studies subject to funding include evaluating HDACi plus vaccine in primary HIV infection and generating autologous vaccines. The collaboration engages UK clinical researchers and laboratories in developing assays and advancing cure-focused research.
Topic review HIV eradicationRongpong PlonglaThe document discusses rationales for pursuing a cure for HIV, including that lifelong antiretroviral therapy does not restore full life expectancy and carries risks of toxicity and side effects. It outlines two potential strategies for a cure: sterilizing cure, which eliminates all HIV-infected cells, and functional cure, which controls HIV in the absence of therapy. It reviews examples of each from bone marrow transplantation and elite controllers. Measuring and targeting the latent HIV reservoir in resting immune cells is key to a cure.
Viral gastroenteritisSuprakash DasBrief presentation of Viral AGENTS causing Gastroenteritis with clinical and diagnostic aspects for UG Medical and PG Students.
MCIRCC-SepsisPortfolio_20141022E (1)Janene CenturioneThe document describes a sepsis innovation portfolio comprised of therapeutics, diagnostics, devices, and digital health solutions to transform sepsis diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. It summarizes several projects, including a portable monitoring system for early sepsis detection using a sensor ring, a rapid diagnostic panel to detect endothelial cell damage and blood biomarkers of sepsis, an ultrasound device to non-invasively monitor lung function and fluid status, a point-of-care diagnostic using whole blood redox measurements, an immunotherapy using interleukin-15 to boost the immune response, and a diagnostic to directly detect microbial DNA and identify antibiotic resistance within 3 hours. The portfolio aims to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
CDC dec 2015 - Strengthening a Culture of Laboratory SafetyMark LacicThe document discusses the history and evolution of laboratory science and safety standards at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It describes how CDC laboratories have grown from focusing on malaria and communicable diseases to encompassing over 150 laboratory groups conducting research on infectious diseases, environmental health, and more. It summarizes changes made at CDC in response to safety incidents in 2014, including establishing new laboratory leadership and revising risk assessment processes.
HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS/HIVVindhya VidhyadharanThe document discusses World AIDS Day which is held annually on December 1st to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and show support for those living with the disease. It provides information about the themes, transmission, stages of HIV infection, testing, and treatment. The document also outlines the goals of increasing HIV testing and treatment to work towards eliminating HIV/AIDS by 2030.
IBT Bioservices CapabilitiesTodd PelhamThis company provides discovery and proof-of-concept capabilities including antiviral testing, antibiotic testing, animal models, vaccine testing, and assay/reagent development. They have a 10,500 square foot facility in Gaithersburg, Maryland and over $40 million in government grants and contracts. Their services focus on infectious diseases and include testing viral and bacterial strains, developing animal models of disease, evaluating vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy, and optimizing cytokine and biomarker assays.
Nosocomial Infections or lab associated infections Mr. Muhammad AarabI. Nosocomial infections, also known as hospital-acquired infections, first spread widely in Africa due to poor hospital services.
II. Common pathogens that cause nosocomial infections include Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
III. These infections can affect patients, visitors, and laboratory personnel. The CDC reports that 15% of cases occur in general wards while 60% are found in ICUs.
Lab dig virusPrbn ShahThis document provides information on viral diagnosis methods. It discusses:
1. Direct examination methods like antigen detection, electron microscopy, and PCR to detect viruses.
2. Indirect examination using cell culture, eggs, or animals to isolate and identify viruses. Cytopathic effects and immunofluorescence are used to detect growth.
3. Serology methods like ELISA, complement fixation, and neutralization to detect antibodies produced in response to viral infection. Rising titers indicate acute infection while IgM indicates primary infection.
Translational Fellowships in Public Mental Health ServicesUCLA CTSIThis document provides information on current fellows in a mental health research fellowship program, including their educational backgrounds and research topics. It then outlines the goals and approach of establishing a collaborative research cluster across Los Angeles County departments of mental health and health services, UCLA, and USC. This includes conducting individual research projects mentored by faculty from these institutions on topics like a peer health navigator intervention, mental health services act transformation, and evaluating a low income health plan. It provides timelines and outlines of these projects and highlights issues like data harmonization and future funding.
Assessing Research in Communities of ColorUCLA CTSIThis study will develop a toolkit to assist investigators with employing and utilizing the skills of community health workers, or promotoras, to encourage participation of underserved ethnic and minority populations in research.
