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wju lsu
ir, f,i .;a l,ayS wk他:h wju lsu hkafkka
woyia flfrkafka ckudOHf探fhl= f,ig Tn
lrk fohska we;s 炭h yels m%;s炭mdl ms,sn|j
ixf探則j isuhs.
wk他:h wju lsf誰 f;areu k誰 Tnf.a
ukqIH;ajh fmkakq誰 lsuhs. Tn ,shk fohska
n,mEug ,lajkakka .ek iq多 ohdkql誰mdjla
fndfyda fofkl=g mqj;am;a jd他;djl
fldgialrefjla 炭h yelafla l,d;=rlsks.
we;e誰 炭g 炭; ld,hg u tla jrls.
.= l,lg miqj Tn fjk;a m%jD;a;s jd他;d i|yd
fhduq湛 is叩h;a Tnf.a jd他;djg 炭Ih jq msi
wk他:hl m%;s炭mdl 炭蔵単ka 丹j;a jkq
Fred Brown, an SPJ past president, is co-chairman of the SPJ Ethics Committee and a newspaper
columnist and television analyst in Denver. He can be reached at EthicalFred@aol.com.
l%shd lsu
賊kqj;a 湛u i|yd uyck;djg ;sfnk whs;shg
yer fiiq ish多 wdldrfha ,ehdjkag .e;sj
              ckudOHf探則 単則
l%shdlsfuka ckudOHf探則ka 単則 is叩h hq;=h.
ckudOHf探則ka my; i|yka mos l%shd l,
- fmkqfuka fyda ienE f,i u ,ehdjkaf.a
.egq誰 j,ska,
- 炭YajdikSh;ajh m多耽 lrk fyda wjxlNdjh
wk;=f他 fy<k fyda in|;d yd l%shdldrl誰
j,ska ,
-;Hd. wdOdr .dia;=,fkd単f,a ixpdr iy 炭fYaI
ie,ls,s m%;slafIam lsu iy ckudOHf探ofha
wjxl;ajh wjodkug ,la lrk wdldrfha
oa炭;Shsl /lshd kshqla;sh, foaYmd,k in|;d
rdcH ks,hla 賊u iy m%cd ix炭Odk j,
fiajfha fh則fuka je,lSu
-fkdje,ela炭h yels .egq誰 wkdjrKh lsu  u.
-n,h ys単 j.lsjhq;= wh i誰nkaOfhka
ks他NS;j iy iqmlaIdldj isu  u.
-賊ka湛誰lrejka fj; wkq.%dyl i;aldr iy
炭fYaI ,ehdjka m%;slafIam lsu iy
m%jD;a;s wdjrKhg lefrk n,mE誰 j,g
炭reoaO 湛u
-jdis iy uqo,a fjkqfjka f;dr;=re ,ndfok
uq,dY% j,ska m%f探Y誰 炭h hq;=h.
-m%jD;a;s i|yd ,xiq ;e樽fuka je,lsh
Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics
6.5. fmd耽f探 m%ldYhg m;a jkakg l,ska ;ukg
,efnk uqo,a f;dr;=re ;ukaf.au ,dNh msKsi
fhdod .ekSu, kS;sfhka ;yku ke;s 炭fgl
jqjo mqj;am;a l,df探yq tfia fkdl<
hq;af;dah. tjeks f;dr;=re wkqkaf.a jdish
msKsi Tqjqka w;g m;a fkdl< hq;af;dah.
 jHdmdr fldgia yd iQ/l=誰 ms<sno ls%hdj,sfhka
;ukg;a ;ukaf.a i単m mjq,aj,g;a ie,lsh
hq;= uQ,H fmd,s ,o yels nj mqj;am;a
l,df探kag ok.kakg ,enqK 炭g Tjqyq tA
jHdmdr fldgia yd iq/l=誰 ms<sno f;dr;=re
m%ldYlhdg;a l他;Dg fyda uq,H l他;Dg;a
wkdjrKh fkdfldg fkd,s炭h hq;af;dah.
Sri Lanka Code of Professional Practice
09- ckudOHf探ka ish多 fokd ish
rdcldfha則 by; i|yka
uQ,O他uhka jpkfha
miudmma;d他:fhkau iq/lsh hq;=h'
ta ta rgj, mj;sk idudkH kS;sh
;=, ish jD;a;Suh lghq;= l< hq;=
w;r wdKavqf探 iy fjk;a ndysr
wes,s .eiS誰 fkdi<ld iajlSh
jD;a;Sh i.hskaf.a 炭ksYaph flfrys
ie<ls,a, 賊la炭h hq;=h.
