Creative Commons and Open Educational Resources: A Webinar for TAACCCT progra...Jane Park
From a webinar that took place for TAACCCT program grantees on Tuesday, August 6 at 2pm US EDT/11am US PDT.
Abstract: Have questions about CC BY, OER, or both? Please join Creative Commons (CC) and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) for a one-hour webinar on these topics. Jane Park from CC will give an overview of Creative Commons, the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY) requirement, and the free support CC will provide around application of the license to grantee materials. Boyoung Chae from SBCTC will address how to find, create, and manage open educational resources (OER) drawing on SBCTCs experience within the Open Course Library. Boyoung will demo tools and tactics for developing and finding OER, including instructional design and managing content. No RSVP is required; simply join the the Blackboard Collaborate room 10 minutes before the scheduled time to ensure you have the appropriate software installed.
多Qui辿n soy?, 多qu辿 hago?, 多qu辿 ofrezco? Estos son las tres preguntas clave para desarrollar un plan de marca personal. Descubre los 5 pilares de la marca personal y c坦mo desarrollarla.
Dossier con los trabajos m叩s destacados en estrategia de comunicaci坦n, desarrollo de marca, publicidad y creaci坦n de contenidos para medios.
Portfolio of my best works in communication strategy, branding, advertising and media
Este documento provee una gu鱈a para aprovechar las principales caracter鱈sticas del int辿rprete de comandos Bash en sistemas Unix, incluyendo redirecciones, expansi坦n de par叩metros, control de trabajos, variables de entorno, y funciones. Bash puede usarse como lenguaje de programaci坦n para automatizar tareas y facilitar la administraci坦n del sistema.
This document provides marketing strategies and tactics for navigating a recession. It recommends focusing on customer intimacy through structured and customer-centric efforts. Marketers should evaluate how to convert leads into loyal customers rather than just focusing on lead generation. Both outbound and inbound marketing approaches are discussed, with inbound suggested as a better approach that avoids wasting efforts on uninterested prospects. The document concludes by advising marketers to devise a recession marketing framework and focus on areas where competitors have reduced presence.
The Supercal 539 is a compact thermal energy meter that records heat consumption in autonomous heating and cooling systems. It measures heat or combined heating/cooling energy using two temperature sensors and a flow sensor. It has optional pulse inputs, can interface using various communication methods, and stores 15 months of consumption data. It is suitable for applications like urban heating stations, office buildings, malls, and homes.
This document summarizes research on HIV vulnerability among young MSM in Belgrade, Serbia who abuse alcohol and/or drugs. It finds that both HIV-positive and unknown status MSM commonly consume alcohol/drugs and engage in unsafe sex while under their influence. Of 47 total reported sexual encounters among unknown status MSM and 32 among HIV-positive MSM, 20-15 occurred without condoms for each group respectively. The document concludes abuse of substances contributes greatly to high-risk sexual behavior and HIV transmission in this population. It recommends education programs to promote healthy lifestyles and harm reduction.
This document describes an activity where students in an ESL class made paper bag puppets of different animals. The students shared that they were making puppets of a squirrel, dog, bat, octopus with 8 colored legs, rabbit, and two students made bats. They thanked viewers for seeing their puppet slideshow.
Simple stand-alone one touch operation to find satellite & stow antenna
Typical satellite acquisition time in less than 2 minutes
Ideal for applications that require a quick, simple setup and reliable
Internal DVB receiver provides modem independence
Based on an embedded software solution
Partnership Agreements for the Agriculture CommunityCari Rincker
This document summarizes key considerations for drafting partnership agreements, including understanding the culture and business plan of the industry and clients, choosing a business entity, drafting provisions around capital contributions, duties of partners, profit and loss allocation, transfer of partnership interests, admission and withdrawal of partners, dispute resolution, and other standard agreement elements.
Breve presentacion sobre toda la Historia de la Comunicaci坦n, en la que se empieza por la escritura y se puede acabar por las redes sociales, pasando por temas importantes como pueden ser la telegrafia, la television, el telefono,...
V奪r bilaga om att resa med barn i Aftonbladet i maj 2011.
Los c坦mics de Francisco Ib叩単ez (fragmento)Fernando C.
Author: Fernando J. de la Cruz P辿rez
Abstract: Francisco Ib叩単ez is one of the most successful Spanish cartoonist. He has received great international critical acclaim. His characters and comic strips belong to the mass visual memory. They have transcended the comic universe, becoming a mass icon nationwide. Researching imagery by Ib叩単ez in their own context, the author revises some mass culture, and explores and describes the evolution of the spanish society and culture from 1936 until today, with all the events it was conditioned by. This project is the cartoonists catalogue too, and comprises works from 1940s onwards.
The author has conceived the project as a biography, presenting a coherent chronological order in the cartoonists development. Accordingly, Ib叩単ezs life allows to locate the most representative artists, keyworks, publications and trends in the Spanish comic history, with special emphasis on the past fifty years.
The aim of the project is also to describe different influences and cartoonists which have inspired Ib叩単ezs drawings. The author also offers a systematic classification of his graphic resources, and a description of his creative process and techniques, together with traditional and universal sources of inspiration.
How To Make Sure Your Brand Is Dressed To The NinesVerticalResponse
Special Guest: Jessica Berlin, Social Media Manager at American Eagle Outfitters
Managing the social presence for American Eagle Outfitters, Inc., a leading global specialty retailer with over 8 million Facebook fans, Jessica Berlin knows how to navigate the social retail space like few others do. She will share her insight into how to put your brand front and center and turn your customers into enthusiastic fans through engaging content.
Este documento presenta un resumen del proyecto POETRY SLAM en Guatemala. Incluye informaci坦n sobre eventos recientes como el primer Slam eXtremo del a単o con la visita del poeta Patrick Ohslund, y el inicio del nuevo ciclo en febrero. Tambi辿n menciona pr坦ximos eventos como el festival Grito de Mujer coordinado desde Rep炭blica Dominicana y los nuevos eventos h鱈bridos musicales y po辿ticos. El documento proporciona una actualizaci坦n general sobre las actividades y logros del proyecto POETRY SLAM en los
Este documento describe los requisitos y desaf鱈os de las redes inal叩mbricas para la adquisici坦n s鱈smica, que incluyen altos requisitos de rendimiento de red, despliegue flexible de nodos, bajo consumo de energ鱈a y sincronizaci坦n precisa. Tambi辿n presenta la arquitectura propuesta de red de ge坦fonos inal叩mbrica (WGN), que utiliza una estructura de cl炭ster-malla heterog辿nea con tecnolog鱈as de radio de corto y largo alcance para satisfacer los requisitos de gran co
Microsoft Outlook 2010 Training covers email enhancements including how to save a message as a draft, mark items as read or unread, flag messages for follow up using default or custom dates, recall a message to stop delivery, resend a previously sent message, and use the Rules Wizard to automatically organize or notify the user about incoming messages based on specified conditions.
The document provides guidance on effective email communication. It discusses handling incoming emails, email composition basics, responding to emails, and advanced email patterns. Key recommendations include keeping emails concise and easy to understand, using a standard structure of greeting, body, closing, and signature, and responding to action-oriented emails to continue conversations. The document also provides examples of different email cases like progress updates, meeting follow-ups, and out-of-office auto-replies.
OpenMP - Configuraci坦n de IDE y ejecuci坦n de c坦digo paraleloadelsolar
OpenMP es una API que permite programaci坦n paralela multiplataforma en C, C++ y Fortran. Puede compilarse con diversos compiladores en sistemas como Windows, Linux y macOS. Qt Creator es un IDE que soporta OpenMP a trav辿s de directivas como #pragma omp parallel y funciones como omp_get_thread_num().
This document discusses the challenges that Kenyan small and medium enterprises face due to late payments from customers. It notes that 40% of the country's fastest growing mid-sized businesses still struggle with cash flow issues, with 81% citing late payments as the main problem. Late payments are common in other countries as well, but they appear to be more severe and widespread in Kenya. The late payments negatively impact businesses by forcing them to take measures like freezing hiring, salary increases, or drawing from personal finances, and can even lead to business failures. They also slow overall job creation and economic growth. The cash flow issues are exacerbated for Kenyan SMEs due to their typically narrow initial capital bases.
Este documento presenta los fundamentos de ITIL V3 O&M. Explica conceptos clave como buenas pr叩cticas, servicios, valor para el cliente, activos de servicios y m叩s. Tambi辿n describe los componentes de una buena pr叩ctica y define servicios, tecnolog鱈a, utilidad y garant鱈a. Resalta que los clientes valoran los resultados y no los detalles t辿cnicos.
This document provides a bio-data of Dr. D.C. Joshi, including his educational qualifications, professional experience, research projects, publications, awards, and memberships. Some of the key details include:
- Dr. Joshi holds a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Udaipur and has over 40 years of experience working in soil science and agriculture.
- He has held several positions including Principal Scientist at the Central Arid Zone Research Institute in Jodhpur and has worked on various projects related to soil resource mapping, soil degradation, and nutrient management in arid soils.
- Dr. Joshi has also organized several training courses and workshops on topics like sustainable
El Convenio del Consejo de Europa sobre la lucha contra la trata de seres humanos proporciona una serie de medidas para la prevenci坦n del delito, para proteger y promover los derechos de v鱈ctimas y establece obligaciones en el 叩rea de derecho penal material y procesal. La perspectiva de derechos humanos y el enfoque basado en la protecci坦n de la v鱈ctima es el principal valor a単adido de este convenio, frente a otros instrumentos internacionales.
Los tratados internacionales, una vez publicados oficialmente en Espa単a, forman parte del sistema legal nacional. El Convenio del Consejo de Europa sobre la lucha contra la trata de seres humanos (de ahora en adelante, el Convenio) fue ratificado por Espa単a el 23 de febrero de 2009 y se public坦 en el Bolet鱈n Oficial del Estado el 10 de septiembre de 20091, entr坦 en vigor el d鱈a 1 de agosto 2009 y, por lo tanto, forma parte integral de la legislaci坦n nacional.
El Convenio tiene un mecanismo de seguimiento (monitoring system) basado en dos pilares, el primero es el Grupo de Expertos en la Acci坦n contra la Trata de Seres humanos (GRETA por sus siglas en ingl辿s) y el segundo est叩 compuesto por los representantes del Comit辿 de Ministros de los Estados Partes del Consejo y por representantes de los Estados Parte no miembros del Consejo de Europa.
GRETA eval炭a de forma peri坦dica el cumplimiento de las obligaciones que se derivan del Convenio por los Estados Parte y sobre la base de los informes de GRETA, la Comisi坦n de los Estados Parte puede adoptar recomendaciones, dirigidas a un Estado Parte, relativas a las medidas necesarias para la implementaci坦n de las conclusiones de GRETA.
This document describes an activity where students in an ESL class made paper bag puppets of different animals. The students shared that they were making puppets of a squirrel, dog, bat, octopus with 8 colored legs, rabbit, and two students made bats. They thanked viewers for seeing their puppet slideshow.
Simple stand-alone one touch operation to find satellite & stow antenna
Typical satellite acquisition time in less than 2 minutes
Ideal for applications that require a quick, simple setup and reliable
Internal DVB receiver provides modem independence
Based on an embedded software solution
Partnership Agreements for the Agriculture CommunityCari Rincker
This document summarizes key considerations for drafting partnership agreements, including understanding the culture and business plan of the industry and clients, choosing a business entity, drafting provisions around capital contributions, duties of partners, profit and loss allocation, transfer of partnership interests, admission and withdrawal of partners, dispute resolution, and other standard agreement elements.
Breve presentacion sobre toda la Historia de la Comunicaci坦n, en la que se empieza por la escritura y se puede acabar por las redes sociales, pasando por temas importantes como pueden ser la telegrafia, la television, el telefono,...
V奪r bilaga om att resa med barn i Aftonbladet i maj 2011.
Los c坦mics de Francisco Ib叩単ez (fragmento)Fernando C.
Author: Fernando J. de la Cruz P辿rez
Abstract: Francisco Ib叩単ez is one of the most successful Spanish cartoonist. He has received great international critical acclaim. His characters and comic strips belong to the mass visual memory. They have transcended the comic universe, becoming a mass icon nationwide. Researching imagery by Ib叩単ez in their own context, the author revises some mass culture, and explores and describes the evolution of the spanish society and culture from 1936 until today, with all the events it was conditioned by. This project is the cartoonists catalogue too, and comprises works from 1940s onwards.
The author has conceived the project as a biography, presenting a coherent chronological order in the cartoonists development. Accordingly, Ib叩単ezs life allows to locate the most representative artists, keyworks, publications and trends in the Spanish comic history, with special emphasis on the past fifty years.
The aim of the project is also to describe different influences and cartoonists which have inspired Ib叩単ezs drawings. The author also offers a systematic classification of his graphic resources, and a description of his creative process and techniques, together with traditional and universal sources of inspiration.
How To Make Sure Your Brand Is Dressed To The NinesVerticalResponse
Special Guest: Jessica Berlin, Social Media Manager at American Eagle Outfitters
Managing the social presence for American Eagle Outfitters, Inc., a leading global specialty retailer with over 8 million Facebook fans, Jessica Berlin knows how to navigate the social retail space like few others do. She will share her insight into how to put your brand front and center and turn your customers into enthusiastic fans through engaging content.
Este documento presenta un resumen del proyecto POETRY SLAM en Guatemala. Incluye informaci坦n sobre eventos recientes como el primer Slam eXtremo del a単o con la visita del poeta Patrick Ohslund, y el inicio del nuevo ciclo en febrero. Tambi辿n menciona pr坦ximos eventos como el festival Grito de Mujer coordinado desde Rep炭blica Dominicana y los nuevos eventos h鱈bridos musicales y po辿ticos. El documento proporciona una actualizaci坦n general sobre las actividades y logros del proyecto POETRY SLAM en los
Este documento describe los requisitos y desaf鱈os de las redes inal叩mbricas para la adquisici坦n s鱈smica, que incluyen altos requisitos de rendimiento de red, despliegue flexible de nodos, bajo consumo de energ鱈a y sincronizaci坦n precisa. Tambi辿n presenta la arquitectura propuesta de red de ge坦fonos inal叩mbrica (WGN), que utiliza una estructura de cl炭ster-malla heterog辿nea con tecnolog鱈as de radio de corto y largo alcance para satisfacer los requisitos de gran co
Microsoft Outlook 2010 Training covers email enhancements including how to save a message as a draft, mark items as read or unread, flag messages for follow up using default or custom dates, recall a message to stop delivery, resend a previously sent message, and use the Rules Wizard to automatically organize or notify the user about incoming messages based on specified conditions.
The document provides guidance on effective email communication. It discusses handling incoming emails, email composition basics, responding to emails, and advanced email patterns. Key recommendations include keeping emails concise and easy to understand, using a standard structure of greeting, body, closing, and signature, and responding to action-oriented emails to continue conversations. The document also provides examples of different email cases like progress updates, meeting follow-ups, and out-of-office auto-replies.
OpenMP - Configuraci坦n de IDE y ejecuci坦n de c坦digo paraleloadelsolar
OpenMP es una API que permite programaci坦n paralela multiplataforma en C, C++ y Fortran. Puede compilarse con diversos compiladores en sistemas como Windows, Linux y macOS. Qt Creator es un IDE que soporta OpenMP a trav辿s de directivas como #pragma omp parallel y funciones como omp_get_thread_num().
This document discusses the challenges that Kenyan small and medium enterprises face due to late payments from customers. It notes that 40% of the country's fastest growing mid-sized businesses still struggle with cash flow issues, with 81% citing late payments as the main problem. Late payments are common in other countries as well, but they appear to be more severe and widespread in Kenya. The late payments negatively impact businesses by forcing them to take measures like freezing hiring, salary increases, or drawing from personal finances, and can even lead to business failures. They also slow overall job creation and economic growth. The cash flow issues are exacerbated for Kenyan SMEs due to their typically narrow initial capital bases.
Este documento presenta los fundamentos de ITIL V3 O&M. Explica conceptos clave como buenas pr叩cticas, servicios, valor para el cliente, activos de servicios y m叩s. Tambi辿n describe los componentes de una buena pr叩ctica y define servicios, tecnolog鱈a, utilidad y garant鱈a. Resalta que los clientes valoran los resultados y no los detalles t辿cnicos.
This document provides a bio-data of Dr. D.C. Joshi, including his educational qualifications, professional experience, research projects, publications, awards, and memberships. Some of the key details include:
- Dr. Joshi holds a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Udaipur and has over 40 years of experience working in soil science and agriculture.
- He has held several positions including Principal Scientist at the Central Arid Zone Research Institute in Jodhpur and has worked on various projects related to soil resource mapping, soil degradation, and nutrient management in arid soils.
- Dr. Joshi has also organized several training courses and workshops on topics like sustainable
El Convenio del Consejo de Europa sobre la lucha contra la trata de seres humanos proporciona una serie de medidas para la prevenci坦n del delito, para proteger y promover los derechos de v鱈ctimas y establece obligaciones en el 叩rea de derecho penal material y procesal. La perspectiva de derechos humanos y el enfoque basado en la protecci坦n de la v鱈ctima es el principal valor a単adido de este convenio, frente a otros instrumentos internacionales.
Los tratados internacionales, una vez publicados oficialmente en Espa単a, forman parte del sistema legal nacional. El Convenio del Consejo de Europa sobre la lucha contra la trata de seres humanos (de ahora en adelante, el Convenio) fue ratificado por Espa単a el 23 de febrero de 2009 y se public坦 en el Bolet鱈n Oficial del Estado el 10 de septiembre de 20091, entr坦 en vigor el d鱈a 1 de agosto 2009 y, por lo tanto, forma parte integral de la legislaci坦n nacional.
El Convenio tiene un mecanismo de seguimiento (monitoring system) basado en dos pilares, el primero es el Grupo de Expertos en la Acci坦n contra la Trata de Seres humanos (GRETA por sus siglas en ingl辿s) y el segundo est叩 compuesto por los representantes del Comit辿 de Ministros de los Estados Partes del Consejo y por representantes de los Estados Parte no miembros del Consejo de Europa.
GRETA eval炭a de forma peri坦dica el cumplimiento de las obligaciones que se derivan del Convenio por los Estados Parte y sobre la base de los informes de GRETA, la Comisi坦n de los Estados Parte puede adoptar recomendaciones, dirigidas a un Estado Parte, relativas a las medidas necesarias para la implementaci坦n de las conclusiones de GRETA.
El documento describe una visita al zool坦gico donde un grupo de ni単as asisti坦 a un taller sobre invertebrados. La maestra Marta les ense単坦 sobre la metamorfosis de las mariposas y los diferentes grupos de invertebrados como equinodermos, artr坦podos y moluscos a trav辿s de videos e im叩genes. Las ni単as aprendieron sobre las caracter鱈sticas de cada grupo y tuvieron que clasificar diferentes invertebrados al final del taller.
9. Lofiura, 辿s una mena destrella de mar molt curiosa. Com totes les estrelles de mar, quan perd un bra巽 li torna a cr竪ixer.
10. Una cosa curiosa de lestrella de mar, 辿s que per menjar treu lest坦mac.
11. El cogombre de mar o cagarro de mar, treu els intestins per espantar lenemic.
12. No t'acostis a una sangonera que et xucla la sang i no ten deixa!
13. Es diu dent delefant de mar, 辿s un mol揃lusc for巽a estrany!
14. Aquesta era la nostra professora i es diu Marta, grcies Marta! Quins nens i nenes m辿s simptics!.
15. Autors: Alice Bernardi, Pol Bronchud, Eric P辿rez, Aina Mart鱈nez, Juan Pedro Mart鱈nez. Ajudant: Laura Gurdia Classe: lib竪l揃lules Escola Fort Pienc de Barcelona FI