HIT Use in Primary Care Practices: Understanding and Eliminating Disparity UCLA CTSIUCLA CTSI and University of Minnesota Cross-Institutional Award Projects
Principal Investigators: Hector Rodriguez (UCLA) and William Riley (University of Minnesota)
Large-scale federal investments in health information technology (HIT) are intended to spur health care providers and organizations to share patient information to better coordinate and improve quality of care. However, the uptake of HIT has lagged in ambulatory care settings that care for high proportions of low-income patients. Our pilot study seeks to generate knowledge about facilitators and barriers to the spread of electronic health information exchange (HIE) for improving quality of care among underserved populations. We have established partnerships with two health care organizations: Citrus Valley Health Partners (CVHP), a provider network serving many underserved patients in the East San Gabriel Valley, Calf., and the Federally Qualified Health Center Urban Health Network (FUHN), a group of ten clinic organizations serving the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. We are conducting key informant interviews of physicians, front office staff, IT personnel, and executives. Through these interviews, we are learning about the barriers to electronic exchange of health information within the clinics and practices, between these sites, and at city-wide or regional levels. This multi-level framework elucidates the opportunities and challenges for ambulatory care practices serving underserved populations in adopting and sustaining HIT.
Dubinett WorkshopUCLA CTSIThis document provides information about the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). It discusses the purpose of the National CTSA Program in providing infrastructure for clinical and translational research. It outlines various pilot programs, awards, and funding opportunities available through the UCLA CTSI, including KL2 awards, TL1 fellowships, seed grants, and team science awards. It also describes the Clinical and Translational Research Center facilities and regional consortia like UC-BRAID that enable collaboration between UC medical centers.
K Succession Planning: Out of the box thinking for career developmentHopkinsCFARThis document provides information on obtaining grant funding from various sources. It begins with a survey and tips for grant success. It then outlines objectives and challenges in research funding. Various types of NIH, DOD, foundation, and philanthropic grants are described. Career development awards, including K-awards, are explained. The document provides advice on the grant preparation and submission process, including timelines. It emphasizes applying to multiple sources and persevering through potential rejections. Overall, the document serves as a guide to navigating the complex research funding landscape.
Navigating the NIH K Award Process (July 25, 2013)UCLA CTSIThis document provides information about various types of NIH Career Development Awards (CDAs), including K Awards, for individuals seeking to develop independent research careers. It discusses the different K Award mechanisms (K01, K08, K12/KL2, K23, K99/R00), eligibility requirements, expected time commitments, and salary caps. The document also covers topics like applying for and being reviewed for K Awards, including important components like the candidate, mentor, career development plan, research plan, and institutional environment. It provides guidance on the NIH review process and factors like significance, approach, innovation, and environment that are considered. Funding trends for K Awards over time are presented.
Evidence-based programs to reduce school truancyUCLA CTSIUCLA CTSI-Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) Projects
Principal Investigators: Raymond Perry (DHS), Tony Kuo (DPH), Lauren Gase (UCLA)
School truancy is associated with a variety of negative behavioral and health consequences. In addition, health factors may contribute to why students miss school. This project aims to gain better understanding of the characteristics and needs of truant youth in order to identify opportunities for improving school attendance in Los Angeles County. The project focuses on three research questions: 1) What are the characteristics and needs (e.g., academic, social, health) of truant youth?; 2) How do youth who cut or skip class encounter different school- community- and law-enforcement based systems?; and 3) What programs and policies can help meet the needs of truant youth? To answer these questions, we conducted key informant interviews with representatives from schools, law-enforcement, and community based organizations; in-depth interviews with youth who have school attendance problems; and a review of evidence-based diversion programs and interventions.
Immune MonitoringPamojaThe document discusses immune monitoring in vaccine trials. It provides context on regulatory requirements and the need for standardization. A variety of assays are used to assess cellular and antibody responses, including ELISPOT, flow cytometry, and neutralizing antibody assays [PRIMARY]. Challenges include the need for improved assays to measure antiviral function and mucosal responses. New technologies like single cell analysis and viral inhibition assays provide more detailed immune profiling but require significant bioinformatics support [SECONDARY]. The goal is to define immune correlates of protection to guide vaccine design, but this remains difficult without human challenge models [THIRDARY].
IAVI's Integrated R&D Program: Accelerating AIDS vaccine developmentTRAIN Central Stationthe International AIDS Vaccine Initiative's presents its R&D strategies and approaches at the Partnering for Cures 2009 conference in New York.
Hospital Presentation apollohealingAdvanced Next Generation DNA sequencing can more accurately diagnose infections by identifying bacteria, fungi, and viruses compared to traditional culture techniques. This allows for better treatment decisions. PathoGenius Laboratory uses Next Generation Sequencing to identify microbes in samples, providing physicians with diagnostic results to inform customized treatment. Previous methods of relying only on culture were found to significantly underrepresent the microbes present. Molecular diagnostic techniques provide more comprehensive information about biofilms and chronic infections compared to traditional approaches.
Recent advances in enteric feverDiwan ShresthaRecent advances in enteric fever diagnosis and treatment include new diagnostic tests and vaccines. The IDL Tubex® test and Typhidot® test can rapidly detect IgM antibodies to aid in diagnosing current Salmonella infections. Typhidot-M® detects IgM only and can replace Widal tests. PCR methods also show promise but may not be cost-effective. Newer treatments include azithromycin and combination therapies with quinolones and zidovudine. Vaccines including the Vi polysaccharide vaccine and live attenuated vaccines like CVD 908 and CVD 908-htrA show effectiveness above 65% and are well tolerated.
WEBINAR: CHERUB collaboration & UK research towards HIV curecalvaccThe CHERUB collaboration combines the research efforts of five UK comprehensive biomedical research centers to develop clinical studies and assays focused on eradicating HIV reservoirs. Key studies include CHERUB 001 evaluating IVIG in primary HIV infection, CHERUB 003 assessing chemotherapy's impact on viral reservoirs, and observational studies of viral reservoirs. Planned future studies subject to funding include evaluating HDACi plus vaccine in primary HIV infection and generating autologous vaccines. The collaboration engages UK clinical researchers and laboratories in developing assays and advancing cure-focused research.
Topic review HIV eradicationRongpong PlonglaThe document discusses rationales for pursuing a cure for HIV, including that lifelong antiretroviral therapy does not restore full life expectancy and carries risks of toxicity and side effects. It outlines two potential strategies for a cure: sterilizing cure, which eliminates all HIV-infected cells, and functional cure, which controls HIV in the absence of therapy. It reviews examples of each from bone marrow transplantation and elite controllers. Measuring and targeting the latent HIV reservoir in resting immune cells is key to a cure.
Viral gastroenteritisSuprakash DasBrief presentation of Viral AGENTS causing Gastroenteritis with clinical and diagnostic aspects for UG Medical and PG Students.
MCIRCC-SepsisPortfolio_20141022E (1)Janene CenturioneThe document describes a sepsis innovation portfolio comprised of therapeutics, diagnostics, devices, and digital health solutions to transform sepsis diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. It summarizes several projects, including a portable monitoring system for early sepsis detection using a sensor ring, a rapid diagnostic panel to detect endothelial cell damage and blood biomarkers of sepsis, an ultrasound device to non-invasively monitor lung function and fluid status, a point-of-care diagnostic using whole blood redox measurements, an immunotherapy using interleukin-15 to boost the immune response, and a diagnostic to directly detect microbial DNA and identify antibiotic resistance within 3 hours. The portfolio aims to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
CDC dec 2015 - Strengthening a Culture of Laboratory SafetyMark LacicThe document discusses the history and evolution of laboratory science and safety standards at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It describes how CDC laboratories have grown from focusing on malaria and communicable diseases to encompassing over 150 laboratory groups conducting research on infectious diseases, environmental health, and more. It summarizes changes made at CDC in response to safety incidents in 2014, including establishing new laboratory leadership and revising risk assessment processes.
HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS/HIVVindhya VidhyadharanThe document discusses World AIDS Day which is held annually on December 1st to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and show support for those living with the disease. It provides information about the themes, transmission, stages of HIV infection, testing, and treatment. The document also outlines the goals of increasing HIV testing and treatment to work towards eliminating HIV/AIDS by 2030.
IBT Bioservices CapabilitiesTodd PelhamThis company provides discovery and proof-of-concept capabilities including antiviral testing, antibiotic testing, animal models, vaccine testing, and assay/reagent development. They have a 10,500 square foot facility in Gaithersburg, Maryland and over $40 million in government grants and contracts. Their services focus on infectious diseases and include testing viral and bacterial strains, developing animal models of disease, evaluating vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy, and optimizing cytokine and biomarker assays.
Nosocomial Infections or lab associated infections Mr. Muhammad AarabI. Nosocomial infections, also known as hospital-acquired infections, first spread widely in Africa due to poor hospital services.
II. Common pathogens that cause nosocomial infections include Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
III. These infections can affect patients, visitors, and laboratory personnel. The CDC reports that 15% of cases occur in general wards while 60% are found in ICUs.
Lab dig virusPrbn ShahThis document provides information on viral diagnosis methods. It discusses:
1. Direct examination methods like antigen detection, electron microscopy, and PCR to detect viruses.
2. Indirect examination using cell culture, eggs, or animals to isolate and identify viruses. Cytopathic effects and immunofluorescence are used to detect growth.
3. Serology methods like ELISA, complement fixation, and neutralization to detect antibodies produced in response to viral infection. Rising titers indicate acute infection while IgM indicates primary infection.
Laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis gs Gaurav SThis document discusses various laboratory methods for diagnosing tuberculosis (TB), including:
- Sputum smear microscopy to detect acid-fast bacilli, the most common initial diagnostic method.
- Nucleic acid amplification tests like PCR and GeneXpert that can rapidly detect TB in sputum through DNA amplification.
- Culture-based methods grown on solid or liquid media to isolate Mycobacterium tuberculosis from clinical samples, which is then tested for drug susceptibility.
- Immunological tests like interferon-gamma release assays that detect TB infection by measuring T-cell responses to TB antigens.
It provides details on the principles, advantages, and limitations of different microbiological, molecular,
What You May Have Missed at AACC 2018 White Paper - Kalorama InformationBruce CarlsonEach year the American Association for Clinical Chemistry draws tens of thousands of lab professionals and in vitro diagnostic vendors to one place. Kalorama Information was there and noted major developments at the meeting in this White Paper. Major themes of scientific sessions, new products from lab and IVD vendors are included.
1200jlipman-140909221204-phpapp02.pdfyasmineabdelkarim5The document discusses the challenges of defining and diagnosing infections in intensive care patients, the lack of sensitive biomarkers to determine when to start antimicrobial therapy, and the importance of initiating antibiotics quickly for septic shock patients. It summarizes a study finding that mortality increases significantly the longer effective antimicrobial therapy is delayed after the onset of septic shock. The document also addresses issues like variable definitions of infections like ventilator-associated pneumonia that can impact reported outcomes and comparisons between hospitals. Overall, it emphasizes the need to correctly determine when to initiate antibiotic treatment for critically ill patients.
The antibiotic arms race: Getting the launch codes right.SMACC ConferenceResistance is futile?. Jeff Lipman examines our dwindling antimicrobial arsenal. How can we bolster our defenses?
04 clinical pathologyraza1122The document provides information about the Clinical Pathology department located at Texas A&M University. It offers full service laboratory testing including hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, coagulation and blood bank. It provides services 24/7 and also supports residency training, research, and teaching activities.
Considerations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence"...UCLA CTSIPresented by Christopher Evans, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Writing the NIH K Award: Research Plan - May 2024UCLA CTSIPresented by Steven D. Mittelman, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA
Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology
Navigating the NIH K Award Process: Choosing Your Mentorship TeamUCLA CTSIPresented by Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH
Barbara A. Levey MD & Gerald S. Levey MD Endowed Chair
Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
Leader, UCLA CTSI Workforce Development
K Awards – Common Pitfalls and UCLA CTSI KL2 ResourcesUCLA CTSIPresented by Elizabeta Nemeth, PhD
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Director, UCLA Center for Iron Disorders
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
What Next: When You are not Funded on the First Round - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: What Next: When You are not Funded on the First Round.
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section of a Grant Application.
Tannaz Moin, MD, MBA, MSHS
Associate Professor of Medicine at UCLA
AssociateDirector, UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
How to Structure the “Approach” Section (Basic Science)UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Structure the “Approach” Section of a Grant Application
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Craft the "Significance” & "Innovation" [Filler] - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Craft the "Significance” & "Innovation" Sections of a Grant Application.
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Craft the "Significance” & "Innovation" - 2023UCLA CTSIThis document provides guidance on key sections of an NIH R01 grant application, including Significance, Innovation, and review criteria. It discusses that Significance refers to how the project will advance scientific knowledge or improve clinical practice if successful, not just the importance of the disease topic. Reviewers evaluate the rigor of prior research supporting the project and the applicant's plans to address weaknesses. Innovation can involve novel concepts, approaches, technologies, or new applications of existing methods. The simplified NIH review framework focuses on whether the proposed research should be conducted based on Significance and Approach.
A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application (HSR) - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application (HSR)
Tannaz Moin, MD, MBA, MSHS
Associate Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Associate Director, UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) Program
A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: A Tactical Approach to Writing Your Grant Application
William Parks, PhD
Professor of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and UCLA
Associate Dean for Graduate Research Education
Scientific Director, Women’s Guild Lung Institute
How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section of a Grant Application (Basic Scienc...UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Write the “Specific Aims” Section of a Grant Application (Basic Science
Scott G. Filler, MD
Professor of Medicine at Lundquist Institute/Harbor-UCLA and UCLA
Leader, CTSI Pilot Translational and Clinical Studies Program
Co-Leader, CTSI KL2 Institutional Development Core
How to Anticipate and Plan for an R Grant Application - 2023UCLA CTSICTSI R Workshop: How to Anticipate and Plan for an R Grant Application.
Presented by Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH
Barbara A. Levey MD & Gerald S. Levey MD Endowed Chair
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA
Leader, UCLA CTSI Workforce Development
NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Info Session - 9/26/23UCLA CTSIThe UCLA CTSI and DGSOM Office of Physician Scientist Career Development held this webinar to provide information on the NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP). This funding is designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. The LRPs counteract financial pressure by repaying up to $50,000 annually of a researcher's qualified educational debt in return for a commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research.
Writing the NIH K Award – Research PlanUCLA CTSIWriting the NIH K Award – Research Plan
Presented by
Sumeet S. Chugh, MD
Price Professor and Associate Director, Smidt Heart Institute
Director, Division of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Considerations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence"...UCLA CTSIConsiderations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence"
Presented by Christopher Evans, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Navigating the NIH K Award Process and Choosing Your Mentorship Team (2023)UCLA CTSINavigating the NIH K Award Process and Choosing Your Mentorship Team
Presented by
Carol M. Mangione, MD, MSPH
Barbara A. Levey MD & Gerald S. Levey MD Endowed Chair
Professor of Medicine and Public Health at UCLA
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
Leader, UCLA CTSI Workforce Development
K Awards – Common Pitfalls and UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources (2023)UCLA CTSIK Awards – Common Pitfalls and UCLA CTSI KL2 Resources
Presented by Elizabeta Nemeth, PhD
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Director, UCLA Center for Iron Disorders
Co-Director, UCLA CTSI KL2 Program
Writing the NIH K Award – Candidate Information and Career Development Plan, ...UCLA CTSIWriting the NIH K Award – Candidate Information and Career Development Plan,
How Reviewers Evaluate K Awards, and Common Critiques from NIH K Study Sections
Presented by O. Kenrik Duru, MD, MSHS
Professor of Medicine at UCLA
Investigator (Disparities), UCLA CTSI Special Populations
How to Anticipate and Plan for an R Grant Application. (2022)UCLA CTSICarol Mangione provides strategies for early career researchers to successfully transition from a K award to an R01 grant. She emphasizes building relationships at NIH, identifying the best fitting funding opportunities, and making the most of preliminary K award research. Researchers should publish findings, present at conferences, and collaborate with senior scientists. When preparing an R01 application, researchers should clearly outline the proposed project based on significant preliminary findings and check that the research aims have not already been funded.
A PPT Presentation on The Princess and the God: A tale of ancient India by A...Beena E SA PPT Presentation on The Princess and the God: A tale of ancient India by Aaron Shepard
Essentials of a Good PMO, presented by Aalok SonawalaAssociation for Project Management APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APM’s Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APM’s PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMO’s within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
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The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
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5. Relationships
Harbor-UCLA Clinical Care
Medical Center
UCLA Teaching
School of Medicine
LA BioMed Research
6. LA BioMed Paradigm
What we see in the clinic
is what we study in the lab.
Our discoveries are rapidly and
efficiently protected and
developed commercially
By doing so, LA BioMed IP
arrives in the clinic in less time.
7. LA BioMed Highlights 1960’s-Present
Paramedic Training Program
Nurse-Practitioner Training Program
Serum Cholesterol Test
Tay-Sachs Blood Test
170,00 Live Births through Ovum Transfer
Synthetic Lung Surfactants
Anti-microbial eye drops
COPD Rehab Therapy
Vaccines against Hospital-acquired Infections
Treatment for Sickle Cell Disease
Male Birth Control Gel
Melanoma Vaccine
13. Novel
Therapy for
Sickle Cell
Yutaka Niihara
In Phase III Clinical Trials
14. Nosocomial = Hospital Acquired
6th Leading Cause of Death
Candida albicans 60% Lethality
1. More invasive procedures
2. Antibiotic Resistance
3. No ROI
Staphylococcus aureus
15. Vaccines
Jack Edwards
Phase II Clinical Trials Starting Soon
17. LA BioMed Paradigm
What we see in the clinic
is what we study in the lab.
Our discoveries are rapidly and
efficiently protected and
developed commercially
By doing so, LA BioMed IP
arrives in the clinic in less time.