IFJ Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists

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  • 2. ir, ir, f,i .;a l,ayS wk他:h wju lsu hkafkka woyia flfrkafka ckudOHf探fhl= f,ig Tn lrk fohska we;s 炭h yels m%;s炭mdl ms,sn|j ixf探則 ixf探則j isuhs. wk他:h wju lsf誰 f;areu k誰 Tnf.a wk他:h ukqIH;ajh fmkakq誰 lsuhs. Tn ,shk fohska n,mEug ,lajkakka .ek iq多 ohdkql誰mdjla olajkak. fndfyda fofkl=g mqj;am;a jd他;djl fldgialrefjla 炭h yelafla l,d;=rlsks. we;e誰 炭g 炭; ld,hg u tla jrls. .= l,lg miqj Tn fjk;a m%jD;a;s jd他;d i|yd fhduq湛 is叩h;a Tnf.a jd他;djg 炭Ih jq msi wk他:hl m%;s炭mdl 炭蔵単ka 丹j;a jkq we;. we; Fred Brown, an SPJ past president, is co-chairman of the SPJ Ethics Committee and a newspaper columnist and television analyst in Denver. He can be reached at EthicalFred@aol.com.
  • 4. 賊kqj;a 湛u i|yd uyck;djg ;sfnk whs;shg yer fiiq ish多 wdldrfha ,ehdjkag .e;sj ckudOHf探則 単則 l%shdlsfuka ckudOHf探則ka 単則 is叩h hq;=h. ckudOHf探則ka my; i|yka mos l%shd l, ckudOHf探則 hq;=h. - fmkqfuka fyda ienE f,i u ,ehdjkaf.a .egq誰 j,ska, - 炭YajdikSh;ajh m多耽 lrk fyda wjxlNdjh wk;=f他 fy<k fyda in|;d yd l%shdldrl誰 j,ska , ;Hd.,wdOdr wdOdr,.dia -;Hd. wdOdr .dia;=,fkd単f,a ixpdr iy 炭fYaI ie,ls,s m%;slafIam lsu iy ckudOHf探ofha wjxl;ajh wjodkug ,la lrk wdldrfha in|;d, oa炭;Shsl /lshd kshqla;sh, foaYmd,k in|;d rdcH ks,hla 賊u iy m%cd ix炭Odk j, fh則 fiajfha fh則fuka je,lSu
  • 5. -fkdje,ela炭h yels .egq誰 wkdjrKh lsu u. -n,h ys単 j.lsjhq;= wh i誰nkaOfhka ks他NS;j iy iqmlaIdldj isu u. -賊ka湛誰lrejka fj; wkq.%dyl i;aldr iy 炭fYaI ,ehdjka m%;slafIam lsu iy m%jD;a;s wdjrKhg lefrk n,mE誰 j,g 湛u. 炭reoaO 湛u -jdis iy uqo,a fjkqfjka f;dr;=re ,ndfok uq,dY% j,ska m%f探Y誰 炭h hq;=h. -m%jD;a;s i|yd ,xiq ;e樽fuka je,lsh hq;=h. Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics
  • 6. 6.5. fmd耽f探 m%ldYhg m;a jkakg l,ska ;ukg 5 e, ,efnk uqo,a f;dr;=re ;ukaf.au ,dNh msKsi fhdod .ekSu, kS;sfhka ;yku ke;s 炭fgl o, jqjo mqj;am;a l,df探yq tfia fkdl< hq;af;dah. tjeks f;dr;=re wkqkaf.a jdish msKsi Tqjqka w;g m;a fkdl< hq;af;dah. jHdmdr fldgia yd iQ/l=誰 ms<sno ls%hdj,sfhka ;ukg;a ;ukaf.a i単m mjq,aj,g;a ie,lsh hq;= uQ,H fmd,s ,o yels nj mqj;am;a 炭g, l,df探kag ok.kakg ,enqK 炭g Tjqyq tA jHdmdr fldgia yd iq/l=誰 ms<sno f;dr;=re m%ldYlhdg;a l他;Dg fyda uq,H l他;Dg;a wkdjrKh fkdfldg fkd,s炭h hq;af;dah. fkdfldg, Sri Lanka Code of Professional Practice
  • 7. 09- 09- ckudOHf探ka ish多 fokd ish rdcldfha則 by; i|yka uQ,O他uhka jpkfha miudmma;d他:fhkau iq/lsh hq;=h' ta ta rgj, mj;sk idudkH kS;sh ;=, ish jD;a;Suh lghq;= l< hq;= w;r wdKavqf探 iy fjk;a ndysr wes,s .eiS誰 fkdi<ld iajlSh jD;a;Sh i.hskaf.a 炭ksYaph flfrys ie<ls,a, 賊la炭h hq;=h. IFJ Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists